Just turned 18 Cred Forums

Just turned 18 Cred Forums
Please give me advise for my adult life
Things that you regret doing or not doing

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Learn how to take care of yourself legally and financially. Don't put it off until you're forced to. Be smart with money and start banking savings early.

so you did accept to go here and beiing under 18 !!!!

Moood moood

jk, your life is fucked

18 year olds aren't adults

kys now and spare yourself the pain.

i regret not killing myself like that one user said that one time

do you have any direction in life right now?

Then why haven't you killed yourself yet?

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avoid nicotine

meh, too much bother

I'll probably be a wage slave for a year then go into community college

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Fuck that 16yo girl you have liked since forever. Believe me, you are gonna miss girls that young. At 18 yo, i don’t think you qualify for a child rapist...

Congratulations. I'm almost 25, flunked out of college, worked for a bit and got back to study. (This is a place were college doesn't means selling your kidneys)
My biggest regrets are:
1) not being more independent and staying passive through my late teens, early 20's. I relied too much on others because it was convenient, only to find myself dragged along through life without no project of my own. Now I've got my own car, place and grades are ok. In a couple years hopefully I'll be an electrical engineer.
2) not being assertive enough. I stayed in a 4 year relationship with a toxic gf who manipulated me, despite trying my best to make her happy. Be assertive, but not too impulsive, write down pros and cons and mind your decisions.
3) not fixing my introversion. I've been introverted my whole life, in high school everything is a popularity contest and I wanted no part of it, so I isolated myself from everyone, I lost the opportunity to partake in cool experiences, and even if they weren't great, that would've made me grow wiser, but instead I shut myself in my bedroom. I'm still working on it, I've been going to the gym fro a year and my image and confidence has improved a lot, I've been making new friends and talking with some new girls. After all, we'll all be dead and forgotten in the universe's time equivalent of a fart, so why not break some molds and try something instead of regretting doing nothing your whole life?

Im sure I'm missing quite a few, but those are some of the most important.

any idea of what you want to study? any other options youre considering?

Not bad. But don't go into any kind of higher education without some idea about what you want to do. On the other hand, don't waste your early 20's wageslaving while putting off your education. The service industry is a degrading, soul-sucking existence. Get out as soon as possible.

I'm gonna do something relating to math, since thats the only thing I liked to do in high school.
Also I can fall back on being an electrician. Good pay but I just found myself miserable working there

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i dont want to sound like a recruiter but give the military a thought. thats what i eventually did and it worked out pretty well for me

focus on making money and nothing else

and try shrooms/acid

I've thought about it, I even did JROTC throughout high school. I just don't want to go in it and then immediately regret it and be stuck for how ever long the contract is for.

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"something relating to math", you'll want to narrow that down quite a bit before you start signing up for classes. Also, don't go back to a job that made you miserable just because the pay is good. You'll end up killing yourself and/or your coworkers.

I want do do those but can't find a way to get them

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where did he ever say that?

do the minimum contract with a job you think youll enjoy or at least not hate, preferably something thats useful on the outside
