Trumpers how do you feel about your presidents declining mental state...

Trumpers how do you feel about your presidents declining mental state? Do you think people are blowing it out of proportion? Do you even see this stuff in your political bubble?

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>Trumpers how do you feel about your presidents declining mental state?
>Source: CNN

I know, why don't you find something else to try to use to take President Trump down? ~OR~, make a combo move... like... claiming Trump grabbed the pussy of a Russian supreme court justice while colluding with North Korea while holding back foreign aid to Stormy Daniel's home country of Gran Fennick?

Nope. But really what do you think about it?

You didn't answer the question.

They don't see it OP. The guys here are too busy sucking his tiny cock to notice. Literally

don't expect them to; Trumpers don't have an pro-trump 'argument' they have anti-liberal 'arguments' that essentially rely on "haha take that" logic

My responses are made in proportion to the scale of how thoughtful or ridiculous the question is.

Would you expect a serious response to "How do you feel about President Obama being a gay, bath house patron born in the Congo, selling our secrets to China to fund his crack habit?

Questions based on a false or unproven premise do not warrant a serious response.

I think it's funny how retards like you say this but you want us to just ignore Biden's literal ramblings or that Bernie had 2 fucking heart attacks last year. Any reason you fags love playing stupid when people bring that up?

funny how trump supporters can't respond, they can only go on the attack

That's what I'm asking, you should have said that the first time

It's an idiotic begged question that does not deserve an answer.

so you've never listened to Trump talk?

I'm sorry you did not pick up on the obvious.

I do see him slowly getting worse but I'm not very political and so obviously not a trumper either. The question isn't directed at me but it is an interesting question because trumpists are kind of cultists. I genuinely think they'd ignore or disregard anything that didn't shine a positive light on dear leader. Any sign of mental degeneration and they'd have to stop worhiping him, no?

Orange man talks mean about CNN and MSNBC, CNN and MSNBC are the only sources of news. Orange man is bad because only news says orange man is bad. I think we should protest.


CNN is trash, this is a thought based on watching him talk

When you state attacks all negative press and even convinces the public that negative press often = fake press and fake news. That's a bad fucking sign of declining democracy.

Every form of news media has cameras on him, you see it with your own eyes. You'd have to stupid to not see how stupid he is.

CNN is not trash. CNN is The Most Trusted Name In News. CNN says orange man bad. Orange man must be bad.

You know what's funny is that this is not far off from what you trump supporters were literally saying about Obama is real life

>When you state attacks all negative press

Legit though. CNN ranks pretty high on accurate reporting compared to other sources of news.

Good job. This is a very good satire of the right wing stereotype for leftist. Nobody brought up either network, and you don’t even know whether OP is left leaning. Of course this is the problem with trump thumpers. A genuine criticism about his behavior will immediately incur the wrath of his cult without any further consideration.


ok what? You dont care about the state attacking press critiquing the state? That doesn't sit bad with you?

Its literally the path of all failed states.

There are no other sources of news. CNN is only news. Brian Stelter is not gay. Brian Stelter is not effeminate. That is hate speech. Orange man bad.

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Why cant you ever cope with the subject and material in front of you? Why are all people like you the same deflecting pivoting spineless shills for your own side?

I think we should protest.

Orange man has because he's stealing from the government and giving tax breaks to his billionaire buddies. Oh and he's also broken like a dozen laws including firing the people who testified against him in the impeachment process (which is wrongful termination in the US)

Orange man hates all brown people. Orange man hates all poor people. Orange man hates all Muslim people. Orange man hates all gay people. Orange man hates all people. Orange man bad.


Overall, we rate CNN left biased based on editorial positions that consistently favors the left, while straight news reporting falls left-center through bias by omission. We also rate them Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High due to misleading information presented by guests as well as a few failed fact checks by TV hosts. However, news reporting on the website tends to be be properly sourced with minimal failed fact checks.

There is proper things to critique CNN for. For example bias and misleading information during the back and fourths when they bring people on. But the news reported itself, on their site etc RARELY fails a factcheck.

shit b8 try harder rabbi Sholomo

somebodys mad today

This is your peak humor and simultaneously peak rebuttal when into conservatism.

wow he did all that?
hes got my vote

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Trump bends over for Isreal. But nice.

sure kid
stay mad

Orange man hates.....himself? :(

weak and predictable

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weak and predictable

I feel like the eternal asshurt of constantly trying and failing to defame a president will always be funny.

Didn't even say anything about racism lmao u guys are grasping at straws

Vote Democrat

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Why "face the wall". Why not "go to your designated 12 hours shift at a job you didn't choose".

At least come up with something that makes sense and is good critique.

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sure kid

Man in heels bad >:(

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Looking for a discussion. Answer the question of you feel like it.

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Because anyone that’s useless to the commune will be killed. Duh :/

sure you are
so how many ad homs are you going to use in this "discussion"

It was her turn.

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When did I mention Obama?

Useless as in handicapped, probably true.

But a decent critique is that the people that fantasize about "living freely" under communism would be forced to contribute in a way needed, not a way they themselves could decide.

"I want to paint and write poetry". Yeah, good luck with that. Get in line with the other 10k that wants that. Meanwhile, produce food and energy. If not, you'll be exiled and receive nothing.

How many ways are you going to avoid the question?

Nice deflection.

see you're starting already

But my college professor said communism wasn’t all that bad and everyone gets to do whatever they want :/


>Trumpers how do you feel about your presidents declining mental state
They are all as insane, stupid, and cruel as he is.
They don't give a shit whether they have a coherent position on anything factual.
Trump walks up to the podium and talks about whatever the fuck he wants, and they pretend to listen to every word because he is entertaining

I think the textbook communism is pretty bad. But there are aspects that could be adapted for sure. And the difference between socialism and communism seems to be nonexistent in the eyes of the right.

Socialism is state controlled and communism is stateless.

Giving u time to think. So do you have an answer for the question yet?

Communism is a worker's paradise. Socialism will take all the money from the rich and give it to us. Everything will be free. And when all the rich people money is gone, we will have a communist paradise.

someones butthurt

You should careful equation communism with socialism. Socialism is about taxation and redistribution of funds.Communism is about the state owning everything.

simple badgering
they never send their best

I think the point is, the right hates giving money to the people that either don’t work for it or deserve it. It also doesn’t help that this here is one of the many pushing for socialism.

neither have ever worked

Why do socialists believe they’re entitled to the money the rich have?

Communism is a stateless society.

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please don't post gore, I have trouble sleeping at nights.

So communism is anarchy?

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Any reason you fags are suffering from Whataboutism?

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Nobody sent me. When Trump claims they had airports in 1776, do you still think he's a genius?

I could always get that to some extent. But to have zero understanding or compassion for other is a bit weird. Cant they even hypothesize a scenario where they are unfortunate enough to not be able to work and how great it would be to still live a decent enough life? Not everyone is as lucky. Maybe including yourself at some point.

Makes sense.

Because big corporations are just fat white men sitting in a cigar smoke-filled room and not actually things like pension and investment stock funds. Rich people are only rich because they steal money. Rich people are just life lottery winners. And they're all white.. White is bad. Orange is bad too. Vote Bernie.

as someone who was born in the USSR along with my whole family, I can say without a doubt, FUCK COMMUNISM, AND FUCK ANYONE WHO BELIEVES IN IT. if you idealize it, you are a dumb sheltered first world retard who has no experience in life.

So.... no answer?

I'm not 100% sure if that's the best way to phrase it. But its the absence of social classes, money and the state


I can't wait to be rid of him January 2025.

You’d be correct in your assumption of myself falling on hard times. However it’s not wise to look to the state to care for you, instead your own family should be helping you as you help them.

Yeah, we agree. We're talking about the theory though, not the practice. The USSR still had money and "leaders". The issue is that what people idolize about communism could never exist due to humanity itself. People are greedy by nature.

For sure. But this is a bit what I mean. What you just said right there, rethink how that might not apply to everyone. I'll give u a second.

Russian bot

Youre a puppet for big money interests

Are Russian bots talking about communism never being able to exist now? That's new. Or maybe you didn't read the entire text. Too long for you :(

chances are, he'll drop the act entirely after securing his second term. it was a means of getting billions of dollars in free campaign advertising for the 2016 bid and you fags fell for it
he only started acting like a total buffoon as soon as he ran

>Socialism is state controlled

Not as simple as that. Socialism is where people own the means of production, distribution and exchange and the regulation thereof. People vote certain socialist programs in government, i.e. public schools and roads.

Yeah, that big money that wants to tax the rich and help the poor. Scum.

The first guy was being sarcastic

I think you missed my point. I was referring to common misconceptions within the right in the US. Where for them, "more state = more communist and socialist". When communist means no state and socialist means the people owning the state and means of production.

I'm sure that's what your professor said... in fact, the definition of Socialism is the state nationalizing every sector of business. From healthcare to banking, to transportation, to energy to education. There is no competition and therefore no innovation or ability to exceed based upon your own ingenuity or hard work.

I'm autism >:)

Not everyone has family or anyone else to help them. A lot of these people can't work due to medical reasons or old age. These people rely on government programs to survive.

That's not true either (not same guy here). Most massive inventions have occurred without "market competition". However, refinement and accessibility has mostly been due to markets and competition.

You're a Bernie supporter of course you are

Lol yeah keep thinking that he's some secret genius. He'S oNlY PreTeNdInG to bE rEtARded

Dont know who I'm voting for. But I'm originally Norwegian so I'm probably voting for someone like Bernie yeah. Like em values.

>A lot of these people can't work due to medical reasons or old age. These people rely on government programs to survive.
A lot of those people are the reason health care and government programs are so fucked right now. They simply are not leaving this earth when it’s their time

Why are you making up the definition of Socialism? Socialism is about the community, aka PEOPLE, not the government.

4D chess since day one bby B-) Maga kag xD

Yeah that's true. Nobody has ever accused the right of being genius.

Careful that might be you one day

What the actual fuck did I just read.

Old man Socialism isn't the end of the world you dumbass

What does KAG mean for uninitiated?

Imagine where you would be right now without the competition in technology. No free market, just one government source. Take phones. Imagine no tech war between Apple, Blackberry, Windows, and Android. They evolved (or failed into oblivion) because they worked to make better products to get people to buy THEIR brand over others.

Even in things like our military, the companies we contract compete among each other to make better products and get the contract. Whether it's the Soviet Union, Venezuela, or other attempts at Socialism, it's doomed because you're giving the government control over forces that should ebb and flow naturally based on the consumer.

Nobody's ever accused the left of being smart

All I know is that we made america great again after two years and now we have to keep america great.

The fuck are you talking about? In Marxism, socialism is the middle of the road from overthrowing Capitalism and easing into Communism, where the state owns everything.

yeah and it's working amazingly well, as you've seen the retarded act as the vast majority, despite it being a very loud minority of his public appearances ever since

...except that it has NEVER been implemented that way and has ALWAYS been a totalitarian government instead. Stop wishing for things that only work on paper.

Let's suppose that he really is mentally impaired in some way or another... she STILL lost. Let's talk about how retarded she has to be to have pulled that one off. And you VOTED FOR HER. Who's the stable genius now, libtard?

Okay? I hope I die before I become a brain dead husk.

Yeah the left believes that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Democratic socialism will keep the free market intact it will just increase taxes to fund social programs. It has nothing to do with government owning businesses

Did you read what you replied too?

I agreed that we have benefited massively especially the average consumer and citizen.

Just that the most major and advanced steppingstones of technology wasn't in any private sector, but publicly funded research etc.

Typical creationist lefties smh

People who should have died simply don’t.

Or just not able(or allowed) to work my guy.

How is it great? People are miserable all over the country? Rich people are doing well in the stock market but most people d not have money to invest so they don't see any of that


You can still be mentally healthy but not able to work. Wow.

Was joking.

Yeah I hope I die then too.

There’s always a job you can do. Whether you like it or not is a different subject

I actually did not an d many others did not because she was not a strong candidate. 2020 will show you what it looks like when democrats show up to the polls

Why are you conflating Socialism with Communism?

Every person with a 401(k) is in the stock market. Every person with an IRA is in the stock market. If you're not in either of those, it's your own fault... not some nebulous concept of "rich people".

Maybe that's where our disagreements arise. I think its possible for you to face hard times or something very unfortunate happens where you're unable to work for a while. Not everyone has a family taking care of them, and getting some help when you're on the way to losing it all could mean all the difference in the world. Regardless of age btw.

You say that now but chances are you'll cling desperately to life for as long as you can just like everybody else

ITT: senile conservatives rejecting logic and worshipping a senile orange man.

"Ignorance is bliss" has to be the truest statement of all time. Look at how happy all these retarded "winners" are.

How do I lower my IQ so I can be as smart and as happy as you guys are?

If you're in a bad accident and need years to recover?

Nah. I’ve seen the lengths my family went to to keep my grandparents alive when they were too far gone. Fuck being “alive” when everything else about you is dead

>libtards didnt vote for her
That's probably why she lost. I'm sure that kind of pro strat will work next time, though...

Oh here we go. Are you one of those mentally ill christians? I'm not sure which is worse - a worshipper of a corrupt senile orange man or a believer of an imaginary "benevolent" thing in the sky.

My condolences for being mentally ill. I hope you get better soon.

How the duck are people supposed to contribute to a 401k and IRA when they can't even afford rent in some states working 2 jobs.

Shut up, libtard.

The tolerant left, people!

And I agree with that. I don’t agree with forcing someone to help get someone else back on their feet, through taxes, shaming, or otherwise

She lost cause Republicans rigged it towards trump you idiot

Are we speaking about you in particular, or some "other guy" you're imagining?

Uh ya that's why I said 2020 will have a higher turnout genius

The fuck are you on about? It was a sarcasm. You know what that word means?

>My condolences for being mentally ill. I hope you get better soon.

Yeah kek. Says the guy who has no idea what sarcasm means.

Depends on what’s fucked for the time. Legs still work? Nighttime security
Arms hands and brain still work? Programming

yeah, trump has frontal lobe dementia, it can be seen in his balance and gait issues, as well as his slurred speech.

but the guy can't leave office cause sdny will swoop in with charges that can't be pardoned.

so, trump will continue to snort sudafed, and do anything else to keep his mental facilities above board. but there will come a day, when its not enough, and there's just nothing more to do. the decline will be 'swift'. we're all going for the ride.

Yes! This! And those evil Republicans rigged the primary to fuck over Bernie, too! Ohhhh those evil Republicans! Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

Cry some more.

Sure kid.

Not shaming for sure, but those taxes could also equally help you one day. Its like paying into a safety net for a more secure and productive population. Helping people back into employment, giving them the ability to remain as consumers and contributors etc. This has been massively successful around Europe.

But as mentioned, I get it. Some people feel like they're throwing away money at "lazy cheats". That feelings probably not good either.

You devolved faster than I gave you credit for.

Oh God... This copypasta... You just keep repeating that whenever someone gives you an answer, Don't even need to see the rest of the thread to know you're an immature faggot who probably got molested or something as a kid and this is your way of "fighting back".

This isn't trolling, this is 12 year old autism. Kill yourself Bucko.

Any day, right, libtard? Can't wait.

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Neither legs or arms. Its a hypothetical scenario where you spend most of your time lying in a bed for a year, but can return to working and is perfectly fine after recovery.

Nice argument all around. Gottem

>This has been massively successful around Europe.
What works for Europe won’t necessarily work for a country like the United States

Should that person just shit themselves and starve if they dont have family able to help them, even though they'll be back into society after around a year of recovery?

>Vote Democrat

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Become bilingual or even trilingual then if we’re doing that kind of hypothetical

Quick aside for all potential 2020 voters-

>Are you positive that Trump will be defeated to whomever becomes the Democrat candidate?


>Were you just as sure Trump would be defeated on election night, 2016?

failed, nigger
4 more years.
Swallow it, niiiiiiiiiigger

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For sure! Dont disagree at all. But even the idea that we're not willing to attempt anything of the sorts seems so intellectually dishonest. A small move here and there whilst measuring the effects, benefits or repercussions SHOULD have been done long ago.

Maybe the right is correct. Maybe Americans are unique and need no regulation or intervention for motivation to work and the "american dream" etc. The only way to know is to implement and measure.

If they’re getting treated for something like that it implies they have some kind of hospice care as well as medical.

Projecting? Where on the doll did he touch you user?

Amen Cred Forumsro

Still not answering the question

>But even the idea that we're not willing to attempt anything of the sorts seems so intellectually dishonest.
Here’s the thing though. California is the attempt. And so far it’s not working out so well.

So you cant even engage with a hypothetical that simple? Its something that happens to people, laying in full body caskets for months. Without someone taking care of them, they would never be able to properly recover.

Sure, what have they attempted, and what are the results you're speaking of that's not working out so well.

Notice, how only one person has chosen to give you a reply at this point.

>"declining mental state"
>implying he hasn't been the same spastic derp since day one.

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What do you mean not working out?

I literally addressed your hypothetical with something someone can do in that time. Sorry that you were expecting me to concede.

If that person were in between jobs, uninsured, just fired etc, they would have no way to pay for necessary medical treatment in the US. They would forever live in bankruptcy, owing every penny they'd get their hands on from that day forward. Its pretty fucked up that we support such a system, when we dont need too.

It's a knowingly unreasonable suggestion, user. Tell me what job prospects an incapacitated bilingual can hope for.

What? Did you say they should lay in bed and speak for a job? Since the only thing they could do in this hypothetical is speak.

Did you think that was a reasonable answer? I really didn't understand. And yes, you should have conceded long ago when you'd say you'd rather die than accept help.

>you should have conceded long ago when you'd say you'd rather die than accept help.
I said I’d rather die than be a brain dead vegetable but ok

No, user. I asked you to tell me what job prospects an incapacitated bilingual can hope for.

user isn't translating my English for me.

So you'd learn a new language while not able to move your head around, and people would come to you in your bed for translations during the year you had to spend recovering? Would someone employ you to do this or would you find a way to commission translations online and have them come to you? Does this sound reasonable to you?

Still beat your braindead candidate. :^)

And I just told you they can be a translator(that means they can talk for someone who speaks another language). Seriously, being bedridden/incapacitated should stop no one from trying.

>Does this sound reasonable to you?
Given that in my country it would either be that or waste away. Yes.

The problem with your equating the two is that there was never any evidence for any of those things about Obama.

While there are many, many videos from multiple sources and multiple events showing Trump slurring, glitching, fading.

Right now you're looking like you REALLY don't want to answer that question. I wonder why.

Sure, litard.

He doesn’t talk. He tweets or shouts over the churning Marine 1 rotors. Total douche canoe. Needs to be voted out.

So Truth = Trash in your world. OK.

But he can do anything he wants. The Senate said so.

I like Hillary, but this is ghastly

Well twice a vote has come up to remove him and twice they said “no removal”

And the Chiefs are from Kansas

you misspelled "for" as "out"

>they gettin scared

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Nice. And accurate.

They can't be a translator, user. First off, user provided a hypothetical where the use of the body is off limits for the person in question. You suggest that they learn another language.

Alright. So they learn another language, somehow. They still can't move their body. Their entire body is entombed within a cast. They are legally unfit to perform an incredible number of jobs, and likely have next to nothing in the way of a resume for "translator". No degree, nothing. The hoops they would have to, figuratively, jump through are beyond reasonable. The job market is a competitive one, making things worse. The probability of an employer seriously looking at you, and hiring you, an immobile, currently incapacitated bilingual without a resume or any other formal trimmings, is next to none.

Realistically. And that's assuming it's cost-effective to have you as a translator, while you lay in a hospital bed, unable to control where you empty your bladder. And that's assuming this hypothetical person is magically then some kind of savvy entrepreneur who can somehow jumpstart their own translating business, learn another language, and court gigs from people who need translators, whose gigs regularly include the requirement to be on-site... from a hospital bed, inside of a full-body cast.

Being bedridden/incapacitated should stop no one from trying. How dare the coma patient not make minimum wage.

I know we’re gonna get into semantics. But nowhere in the hypothetical was it stated the patient was in a coma.

If he keep declining at this rate he will be as useless as Barack was his whole presidency

Yet another refusal to answer the question and engage in yet another "What About...."

She got 3 million votes more than he did. He only won because of the electoral college.

Nowhere in that reply did it say that the hypothetical person was in a coma, either.

Right. So then it can be reasonably argued that they can still do something. Swear I’m not trolling, I just don’t give up.

ofc it is. You respond with a typical non-answer you get the appropriate and predictable respond.
What is it you don't get?

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California is booming economically. We do have problems with inequality, and we fight endlessly over how to solve them. But our Democratic supermajority has been good for us.

At least Democrats genuinely try to help people. Republicans want the law of the jungle.

>So then it can be reasonably argued that they can still do something
No. It can't. The reply nearly beats you over the head with why it's not reasonable, besides me taking the time to discuss every minute reason why not having command of your body is not just a purely physical barrier.

Do you know how convoluted and unlikely it is that this hypothetical person is, "realistically", supposed to be able to command another person to help them translate material, if they could even land a job as a translator in any serious capacity? When I say serious capacity, I mean that they're being paid for their services like anyone else, not that they're electing to do it for free, because "no one" is seriously going to look at someone in a full-body cast, for the foreseeable future, and think, "that's a new hire".

>What is it you don't get?
What socialism is
Basic empathy
Clear facts
Objective thoughts
Take your pick user, same conservitard shit you always see

>Republicans want the law of the jungle.
nothing wrong with that

You're still not answering the question. Who's the real snowflake here?

I happen to think that the growth of compassion has been a good thing for humanity. I feel sorry for you that you disagree.

>No. It can't.
Sorry you feel that way.
> Do you know how convoluted and unlikely it is that this hypothetical person is, "realistically", supposed to be able to command another person to help them translate material, if they could even land a job as a translator in any serious capacity?
I do know how convoluted it is, I also know that it can be done.

>I happen to think that the growth of compassion has been a good thing for humanity.
Taking money from someone that earned it and giving it to someone that didn’t is not compassion

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It is when the money of 1 person can improve literally tens of thousands of lives at the sole expense of 1 person having less money. Not even making that person not rich anymore, just LESS rich.

>Sorry you feel that way
Work with me, then. Since sloth is a deadly sin, help show me that my
are wrong.
Here. And since you are an adamant believer in convoluted things being absolutely feasible and realistic, I don't expect to see you complain about being given sources rather than being allowed to find your own.

You know it can be done.


I understand that you’re trying to justify stealing from someone. But that isn’t the way you should show your “compassion”

>Since sloth is a deadly sin

Should being bedridden/incapacitated should stop no one from trying? Wouldn't you rather waste away? Wouldn't you rather die than be a braindead vegetable? Aren't there things someone can do in that time?

There’s always a job you can do. Fidgeting with your fingers isn't an excuse; laziness is bad; sloth is a deadly sin.

I don’t understand how sloth fits into this conversation but ok I’ll read that

Is it really stealing when the people this rich already do everything within their insane amount of influence to avoid paying their fair share at all?
I really do not understand how you can justify people sitting on that much wealth, just for the sake of "They can". A truly backwards ass way to look at the world.
You strike me as someone who would have defended the King having absolute power, because it was his right by being nutted from the right set of balls into the right woman.
Because that's how power is distributed now.
Not for a second will you ever convince me that 1 person can work hard enough to have THAT much money and influence.

you sound upset dude

for why it's very unreasonable for you to say that sloth doesn't fit into the conversation. Laziness versus productivity. That must not fit into the conversation of an incapacitated patient being fed liquid food, instead of finding work.

I am not the person you are arguing with, I just didn't understand your point.
Sloth is not a sin lol. Sin is bullshit.
What it all comes down to is feelings.
We could totally help literally everybody on earth right now.
But no, that would hurt people like yours' feelings, and the feelings of the supremely wealthy (ya know, because they control everything just like they like it)
So yes user, we are arguing that peoples lives and well beings are more important that your feeling that some people deserve that much power over others.

>Not for a second will you ever convince me that 1 person can work hard enough to have THAT much money and influence.
Seeing as how monarchy has waned in the past 300 or so years, and a man who worked to gain power and influence is now president of the United States, I’d say you strike me as someone with a massive case of sour grapes

>and a man who worked to gain power and influence is now president of the United States
Just try and convince me that Donnie Two Scoops could have ever been in that position had he not inherited his daddies name and wealth.
Literally proving my point dude.

20+ of these threads every day. Pissing in a sea of piss. Nobody's mind is changed, Bernie isn't getting elected, Bernie bros forever ass blasted and shafted by the disentegrating DNC, and communists get the rope. Trump is winning because normal people, even rational dems, know the DNC has no viable platform. Only college latte sipping socialists (who are too lazy to do anything but cry) want socialism because they don't pay for anything, mommy does. Communism always fails. When will you learn?

I think it means I'll laugh even harder when this assclown still manages to beat the shit out of the Dems this fall.

ok loser with a capital L

They’ll never learn. Communism and even socialism are the ideologies for the eternal loser

He got most of his money from his slumlord father. He's never had to work an actual job a day in his life.

A very concise retort my worthy adversary

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Ah yes because he just became a billionaire by drinking a big bottle of luck potion.

Soooo..... are any of you going to post some stats or facts or anything?? Or are you just hoping the left will do all the work for you?

Still not answering the question.

For people who claim to worship toughness, Trumpkins sure are a bunch of fucking cowards when it comes to justifying their worship of this idiot.

>I am not the person you are arguing with
Someone said you were... ?
>Sloth is not a sin lol
According to...?
>Sin is bullshit
That's not the point. It's a turn of phrase here, and it's otherwise a facetious remark to imply the overt message of it being hypocritical to turn away from a task because it otherwise demands an disproportionate amount of things from you. It's a very, very, very, very common phrase.

You would've had to have lived under a rock to not know it. In any language. You couldn't mistake the connection otherwise, not unless you spent all of 2 seconds looking at the reply from the corner of your eye.

>What it all comes down to is feelings
Before you is an offer to examine why feelings don't give people jobs. You are making a strawman at this point.

I have not argued that people's lives and well-beings are more important than my
that some people deserve... what did you say? "That much power over others"? What does that mean, user? I know I definitely didn't say anything to that tune. Nor had I ever sung praises of the filthy rich. Beyond the sarcasm, I honestly don't know where that information comes from.


I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.

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Funny that this gets posted on the same day libs both ram a van through a GOP tent and walk up to a secret service agent saying they're there to kill the president. Civil war's coming, and when it does, the blood is on your hateful hands.

They don't want to do research, because then they'd have to actually deal with the fact that their beloved leader is a blithering moron.

Anti-trumpers how do you retards feel about the failed impeachment. Lol, retards.

Yo can I get a source for that? Sounds hilarious


This, 100%.
None of the asinine, conspiratorial things Republicans have said about Obama have panned out. Remember how he was gonna take your guns with an executive order before he left office? Remember how he was supposedly a Kenyan Muslim? Remember how about a quarter of all republicans literally believed he was the biblical anitchrist?

Meanwhile there's reams of evidence for all of Trumps misbehavior - and Republicans are either silent or bending over backwards to justify it.

If Obama had said/done done a fraction of what Trumo has done in the last three years, Republicans would have been on the fourth impeachment trial already.

You are pathetic, hypocritical, cowardly, anti-intellectual pieces of dogshit if you believe any different.

...he is literally impeached. third in your history. you not understand that?

>know the DNC has no viable platform.
What is the Trump platform?

I don't give a shit if you call me a loser. Answer the fucking question, you coward.

You forgot to say he was also acquitted. But of course you would conveniently “forget”

Bigly, like nobody's every seen, the greatest.

Loser wewser ahahahahahaha

>Trump is a confirmed communist, this picture proves it!
are you just autistic or do you get paid to post propaganda?

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O.J. was acquitted too, pathetic faggot. Only proves how far democracy has fallen. Repub setnate is full of cowards too afraid of their own positions to speak out against a demagogue. They are too afraid of a Republican base that is so rife with emotion and misinformation they can't think straight. Anyone with half a brain can can see this.

The only reason it failed is because the GOP has nowhere else to go. The country's demographics are changing, and they're terrified of losing power, and so they're clinging to Trump. He's their lifeboat, so the Senate let him off. I think they may soon regret that choice.

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The game was rigged against him and you’re still a loooooooooooser

Every time you call me a loser, you prove my point that you just can't face the fact that your beloved God-Emperor is a fucking moron.

Not him. But he responded to someone who said he wasn’t impeached. OfCourse he was acquitted. His problem was with the fact that he said he wasn’t impeached. why would he add something so obvious. He was obviously acquitted, but it is false to say that he was never impeached. god save you, my guy

Is it Alzheimer's, autism, or compulsive lying?

If he’s a moron he’s king dumbass lording over people even dumber than he is. But you’d never agree with that because that would also mean democrats are dumber than him >w>

Exactly. Conservatives are a frightened, disgusting lot of people desperately clinging to power they will never hold. Birth rate demographics alone show Republicans are fucked hardcore in the next several decades. They could have capitulated to the growing liberal base of America, but they doubled down on appealing to the last gasp of white supremacy.

Enjoy what's happening now, conservafucks. It's undeniably the last roar of a dying beast.

The cartel wants the wall you fucking idiot. They run the ports, and the tunnels. it will consolidate their power.

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>The cartel wants the wall
Anything to be seen as the one in the right, hm?

>you’re still a loooooooooooser

Exactly the mentality of Trumpers I would expect. No arguments. Just emotions. And they call liberals snowflakes, kek.

go back to redit

>H-How dare you gloat at me? O-Oh god it’s like one of my favorite blacked videos!~

>If he’s a moron he’s king dumbass lording over people even dumber than he is.

He is. His base and those he put in power. And unfortunately due to the way our Democracy is set up, it is enough to keep him in power.

>be me

>wake up

>get text from friend

>"I'm gay"

>he has a crush on a girl

That shit was more belivable than your bat.

You're the master baiter op

If they had brains, they wouldn't be Trumpers.

lol ok kiddo - you win. Feel better?

Ok. Then democrats are even dumber than republicans for not being able to beat them. Thanks for admitting that

I accept your defeat. At least you’re more graceful than the rest of your kind

More like, get educated, so you're more likely to be right cuck:

Low information conspiracy retard.

Pelosi, D-Calif, Hanna, R-NY, Cuellar, D-TX, O’Rourke, D-TX, Lucillee Roybal-Allard, D-Calif., Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., Michael Fitzpatrick, R-PA, Michelle Lujan-Grisham, D-NM, Pete Aguilar, D-Calif., Ruben Gallego, D-AZ, and Norma Torres, D-Calif.

bipartisan delegation travels to Mexico, Peru and Chile to discuss the importance of enhancing security, combating transnational crime, advancing human rights and further strengthening bilateral relations,

There have been four(4) category five hurricanes SINCE TRUMP TOOK OFFICE.
>Trumptards, please defend this

>Keeping the drugs out brings the drugs in
This really is clown world

It also makes them sell for way more
l2 basic economics

But he was still impeached. They did not fail to impeach him. He was, literally, successfully impeached. I'm sorry your precidential level intelligence doesn't understand that.

Personally I can't STAND Trump.
He's a total fucking lunatic asshole.
And I'm LIVID that I have to vote for him again!
You fucking dems and all your bullshit and all you leave us with is Trump.

>It also makes them sell for way more
So that means normal people can’t get them nearly as easily? Based.
>I’m still upset he’s not removed from office Q~Q

Me too I was looking forward to president Pence goddamnit.

A god of thunder would be cool. He’ll have his chance in 2024

300 posts, and not a single one answering OP's questions. What a bunch of fucking cowards Trumpers are.

One of OP's questions was "do you even see this stuff in your political bubble?" It's actually worse than that. They refuse to acknowledge it even when they do see it.

You fucking idiot he was born in Kenya not the Congo

Again, a swing and a miss.
Trump and his voters are the biggest political laughingstock the world has ever seen, I would never give that up.

he's still not as senile as biden or bernie so im ok with it.


It'a the state of the world and the country that's bugging me. You should realize that anyone that voted for him (and all of the ones that didn't vote for impeachment) are just as "mentally challenged" as he is.

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For his supporters, his nascent dementia isn't a bug, it's a feature.

You mean his republican buddies who refused to allow witnesses to testify

Worked 4 years ago, will work again. Cope.


>Worked 4 years ago, won't work again. Cope.