Alright, be honest, what is your age, salary, and job?

Alright, be honest, what is your age, salary, and job?

>30 years young
>Executive Sous Chef at Wendy's

Attached: 1.jpg (1080x1350, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:

21 years old
$6500 USD per month
Student but part time accountant assistant

15 20$ Stay at home retard/ Mows lawns once a week

Jesus christ newfag

>30 years nigger
>30,000/nigger lips
>Executive Faggot

>$6500 USD per month
>Student but part time accountant assistant
You make $78k a year as a part-time assistant.
Don't be fucking stupid.

IT service technician
starting salary 1700€ expecting ho have 2000-2200 after first six months
3rd wolrd eastern europe shithole

Yes, I do.
Instead of talking shit how about ask why and what my role consists of... plus I'm not in the USA, that much isn't a decent salary for an accountant.

fuck off larper

>$3000 Per month
Just started selling cars have no purpose and no direction, wish i would die already tbh waste of rss

depends on country,
my sister lives in switzerland
and her first month paycheck as newbie was around 10000CHF with zero work experience after having bc.

>$78,000 USD working part-time whilst still a student
>not even a decent accountant salary herp derp
Please tell me your country and the average annual wage. I want to move to this place.

>73 of the best years
>worth billions
>professional troll artist

Attached: 4B4FDB66-080D-4B92-A31A-096E82FB39E0.jpg (510x340, 43K)

33 years young
$180,000/year AUD

>administrative in public healthcare (in a secod world country, its a full time job)

Incredibly witty commentary

how much is that in real money
also pics of sis

hot him

but 10 240$ according to google

10k per months?
who tha fuck is the sister working for? El Chapo?

€150.000 before taxes
Art Director

this incredibly original and not posted 10 million times a day thread deserves better right.
go fuck ur mother nigger

125k aud


random rich men i guess
she is a sex worker

I'm also not the same user, but the AVERAGE wage in Switzerland is $200k:
It is renowned in Europe as having an extremely high cost of living though.

Doesn't seem that unreasonable. Low six figures doesn't go very far in densely populated areas.

assistant manager for KPMG

> $32,000/year
>Executive assistant at a construction company

Pharmacy Tech in a hospital

>university lecturer

Feels relatively bad man.
Hopefully I can work up to a higher salary in the next few years.

$55k/yr (rural Arizona)
GIS Analyst

Amtrak engineer
70k per year
Would yall believe me if i told you this is the first and only job ive had?

70k Australian
I don’t even know man, sorta like a security guard/orderly in an emergency department.

Attached: 818E539C-B660-469F-8D18-D01FB052B77D.jpg (1125x322, 68K)

Jiz Anal-yst

Mental health therapist, working in community mental health
Make just under 70k



Manage a 400 unit rental property.

Got about 150k investments.

>4,000 a month
>wastewater operator.
Literally the easiest job ever. I’m also licensed. I could walk out of my job tomorrow and have a job within hours. It’s good to be wanted.

Kind of, but not very sexy


AmTrak and MTA are really good places to work for. Congrats, user. How long have you been working for them?

$140K AUD
Airline pilot

Cred Forumstard since 04. Can’t give it up

16.600€ (males get paid more in germany)

Commercial? What do you fly?

Yay esri stuff

>40k a year niggers
> assistant manager at Hungry Howies

>Freight handler

Attached: 1576973901820.webm (1280x720, 1.14M)

> Critical thinking, geopolitics, and analysis teacher

This nigga ain't never gonna graduate

A320 domestically

Bus driver (important football team in Spain)

You know probably only 3 people have any clue what you just said.

that looks yummy

> 35
> 100k job
> 3600 passive income
> high school diploma

going to school till 16 is normal as fuck in germany.
3 years futher education, guess you could call it college

Nice to know theres some based pilots flying around


Attached: 51704616_1229577707183022_4910845999720693760_n.jpg (960x767, 55K)

36 inside plant tech for cable company. This years w2 was 116K

Haha fuck I hate being called that haha,

22 Realtor 45k ish a year after taxes

>21 years old
>~1500$ a month + ~150$ a month
>Shitty salesman in an electronic retail nightmare-company
>+ bartending at concerts, etc. at a theatre

Honestly, I miss my days of carrying trash and watering the plants in my stepmum's friend's flower-shop. The bartender gig could be more exciting if it was a proper bar, but it's entertaining enough. However, I fucking hate working at the retail-shop, where the only thing considered a job well done is to scam an old crow into buying a shitty computer for an insane price and dump our insurances, services, licenses and fucking 50$ gift-card for trying out a semi-sketchy power-company on the poor thing just wanting to play her fucking Solitaire

Chemical Engineer
200-240K / year depending on bonus.

>Bread Delivery Boi
>Around 84k/year
Good money but I work almost 65 hours a week, I miss being a neet and playing video games all day.

38, vice president of sales, $135,000, plus $18,000 rental property income.

70k is pretty comfy at a decent hospital, sure theres more to make with OT. At 24 anyways thats not bad

>45k per year
>Help desk software analyst

>~10 million CR/year
>Earth Defense Fleet Petty Officer + bounty hunter (independent)

Attached: Earth-chan.jpg (795x960, 86K)

>30 years young

Highschool Lab Tech
39 AUD /hr

19 y/o
$250/month + rent up to like $450/month

>$78,000/year plus overtime and disability from the VA
>Mechanical engineer for the DoD

27 years old. Sales. 96k usd last year

>PhD Mathematics/Computing

>25 y/o
>Software engineer in Russia

All this learning and work and I still get less than some cook guy at Wendy’s
I want to die

What is your top pay and how many years to get there?


Enjoy your ban

>130k salary not including bonus and commission
>branch manager for pvf warehouse

It sucks dick sometimes, but I did hire my friends so that makes the days go by quicker. Fired one though which was shitty.


see you in a month

Attached: 92012843.gif (200x200, 809K)

30 yrs old

>29 years young
>PAC Coordinator 1

We have one of those in Columbus

>17 an hour
>yard dismantaler at a scrap yard


>23 y/o
>IT consultant

Shipping agency
5.5K USD/year
Mexican shithole ,average annual salary is 16k USD, so yeah it sucks.

24 y/o
Delivery driver
32 000k and I work less than 40hours a week sometimes

Police Sgt in major US city
85k base pay. Usually 110k with overtime and court time.

Software Engineer

Biz owner
360k last year, fuck a college degree

>20,000 - 50,000
>Uber/Lyft driver in major US city
I'm done with the ride share after this year because it's way too fucking volatile.

20 y
85€ per day (worked only job ever and it was a single tour -21 days)
Mercenary in East EU

fries cooked in a new oil, ketchup with actual sugar

livin in america is the worst

Considering going back to school for gis certificate. It'd only be like 4 more classes since my degree was close.

Once again I'm the biggest loser here
I want to kill myself

>$78k USD after tax
>AWS Milspec Aviation Welder
2 year program for certs, 2 for position.

I ruined my life by having a kid with my ex when I was 19.

Trade you?


Funny thing is, I made 56k my first year but that wasn’t enough to survive on in that state.

Could you be partially color blind and do that?

I'm already in aviation but my company does welding too and it seems neat.

Junior Officer in the US Navy, been in for 10 years
~55k with benefits

Attached: 379.png (500x380, 272K)

> 24
> social media guy in the UK
> $36000 in americunt money

To add, making almost $80k at 22 must seem nice but the mortgage where I'm at is $2200 a month and my truck payments $1650, insurance is $400. Wife's in her 3rd year of law school so that will pay off eventually.

Color has nothing to do with welding, as far as I know. I went through a union while doing my tig certifications. So it smoothed it out. I'd go for it if I were you. Especially if they have a program for schooling you can get into.

Still, pretty nice. Good job.

I'm a fucking man monkey employed to a big meat factory

I get paid in bananas and getting bitched at.

Age: too fucking old

Automotive production line team lead
(Basically babysitting thugs and drug addicts)

I need to go back to school.

>$205k plus $60k in bonus

Youre not a chef, youre a burger maker.

IT Engineer