Rate face/tits/nips 1-10 Cred Forums

Rate face/tits/nips 1-10 Cred Forums

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I love tits like this



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Poor girl. She's probably self conscious about her tits


7 3 8

I will add that as a whole you're a 7.5-8/10 for me though, you look really cute. You look somewhat healthy weight-wise (more pics would be great), and your face is cute, great smile. I really couldn't care less about the shape or size of you tits/nips.

Don’t be self conscious thier fine and nice 10


7 6 5

Attached: 5F210E2A-6FCF-4819-86AB-90F7EA9BCE4F.jpg (929x1280, 56K)

Cute face but disastrous tits. Face is about 7.5/10 and tits are about a 3 since there is some natural mass there. If/when she has kids, they will probably deflate and be a 1/10.



Attached: kb (10).jpg (1440x2560, 722K)

Literally only fuckable from behind. Those tits are horrid.

From the bottom of her tits down: 5/10
Tits that someone forgot to shoop: 3/10
Shoop job on her face: 3/10

She’s disgusting

Shoop job on tits: 2/10
The rest of her: 6/10

Attached: 100_0291.jpg (3296x2472, 1M)

i fucking hate fat people but with nips like that she really should gain 50+ pounds to make them seem more normal

Tits: 3/10
The rest: 5/10

It wouldn’t be a thread without her...

Null & void, can't see face. Get out of here, user!

Pretty spot on. Except I stick with my 6/10. Her arms are definitely "adjusted" but I think I can live with her normal arms. and her stomach and legs really agree with me.

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Face is close to a 10 for me, very unfortunate tits, but I‘d fuck the living hell out of her if I could.

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Attached: Wh (15).png (935x794, 594K)

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Don't fall for the photo filter fake news, bro! She doesn't look like this in real life.

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She posts on reddit

So? What does that mean? She posts more of her shooped up photos, right?


I don’t really care. Just saying she posts on reddit. Calm down, Bernie Bro.

No, dude, I don't want to calm down. Most of the women, hoes and non-hoes, in the world shoop the shit out of their photos and I fuckin' hate that. Fuck that shit, turning everything upside down with that.

Attached: Shoop.jpg (1691x981, 1.05M)

>Found the redditfag

whats op girl reddit

As a Nerdasexual and Velma addict i would not let that fat cow touch my socoby snack

Would bang.


This is why you must have sex within the first week.

Otherwise you spend a year courting and when you finally fuck you're stuck with those tittens

Face 7
Tits 7
Nips 10. Those are insane.
Face 4
Tits 2
Nips 2
Face 6.5
Tits 7
Nips 7
Face 6
Tits 4ish
Nips 6
Face 2
Tits 5
Nips 5
Nope 0 0 0. Never post here again
Face 9
Tits 8
Nips 8
Face 6
Tits 3
Nips 4
Face 6
Tits 10
Nips 9.5
I like her

Attached: 20171124_101856.jpg (674x1200, 345K)

this is the fake and you just made it