My sister stone cold refuses to get married or have kids. Is there anything that I can say to her?

My sister stone cold refuses to get married or have kids. Is there anything that I can say to her?

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Enjoy your lifetime free of obligation
Dont catch an STD
Hey old maid

And other popular tracks

Her choice not yours

Be happy that you aren't a total whore

It's not your fucking business.

based on this pic, I think "refuses" ie a very charitable interpretation

"Well done"?

"Sis, I'm impressed with you."

she's going to turn into a cat lady. I can tell.

Have fun realizing at 45 that you wasted your time and you have nothing left to live for since you forewent the most major of human biological imparitives in an effort to prove some individualist point that nobody was asking to be made.

Why would you want her to do either of those irresponsible things?
Most marriages fail and most children don't appreciate life.
Less feeders the better.

Low sodium pretzels cause infertility.

>having children gives life meaning

Must not have a lot going for you, huh?

I wasn't speaking for men, we can site kids til we die. Women have a biological expiration date.

still not your fucking business

I'd hit her

With a blackjack?

If she put on glasses and pigtails i'd gladly sodomize her no babies involved

and she has to call me mister

I'd hit it.

Only one option for a chicken that stops laying eggs.

Oh no, it's retarded.

You gotta get laid to procreate.

Yeah, except chickens generally aren't able to explore the world and create with their hands.

Tell her that she's contributing to the extintion of the white race.

>>having children gives life meaning
>Must not have a lot going for you, huh?

Faggots will never know the joy and fulfillment as a man of spending time with their kids

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I would fill her with my warm mexican gravy

nah,she'll be the type who gets drunk at the bar and gets pregnant from getting gang banged in the bathroom stall


fuck off beaner,the wall just got 10 feet higher

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Do you realize the absolutely minuscule number of people that give a rats ass about that? Of course you do. That's why you bleat about it every day, multiple times a day.

She'll change her mind once she gets to her 30's
By then it will be to late and she'll be bitter for the rest of her life or stuck with autistic babies

Hey OP, she is not obligated to do what you tell her.

>maybe you'd be happier in Pakistan

Maybe it's just a recipe

oh god your sister is living her personal life the way that makes her happy instead of doing the way that makes you happy? gosh user sounds like your only option left is to fuck off and stop being such an asshat

Mexico is still paying for it, right?

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its called a joke,dumbass.i dont even like donald trump

maybe your dumb beaner ass should stick to picking lettuce

Your words are hurtful, amigo.

with a stick?

id buy her another beer and then fuck,is it still rape if were both drunk?

so where are the nudes?

sounds like the dream OP

yeah: you can fucking high-five her and respect her choices

convince her to get married to a chick so when you go to her house you have 2 sets of women's panties to sniff

you have a biological imperative to create children. if you fail, then you have failed as an organism at the most basic level

>you have a biological imperative to create children
So do possums. I've tried to rise above their level but apparently you have not.

You can say "That is a responsible life decision and I respect you for it.

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every single organism in this world just exists to procreate
if you did not, you failed your genetical predecessors
you're in a line of billions of living beings, all hoped to rule the world by procreating, and you just stopped that

also, if you don't, the juden, spics and chinks win and flood the planet with billions of stupid drones
be a change in the world and have smart kids

just drug her, rape her and splort into her womb
repeat until preggers
pressure her into keeping it
be the uncle-dad everyone expects
win win i'd say

>opossums breed so i shouldn't either
thanks for not passing on your genes, retard

Gross. Hope she enjoys dying alone and unhappy

I see you missed the point entirely. No surprise there.

>every single organism in this world just exists to procreate
I see you too, like many of your Stormfront brethren, do not understand the difference between causation and coincidence. No one -- not even someone as feeble minded as yourself -- owes any debt of reproduction to any of the living beings that came before it. Unless you're nothing but a puppet. Are you a puppet? Because I'm not.

>rule the world
It's always about ruling the world with you neo-Nazi types, isn't it?

we understand what you're trying to say, we just reject it as pompous and sophomoric. enjoy your meaningless life of hedonism you kike pawn

lel opie are you actually one of the chosen ones?

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I knew your true colors would show through eventually.
I pity you. I really do. Apparently your only purpose in life is to reproduce. Congratulations on being on the same level as protozoa, flat worms and insects. I assume that once you've cranked out a few kids -- or dozens, maybe -- you'll kill yourself since your life purpose has been completed. I wish you very much luck with that final task.

>Kids are garbage, thats why my life professionally complaining to corporations for not being woke enough makes me superior.

>reduces life to mere breeding
Wew lad. You're not very good at this debating thing.

Thank God you aren't breeding you shovel faced bitch.

I'm going to let you believe that because I'm in a generous mood tonight. You can tell everyone in the trailer park you beat a Jew in an argument on the internet.

tell yourself that while i drive by in my new car to my paid for house.
>kids not even once

Enjoy your Nintendo Switch and Funko Pops then, I'm sure they are a fulfilling way to replace the most pure and perfect love a human being can experience

the fuck do you care? go shag some whores and maintain your families bloodline on your own time

Meaningless to who? I'm having a fucking blast. And if you don't think my life is meaningful, well, that opinion and $2.50 will buy you a cup of coffee.

I have more than one vehicle nothing new or faggy but all run fine and suited to the needs of the day and task. I have my own home and some land and a business property in town. You have you hand

trump is schrodingers jackass
he spouts bullshit 24/7 that spontaneously collapses into a "joke" when his twat followers get embarrassed by people pointing out his infinite failures
>hey, I was joking. why are you so fucking serious. ha. get it. a fucking joke. come on, man. lay off. fuck man, I was kidding. shit, it was just a prank bro. fucking hell, can't you take a joke? I didn't mean that. how could you not tell what I meant. are you stupid? ha! it was just kids, man. fuck, don't get real on me, damn, son.
you fucking twats

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tell that to drones in a hive, buddy.
sometimes, organisms exist to help their fellow breeding organisms procreate, rather than doing the nasty themselves. if fags don't waste time on women and spend their time getting shit done for the tribe, their existence was a net positive.
of course examples of humans that did great deeds without bothering to procreate, like george washington and alexander the great, they would fall on deaf ears for you, yes?

how about this,you go fuck yourself and head back to Cred Forums with your political bullshit and lets get back to the subject of this post which is about op's sister.or you can be a faggot who ruins everything with politics like you most certainly are

take your ball and go home, crybaby.

I never claimed fulfilling your biological imperative is the be all end all meaning of life you fucking cretin. Obviously we're human and we can strive for loftier ambitions than merely procreating (not that you individually aspire to anything more than consuming the latest jewish capeshit trash)
learn2logic nigger
What do you do for a living? What have you achieved in your life?

God I fucking hate you so much, stop exposing this girl in this piece of shit place faggot, I couldn't believe it when you posted her childhood pictures

>My sister stone cold refuses to get married or have kids. Is there anything that I can say to her?

Accept that she is a Lesbian, and try to get her to hook you up with a ffm threesome from time to time,

Yeah maybe with my car

i'd hit your car.

>implying op's sexual inclinations involves females apart from being dressed up as one

>i'd hit your car.
I Dmight have actually hit his car, sorry about that man.

she's a nerdy 9 , which is a catch in my book. I married similar. she gets hit on constantly by guys way more attractive than me.

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Can I have her number? She sounds like the kind of woman I'd like to cohabitate with for a few decades.

Yeah, you can say
"I'm a total fucking retard thinking I have any say in things I literally have no say in whatsoever. Please decapitate me right away"

>your biological imperative
You keep calling it this but it's not. It's not an "imperative" and it certainly isn't mine. I have neither an urge nor a need to have children, so that 10 cent word you learned on some white nationalist message board is just -- what's the word I'm looking for here? -- wrong. My life is as complete as I can imagine. The idea that somehow I have some inexplicable obligation to squeeze out kids because other people who came before chose to is just laughable. Really, honestly, do you believe that? That since your mom and dad had kids you have to do the same to be any kind of success in life? My pity for you has actually increased. Didnt think that was possible.
So in short, you can tell me you think my life is meaningless by your quaint and narrow and antiquated definition. Guess what? I'm perfectly happy with that.
This is the part where you call me a Jew or other things you think will hurt my feelings. Maybe mix it up and call me hook nose or Schlomo. Try to keep it creative please.

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>you don't want kids
>must be da j00s
Why even bother? Nobody's going to actually take you seriously if you so blatantly show you're debating in bad faith in the very first post.
Just go jerk off or something, you don't HAVE to be here.

it's probably best that people who don't want children not have children. I suppose some will regret it, but the work of raising children is pretty big, and they cost about a million each to raise properly in the west. Why convince someone who says up front they aren't up to the task to take on such responsibility?

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>wanna fuck?

Because they want validation for their own life choices. I guess they see people choosing not to have kids and they feel their own worth diminished. Other than that, I can see no reason anyone would care.

Well you're already a faggot so I guess it's your parents who should feel bad.

Turn her into a lesbian.

she's making a right choice. The world is gonna get fucked in 2021 during winter. Look into it. having children is the last thing we want right now unless we want to struggle during the mass migration. Some invaders are gonna come, from the Unknown Continents beyond the antarctic. This is not fear porn, I'm not a fucking shill. I'm just giving you fuckers a heads up.

"Hi sis."

>white people

Post more pics!

Has she ever had a bf? Judgin her personality, do you think she would be a good mom?

tf are you talking about?