Go to jogging, see this, what do?

Go to jogging, see this, what do?

Attached: 4eizi6wo7f231.jpg (1080x1350, 220K)

> go to jogging

syntax error: undefined label "jogging"

Jessica Weaver...just another ethot

Attached: Jessica-Weaver-Nude-Naked-Sexy-Porn-3.jpg (1000x742, 123K)

Realize the working class could easily over through the rich by communing within each other. Farmers stop mass producing for big companies but instead start selling locally. Workers of fast food drop out and instead work for the farmers to help reduce costs of labor in turn lowering the cost of food. No more chain stores. Only type of store we truly need would be gas stations. We can collapse an entire industry or at the very least scare them into rethinking wages, especially for farmers who do a lot.

Squirt in my pants instantly

Attached: VoyeurFlash.com-Jessica-Weaver-nude-1-1-770x1024.jpg (770x1024, 70K)

Terrible photoshop lol

I like you, but it's the classic story of, well why didn't they just kill the king?

horrible shop and horrible boob job if you google her pics it's really not that great.

See the problem in our current society is that people have too much fear. They don’t want to act out if they know there’s consequences. They’ll only push if a group starts it and gains traction. Only other problem is greed. Someone will try taking advantage of the situation to try and gain something from it all.

holy fuck that puzzy is trim af

Let's start a revolution then user. I am with you.

That my main concern, Mao 2.0

>Jessica Weaver

Attached: FitNakedGirls.com-Jessica-Weaver-nude-169-244x298.jpg (244x298, 10K)

Attached: 22327.jpg (300x429, 17K)

i would rape so hard if i saw her at night

I absolutely would. A peaceful movement is so much more powerful now considering we have ways to record ourselves. Back in the day it did very little since everyone would basically ignore it unless you lashed out. I actually almost ended up getting a chick fil a I worked at shut down by letting my coworkers realize that they’re holding it up. That chick fil a heavily understaffed itself to make more money so there were people working in the blistering hot, the freezing cold, and dripping wet for 10+ hours including a 30 minute break for $9/hour. They started asking for better equipment and forced the owners and managers to make better cycles for the ones working outside. They couldn’t fire me either because I had brought them an increase of 2% revenue and the new regulars would literally not accept certain foods/drinks unless I made them. It’s all about motivating your coworkers and showing them that speaking up does work

No way around it unless you actively look for the seed and snuff it out before it can grow. We’re probably too past the point of truly revolutions due to being essentially groomed by our government and lifestyle. Too many people feel like life is all about working and that you can’t do anything about it. They don’t realize how much the 1% relies on the other 99%

Raping time

I know, but I don't want to lose my freedoms of artistic expression, I want the proletarian revolution, I just don't want to be censored.

Kik JackSpade22

What's with the weird color sand?

I'm going to assume you've never been to southern California