Post your crazy ideas that you think would legit work but things you can't post with a username attached to it

post your crazy ideas that you think would legit work but things you can't post with a username attached to it.

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Completely ban publicity on any form


Not an idea but ive always wondered why more cam girls don't wind up doxxed and skinned alive or whatever

because you answered it right there. "Cam girls" no one cares about them as a person, just a sex icon to jerk it too.

Does anyone else use the captcha to train the Google ai wrong?

kill retarded people or forced sterilization

I respect this

Nicotine ice cream


maaaaaaaaan I know it sucks, crushed your venture.

1.Teach cosmetics to both boys and girls in schools, especially boys: it'll make them realize that most women hide their natural ugliness with well applied makeup and further impress on all children that everything in the media is a lie. To ensure it doesn't turn into queer propaganda, "masculizing" makeup will be taught to boys - i.e. how to make their jaws look squarer, their features look more "manly", their bears look more consistent and rugged
2. All people in political office above the local level should get killed after 10 years from when they first serve, no exceptions for if they have a family, or if they don't serve a full term, or if they were actually good at their job (yeah right). They get killed by a painless method if they don't go on the run, and if they do go on the run there's a bounty and any member of the public is allowed to kill them. It will disincentive all but the most principled and selfless people from running for office.

Space exploration and scientific progress is worth far more than morality and human rights

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Instead of building more prisons, we fire violent felons and white collar embezzlers into space on rocket ships.
Elon Musk gets his one-way test crews, Mars gets colonized, we have our own space Australia that sends back rare earth metals in exchange for bi-annual supply drops of soup and cigarettes.

It's win all around, no more prisons, and the existing ones can be repurposed into music festival destination venues, and kinky sex dungeons for weekend getaways.

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The more I think about your second idea, the wider my smile gets. It's a direct manifestation of the idea from the Declaration of Independence that constituents have the capacity to overthrow any governing body they see unfit.

They still need engineers to keep things operational. The biggest difference between Australia and Mars is that the former is part of Earth.

If we built a time a machine and went to the past right before they freed the slaves with an ak 47 going state to state killing all of them im pretty sure the united states would be a utopian country at this point.

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professionals can be degenerates too

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If we kill every hobo, we won't have a hobo problem

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Why not feed fat people to poor people?

Think about it, fat people are what they eat, and poor people only eat fast and junk food. That means fat people are made out of junk food. Why not just cut the middleman and feed the fattasses to the poorfags?

We can also hook the fatfucks up to exercise bikes and power our electricity that way, we can solve the energy and obesity crisis with one shot!

We can also tell the fat fucks that if they dont lose 50lbs a week we will grind them up into hamburger to be sold at mcdonalds (which is basically the same meat sold there anyway).

While we are at it, we can have homeless hunting competitions! We can hunt the homeless for their meat and sell---give it to poor people.

I also endorse landmines and electric fences at the border, I think its an excellent way of preventing mexicans from escaping, we need their dirt cheap slave labor to fuel our economic growth into the 2020s.

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