He's still yet to be stumped

He's still yet to be stumped

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stop making fun of bernie

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So proud of the first gay president

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I don't really agree with a lot of liberal rumors about him "Trump is a pedo! Trump is eEEeeevil!!" but I honestly think he should be removed on account of how mind numbingly retarded this man is. I mean, he threw a fucking fit because another country wouldn't sell itself to him.

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To be fair, most politicians are not that bright.

Low IQ

He has accomplished many things in life all he does is win
On top of that he'll be the first president to leave the white house with the same hair color he came in with, he's that good at winning

Jimmy Carter was VERY intelligent. He worked on nuclear reactors in the Navy. Plus, he seems like a really nice guy. He was the worst president of the 20th century. Double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, double digit unemployment. Plus, he allowed other nations to walk all over us.

Not claiming Trump is smart or stupid... just that because a person is smart doesn't make him an effective leader.

well he is a pedophile.
and no that's not a libtard rumor that was Liberterian information.

on a side note his acquittal was due to the witnesses dropping the charges not that they found him innocent of said charges.

hillary 2020

nuclear reactors aren't as complex as people make it out to be.
its literally hot thing in water.

idk how the commies and Japanese fucked it up.

most of the work is done by the machines and engineers who put the thing together.

well, that's totally not SUPER FUCKING FISHY at all

still, the higher-ups aren't going to trust a retard with the expensive tech

He started that part of his Navy career in ~1952~ This was REALLY early on and it was mostly hands-on. He led the team that went into a reactor site that had a partial melt-down to get the reactor locked down. Again, he was a SHIT president, but he was a very smart guy with a lot of accomplishments in the Navy.

i guess so
people usually arent jack off trades. he might of been a a great navy nuclear reactor technician but christ did run america into boomer fagtown.

i don't really hold peoples political position againts them just their implantations lol

But he has been impeached.

yeah seems he does that a lot.
the rape victim that was raped by trump under epstein also dropped the charges and just didn't talk days before she was due to come on television and talk about it.

Trump killed Epstein

i was asking the prison warden what happen on facebook the day epstein was killed and my account was shutdown by jewbook

....did someone say impeached?

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nice faggy tie for the pic. god, what a weak manlet.

Epstein? Never heard of him

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He was a popular guy in trump's circle of friends.

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i hope your still not fooled by the two party system (which really is no diffrent than a 1 party system when you admit to yourself the jews play both sides to always secure a win)

the only way i see it now is the extremist vs the centrist aka the jewish status quo.

liberals and conservatives are the centrist. the extremist of every end should unite againts this jewish foe we need a new party a extremist party.

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hillary aint locked up
mexico didn't pay for shit
obamacare wasnt repealed and replaced

he's been nothing but stumped

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4 more years shirts available here:

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You mean people in power want to have sex with kids?

I suppose next youll tell me our entire capitalistic power structure relies on pedofilia as an ultimate prize.

Shocking - just shocking.

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These arent children im sorry theyre teenage whores

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>yet to be stumped
>dementia making him unable to tell he has applied his make-up wrong and looks bizarre

pick 1, bootlicker

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A classic red flag for deteriorating mental health is going out in public without realizing what you look like.

It would be sad if he wasn't such a colossal pile of shit with zero redeeming qualities.

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Did you all see the video on Superbowl day of Trump during the national anthem?
(We'll skip past how he's basically called people traitors for kneeling silently during the anthem.)
If your gramps was looking around the room like that, pretending to conduct the music, trying to talk to people who are being silent for the anthem... you'd talk to a doctor about medication.

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5 more years, nigger.
Might wanna get some meds yourself for the cope

Time for therapy, sociopath.