Who is this? She's sexy anyone have a sauce or moar?

Who is this? She's sexy anyone have a sauce or moar?

Attached: boxxy_desktop_1920x1200_hd-wallpaper-487230.jpg (1180x738, 91K)

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That's clearly tubgirl.

she looks like onision

All heil the Queen of /b

she died last month due to AIDS in a pool and drowned

It was called "Boxxy".
It's about ten years older than that now & already turned into an old hag.
In it's prime, it was just a deranged & very irritating YouTube attention whore.
Forget about it, like most Cred Forumstards already have.

another victim of the gay stingrays.

Should have closed the pool.

We haven't forgotten our queen, fuckhead.

Attached: boxxy.jpg (480x360, 7K)

He said most Cred Forumstards.
But yeah there are for youre some Cred Forumstas who still worthip her, for being a girl.

>for being a girl
Being this much of a newfag.

OG queen

Cracky-chan was the OG queen but Boxxy was a worthy successor.

Attached: cc.jpg (508x457, 79K)

>Thinks Boxxy is a real person

last time i asked for cracky someone said she was underage? true?

not anymore


Attached: cr93.jpg (480x640, 71K)

This is boxxy today

Attached: 1580369914703m.jpg (1024x768, 52K)

On the contrary, I refer to all real people by their gender specific pronouns : "he" or "she" as appropriate, or when in miscellaneous groups: a less specific "they".

By contrast, (in to which you responded),
I referred to the "Boxxy" thing, merely as "it",
in the same manner that I might refer to an unwanted & useless piece of broken furniture that had too many screws loose, while discarding it in a garbage truck.


well that the fuck? post her nudes!

Even that was a few years ago
>pic related

Attached: Boxxy now .jpg (445x575, 52K)

Is this who I think it is

No fucking way

I refer you to the quads of truth :

Who else would you put in the garbage truck from old Cred Forums

Nice use of words by the way in regard to loose screws and old furniture

There is somehow a even worse case for a little time causing an individual from here to go
completely downhill

Attached: 1580203865335.jpg (640x1065, 70K)

why is this bitch the supposed queen of /b?

I would definitely have put W.T. Snacks in there a lot sooner than moot did; also:
I would have similarly discarded, somewhat earlier, all the annoying oldfags that deserted Cred Forums during what became known as "Cred Forumsday" because they couldn't accept Cred Forums's rules being rigidly enforced.

More recently, I would have discarded the l󠘁o󠘁g󠘁p󠘁o󠘁s󠘁t󠘁e󠘁r󠘁(s) ; hyena poster(s) ; bronies that don't remain coralled in their designated clopping area ; furrie(s) ; yellowfags ; spiderman fetishist(s) (apart from Spoodermoon whom I admire) ; and anybody else who likes things that I don't like, or vice-versa.

Read some history.

Attached: 2cqeCht.jpg (479x697, 22K)

its in the history books? then please fag, guide me to it.


I assume this should provide a decent summary

Her name is Roberta Paulson.

Who is spooderman
Not shit posting just asking