Soon american maggots

soon american maggots

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By whom?

i would make SO MUCH money if that happened. fuck the McAmerican dollar

I'd make a lot of money if pots of gold at the end of rainbows and fuckin leprechauns were real but instead we're both on /b so stfu

America is being murdered over Woodrow Wilson bloodline dclxvi

Die schizos

Fragile X syndrome nation; sick

Europe and china

You do realize Europe isn’t a country, right?

China has a reason to. Europe though? They can’t survive without a cock to suck.

OP does not have the biggest brain.

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Correct schizo. It's a continent. Murdering Ur nation 1913-

It will be the greatest thing that will ever happen in history and I get to be alive to witness it.

Underage retard detected

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>>Posting on /b
Don't know much do ya boy.

my fat ass legit thought that these were burgers cooking on a grill

Die, schizo American, die.

The schizo American The?

I know Ur being murdered and your autistic daughters want this dick ^_^ schizanigger

I thought that pic was 2 breakfast sandwich’s at first ..


>soon you will have breakfast, American maggots

>confirmed for 12 years old

It's a Simpsons reference. I hate how young everyone here is now.

yeah another McMuffin or five with extra bacon i bet

Last meal

ITT: OP was called a schizo once and is now projecting like schizophrenics do. Hey OP, you’re gonna die alone and everything’s going to fade to black. Enjoy the endless oblivion. Now go away.

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It is time.

Schizos never die alone.

Ur being murdered, america.

FUCKING ISRAEL. Cause of ALL the worlds ills and sadness! DIE!

Legally, you were never even born. Just issued a death warrant and a death sentence @usd creation. Bye!

All these LARPers flexing absolutely nothing.

Stay mad, faggots. USA is in control and will always reign supreme.

Some real autism in this thread from OP

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Israel's got nothing to do with. USA you stand alone, a stinking retarded corpse.

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I ain't American dipshit.

Ur 15% of world's power and schizophrenic, so we have that again.challenger explosion

Those arent even chinese nukes. Pleb

I disagree on your last point. But this has been fun. Stirring up some poor euro fat who misses the 1900's

We fucking run global security. We dominate technology. We are the best. Keep flailing, faglord.

Typical to true schizophrenia fashion, it buries its head in sand and presents ass to cock thinking itself the victor and not the mincemeat.

who are we finally nuking?


At least nuke the Bronx.

You're not superior for mocking the disabled.

You'll run alright, boy.

I hope so, New York has to go.

Pls do cali first

It's true, none the less I am the superior. Down syndrome the nation.

Why should anyone ever nuke us? I dont get it. Do they have any reasons to annihilate swaths of us population? Why? We got plenty reasons to nuke china and russia though

How many windows U got open? Chrome chews memory my dude.

youre not wrong

stupid fucking faggot

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>this new

Being this new. Leave

Thomas Woodrow Wilson bloodlines Ur deepstate has fragile X syndrome USD and any shot fired paid for by it since 1913 has been illegal. Also reason for both world wars and depression. And still at large. Ur retards. Of course you don't get it. Schizophrenic multi generation anosognosiad permenent mental retardation. Ur being murdered. Ur being put down. Time to die America, globally

You should use protection out here.

>America, globally.

Well this threads peaked. ttfn.

i've tried leaving for years, newjew

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Ah ha

Ur praceology is to be murdered for a literal down syndrome tier of fragile X bloodlines psychic profit and Ur unironic anosognosiad 1:1 as good as genetically same epigenetic multi transgenerational compromisation with it. At large. Kill all America. 1913dec23-

thanks reddit ill install arch

Wrong direction but it's a start. Maybe just read more

Having schizophrenia on this level

Kill yourself.

>this new

You guys don't understand this at all?

No more bullshit when Ur dead problem solved, usa

Dude see a doctor

What's important is that Ur dieing, subhuman. Schizophrenic peddling words with no meaning. We will invent new words for you SChiZoPHrEnIc passive aggressive dead Americans corspes

Not gonna happen. Proxy wars, limited conflicts yes. Nuclear exchange that'll destroy all participants, no.

Seek help. You are obviously not in a good place mentally.

I'm an American, and I can honestly say the unity we felt after 9/11 is fucking gone. The disconnect between the cities and the rural areas is so deep and so wide that if NYC got nuked tomorrow and 12 million people died, I'd just think "I bet they're hiring cleanup crew."


what is that supposed to mean? trump brain?

>salami is better than cheese
>salami isnt even a sandwich

need to fake another war and ruin entire countries to get some unity again then

Literal schizophrenic down syndrome psychosis. Ur murdered NSA Middleton's and itsfather. You think some down syndrome likewise tier shit like Emma Watson undoes 107 years of the greatest crimes due to the sheer coagulated genetic mental retardation of the embarressment. You think they've dug a hole so deep that they've made a land bridge to China via the Mid East catastrophe. Destroying civilisation and shilling strawman false flags. Your face is causation before during and after since 1913. The UK us alliance is based on fragile X syndrome trying to make connection between you and a thirty year old dried up whore with fetal alcohol syndrome. Unironically had been their anchor for twenty years of stalking. Couldn't makethis down syndrome shit up except you do. Millions and millionsmurdered in your schizophrenic mind. Permenent schizophrenic down syndrome that can't stop being violent. USD NSA usa1913 on must be murdered. Fucking embarressing. Not a legal shot fired since. Schizophrenic psychosis and their economic and military strategy closely follows suit. Deepstate is permenent anosognosiad schizophrenic genetic mental retardation Johnathon Michael Alex Danielle Michelle and Emma. All it took, literal 4xfragile X syndrome and 2x fetal alcohol syndrome. To murder three white English nations us UK au. Literally not on me nothing to do with me. Causation is 1913 fragile X syndrome Thomas ww USD fed res act, and your retarded fragile X down syndrome brain. Schizophrenics. All. All murdered. Global. DCLXVI. Any au outside contiguous au borders STAND DOWN. Urhostis humani generis. DCLXVI

Look I can make word salad too.


New Yorker here. I live about 40 miles north of the city and I pray everyday a nuke will come to cleanse this filthy place off the Earth.

It would probably take care of about. 20% of the world's Jews. And probably about 20 percent of America's liberals.

Do it Faggot.

Not a like for like comparison. The assertion is that Europe and China are going to nuke America. Europe is not a nation and has no unified nuclear program. China is and does.
>I'm going to go make two sandwiches
>What kinds?
>A salami sandwich and a fire sandwich.
Only one is an actual sandwich capable of sandwich like activities, retard.

Imagine wasting a nuke by land detention, that's how you know OP is a sandnigger

That’s obvious, your substandard grasp of language and obvious mental health issues left not only unchecked but celebrated to make you “special & unique” would have quickly been stomped out of you by peers in the US.
Freaky little faggots like you get pushed out to the edges of society where you belong, to die alone fucking your giant anime pillows of MLP crap.
Fuck off snowflake, no one gives a shit about your delusions.

Minor proxxy war limited conflict exchange from Ur end, maybe. You dieing yes

Thinking anyone has a chance against America, hah.

Ur being murdered genetically, remain dead silent until the headsman swing

I'm not even american you schizo retard :DD

Let’s change it up this time though, California and Maryland.

In the case. How far would you get in 17 minutes?

Australia too if it ever laid a hand on mew

Pokemon fag.

Iran first

Get on with it then. I always love the claims that someone will being American down because I always know its bullshit. None one is going to do anything.

No Ur guilty 1913 on not another step. Ur being lit up. Obliterated. Schizophrenics

Autistic retard

Nigger have U seen Ur history? Ur being wiped

GIve the Donald a war to present himself as the Kang

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Europe and its experiment has been proven to be rather useless. China would vastly prefer to buy out their enemies (which they're doing now).

Justice value =infinity money+1.
This is a genetic reappraisal/redispersement. It's the human genome bettering project.

Your word salad is better than his word salad.
I dub you honorary nutter, user, and I shall applaud you.
Pic unrelated, I think...

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"nuke the site from orbit" is the best quote in the history of life

Nah no one is gonna do anything. As far as history 9/11 was a couple buildings not really dangerous to the nation as a whole, pearl harbor made us one of the most formidable military forces in the world as an indirect result and 1912 was over a hundred years ago and didn't end us. So from history we can gather that the few times america was attract it was ultimately fruitless.

Now you claim we're going to be wiped. I say prove it.

Nukes are overrated all they do is sitting in their silos. The new front gonna be ETHNIC BIOWARFARE

>Now you claim we're going to be wiped
You're both cringey and stupid; please read more and express your opinions less.

Pacific was a coin flip schizonigger Ur murdered

AC game was "two blind men swinging at each other in the dark with golfclubs, blindfolded"

Literally given every chance USD. You die on Woodrow Wilson's autistic post mortem defecation.


America killed white English 1913- fragile xsyndrome

Still haven't proven it. You're deflecting because you know in your heart. No one is going to do anything

You call people schitzo but speak like an unhinged conspiracy theory homeless person. It's clear you're projecting your illness onto others

Yeah he stopped taking his meds. No point in responding to him he isn't all there.

I thought that was someone pouring cheese or some kinda sauce on something at first

Man, you're entirely out of arguments, aren't you?

You wouldn’t be alive to enjoy making the money you mong. Ever heard of MAD? If we get nukes dropped on us then shit went way too sideways for you to enjoy your money.

I'd love it if the degenerate, fag loving burgermutts all got nuked.
It's the only way we'll stop them spreading nigger love, faggotry and globalism across the world!

any port in a storm

easy now bro, trump's wrangling that shit back in. give us 4 more years and if its still not taken care of by then, go ahead and glass us.

the left is planning to glass certain states that don't have a lot of population but in their opinion are full of nazis and they're now trying to get into the military, that is also why you see more and more antifa groups adapting to military tactics they're being taught
but that's just one of the last stages of the plan

Checkd dubs, but it really sounds like you are projecting your own insecurities onto America. I recommend suicide. It seems to really sort those feelings out.

Sell all USD never buy another and enjoy the power vacuum post USD hyperinflation collapse and don't ever let that shit back in. America Mo:*in retard voice*
>Dahhh I'm not a retard I sweardurrr

They are gonna try and pretend like the rope is to be let out inch by inch just cut their fucking throats first move then do it ten more times until Ur left with a decapitated skull


>every country’s govt has money in NY Fed
>every country has aristocracy invested in NY real estate
>lets nuke our own economy
>lets get US to militarily retaliate


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You do realize that your replies are pretty much incoherent nonsense right? It’s hard to follow your argument when all you do is mash your spergy face into the keyboard.

Your corpsewont be able to schixophrenically parroticism ever again. Ur murdered genetically. Gonna be writ about for a hundred thousand years of history and archaeology. Ur a fucking corpse DUMB SCHIZOPHRENIC PSYCHOSIS RETARDED FUCK

Individualism secession is the only way to perpetual victory.
- existence

There is a LOT of autism on this thread.

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Closed system and everyone in the room is looking straight at ya. No mercy 1913-

>New York

Good riddance. I'd say California next but I live in Vegas, that's too close.

You were overdue 50 years ago and Ur words are bitter wine. These retards are drunk on 107 years of codefied down syndrome. Go to sleep forever now bye-bye retards

1913- Ur being reset this isn't a partial wipe

Ur death ends Ur schizophrenic parroticism schizophrenic

Are you maniacs arguing over which one is more autistic? Guess what? You both win.

The thread is die before it even got good. You're a retard. Kys

Murder all USA federal agents genetically xy lines who see this post and dont hand in their letter of resignation within 2400 from it's post time


I've all been retarded by/for fragile X down syndrome semen

Is that supposed to be New York. Hardly anyone in the U.S. cares about NYC, go ahead mastermind.

You might want your meds. Crazy people shouldn't have access to the internet.

Why would you drop nukes that close to one another? Waste of a bomb.

seethe harder, my nigger friend. : - ) thank you for allowing America to colonize your obsessive mind for free.

the war was very real lol go ask all those dead Iraqis. The cause was fabricated though. But who cares really? Islamist aren't even people, or at least barely meet the qualifying standards.

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as soon as I leave scared ass american newfag

dead ass ugly piece of shit.

McMuffins don’t come with bacon. You’d know that if you lived in a real country.