My girlfriend just left for work. I cleaned the house for her. Left her a note to remember me by...

My girlfriend just left for work. I cleaned the house for her. Left her a note to remember me by. This is my last post on this forum. Thanks for the many years of fun, guys. After I send this, I will end my life. I been here since 2005, there has been so many fun times.. The raids, the shit posts, the trolling. its been fun. Thank you for keeping me company at night. Im done

Dont stop trolling, keep raiding, keep shit posting. Its what keeps Cred Forums alive..

Time to do this. Bye, I love you guys.

Attached: 299792458 ms.png (413x549, 27K)

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why do you want to kill youself?

Shitty girlfriend if she hasn't realised you want to kill yourself

Alright. See you tomorrow.

fuck off faggot

Let us know after you do it

You must really hate your GF if you are going to leave her behind like that.

Waste of trips. Post proof, faggot.

Nice trips faggot

Yeah, sure.

Fucking keking at this, I made almost the exact same post 4 years ago, OD'd, gf came home early and got me to the hospital.

Suicide is pretty gay bro , why ruin your girls life along with yours? Walk it off you faggot

Damn lucky 7s. I feel bad for your girlfriend. Cleaning up dead bodies is super fucking expensive. And some landlords will have her pay extra for replacing the carpets/tiles too. It's all bad dude.

Godspeed faggot

OP is a lying faggot, who’s reading these posts, while laughing at the attention he’s receiving. Absolutely pathetic. We know you’re full of shit, but seeing as how lame you are, maybe you should really do it. Also, unless proof is posted, you’re just trolling.

It's me OP. I'm died

OP will be back shit posting within the hour

Let me sing you a song OP. When I say sing I really mean give you a youtube link but same difference right.


Hello, this is OP shitposting from heaven nice. It’s really nice here, come join me user we are all waiting for you.

Do you work at stop and shop

Attached: gus_do_it_faggot.jpg (826x826, 120K)

>nice trips
>pics or it didn't happen

Attached: DeepFryer_20181211_231652.jpg (719x792, 20K)

As much as I want to reach out and help somehow, I understand the pain. Been here since early 2007. Cred Forums helped me through rough times.

Godspeed user.