The future of every alt right retard

The future of every alt right retard

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that motherfucker does drugs.

probably sucks black dick for his fix too.

I actively work to collapse the system you parasitic niggers depend on. Death to Government Niggers and their nappy headed, demon souled, shit coloured pets.

What's your point? That a small group of fringe people with problems will have a lot of problems? Reminds me of all the antifa retards, user.

What do you object to exactly?
That this elder gentleman is poor and eats at a soup kitchen? That the local government helps the poor independent of their political believes?
I can't quite follow you.

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Actual boomers have no issues whatsoever with getting as much money out of the government is possible.

Motherfucker’s a racist hypocrite.

Not my fault dumb shit has to resort to eating what I throw out


At least his age justifies living off the government. Probably lost most of his retirement from Obama's failed economy

Nazis are literally national socialists. Why would some Nazi leeching off the government surprise you? That's literally their whole deal.

>National socialist
I already knew hitler was a retarded shitlib artist wannabe that cried about the 1% his entire life. The craziest part is that the people who agree with him the most are the ones that hate him, the berniebros.

Posting on Cred Forums doesn't count as "work to collapse the system" kiddo.
Keep your angst for the schoolyard.

I think he's just saying he evades taxes like half of the country does. It absolutely does have an impact regardless of his angst.

Imagine not knowing you're on the same side as hitler when you complain about capitalism

Collapse the system by helping to suck it dry is waging war against the system. I encourage all white families to exploit the system as much as possible with zero shame. Get welfare. Get autism bucks. Get all the the kinds of assistance that brown and blacks gets.

their present, also
unless they're "lucky" enough to have a job sucking Ben Shapiro's dick

>hurr, it says socialist in the name so liburalz
Read a fucking book morons.

> not paying taxes will collapse the system
Western governments haven't had their spending bound by tax revenue in 50 years. When you can force banks to hold your debt because of "muh safe portfolio of assets reserve", you essentially force them to give an interest free loan.

Pointing out reality isnt triggered snowflake.

>What is the night of the long knives

You don't know shit about history do you?

>Neo-Nazi is anti-system

Oh he's defiantly a faggot. I mean look at him.

i am homeless

You were early on that, OP. Should have waited for anyone to actually be triggered.

> Hitler wasn't a socialist because he killed socialists
Stalin wasn't a communist because he killed communists
Ditto for Mao
Saddam wasn't a Ba'ath (which again is socialism) because he killed Ba'athists
Wow, you have a really weird system of logic, my friend

A guy with public political beliefs that go against what jews want can't get hired anywhere? Color me surprised.

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Crazy that so many people don't get it.

i don't think you understand what "alt right" means.

in the face of such stupidity i kinda wish corona was wiping this planet clean.

He's typical a alt right hypocrite. Reminds me of Ayn Rand, inciting hate and emotion in the retards over the welfare system - then, of course, living off welfare in the end. Hypocrites all of them.

>shit coloured pets
I remember you. You're the lying imbecile.

Edgy teenager wants the human population wiped out, what a surprise. I bet you’re real fun


Also, anyone into politics in general is usually mentally ill.

A lot of nigger lovers on Cred Forums today

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Cred Forums has always been liberal fagget

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