ITT: We state our significant other's bra size

ITT: We state our significant other's bra size.

I'm bored and curious. No pictures needed.
Pic unrelated

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36A for me.
Exs' was 34B and 36GG

Current girlfriend is at 36g.

Last girlfriend was at c cups. Forgot the number.

34 A when i met her, now a 34 B wants fake ones... unsure how to feel

34DD cause kid

Plot twist; None of you faggots have a gf

prior to the kid cup size? trying to get mine pregnant right now...

36C I think


Previous ones that I actually knew were 36D and 34C

38 ff,
Bit chonky but after 2kids, tits are amazing.

how do you feel fucking one with small tits? i had a similiar sitaution, ex had Ds, my current wife is the 34A/34B nowadays its grown on me!


OP here again.
Overall, I prefer smaller breasts over large ones. Big tits are more of a novelty to me, as in, yeah they they feel awesome to hold and sink your hands into but, I'd like my long-term partner to have small ones.

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older i get the more i appreciate small perky breasts

My nigga. Wife did the exact same thing, she gives way better titfucks now

When sex became too uncomfortable for her while pregnant titjobs were the best I could get.

34g pic related

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Those soft milk-filled titjobs were the best.


34 b just about right i guess

Still enjoy one every now and then

36 b, but she has cone shaped boobs so she feels like no bra really fits her. We need one of those old school pointy bras from the 60s.

Aside from the cringe factor of saying typical b tard garbage, I agree. All tits deflate after childbirth. Better to have small ones sag than big ones.


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