*saves America in your path*

*saves America in your path*

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Go back to /r/politics no one likes Bernie here

Also kys

Go back to /r/donald and Cred Forums no one likes Drumpf here

Also kys

Go Bernie

Dumbass just because I understand how shitty Bernie's ideas are and that he's shit candidate doesn't mean I'm a Trumper

Are even old enough to vote?

Silence Libtard go back to your echo chamber. Also KYS

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>Dumbass just because I understand how shitty Bernie's ideas are and that he's shit candidate doesn't mean I'm a Trumper
>Are even old enough to vote?

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Please don't post your degenerate fap material here.

Americans didn't experience communism firsthand so they need to get through this phase.

>free health care and education
>hurr durr communism
Every single country in Europe has these things, and they are not communist countries.

"Free" things only work when you steal a lot of money from rich people

They're starting to get as many immigrants as america has. Lets see if they can keep it up or go broke.

A trumpett would say that.

>s no one likes Bernie here
All the GOOD Cred Forumstards love Bernie.

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Remember when they were all communist or fascist, literally just a few years ago? Or do you think the world started when you were born?

Bernie and his pack of childish idiots are the definition of stupidity

Notice how he doesn't have intelligence himself

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>no one likes Bernie here
Fuck off and go back to Cred Forums you tranny. This is a pro Bernie board.

>he's shit candidate doesn't mean I'm a Trumper
So.... you'd rather vote Warren come November?
Biden, maybe???

Anyone who isn't a hardcore Trumper knows he's a menace to America, and must be removed at all costs, even if it means voting for a socialist after you've deluded yourself into believing that socialism somehow _didn't_ create the middle class.

Get yer shit together, user. You're either with us, or the forces of darkness.

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