This man made some nasty comments about the Indigenous people of Canada

This man made some nasty comments about the Indigenous people of Canada.
This is him. His name Trevor Dwyer.

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He was probably right

Nah OP. I think you’re the fag again.
I’m with that loser in your pic. At what point does someone become indigenous? My family’s been here for 300 years, how am I not indigenous?

nypa Matthew

Fuck natives

nypa cunt

You could start by looking up the definition of the word

Lick balls

By that logic, there are no indigenous people. Every single nation/tribe/race/whatever, has been conquered and replaced throughout history. That’s why I measure indigenous as the first generation to not know a family member from the old country.(they’re dead by the time you’re born)

So you still haven't looked up the definition have you...

Give this man a medal

Africa is the only place where humans are indigenous.

OP is mad someone who thinks differently has a wife and kids. Stop picking fights with hardworking Canadian Patriots and maybe you won't be so miserable.

Who cares

Not the same guy but let me try to explain this. Are the inuit native to Greenland? Most people would say yes, but then you have to consider that they've only been there for a thousand years, replacibg the previous thule indian people. Does indigenous mean they were the last to conquer a land before contact with europeans? This is why I say there are no indigenous people, maybe with the exeption of the San in Africa, since every place has been conquered many times over.

Have you ever been to Canada? I grew up there. The Indian's there are violent and drink all day. They don't work and are all on government welfare. Also, their iq's are very low, probably from not trying to push themselves. I'm not racist, these are all facts

4 real tho

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Yes, which means Trevor was correct and OP is a bitching faggot

Conquering has nothing to do with this

Then tell me, are the inuit native to Greenland?

>be me
>on a hiking trip across Canada at age 17
>getting tired, so hitch a ride from a stranger
>turns out, stranger is headed North
>don't care, because adventure
>fall asleep for a lot of the drive
>wake up, stranger says "here ya go, friendo"
>turns out, I'm in Yellowknife, in the Northwest Territories, North of the Arctic Circle.
>get out of car, it is at least -30 outside
>freezing my balls off, looking anywhere for shelter
>so cold I decide to lie down on side of road, prepare to die
>see the light, decide it is Jesus, and time to go to my great reward in heaven
>hear a voice. Jesus?
>"Naw, dude, get up, you're freezing to death!"
>guy picks me up with one arm, never felt someone so strong
>takes me to a dugout shelter he made in the snow
>makes me some Earl Grey tea
>saves my life.

That mans name was Trevor Dwyer.

Trevor Dwyer is a pretty cool guy.

You mean indigenous, and the answer is no

300 years might be indigenous? This is what you really think? Holy fuck, there really are literally retarded people on Cred Forums.

he's not wrong. what we call native americans actually migrated from eastern asia.

Well, then there are no indigenpus people anywhere, apart from perhaps the San

>drunk lazy indians
OK but what does that have to do with being indigenous?

Now you're getting it

>scientists find Kennewick Man
>analyze skull.
>realize it is a "caucazoid" more like European
>older than oldest indian remains
>indians chimp out, demand gubmint give them skeleton
>indians take skeleton, burn the fuck out of it so no more evidence

Indians are fake niggers - everyone came here over the land bridge. Everyone who came after them tried to kill or fuck everyone else they found.

White people have the same rights to the planet as the niggers and savage indians.

Well it’s been 300 years too long. Your welcome to go the fuck back to where your ancestors came from guys.
And they have made international travel much easier, for your migrant asses to get back home.
Bye now.

Fuck you. Take it back, you're so tough.

Getting this angry over Cred Forums not taking your side in a Facebook argument



Hes got a point.

Trevor Dwyer seems like a cool dude. OP is a massive faggot

I dated a first nation gal from Winnipeg, I can confirm her freinds and most family were all drunken tweakers and our relationship was short and she was very physically and verbally abusive. If indigeounous people wanna be treated like humans they could start by acting like it. They were all on par with niggers. Daydrunk fistfighting and stealing anything, that wasnt bolted down. They wanna know why racism existed against them? Maybe start there and work your way back throughout a long historical depiction of them acting that way and continuing to do so, sure therewas awful shit that happened to them, many asked for it. Well Mrs. Runs-Like Wind you kinda were a sloppy mess frim day 1, Mr. Fierce Like Bear, you were passed out sitting,up at a bus stop at noon on a Tuesday

Seethe more OP you dumb nigger

Kek this is what they do in the US. Drink all day and beat their wives

good for him

Based Trevor did nothing wrong

Meh, natives are as bad as illegal aliens.

Quit being so sensitive

There were no indigenous canadians, you stupid fuck.

I love Canada. living in marka has shown me how cancerous it's become.

people like trevor and all trumpanzees MUST be deported. if nothing else deport his whore wife and children.

fuck off chug/cha

Trevor is a fucking hero.

So his kids and wife commented too? OP you are a fucking bottomfeeding pos for including a family pic to discuss you conflict with this man. Shame on you. At least have the decency and class to blur out the kids faces. Jesus

Who gives a fuck?

Natives in Canada are subhuman scum and should be eradicated

>getting abused by a woman

what a faggot

idc if you have a problem with the man but what do the kids and the wife have to do with your beef?

Fuck canada AMERICA should annex that pussy backwoods shit hole

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But what Trevor said is factually correct

Trips on truth. Good point

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>be op
>try to troll the normies by doxing a reecist
> mfw accidentally dox myself
Kek fucking newfag
>pic related

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Based and hero pilled

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Why don't you go ride a turtle back to where your ancestors came from?

stop being 4% of the total population while being 25% of the federal inmate population. this excludes provincial prison pops where alberta, sask and manitoba are 85, 90 and 95% respectively. Take into account the gladue SCC ruling and it should be even higher... dumb chug

This article is from 2012 there is probably loads of evidence off the the east coast of North America of European settlements. Many miles out off the coast was dry land during the peak of the ice age

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Fuck off OP

That guy is right.

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I don’t know what this is supposed to be.
But why did they paint over this to make them darker?

Indigenous are the cancer of Canada straight up. The get money every 2 weeks for free to live, the my don’t work therefore don’t appreciate anything, ever been on a reservation before. Diapers full of shit everywhere all over peoples yards, there houses full of mold. They get everything and ruin everything. This one reservation I know of there machines that filtered the piss and shit from the whole reservation quit working for years and they got the money to fix it and spent it on other stuff and all the piss and shit went into the public water for 2 years. They deserve nothing if they appreciate nothing.

They are just fuckin words and opinions. Calm your tits you little ANTIFA moron.

Little emotional bitch
