ITT we normalize wholesome homosexuality towards a future where straightness doesn't exist...

ITT we normalize wholesome homosexuality towards a future where straightness doesn't exist, not because it was outlawed but because o one wanted it anymore.

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lol faggot

Being gay isn't a choice. Saying that straight people will die out because of a lack of interest is autistic. Most people born are straight and even if they all turned gay then we'd die off because penis and penis don't make babies. Neither do 2 vaginas.

there's nothing gay about girls being exclusively attracted to girls both romantically and sexually, falling in love with each other, and getting married, without ever even considering the existence of men.

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yeah I'm sure science will never figure out how to take the dna from one egg and use it to fertilize another egg *EYEROLLLLLLL*

Why are lesbians so fucking boring?

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gay lust is self-centered
lesbian lust is partner-centered

both are good and hot

on the other hand you have to constantly banish from your mind the idea that 99% of gay male sex involves each other's filthy shit-covered assholes, unlike women who can have sex with each other to completion without involving a rank, decaying hole that they pushed feces out of no mere hours before sex.

Yeah, thats so much cheaper and easier than having sex.

This. Sodomy is dirty and does spread disease

But reality isn't a netflix series where at least one quarter of people are gay or trans or so on.

Why do you post here? Lgbt has their own fucking board you scumbag fag.

Groom and bride. So one of them play the man the other the woman?

retarded lefty attempts at social engineering will never override free will and nature without force

yea she is wearing pants so she must be a man, what are you, 7?

You know, you faggot nigger trannies really aren't making many friends.