When I try to talk to Trumpfags in real life I can't find any common ground, it's like we speak different languages...

when I try to talk to Trumpfags in real life I can't find any common ground, it's like we speak different languages. I need some bullet points that can be some common ground with us libfags. Like how regardless of your opinion on immigration, the border wall is a waste of money and won't accomplish anything*. Shit like that


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Trumpers dont really care about the gays, well some of them still do but that shit cool now

People just want what's going to help them and their family. You have to convince them your ideas will help them more than Trump's.

or that "Trump's ideas" won't do jack squat for them. but to them he's a messiah, he can't do any wrong and if he hasn't fulfilled a promise yet it's all the dems fault

It's called cognitive dissonance and it's a hell of a drug

>Trumpers dont really care about the gays
I fully supported them and couldn't have cared less about their lifestyle. All the parades and tranny shit has reversed my support. I now fully support gassing them all.

How about you stop trying to be political in your every conversation? There is more to life than politics and that's where you will find common ground with people.

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We don't have any common talking points. Leftist scum hate the country and the Constitution, we love the country and the Constitution. As long as those two facts exist, there will never be an honest conversation between us.

By saying this you prove not only can you not articulate yourself but you can't see past your own mind frame

I don't bring it up, it just happens. but I try not to let finding out someone is a trump supporter change my opinion of them, though if it does come up in a convo randomly I would like to have some reasoning for my disagreements with Trump that will register with them

TrumpTards dont really have anything to say other spite.

so vilify our fellow americans and give up attempts to talk across the aisle. got it


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well said. I hate that I have no where else to go but Trump. There is no way that I can be on the same side as the leftists. I dont think that they understand that it is not about Trump.

It sounds like you take the issues too seriously. I have a friend who I consider a brother that thinks no one should ever own a gun. I'm a complete 2nd amendment supporter and I'm okay with people owning tanks. The conversation when we get into an argument usually ends in insane hyperbole and the both of us laughing after we concede and agree on compromises on the premise.
You have to be willing to give a little to get a little in politics if you want to be a reasonable person. If you are unwilling to, maybe consider you might be a radical and you might need to chill the hell out a bit.

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You started it with prancing down the middle of main street shouting "I'm here! I'm queer. Get used to it!" Doesn't leave much room for compromise.

I don't see how I did that but ok then

Then how come you don’t follow the constitution?

>I want to find some common ground
>like for example, agreeing with my opinion and admitting your stance is shit would be a great start

If you're genuinely looking to find common ground, my advice is be less selfish. Because your example wasn't common ground, your example was asking them to essentially concede to a point of yours.

This would be the equivalent of a far right conservative saying "Regardless of your stance on deporting foreigners, you still have to admit that they're a burden and commit crime at accelerated rates due to their inferior genetics"

In the end, there's no real common ground to be had anyways because the way both sides see the world is entirely different. Liberals have their bubble, conservatives have theirs. Both of them have been wildly distorted by constant media bombardment of a specific image and viewpoint.

well, do you acknowledge that illegal immigration is a felony thus should be treated as such?

thats a pretty reasonable common ground

Bingo. Trump's actually a horrible person. But I'm more about results and less about behavior. The only reason I wanted Trump to get it was purely so Hillary couldn't. I didn't even bother to vote, Texas was locked up red there was no way my vote was going to change anything. To be completely honest I would have loved to have had doctor Carson make it.

This is bait.jpg

You know what he means you fag

Trumpers love BBC, traps, dude anal, or just about anything with cocks in it. Not sure why, but they LOVE the beef.

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>the border wall is a waste of money

Lol USA builds a lot of huge shit. Some wall will protect your borders from unwelcome random people and really won't hurt such a rich country as USA is.

europoor here

the problem is,your bothering to talk to them to begin with.although,your a libfag,so its not like your any different then they are


I feel you, but I'm definitely not a radical. I'm more a centrist and I voted for Trump because he was better than hillary. I do have negative feelings toward trump because I think he's full of empty promises and got voted in for his personality and ego more than his "political strategies", but that's about it. I once saw a woman screaming at old lady for her trump bumper sticker and told her to shut the fuck up and called the police, standing their the whole time arguing with the bitch. if I'm a radical what are far left SJWs?

>will protect your borders

no it wont

>rich country as usa

usa is not rich,its filled with people who are stupid and poor

On immigration particularly, there is a general lack of awareness on both sides of the difference between immigrants and refugees that needs to be clarified in order for any person to be empathetic toward the situation.
As far as persuasion goes, stating facts and statistics are much less likely to convince people than emotionally cued stories, if you want to convince people that immigrants are human just like them you have to tell a story, otherwise they rely on the "peripheral" knowledge that immigrants take jobs, are terrorists or rapists, and damage the economy, etc..
To get past the social norms people rely on you have to approach them with commonalities between their perceived selves and the self of others.

There is no common ground to find with people that do not exist in a shared reality with you. Some ideologies involve constructing an entirely fictitious perception of reality.

I didn't mean to state it as a fact just one possible bullet point, but if you want we can discuss it. How would the wall help with visa overstayers, and how would it stop drug traffic if most drugs are coming throw legal ports anyway?

Trumpers are so detached from reality, I doubt you can find any common ground.
The conspiracy theories and outright lies that they parrot are proof enough that they're a lost cause. They'll perform the most astounding mental gymnastics to justify anything Trump does, no matter how detrimental and damaging it's very clearly going to be for them.

Trumptards are afraid of everything. They're terrified of change. They're terrified of blacks and Mexicans. They're terrified of fags and trannies. Anything outside of what they learned in childhood terrifies them. It's mostly a fear based existence.

Daddy Trump tells them their fear is rational and it makes them feel safe, so they love him. They will irrationally defend their daddy cause he makes me feel safe. If you don't like Daddy Trumps policies you are bad bad evil man who wants to destroy their childhood, so they will respond that way.

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>no it wont

Sure it wont protect 100% but much better than plain field though.

>usa is not rich,its filled with people who are stupid and poor

It's #10 in the world with GDP per capita. It's very rich.

When you really really analyse everything govt does
>...is a waste of money & won't accomplish anything
is the correct response to everything govt does.

I just said you might be if you can't find a middle ground. The opposite possibility exists, where you're dealing with an extremist. I voted Trump and I love the guy because he's entertaining as all hell, but I know he has his faults and I'm willing to find a middle ground with people who disagree where we can both have a little of what is important to us.
I'd just ask the person if they were willing to compromise and if they're not then there isn't any use debating with them and you should probably both agree to just not talk politics and drop it if it comes up.

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>its filled with people that are stupid and poor
This is one of the most common and ignorant takes on a generalized population ive ever seen. People arent as stupid as youd like to believe, yes there are some truly dumb people, but in general most people think and perceive life in much the same way you do. In otherwords youre just part of the "stupid" population to others.

> "I can't find ANY common ground"
clearly you're not actually interested in finding common ground or else you'd be able to agree on at least something.

So you blindly follow a monarchy in the making, which is litterally what the constitution is supposed to protect your nation from... I just cant.

trump is no messiah but i like how my taxes went down by almost $3,000/year under his tax laws

stop taking my fucking money you goddamned government fucktards, fuck each and every one of you

This video is so dumb.

Gay cunt

The border wall won't end the issue because illegal immigration is not exclusive to the southern border. The southern border IS however the biggest source of illegal immigration in addition to other issues like human trafficking, and drug smuggling.
It has been proven many times that the wall WILL help. Not end all the issue, the reduce the severity of them.

Wall rant aside, if you want to find common ground then you really need to look outside of politics. Family, Movies, Music, Hobbies, etc...

I'm a raging right-wing Christian and used to work with a raging leftist gay. I agree with nothing at all on his political leanings or lifestyle, but we both loved the marvel movies to no end, and being at the same job, faced the same customer issues and workloads. There was common ground.We "hated" each others' opinions on many things, but didn't hate each other.

Obama didnt do much for me at all either. So what? All you partisan political puppets need to hang with your "my side is better than yours" bullshit. Youre all a bunch of hypocritical douchebags cut from the same cloth.

And it's a welfare state... any sort of bubble bust, financial collapse, etc causes havoc on the middle and lower class in the US. That's not really rich now is it?

Obama nationalized the auto industry temporarily, Trump has done exactly the opposite

take your MSNBC talking points the fuck outta here

i am looking forward to Northam's attempt to go door to door to take guns in VA

shit's gonna get bloody in that state

nobody is stupid enough to try that shit here in PA

yeah you said to consider it. I did and I don't really see how you got that impression. this is what I'm talking about speaking different languages. I have no problem agreeing to disagree. I hope I can get better at having constructive conversations in the future, I'll try to best to keep an open mind. peace

Love him or hate him, Trump has fulfilled many of his promises actually, moreso than most president at that.

I didn’t read this thread but all of you are libtards

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>much better then plain field though

nope,now fuck off trumpshit,maybe when you lose 2020 like you did the house majority you'll understand why republicans dont even want to put up with donald trump and his supporters bullshit

Make sure you explain how he benefits from pervasive yet unquantifiable privelege, that will win him over

sounds more like a liberal lgbt furry cuck would be more into it but ok whatever you say

>moreso than most president at that

just ignore him,he probably voted for donald trump.trump voters are out of touch with reality

This or instead of finding middle ground or agreements why not understand their perspectives, in inderstanding why someone is pro or against something you'll learn to leverage why emotional appeals work for that person and gain the ability to persuade them, unless they have extreme views on either side, then statistically speaking, those types of people have less need for cognition and rely on simple or "peripheral" knowledge in order to bypass complex cognition, in other words they are stupid and wont understand regardless.

>Obama nationalized the auto industry temporarily, Trump has done exactly the opposite

Gm reported their biggest sales ever from 2015 - 17.

They just announced that they have seen the worst sales ever in the last two years. And they shut down what 4 plants? Ya that auto industry is really taking off!

"but he's so divisive"

it's about fucking time somebody got divisive up in here

fuck globalism
fuck men in womens locker rooms because they feel feminine
fuck faggots making everything about them

i dgaf who you wanna fuck just keep that shit outta my face

now i gotta get back to hiding cams in the girls locker room, so those hairy man-women better gtfo cuz i needs to fap

Just like anyone that voted for hillary wanted to fail miserbly? Great way to use your brain user.

>nobody is stupid enough to try that shit here in PA

what a moron,trump has passed more gun control then your "mean nigger obama"guy

the republican party is dead.thank trump and supporters for that.maybe in 2020 they'll grow a spine and kick you snowflakes and your "god emperor"guy out.that would really make america great again

>wall doesn't work
>Israel stopped illegal immigration to a 99% rate when their wall was finished

U wut m8?

You just pretending to be retarded or do you wander around with a drool cup strapped to your face?

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hilary runs the arkansas mafia, dat bitch is fcuking crazy

>use your brain

coming from a person who doesnt have one,LOL.have fun with donald trump,he's just as much of a left wing pile of shit as hillary is.but you sure showed it to them by not electing "crooked"hillary didnt you

You're experiencing it right now, dipshit.


says the trump supporter,america(not trump supporters)doesnt want trump anymore.educated voters wanted a republican worth a shit,not a crybaby who thinks immigration is more important then our constitution

>i am looking forward to Northam's attempt to go door to door to take guns in VA

Finally those rednecks are gonna get thrashed.


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I didnt vote in that election user. Trump ran his bandwagon election which didnt appeal to me, and hillary was a tenure politician which didnt appeal to me. Good argument.

I posted an article with all the details. main points are that most illegals are visa overstayers and drugs come in through legal ports anyway

I guess they should make better cars? That has shit to do with whos president.

its funny how after donald trump.people think that republicans still support the 2nd ammendment

america is the biggest country on the face of the earth,go figure you couldnt find a republican worth a shit to elect president

if you don't like the constitutuion you should move

Yikes, this is why liberals are impossible, they literally campaign for this kind of shit openly and then turn around say the vomit you just spewed. Wtf is that?

>didnt vote

>still thinks his opinion matters


>america is the biggest country on the face of the earth

What? This is neither true in size nor population.

or you can just keep voting for donald trump.since he's shit all over the constitution.i wouldnt expect somebody who supports him to know because they are out of touch with reality

>everything I say is the truth.

Die in a fire commie fuck.

For real. The government has proven to be largely incapable. The only public programs it does well are those that tax people and move the money to other people, and that's usually a negative thing considering it incentivizes being a lazy fuck. Hell, I started off believing public education needed more funding until my fiance taught for a while. She gets paid a pittance, there are zero incentives to do better (a couple hundred dollars per year if your kids do well. LOL), and she has a legion of moron administrators with education degrees (you can get an education doctorate in your spare time with like 90 IQ) that essentially exist to divert blame from the school onto the teachers. The superintendents and other higher level administrators essentially exist to game the system to siphon more taxpayer money into their district (they find reasons to expel kids that are going to fail, for instance, and pass along those that they can't find anything for).

I digress, but it's the quintessential example of why smaller government is better. Until we manage to figure out how to properly motivate individuals to perform well, it'll never be better than private industry. Strip it down to the bare minimum, fire all of the useless middle manager administrators. The only aspect I'd inflate is trade school programs. This is coming from someone about to complete a PhD, so it isn't like I don't value education. The government just sucks at it.

>me use buzzword because im from america,a country to stupid to know what a real nazi or a real communist is

america,land of the fat and the stupid.you got the president you deserved,a fat idiot

>Like how regardless of your opinion on immigration, the border wall is a waste of money and won't accomplish anything*. Shit like that
Border patrol said that until they got a wall in some parts of the border, stopping the immigrants was impossible. Since a wall was built they've been able to successfully stop a the vast majority of illegal immigrants

I think you've posted in this thread like 50 times. Your time will come and you will die in a ditch with your fellow facist nigger fuck brothers.

>if he hasn't fulfilled a promise yet it's all the dems fault
whether or not this is the case, you can't argue that almost everyone has tried to stop him at every point of the way

Here's some common ground both party's support war, socialism, taking away rights, big gov, and falling for the same fake ads WWE style show they give us. Quit being dense and support the constitution you lib cuck

this guy voted and had absolutely no influence on the election. yet he believes his opinion is important lol.

>we love the country and the constitution

so thats why you made a draft dodger who has ripped the constitution apart president? or do you only care about defending and following the constitution when the left are president

freedom of the press

the right to bear arms

2 ammendments that your presidents shit all over.and what have republicans done? absolutely nothing,i look forward to you trumpshits getting a dose of reality after the 2020 election,because the reason you lost the midterms is because educated voters have had enough of trump and his supporters bullshit

There you are again posting, saying nothing. Don't kill yourself in November, I'm sure your mother loves you, right?

>no influence on the election

this is what happens when the high school kids with political opinions get payed attention to,how about learning how the election system works before you talk again kid

you are a fucking retard and nobody should listen to your retardation

This, I swear politics do more damage than alcohol. And for what? Not a single person I've ever spoken to has made even the slightest difference in the outcome of politics. It's like arguing about what football team is the best. It won't change a thing.

>But muh vote
No. You are meaningless. Accept that.

keep pretending you matter, retard.
your vote didn't matter.

says the trump supporter who's mother is probably addicted to opiods and meth.to bad nobody loves you and wont miss you when your gone,just 1 less trump supporter to ruin the republican party with

and you trumptards are the ones that are going to kill yourself in november.you've already threatened civil war if he's impeached.guess its time to grow up and act like adults

The real power comes from both non-elected officials and the check writers.

it mattered more then some neckbeard who didnt vote

Steel tariffs sure are helping out auto industry right?

>boy, everyone is stupid except us

Imagine not spreading your border patrol thin because of all the entry points along the non legal entries. Do you think they would catch more drugs? And since they now have more manpower to tackle the overstayers do you believe this issue would correct itself in a matter of 5-7 years? To oppose the protection of our homeland is to deny your children the best opportunity in life.

It's not fear. Calling it that is a manipulation.

It's tribalism. It's a deep instinctual drive to gain superiority by being part of a group. They're genetically predisposed to adhering to a group and kowtowing to a leader, they're taught at an early age what the boundaries of their tribe are, and they are automatically hostile towards outsiders.

Trump is where he is because he succeeded in tricking them into thinking he's one of them. They convince themselves that he represents their interests because the show he puts on hits all those 'authority figure' buttons.

Emotion negates Reason.

>Leftist scum hate the country
They genuinely believe this.

Still out here kicking niggers like you around. Must suck to be this mad all the time.

Well I mean, you would know.

It's because he was allowed to be president just like the Bush and Clinton and Obama bird cage liners since 1990.
And everyone you talk to is a symptom of that subservient brainwashing.

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>Do you think they would catch more drugs?
yeah, would it be significant? no. I want to do what Portugal did and it'd be free

>And since they now have more manpower to tackle the overstayers do you believe this issue would correct itself in a matter of 5-7 years?
so the wall wouldn't be necessary to deal with the majority of illegals

A politically attempted coup would result in many deaths in other countries. Here in the great USA these same lying dogs are going about their business, doing nothing for any one. My mother is quite successful but you're an unhinged foreigner jealous of everything we have. Impossible for you to see past your blinding hate.

Trump impeding on global free trade is what's causing it you dumbass. Get your head out of your ass and see what's happening because of his stupid ideas. 5 time bankrupt champion for ya.

So, lets take a look at the boarder wall first. The first thing you need to understand in order to talk to Trump supports about this topic is that the Boarder Wall is largely symbolic to them. It's much like the image of Columbus to most Americas, they are aware that the actual person was nothing like the legend, but it's a symbol of America, so the symbol continues to be idolized. If you want to gain ground with them, or at least meet in the middle, stop talking about it like a physical wall and start talking about it like its symbol of nation sovereignty, or like it's a metaphor for preserving the national American culture. The general idea is that other countries need to build walls to keep people in, where America is so great that it needs walls to keep people out.

Over all, it's a difference in values, and that is where the divide is. If you don't value freedom, prosperity, and individuality over equality, diversity, and fair economic distribution, you will probably NEVER find common ground.

I don't personally like Trump, but I do like what his movement stands for. I believe in the preservation of a national identity, I believe in working towards greater freedom, I value my individual rights over group rights and am willing to fight for them.

Values, that's what this whole thing is about, and I'm a traditionalist when it comes to values, so we probably wouldn't find common ground either.

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says the libtard who's been mad at a president who is just as left wing as you for the past 4 years

The wall keeps more from coming in, overrunning a legal system that can't keep up is called a soft invasion.



It's also because people don't see the elections for what they actually are: the nationwide job interviews.

Shit is like a reality show elimination process these days.

Yikes. Not a lefty retard at all, but you're the smart one here.

he was allowed to be president because just like when obama got elected not once,but twice.america doesnt limit who they allow to vote other then being an adult.maybe if they stopped letting idiots have voting rights,we wouldnt of gotten stuck with people like obama and trump

Trump is the pinnacle of what a leader should be striving to achieve and aspire to be in life. He is the president. And what is the highest leadership we have that's more higher than being the president?

no one is arguing a wall isn't a wall

ok. why?

>great USA

haha,america is a shit hole.its far from great,regardless what shitty campaign slogan you rednecks believed

also,those "other countries"are different then america.you'd know this if you wernt some shit for brains american

It isn't possible. Half of the problem is them, and the other half is you.
>Like how regardless of your opinion on immigration, the border wall is a waste of money and won't accomplish anything
This is a great example of what I'm saying. Your view on the wall is biased by your political ideology. Sure, you can state factual statistics and figures, but that doesn't negate the fact that the motivating force behind your even talking to a Trumptard about how pointless the wall is is founded upon your own political bias. A Trump supporter suffers from the same political bias, which means that no matter how you present your argument to them, you will always be without common ground due to your diametrically opposed political biases.
>like we speak different languages
Politically you do, and you always will. Your interest isn't in "common ground", your interest is in trying to find a strategy by which you can convince a Trumptard that you're correct. You fail because you are self-deluding. If you gave a shit about finding actual common ground then you wouldn't be trying to find it in the most contentious and polarizing subject matter. Viable common ground would be a taste in music, art, poetry, literature, science, hiking, smoking weed, working out, playing games, etc.

If you come at someone who is as biased by their ideology as yourself, then the last option for common ground is going to be political issues. Period.

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oh,and im not a foreigner.i just think its funny how shit the republican party in america has gotten.if obama tried half of the liberal shit donald trump has.he'd be swinging from a tree on the white house lawn

the problem is,he's trying to convince a trumptard.trumptards are no different then democrats,must be why they made a guy who was one for the majority of his life a president


If they're not selling, then why? You call me a dumb ass but have you gone over all consumer reports for all of their cars? Done any real research? Are all american car companies failing at the same exact level? You are not very bright are you?

>Your interest isn't in "common ground", your interest is in trying to find a strategy by which you can convince a Trumptard that you're correct.

I literally just said that you illiterate fuckwad.

Perhaps the constitution you love and defend is not getting anyone anywhere positive. Certainly not as unified country. Turn off the T.V. educate yourself by seeing Trumptards in action, Wal-Mart is chock full of them, that is how you want to be remembered? I got rid of like 2% of beakers but who cares because I am eating lard from a jar with my barehands? Are you fucking honey boo boo? If not than stop. Just stop. I went to college for political science starting in 2002, not one thing improved because of Bush or Obama, everything,fell to shit when when a bunch of fat rednecks were like " that Trump guy is seen him on the T.V. he gets my vote, he dont like them women and niggers and spics either" my brother who is a relatively successful human in terms of money, but an awful human voted for trump said because he though Milania was hott. How'd that anti bullying thing work Milan...Caitlyn?

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>no one is arguing a wall isn't a wall
Moving the goalpost now

>ok. why?
Read the article

Or is your whole goal to allow immigration and illegal cartels?

That's going to be difficult since they have no functioning brain cells.

well trump supporters don't communicate. they yell, threaten, and resort to name-calling and violence.
they have the emotional maturity of toddlers.
most of them have gender dysphoria, and many of them are gay/tranny/pedo etc.

The fact is, most are unemployed/ on welfare, and none of them by statistics are educated (they're all against education/science).

So no, communicating with something that's admitted less-than human isn't going to work. You can only get so far with a dog (except some dogs work). That's about as far as you'd get with a trump supporter. Thus, they need to be deported.

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exactly mate

I'm a registered Republican.
I voted for Trump.
I dont like many of the Republicans in congress.
I dont like Trump as a person because, hes hypocritical, full of himself, one sided, a giant Troll. All of these qualities are not presidential.
I do like how Trump has run the government and support him fully on foreign affairs, crack down on illegal immigration (because it's the fucking law), and the overall tax reform. I even support Trumpcare.
I dont consider myself a Trump supporter because I dont like him, however I consider myself a beneficiary to this presidency.
Surely I'm not the only one?

Hey siri, what's projection?

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from a different perspective

if all these fucking illegal aliens were wearing mexican military uniforms, every motherfucker in CA/AZ/NM/TX would want a big ass motherfcuking wall with a shitload of machine guns up on it

but no, because it's a bunch of MS13 gang members and the kids they've kidnapped to pose as their children, "muh bleeding heart they just want a better opportunity"

how come if I rob a bank because i want a better opportunity with that $10K i'm gonna steal nobody's heart bleeds for me?

I find it funny that most people in this thread, including you, think that their opinions and way of view is the only and correct one.

In reality, your opinions are just that, subjective.

Well hey so long as u say border wall not needed, i mean u are the expert, then no wall it is.. lol

*kicks the dog in its throat rendering it paralyzed*

yea sure its the trump supporters.. do u fucking forget the republicans that got shot while playing softball after trump was elected.. the dems are unhinged!

Because of tariffs, and demand for high wages for monkey work on american soil. It's pretty simple.

OP here. finally a constructive comment. I agreed with you almost completely, I'll just say I should've worded the OP better, I didn't mean to state it as a fact that the wall is pointless, just that it would be one opinion I could bring up, along with all my explanations. And if common ground is only non-political, I just want to be able to give sensible reasons as to why I disagree that maybe someone across the aisle can understand, and see that I'm not all the stereotypes they think (see above comments for examples)

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so..... where are these ms13's that trump talks about?

you've killed Americans in ICE custody due to these ms13's.
you've deported Americans, and US Veterans, US Marines

When does it stop terrorist?


Soon we're going to start labeling your kind enemy combatants. The US Military is getting tired of your shit. WARNING -- YOU ONLY GET 1.

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bring it on bitch

AR15s are legal here

that's why me and my neighbors own a minimum two each

most are military

so yeah, not skeered

there's no common ground. 99% of illegals come by plane.

you want to spent 100 billion on a wall where 1% of illegals won't be stopped.

you've pissed 9 Trillion dollars away in 3 years, and have created the largest trade deficit in US history with trump.

there's no common ground. there never will be. 30% loves trump and has gone extreme far right wing batshit, and 70% is moderate in America, watching mouths agape, whilst you implode

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There was also a government shutdown over the wall funding...

...even though it was supposed to be funded by Mexico.

Yeah, when you lead with "I want to kill babies" you tend to lose people's attention.

You've made everyone that much dumber in this thread. Congratulations.

True too. The GOP doesn't have the funds for it.
Although trump's above the law now, he'll steal it from some other funds
unless dems win the senate in 2020 and can impeach/convict

I was anti Trump. Then after the election I noticed the childish back lash coming from a party i once supported. I couldn't be apart of that.

I don't hate Trump. He is fixing issues I have not been happy about for a long time. Mostly the globalist direction our past presidents have been pushing.

I still support the freedoms of ALL Americans. I've become more of a libertarian not a liberal. The DNC and SJW's are trash. They seem to think that they and they alone should be judge, jury, and executioner. They practice fascism for peace. They are also pushing for this "not racist" separate but equal concept. Jim Crow all over again.

Immigration is broken. Should be easier for good people to come to this country. However their should be a wall and filter process.

How does immigrating to another country help anyone when we let the problems they where escaping follow them into where they are going.

I believe in freedoms of Americans. Any group that uses violence and aggressive life destroying tactics to force what they think is right on the will of the people shall be my enemy. Tyranny is that, no matter the operator of the machine.

Still waiting for 1 talking point, you leftist fools...

Somebody told you he was an idiot, and you bought it, no questions asked.

People won't debate you if you insult them right off the bat, jackass.

>Like how regardless of your opinion on immigration, the border wall is a waste of money and won't accomplish anything*
But it will. The main argument against it is that immigrants will use the drug tunnels but that logic doesn't hold. It costs cartels a lot of money to dig those tunnels and it's in their interests to keep them hidden so why would they just let people immigrating use them to enter the country? They would have to trust every immigrant with the general location of their tunnel and that they won't snitch for a deal.

A better argument would be a hidden camera network on the border and a handful of teams to respond is cheaper and just as effective if not more.

I was raised to believe there were 2 types of Republicans. Evil Republicans and Stupid Republicans.
My father had the gay talk when I was in 5th grade and some kid brought a gay porn magazine to school. He tole me being gay was just fine, and if was gay, he'd still love me, and it was "better than if you were a republican."
My father took me to church every once in a while so I could "know who the enemy of America is."
My father considers himself a "Moderate" but believes there is no left wing in America and claims that Bernie is the "closest to reasonable, but still too far right."

It took me years to be able to overcome the constant cognitive dissonance that comes with trying to convince yourself leftist ideas aren't bat-shit crazy. Indoctrination does that, and the left, looking from the outside now, is a fucking cult.

Trumplettes don't think. Communication doesn't work with them. You can find their entire vocabulary via Trump tweets and Fox News headlines. They literally just repeat propaganda slogans.

Which is ironic because they rant about brainwashing, and then chant the words a television tells them endlessly.

>looking forward to Norman’s attempt to go door to door to take guns in VA

Morons jerking off to America having the most powerful military in history while also claiming they can fight them off with their civilian grade horseshit Walmart guns

I look forward to the redneck genocide

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>Indoctrination does that, and the left, looking from the outside now, is a fucking cult.
you're just like your dad but on the other end of the political spectrum

This if you aren't far left you are far right. There is literally no inbetween. If you're not on my team you're not a real american and need to die.

But he's totally correct

Projection at its finest.

>There is literally no inbetween
tribalism isn't helping anyone

your opinion has been noted

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Even if you are far left you are still on the right

No matter how far left you go you'll still be on the right

There is literally nothing else

Sounds more like user is breaking free from that stupid cult spectrum of left and right

If you're not on the left end of reason and compassion, you are by default alt right.

Talk about the economy you retarded faggot.

>bullet points that can be some common ground with us libfags.
Libfag here, did not vote Trump, but likely to this time. Unless someone like Yanv gets nominated.
>Trump is pro working class: genuinely wants to improve the lives of the middle class
>wants immigration control (a traditionally liberal pov), less low-wage workers = higher wages. Basic supply & demand
>trade with China = more money here = more job creation & better prices on produced goods = better wages
>foreign policy: hard on trade, no wars
>supports classical liberal idesls: free speech, religion, etc.
If you are actually a progressive, you will never find common ground with a Trump supporter. But if you're liberal, it is not hard. Do I like the guy? Nope. He's a shit-tier person, full of himself and boorish. But he has been good on the economy (compared to other recent politicians), he is great on trade, and he's doing more diplomatically than anyone in a long time. He opposes PC culture and this new bullshit socialist agenda. I'd rather have more Trump than someone who even just placates the progressives.

Whatever the hell this is supposed to mean, it sure sounds like the meme
>Everyone who disagrees with me is alt right

>when I try to talk to Trumpfags in real life I can't find any common ground

They're fucking retards with mushy cucked brains. It's not an opinion that they have, its a mental disability.

Trump supporters are products of society. That’s all you need to know

Sounds like you're in the cult

>stop taking my fucking money you goddamned government fucktards, fuck each and every one of you

it's amazing how in the most prosperous country in the world people bitch about having a portion of their income taken while 3 billion people live in poverty, and 10% of the world lives in extreme poverty. All major civilizations for the last 2000+ years have done this, and you were told for at least 16 years before you started working this is how life in the US works. I don't give a fuck if everything would be a utopia if we just cut the fed, at least don't act like a little girl who got their lollipop taken from them

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sources please

Why should I care for lazy niggers? Africa is a very rich continent, not being able to use any of it is not my problem.

wow I feel the same about LIBTURDS

Your country is being invaded, Texas is about to turn blue as a direct result of Hispanic migration and then you have a permanent one-party system but by all means, sure let's talk about the economy you massive faggot

just appreciate what you have

>all major civilizations for the last 2000 years have done this

I really hope you're not talking about social spending and foreign aid


I do, so what's the problem with having mote to appreciate due to tax cuts?

>Think about the poor helpless children in Africa you bigot
Where are those kids parents? did they just fuck, have the kid and then fuck off? Why is it our responsibility to look after some dumb parents kids, if people in Africa actually gave a damn they could be a super power easily
>b-but the white man's keeping em down
My ass they are their low iq and warlord blacks are keeping them down

Also, fuck off for trying to use the "Think of the children" argument, it is and always has been a weak way of guilt tripping someone out of a legitimate point because you can't prove it wrong

The Trumper in that video made better points than the black guy.

Don't talk about politics you dumbass

Not a Trumpster. They want what everyone wants, their freedom and liberty. Yes, they also are against ILLEGAL immigration, “sanctuary cities”, and minorities having this “special privilege” over whites. Equal not better. Not necessarily isolationist and separatist, but they don’t want the USA to become some homeless shelter. Yes, also not have their race saturated. That is not racist, that is just maintaining ones bloodline.

You're not intelligent enough to understand that people are different and have different perspectives. Don't worry, I'm sure that public school will teach you that eventually.

Boom and there it is.

He is doing well on all fronts. Leftist have been hard propagandasized.


>Like how regardless of your opinion on immigration, the border wall is a waste of money and won't accomplish anything*
This is a fundamental disagreement. Barriers work everywhere. Especially when enforced.

There is no common ground to be had. Youre mindset is fundamentally idiotic. Yes, you can find many morons parroting right leaning talking points just as I can find many many morons parroting left wing talking points. These examples do not prove an argument incorrect, all it says is that there are a great many people who hold views with understanding them or why they hold them. This is a rampant issue with society. But to argue that a physical barrier to movement has no impact on physical movement is just factually incorrect.

Is a wall the ONLY solution? No, its a method of flow control, but its a necessary one to prevent the situation from worsening as other solutions are put in place.

Nigger the left has been doing this for almost 30 years.

I hear it can be really difficult for autistic people, even slightly autistic, to talk to normal people. But keep trying, someday you'll get there!

How's that opioid apocalypse working out for you there in shitsville. Your young folk's bodies are stacking up like cord wood whether from stupid warfare or drug abuse. Your towns are becoming depopulated and the only ones left are the old and the fanatics.

Soon, corona or something else is going to finish you off. Personally I'd be happy if the entire interior was depopulated a little faster but that time is coming - it's just public school math.

I don't want your taxes. I don't want your guns.
I don't want your religion. I don't want your land.

What I want is for you to disappear.

I'm happy to wait. Look around. Each year there are fewer of you. A few more bad harvests, a new drug or two, rising costs of higher ed and a war here or there, and soon nobody left.

As I said, I can wait.

>entirely fictitious perception of reality.
At least we agree on that, the disagreement of course is that I have never seen evidence to suggest that your perception of reality is factual. In fact every day I am presented with evidence to the contrary.

So basically, you're a Jehovah's witness fag.

I think it involves compromising and actually WANTING to find common ground. It just depends on your perspective and desire to find said ground.

>Dozens of countries, even the more liberal ones, have physical barriers. They work and they have for years.
>Health care. Why would you want to entrust the same Government that created the remarkably false food pyramid with running medical practices? Maybe we should reinvent how the population sees food instead to a more sustainable method?
>Government assistance. I don't think people are opposed to Government helping those that can't help themselves. But we can all admit that it's being abused.
>Racism. Great. Let's go back to promoting the healthy family unit rather than giving more Government assistance to black single mothers vs if they are married with children. Better schools in urban areas vs lowering the standards. True systemic racism is found in liberal policies towards blacks.

I can keep going but you get the point.

The Wall is only a waste of money if you are in cahoots with the Cartels.

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You probably shouldn't speak to us at all you sissy faggot

>How would the wall help with visa overstayers, and how would it stop drug traffic if most drugs are coming throw legal ports anyway?

It wont, but it will stop the 30-40% that come across the border. Only 45-65% are from people overstaying visas.

Immigration is an area with multiple sources of issues and thus requires multiple solutions. The wall is just one of them and it should have been their from the start.


Talking to 30 year old army veteran I work midnight shift with in shitty group home job. Diverced. Behind in child suppert. No car. Believes in a gerd.
I ask what Republicans stand for. Can’t tell me.
I ask what he would like to see in future. Describes things like gun registration and delay of losing benefits for 6 months if you get better job. Describes redneck utopia where you don’t get shit on every time you take one step forward.
I tell him that is literally what Trump is against. Says he has to think.
I drive him home the next week and he asks me if I see the new Trump 2020 flag he hung up on his porch this week.

What... TF?

>The conspiracy theories and outright lies that they parrot are proof enough that they're a lost cause. They'll perform the most astounding mental gymnastics

You guys will literally plug your ears and go lalalala i cant hear whenever a scandal occurs with your people and then declare it a debunked conspiracy theory without ever even looking at it. No wonder you believe all the otherside does is peddle conspiracies, you label everything that contradicts your narrative as a conspiracy theory right off the bat.

This is true. But the left doesn't even want anyone to enforce the laws on the books related to overstaying your Visa.
Sure, they entered legally. But as soon as the Visa expires and they do nothing to rectify it or it is not renewed for whatever reason, it is time to go. Pretty simple.

Billions of dollars for an inefficient solution. We’ve already seen parts of the wall stolen and several underground tunnels between the border. Also have fun with mass extinction of migrating wildlife that can’t cross freely

>Trumptards are afraid of everything.
False. We are angry because all this shit you listed is clearly insane and self destructive and you live in such a artificial fantasy reinforced by indoctrinating rhetoric that you are literally incapable of conceiving of anything to the contrary an assume that any dissent is simply born of fear, ignorance, blind hate, or self loathing/inferiority complexes.

What these types want more than anything is for government to leave them the fuck alone.
Sure, you can try to trick then with semantics or your own view on issues, but in the end they want to be left alone. But you'll never ask them if they really just want to be left alone... You'll ask them why they don't want free gibs.

Sure kid.

Though to me it sure does sound like you are projecting? Are you a projecting hyperbolic libtard?

Admitting you have a problem, is the first step.

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They don't care about politics, so you can't have any common ground.

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>you blindly follow a monarchy in the making
The fact that you literally believe this is proof positive that you are deranged and live in a fantasy.

absolutely based and fagpilled

Based post.

Build a wall
Cut taxes
Cut immigration
Renegotiate trade deals
Trade war with china
Etc etc
All crazy shit he promised on campaign trail, all shit he is executing on. There is more if you want or you could go to a ptg general and look at through the links. There is one with a “but trump hasnt done anything” title with linked sources and claims you can look up yourself.

>They don't care about politics

I don't trust THEM or THOSE either.
Anybody not pure like us is bad.

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This. Plus national popular vote compact, so that even if your state overwhelmingly votes for candidate A but candidate B gets more votes from more populous states then all your electoral votes go to candidate B despite no one in your state voting for them. At which point why does the electoral college exist? - which is exactly what they will say 10yrs from now when they abolish it....

Will be funny to see Trump get popular vote by some thin margin and then all these blue states have to give their electoral votes to Trump. The hypocritical freakout will be useful to prove the point.

Ease up on the persecution complex.
If you Identify as a Trump Supporter you're a part of that annoying collective; you will step in-line if it means supporting the current regime.

>muh migrants "invading" & voting
Absolutely fucking retarded.
This is not the Gilded Age, stop browsing Cred Forums

Yeah bud, I' sure your AR15 will work wonders against armoured vehicles LMFAO

>Billions of dollars for an inefficient solution. We’ve already seen parts of the wall stolen and several underground tunnels between the border.
This is mostly false and the tidbits that hold some truth speak the implementation not the idea. The metal slat wall was garbage but it was the best we could get with the #resist people in govt.

And the animal thing is completely made up trying to play off climate fears and peoples love of animals. Vast majority of migratory fauna in that area are small enough to fit between slats or are flying creatures.

And whats the amores vehicle going to do? Make engine noises at me?

Does it have a weapon on it? Then the US govt is massacring citizens and lose moral justification -> civil war on.

Or is it an APC that releases LEO? Oh so now there are people equally armed with ar-15s that I can shoot. Good thing I kept my ar-15.

Libs who have never been in the military fail to realize that (under a republican administration) the military is made up of volunteers. Those volunteers would be unlikely to turn against the citizens since it is basically the citizenry they protect, unless it was some small insurrection against government.
At best, maybe 1/4 of the military would actually take arms against normal everyday citizens just because govt said so. That would leave that particular 1/4 utterly fucked.

Military is brainwashed to follow orders exactly because the leaders know theres a high chance they will have to fight other americans. They are ready for this. And when drones become the majority? A single person can terrorize an entire nation.

Trouble with common ground is both parties need to be willing to find it. Or it isn't common. Ideological zealots will never be worth talking to.

I disagree with pretty much all of his policies but I'd literally vote for Hitler before bowing to intersectionalist scum, so orange man it is. Keep telling it isn't my turn to talk because I'm a white heterosexual male, it's working great for you.

In certain morally ambiguous situations this changes but if there were ever over orders to move against people, especially if its because they refused to give up their rights, then yea it would end fast.

Thats why immigration and recruitment of nonwhites and giving non americans citizenship in exchange for service is being promoted. The the military just becomes a mercenary force for gibs. They will slaughter people without hesitation. Wont win any wars but we wont care at that point.

>trying to speak to political npcs

LOL good luck

> rampant immigration leading to mass demographic changes is a conspiracy theory
> voter fraud is a conspiracy theory. But we wont investigate it and of course we are going to get rid of voter id laws and give illegals drivers licenses

Notice I said people who have never served think this?
Your opinion is quite understandable in this regard.

I agree with that. Maybe it's why the left promotes it so much. Breeds loyalty to a system.

I have repeatedly suggested that auto-turrets that kill absolutely everything attempting to step anywhere near the boarder will be a more cost efficient solution.

When can mexican hamburger no longer mean the meat we put our tacos?

If you want cost efficient solutions, they aren't hard to find, bucko.

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Did you know brainwashed people don't believe in brainwashing?

So what you're saying is that you don't believe me?
How self aware you are.

Anyone dumb enough to sign up to fight wars for billionaires, Israel and politicians is not worth listening to. Gotta blow up dem sand niggers or murrica won't have freedumbz!

Hmm. Times like this I wish we had no standing military so I could see your head on a Pike. Those Muslims would love to use you as an example.
Not all Muslims BTW, just those Muslims.

Dumb enough to believe we would have no freedom if we weren't killing people elsewhere.

>the border wall is a waste of money and won't accomplish anything
Border patrol has written documentation on how that's the opposite from truth and request physical barriers. I'd take the frontline analysts' words over propaganda media outlets.

I know, right! Lol like China wouldn't invade...lololol.. of course they wouldn't. Why would they? Lololololo lol

What a stupid fucker.

>This moron thinks we are engaged in war with China
>Or somehow thinks blowing up sand niggers keeps China at bay

It is part of a States ability to show it can project power. Look it up. It works.

ya this border should be patrolled by killer drones
btw this wall was always there its just shitty

Yet no one else on earth does this. You are advocating for stealing from tax payers to inflate the pockets of mega corps like LM, Boeing, NG, etc. You are an enemy of the american people.

Just use land mines... no one is going to try it if they see a sign and some fucked up bodies

> he thinks taxes pay for this
Nigger its far worse than that.

>No one else on Earth does this.

Jeezus Christ.... What a state you live in.

As if those corporations don't provide thousands of excellent partying Jobs to regular citizens. Hell, I should be pissed off because of it being more government sponsored welfare!

>trump has passed more gun control
Like what? Bump stocks? BFD. He floated the idea of red flag laws, but nothing came of that. He's not great on the 2A, but he hasn't threatened to come to your door and take guns like some Democratic candidates.

Dub dubs of truth

Trump trolled a bunch of whiner lefties to get the gun-ban media off his ass. Had to sacrifice a toy, bump stocks, to really get them to shut up, but damnit if it didn't work.

This butterface I know sent me this
Should I smash
Would you?

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We had to pass an amendment just to allow income tax, and it was bullshit that needs to be repealed. I should be able to trade my labor with anyone without the government getting involved; it's not their business.

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Try talking about video games.

It impresses me that people actually exist that are as dimwitted as this thing with a keyboard.

Two wrongs don't make a right. The whole idea of this thread is people pointing those kinds of fingers are what got us into this mess in the first place. Arguing who was the first to commit genocide is the human equivalent of tail chasing.

>>Hi fellow Puerto Rican relative I think I should point out that those missing relief supplies are probably being stolen by local corrupt officials
>>Ah naw its definitely Trump because he wants us brown people dead
>>Im pretty sure its corrupt local officals
>>Ay why you be acting so white you know Trump is racist as fuck and hates us
>>So its been several months and we found out for sure ti was corrupt local officials after all
>>Oh man fuck Trump I cant wait utnil we vote his racist ass out

Its like im from a family of fucking chimps trained to vote

You won't find common ground with someone always claiming the high ground

Texas is not locked red, user. White flight from Cali has pozzed your major cities and the entire South of Texas is beaners. A blue Texas is a very real and deadly possibility.

I think a Trump supporter thinks of the country like a corporation. Your birth certificate gives you a share, part ownership of the whole.

Now imagine what shareholders would do if Bezos printed up a bunch of Amazon shares and started handing them out for free.

If walls didn't accomplish anything there wouldn't be one on the list of fucking legitimate Wonders of The World you ignorant retard


An Idiot will reply that the Great Wall was a failure. He also wont tear his front door down and let homeless people in

Lol compromise on what? Just the tip?

he'd also say that the chinese are just proud and have the right to be and not realize that the purpose of the great wall was solely racism.

nice sage


Austin isn’t gonna away the entire state.
Fuck that town and fuck their shitty tattoos and taco trucks.

“Ya libtards”

user, no one else in Cred Forums is a liberal but you. Go kill yourself faggot.

If you compromise your principals, you have nothing left. I can never give an inch with leftist commies, because once you give a inch you have started eroding your own principals.

murder is bad

When did compromise become something good? If you compromise a ship's hill it will sink. If you compromise your principals, you are sunk.


The left just keep spewing shit and all these jew shills on this website spamming trap and blacked threads are getting really annoying can you faggots just die?

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We are not afraid of not reject change pre se. What we reject is change for change sake on something that is working. For example why change the economy when what we have is working and the change proposed is historically shown not to work and cause more harm than good.

That is a myth the leftist have been pushing for 30 or more years. Most older Hispanics tend to be conservative and vote that way. A recent study by UT shows that those people moving from the left coast become more conservative the longer they live here.

> the border wall is a waste of money and won't accomplish anything
it actually does "work"

in a sense that it will stop 9 out of 10 people who try to cross it. you can't act like it is all or nothing.

but it would actually be much more effective if they were able to fine anyone who employed third worlders, because in this day and age everything is money

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you need to learn how to separate policymakers and the people on Cred Forums

or the people on the internet in general for that matter

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That verbiage is too combative not to mention convoluted for the fickle minds of the MAGA-wearing simpletons who will vote for a Reality TV-charlatan like Trump.
Let that sink in.

Makes sense. Now they say he's God-annointed.

>the border wall is a waste of money
it's not even 1% of the US military expenses
that US apparently needs against who?
not even 1% of US budget
not even 1% of US military budget (assuming the cost is < 7 billion dollars)

> Hurr durr magatards lmao
Bitch nigga mass migration causes wage depression and shifts the labor market from a sellers market to a buyers market. It doesn't matter how good at grammar you think you are. Economics is fucking math and numbers don't lie.


>1/100th of a gigantic budget isn't that much
>"assuming the cost is 7 billion dollars"

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How much do you think the borderwall will cost you personally in taxes a year over 10 year period?

What do you think illegals cost you over that same period, considering that less than a tiny fraction of a percent will ever become net tax contributors for generations to come.

The key point that liberals pretend to not understand is that the wall isn't just a wall, its buildings along its length, with roads, drones, sensor networks, etc. that can be upgraded over time, and it helps combat not just human trafficking, but drug and weapons trafficking as well.


> Waaah wah trump waste money
> Obama waste money wojack.png

That tax cut had a cost. You'll see what you gained, but not what was taken away.

Yes because the Constitution was written 200+ years ago.. I guess it’s a lefty problem that they evolve and reconstruct there opinions in 2 hundred years. the Neanderthals are still back in the 1700s. Isn’t it so funny that Republicans are such Bible thumpers they believe a story written 2000 years ago and nothing about it can change either. It’s gonna be hilarious in 1000 more years when people are still crying about the US Constitution. Evolve you Neanderthal.

The Republican party is dead and we have a Republican presidential till 2024 lmao wtf??

>Obama didnt do much for me at all either

Obama was black though. So all the retarded suburb cucks got to prove how not racist they are by voting for the black guy!
And all the nigs had a chimp out at the idea of gettin a BROTHA in the WHITE house!

Politics are kinda gay maybe you shouldn't be so communist, with that said every liberal I've encountered goes massively off the rails, insults like crazy, pulls up some random historical lecture facts they learned in a brainwashed school, insults your lexicon of language and are really just the absolute scum of the earth.

I have never read one coherent logical argument from a liberal, ever, they are to racist and get way to livid with emotion. I don't even like trump it's just the Democratic platform is absolutely fucking disgraceful right now. Hillary should be in fucking prison and you guys have created lie after lie to tarnish trump, beyond weird you guys shouldn't even be in this country

Compromise, republican? Unlikely

You dont stand a chance man. You got semi auto AR's. The cartells were armed with full autos by Obama and Holder.

There are very few people who actually support Trump, but a shitload of people who are sick of the fucking Liberals.
The Left's failure to understand this is why Trump won, and why he's got a pretty good chance of winning again.

Based !! Citation pls.. Spreading misinformation is a serious Republican problem also

Stop trying. its a fucking cult, and not being a part of the cult, makes you 'other'. anything you say will just further solidify their beliefs. its a cult.


No one wants to comprimise.
How about we don’t build the wall and save tour money, but any illegals can be deported ASAP


Another commie trying to convince the rest of us to walk off his cliff.

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I'd be fine with this if we could feasibly compel all local law enforcement divisions Nationwide to comply, but that's simply not realistic.

Well Barr is starting to make an earnest effort to force compliance.

This must be bait.

All fine young communists, socialist, liberals care about is getting their narratives served.

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I can appreciate the effort but I doubt he's going to hit anything but brick walls.

Yes, plenty of people are sick of the Liberals, but there are a lot of Trump supporters out there who wouldn't have given a shit about the 2016 election if Trump wasn't the Republican candidate. Trump has re-energized the GOP's base more than any president in history. Thanks to Trump, we'll have at least 4 more generations of die-hard conservatives.

Stomping on NY's Global-Entry program was a pretty confrontational move, and I'm sure theres more to come. But first will be a wave of lawsuits against CA & NY.

The only thing I hired him to do is not be Hillary and don't nosedive the nation. He's doing great.
You're also under the impression that republicans want the government to do something for them besides providing basics like roads and police. This whole healthcare thing is some modern luxury idea and not a necessity. Would I like better options? Yes. Do I want the government deciding where thousands extra of my dollars go? No. I just want them to repeal the rules that make it impossible to negotiate prices, and also limit the price gaugers like that insulin guy. I think we can all agree healthcare can be held to a seperate standard than the rest of the industries of they have a monopoly on the product.
I'm getting long winded tho. Point is I don't view the government as the answer to my problems, nor do I want them to fix my problems. There's always some catch 22 with those incompetent shortsighted buttfucks.

>why cant they agree that open borders are ok

I didn't think this was pol, but go on ahead.

Whats your opinion on raping kids? If you have zero common ground with a trump supporter you are a fucking degenerate and should kill yourself immediately. There are some things that literally everyone agree on

Just like the Feds forced the issue of segregation;
Trump/Barr might have to deploy lawyers, then troops to force compliance.

It is already disgustingly obvious if you are a Clinton, Schiff, Biden, Waters, you walk.

The 2 tier justice has to go.

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As a conservative, I do not support child rape. Wouldn't be prudent.

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They're starting to deploy DOJ lawyers now. The next 10 months are going to be brutal - Trump is going to force extremely conservative policy, mostly against immigration and second-class citizen rights, and Barr is going to help him do it, and the Dems are going to be full hair-on-fire jumping between the campaign trail and the "atrocities of this administration."

I can't wait until Trump sells Alaska.

You're coming from a position that not only are you right, and they're wrong, but then it becomes a qualitative or moral issue where you are now obligated to "save" or "raise" them from their lowly "wrong" position.

You are so fucking smug and self-righteous, the problem isn't Trumpfags, it's you. Because you'll still be like this long after Trump, and you'll be like this with anyone you decide is lower than you because they like something you don't.

I'm a Trump supporter. For starters I don't like the border wall idea either, but there is ALREADY A FUCKING BORDER MORON. Obama built border wall too you smug fucking hypocrite. 90% of the shit people hate Trump about everyone was already doing, including under Obama, they just didn't advertise it. That makes you an uninformed manipulated tool.

So you smug little shit. Convince me how you're superior when you know fucking nothing about what you think makes you superior?

So you have the choice to make, remain deluded as fuck to your superiority, or try to grow yourself. Definitely a lot of Trumptards that know dick, but that goes the same for any subject.

>Trumpfags in real life
Just look at how they comport themselves online.
That's when they have no filter and can say what they truly believe with the safety of anonymity.
How can you converse with that.

A wall wouldn't accomplish anything? Your house I assume has walls to separate you and your possessions from strangers. Yes one of them could break in if they really wanted to and how many would do that versus would just walk in and rob you if you had no walls?

They all fly in and overstay their visas? Explain the 20,000 people caravans on the ground. Did they all miss their flights?

If any liberals really wanted to agree with a Trump supporter they'd would admit the difference between having an opinion on welfare/immigration less than 100% and nazi purification, but they don't. Modern liberals have no compromise on anything. They give no absolutely no ground.

have a snickers

>"Hey Pot, have you talked to Kettle recently?"
>"Fuck that nigger"

You're talking to the wrong person you dumb fuck


In my opinion, your reality is just that, subjective.

I guess you could say I'm a Trumper. I am very PRO abortion! Please all of you dumb dumbs kill your own babies and improve the world by not reproducing. You could use my logic as commonality. They'd be thrilled to hear that you want to kill your own shitty nigger babies.

Trump was the first president in history to attend the March for Life. Your views on abortion (and nihilism) align you better with the Democrats. I'd like to offer you a pink knit beanie, a box of Kleenex, and a copy of Das Kapital, signed by Joy Behar.

I dont really care what president OP is talking about. I'm conservative but I supported Obama too because he was our president and I want our president to succeed. Also, I want people who would rather see our country fail to not reproduce or to stupidly kill their own babies because they don't understand contraceptives