>28 yo old
>eastern european
>no education, only finished highschool with shit grades
>work shit job at factory and shit money with no carrier perspectives anywhere around
>living in small town with about 50k people in it
What the fuck should i do? i fucking hate my job, i dont care if i lose it cos i can find same shit job in another company for same shit money probably in same day. Money i make are shit, i have no savings, it took me 1 year to save for old car that i bough for 2k euros. I dont drink, dont smoke, dont even date, so that probably saves me half of my wage. Im fucking lost, what should i do?

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Am i literally NPC?

please help, im just a good person who wants to make everyone happy

jesus that sucks a lot man i live in Hungary its not that bad here you speak english well tho you maybe could try working abroad to have money to actually live like a human? also you should legit meet people at that age

i though of moving abroad but i dont know where exactly and im afraid to do it, i have no friends who could help me with it like finding job or place, im literally alone. Even if id go working to better country i really dont know what could i expect else than just good money, i mean thats fact i will be living with other people that i never seen in my life before, maybe i will not even be able to work the new job and will just have to go back to my country. Theres so many questions.

Go fcking far away from eastern europe dude it stinks so bad

and go where? to who? do what?

Come to merica.

how does one without money and educations comes to america? even if i come to america, what are my oportunities there without education?

Dunno you should go in France or Germany they have a great care system, try to be your own boss, you need to start a litle buisness like selling tacos or something

i dont need to be my own boss, ofc its best option, but for start i just need to get out from this hole where i am right now. Tbh if i make atleast 1k euros where i live right now, my life would become better 10x than it is now.

1k euros a month*

>living in small town
You're a nigger on probation who can't escape


i really dont know go to germany apply for social assistance if you are in EU if not EU you are more fucked save up and go to US be illegal immigrant in NYC or California for example

well, eastern europe is in eu, so im in eu.

What is it you actually want? I used to feel shitty a lot but it turned out half the problem was just that I didn't know what I wanted, once I decided on that things started to fall into place.

i wanna live where i live right now, only make atleast double more money so i would secure my self when i get older.

but honestly, i dont really wanna live where i live right now, i only enjoy living here, cos it feels like home and my family is near. But i hate this shithole place, cos this country stinks ass with shit economic. I always dream living in big city where i could meet other people, but at the same time i hate socialising and i never go out. So idk, i just wanna make better money i guess.

Move to Caribbean or South Pacific; get a job bartending, fuck tourist girls, and chill on the beach...

It is that easy.

Feel you buddy as im in a similar situation. You have 3 options
1. Try to get an education and get a better job(my stupid ass chose this, but fucked up any chance of getting my dream job caus of a bitch)
2. Try to move to a better country, the chezh hepublik and belarus seem like viable options
3.find a solid drug dealler, use pyros or amphetamines for a couple of months then switch to heroine and pray to god that you get fent and it finally ends your miserable existance(my backup plan)

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honestly i day dream about living there and fucking foreign girls almost every day. How could you know? :O

>eastern european
Have you tried squatting?

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