What is the appeal to Anarchism (Anarcho-Communism / Antifa)...

What is the appeal to Anarchism (Anarcho-Communism / Antifa)? Does it take a particular type of individual to find these ideologies appealing?

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Wanting to be clandestinely paid by right-wing billionaires to start riots designed to make leftists look bad is the main requirement.

There has been no left-wing since Obama was elected and their "movement" should have triumphed but was in fact co-opted by the wealthy fascists who have run the world ever since. Trump is their catspaw, the real ruler is Putin

>particular type of individual
Yeah, grade 9 students.

The real ruler is several rulers because oddly enough the capitalist world leaders are engaging in communist price fixing so that high tech authoritarian control isn't too expensive to implement.
And then they can be sick fucks with 20 summer homes in places they can easily get impoverished people to pay a pittance for sex.

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Personal property shouldn't exist.

yes, it tends to attract intellectuals, and people who give a fuck about justice, liberty and true democracy.

I like it because I hate white stuck up racist cunts.

Okay dumbass, why don't you come and try to take my private property from me and see how many stab wounds you get?

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why not?

Because it encourages greed and theft. It leads to all wealth being controlled by a select few.

its the honestly about the other side of humanity that the dominant cultural mode seems to ignore.

it was famously summed up in the works of peter kropotkin

kropotkin was a skilled naturalist who, in his observations of nature, saw that instances of cooperation between and among species far outweighed instances of competition. the moss feeds the trees which feeds the squirrels which take big shits which fertilizes the soil and feeds the ants and the fungus and so on.

additionally, birds and mammals and insects live and work together in communities. isolated, they are vulnerable, but together, they thrive.

remember charles darwin? survival of the fittest. darwin saw what kropotkin saw as well, but unfortunately the way that he framed the argument made it easy to co-opt and warp its meaning.

social theorists around this time began to bastardize darwin's work to explain the vast discrepancies of wealth and poverty at the time. (this was around when factories and urbanization were creating massive gaps in inequality, with the masses living in slums under the rule of a very few, very rich people)

social darwinism explained that all people everywhere, all the time, are competing with one another for social status. those who lose, die young, and those who win, rise to the top of society. it is natural and inevitable, and therefore slavery, poverty, and starvation are moral and acceptable in society.

kropotkin disagreed with the social theorists. he noted the same community based behavior in humans that he saw in the natural world. people cooperate every day, its how we survive and get along, and its how we do great things together. kropotkin said that cooperation, not competition, is the backbone of society, and that inequality is not naturally just or necessary.

kropotkin is one of the founding thinkers of anarchism, but anarchism has been practice by human cultures long before any books were ever written.

How the fuck do you figure private wealth ownership translates into theft? I fucking earned everything I own, this seems to be a concept lost on the younger generation who wants everything handed to them

You don't get to be a billionaire without gaming some sort of system. And since the system encourages wealth above all, this encourages theft and crime because people want what they cannot have.

cept we gotta get rid of white people before we can do any of that shit

Why specifically AnCom? Not all Antifa are AnCom. Not all Antifa are anything. Some are just Anarchists, some are AnCaps, some are just (and you're not gunna believe this) opposing fascism

But ok, what's the appeal:
>Government has only served to perpetuate oppression
>Power structures as they exist in the USA generally do the same
>Both of these institutions are wealth dependant AKA if you don't have money go fuck yourself
>Seeing the other classes rioting in the street about injustice and the rise of Fascism makes the richies uncomfortable
>Being met with physical resistance en mass doesn't let white supremacists feel empowered to show up in public
>Also Populism is all the rage rn


my toothbrush is my private property. im not going to share it.


Well then go bitch and complain to the billionaires you little faggot, not me!

learn your history

the enclosure of the commons came about with the invention of private property in mid-16th century. what it did was it excluded access to common resources. those who were left our of the fences of private estates then had to sell their time/body/labor to work to earn a wage to buy food. they did this labor on the very land they used to fish and hunt for free. private property was theft at its core. it stole peoples livelihoods from them, and then it stole their autonomy and time away from them. it stole their lives away from them. they were forced to work for someone else instead of for themselves. its horrible.

these days who is to say that it's theft. the world is so insane that i can't make any sense of it. life seems to be either a bountiful glorious wonderland or a hellscape of slavery and doom depending on which side of the fence youre standing. its also a mental game. some people make it out of poverty because of their mindset. some people lose their wealth because of their mindset.

Lol kys boomer

white people who acknowledge they have a vastly disproportionate amount of power and should abolish it, whatever the cost

>this encourages theft and crime because people want what they cannot have.

so i shouldn't be able to own my house because bitch niggas be jelly?

This. Native american tribes, spartans and others had no real personal property and they thrived as a community.

Anarchism is taken to literal by the neo-leftist faggots....it's beyond most people's comprehension....anarchy is absolute freedom...while death is the ultimate freedom....we are all trying to achieve absolution wether we know it or not.....there is no positive or negative. .only the truth...only different degrees of ignorance....we are all working to a means to an end.....it's coming for us all wether we like it or not. ......death is the final solution to all equations.

>Does it take a particular type of individual to find these ideologies appealing?
Yes, the usual type of person who takes up these identities usually are either men who like to get pegged by their girlfriends, or women who want to be tied up, whipped, and fucked raw but insist that they are equal to any man.

It definitely takes a particular type of individual to generalize like you.

Looks good on social media, most of the people are NPCs

thats fine. it would be weird if someone else would want to use your toothbrush. we have social norms in society that guide and regulate behavior. our species has always had rules of social conduct that provide structure to culture.

anarchists call your toothbrush 'personal property.' dont touch my personal property either

In the sense of Anarchism being opposed to power hierarchies general, sure, the privileges many whites enjoy would hopefully become common to all in a just community thereby abolishing that hierarchy

I think you just have to be careful about how you frame it. Our opponents will jump on any opportunity to fearmonger with statements like that to be able to say look white genocide is real

my land is personal property as well, because it is mine. if we want to go back to the days where we fight for land, ill be glad to fight for it and possibly take yours. we sure cant have govt take it and divy it up though because that's not really anarchism is it.

>Native American tribes
Turns out you're ignorant bub, but I bet you love to regurgitate your Pocahontas bullshit. Are you going to ignore centuries of tribal warfare and slavery? The Utes often took slaves from neighboring tribes as a form of tribute so they wouldn't just massacre everyone around them. But oh yeah totes no sense of ownership or territory or property. Truly educate yourself before you continue being fodder for lowbrow threads like this one. Anarchism is personal responsibility and voluntary government, not some commie whitewash. There would still be organization and law enforcement (and yes laws). Everyone would just be directly responsible for their actions. The sheriff is corrupt? Public hanging after public trial. And you better grow your own food or figure out how to make yourself useful and worth feeding.

Communism and Antifa have nothing to do with Anarchism.

As an anarcho-libertarian-type, maybe I can shed some light however...

Anarchism is the purest form of individual liberty; without overlords, the individual is the absolutely most Free they can possibly be. This appeals to the minds of those who want to be free, for quite obvious reasons.

Though, one of the biggest drawbacks to a purely anarchic system is the fact that humankind are sheepish; they NEED leaders, they NEED structure, they NEED protectors, they NEED a State, because they're too fucking meek to handle pure Freedom.

This, coupled with the fact that a portion of humankind are sociopathic, power thirsty, have adequacy issues, etc., and otherwise have a thirst to control others, is the reason a purely anarchic society cannot actually exist...

The closest feasible system is a minarchist free-market constitutional and representative republic, like the USA used to be before Federalization. The system of free, independent, sovereign states, or city-states in the ancient Greek model, working together, is the best way to ensure Liberty and Freedom.

P.s. Before you commie retards come at me with the whole "lul but communism is supposed to turn into anarchism" or some other retarded bullshit:

Communism always focuses on expanding State control over the Individual. How, exactly, does that have ANYTHING to do with Anarchism, which is a complete and total LACK of a State or Government?

If you want the People to have the most power in any given system, a minarchist representative Republic is paramount; the State owning everything is the WORST idea ever, if independence, liberty, freedom, is your goal.

arapaho was anarchist

lakota was anarchist as well

theres lots of examples of living breathing anarchism today as well

personal responsibility and voluntary government is about the most white-centric way to explain anarchism. 0/10 would not live in your commune

We're currently in the the days where we fight for land. The user you're originally replying to (the one against private property) isn't against the notion of you having a house and being able to do what you want with and in it. They're against the alienation of individual's time and labor, which in their view has been encroached upon by the system built around private property. Keep your house, nobody wants to take it from you. We're all speaking conceptually here, obviously the logistical switch from Capitalist Republic to Anarcho-Communism is literally impossible to implement, so it doesn't make sense to talk about 'your' house per se.

Think instead of a hypothetical new nation. With the opportunity of a blank slate, could a more just society be built without private property forcing many onto the other side of the fence? Or, even better, could you conceive of a private property system that doesn't exclude like that? I think it's possible. Instead of having to toil for the opportunity to go broke through a 30 year fixed rate for the profit of the real estate corporation that owns it maybe everyone gets a house to do with their time what they will.

antifa is an anarchist organization. it is literally organized anarchically.

you sound like a high schooler

anarchist here, i am actually out to take everyones toothbrush.

OP here, I have a question: Is it possible to be an AnCom and NOT be violent / associated with Antifa?

They may say they're "organized anarchically", but the reality is that they're a fascist terrorist group. Actions will forever speak louder than words.

dude. you're a fucking faggot.

Antifa and Anarcho-sosialist is not the same. In the city I live in there is a part og town that a-s occupies. Cool place I hang there from time to time. Antifa seems like faggots.

Would you care to explain the difference?

>personal property
aka, private property - property that belongs to an individual that you don't fuck with.

>Keep your house, nobody wants to take it from you.
The hardline Communists actually do; those who are against private property quite literally want property to be owned by the State and distributed accordingly; one of the WORST management systems ever conceived.

>could a more just society be built without private property forcing many onto the other side of the fence?
When everyone is a poverty-stricken slave to the state, then they're all equal, right? Sorry, but that system sucks, and that's COMMUNISM, NOT Anarchism.

He who controls the toothbrushes controls the galaxy!!

Antifa are a bunch of far-left edgy teenagers that like to start shit at protests...

They believe in silencing political dissent via violent suppression...

They are NOT anarcho-socialists, they're fascist teenager douche canoes.

Anarcho-sosialist Are offen passifist and will apart from the Main sosiety. Anfi Are voilent gangs that beat up "facist" ofte they Are 15-20 vs one random dude.

What do Anarcho-Socialists think about Anarcho-Capitalists? Also, are Anarcho-Socialists are the same as "Libertarian-Socialists?"

Be apart. Sorry english is not my first language and autocorrect is set to Norwegian.

They think that the other group are faggots. Libral-anarchist would be the same as anarcho-sosialist in the US yes.

Ya all those active hardline communists in America lol, watch out, I hear they're approaching a majority in the legislature! You idiot

Also, kind of retarded to talk about poverty as if it isn't a major problem in our current society. It's not an argument against giving people houses. Surely you can see that?

No fucking shit nigger...thanks for pointing that out...such an intelligent reply.....I'm going to have to go self reflect in the mirror after that one......

Yes, source: me

So you are more of an intellectual type and not more of an "activist" type?

You can be an activist without rioting in a mask. Arguably yelling at Nazis on Cred Forums is praxis for me

If you guys could recommend a few books as an introduction to Anarchy, what would those books be?

start with 'radical priorities' Noam Chomsky, a great selection of his writing.

>not knowing the difference between personal property and private property.

Kropotkin - The Conquest of Bread