Lets Play a Game

Lets Play a Game

Coronavirus has reached America in big numbers both West and East coast, numbers of infected are 20,000 strong.

And it is spreading among Americans rapidly because nobody bothers to wash correctly or buy preventative measures.

What happens?

Would the US Government build Hospitals in 7 days like China did to house the serious cases.

And would they charge the people who go there for treatment?

Or would they not bother with building specialised hospitals and just let people die, by telling everyone to stay indoors?

How fucked would the US be and how quickly would it spread before it would take out at least 80% of the population?

And where would be the safest place to go in the US if this happened?

Attached: coronabeervirus.jpg (660x440, 56K)

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Considering it's a self-replicating SARS inoculation virus that was designed specifically for the Chinese genome and is non-lethal to non-Sino haplotypes..
..I'd relax and not worry about it.
Out of the 910 reported deaths as of 10am today.. All of em are Chinese.

If you are trying to be edgy you could at least not include inoculation like you are some anti-vax mom kek

they already have the fema camps setup

Inoculation is a scientific term.
It has nothing to do with the anti-vax shit.
Where are you even getting that angle from my post?

There doesn't seem to be any recorded infections in Africa, why not?
Is this because it hasn't reached there or poor levels of diagnosis and record keeping?

Oh I dunno when you called it a SARS Inoculation Virus. Implying that SARS came about as an inoculation in the first place. When they developed from Pneumonia.

Not many blacks actually visit the orient area though. They do but not very many.

China tends to be very anti-black anyway, so I guess they don't want to go there even more so now.

i think its funny how americans dont find it odd that all of a sudden this started happening during an election year

donald's just like a democrat,he distracts you with bullshit while he takes away your freedoms.and then,when its to late,you finally realize what he did

99 percent of the outside world is anti black.we cant all be nigger loving liberal cuck's like you

Oh Mr Moscow.

Ignore it so it wouldn't hurt China's precious little feeling.

There are a plenty of Chinese and Chinese companies operating in Africa.

eat shit and die,snowflake

31K by last week bruh

I see no comments regarding if the US government would force the afflicted to pay for the treatment or not.

not all places have kits to test for it would be my guess.

It isn't much of a distraction.

Not nearly as much as say, the world's shittiest and most poorly planned impeachment.

I always know when it is you Mr Moscow, you have a certain style to your posts, that makes you you.


Save us by ruining everything Bernie!

we tried it your way for 8 years libtard,im sorry that your precious free healthcare wasnt the great thing you thought it would be

>the worlds

hey trumpshit,there are other countrys in the world besides america.the problem isnt impeachment,the problem is the republican party finding nothing wrong with donald trump and his supporters

OP here, I would say the republican judges shat on your Dec of Indi when they decided to vote against any witnesses, you know what is required for trials to find out the truth.

Us non-Americans saw right through that shit as a ploy to cover up what actually happened, and it is clear Trump misused his power.

>because 4 more years of trump would be any better

is there anything more retarded then an american voter?

Oi Mr Moscow, I am not even American, stop with the back and forth BS posting pretending you are a liberal and a conservative at the same time.

It's old and people notice it.

right you are, at the moment it's for turning the frogs gay

Attached: images.jpg (299x168, 10K)


lol,guess what foreigner.nobody cares about your opinion,now fuck off back to your 3rd world socialist shithole you call a country

>mr moscow

you are american,maybe next time you'll learn how to troll better.libtard

also,im neither.ive always hated liberals and conservatism is dead,you can thank donald trump for that

OP here again, as I thought we can't have a normal bread with some fun without snowflakes crying about politics as per usual.

They must wake up every morning, was their fat flaps and prepare their scripted posts for the day.

It's fucking crazy. And also Mr Moscow is here trying to pretend he is on both sides of the fence as if people wouldn't notice it is the one person and not two.


>people notice it

like i care what a bunch of redneck morons who support donald trump on here think? they are just as stupid and they are just as bad as democrats.guess losing the house majority didnt teach them anything,maybe when they lose 2020 it will

>crys about politics

>calls people mr moscow

shut the fuck up idiot,your the one who started the politics

You replied to me twice, first I am a foreigner then I am American, you can't make your mind up huh Mr Moscow, and your 0/8 tryhard trolling attempts.

How is St Petersburg and Troll HQ there?

Attached: Moscow budz.jpg (480x360, 19K)

Make up your mind. He's an incompetent bumbler or he's able to mastermind an epidemic in a foreign country after getting impeached for a phone call.

Treatment isn't even needed unless you're old

Wouldn't bother with Mr Moscow, he tries this all the time. And when he gets caught out he rages out the bread.

Leaf reporting in. U.S. has non-secret plans for FEMA camps in Canada. Not because our country are pussies and can't do shit to stop them but because over 90% of our population lives between 49-50th parallel. Camps go up north where there are far fewer people living in VAST swaths of the second largest country in the world.
Sucks to be an Eskimo

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