Explain to me this old picture, is there any mind game to this at all?

Explain to me this old picture, is there any mind game to this at all?

Attached: mind_games.jpg (750x600, 99K)


so you are saying there is none?

It's a nazi rally. all of the trees are sieg heiling

holy shit. fuck that

So there is none?

mind fuckery

Attached: MINDFUCK.jpg (994x793, 201K)

Good one.
And at least I'm 1 for 2.

Attached: when you see it.jpg (800x600, 38K)

Fuuuck dude, this isn't what I wanted to see today.

An ancient subset of motivational posters, now extinct

Attached: When you See It.jpg (750x600, 47K)

remember this one

Attached: MINDfuck 2.jpg (650x507, 61K)

When you've reached your limit with those, you can take a break and find the cat.

Attached: find cat.jpg (712x987, 312K)

Attached: find cat 2.jpg (960x720, 221K)

did you see something in the original picture?

Attached: coronavirus_if_only_you_knew_how_bad.jpg (743x736, 37K)

Basically it's from the period when real "shit bricks" posts like this were popular
( - see the "creepy" figure in the doorway. Woooo, scary....) but then people started posting fake ones like yours, and , and .

Attached: 1272226605172.jpg (750x600, 94K)

Is not a fake one.

[spoiler]bottom left, corpse floating in water[/spoiler]

That's kinda what I thought.

There is a guy floating in , though.

Attached: 1257307559639.png (800x600, 37K)

Attached: 1270945943893.jpg (469x428, 50K)


spot the leopard

Attached: spot the leopard.jpg (1280x853, 250K)



They’re called image macros now you old fart

Attached: 1257823718452.jpg (750x600, 94K)

Attached: 1257102520010.jpg (604x555, 50K)

Attached: 1257478653922.jpg (425x341, 45K)

Attached: 1257479411488.jpg (600x750, 83K)

Attached: 1257480464905.jpg (640x512, 30K)

Attached: 1257566897343.jpg (750x600, 61K)

Attached: 1257566934952.jpg (750x600, 90K)

Finished dumping all my de-motivationals from before 2012.

Attached: vfe.jpg (750x600, 56K)

You got me with that crap, have a nice one

Attached: 1546981416142.jpg (900x768, 60K)

Not seeing it, can't read that last 2 bit writing


Either you get it or you don’t

Don’t even ask me how it works

Attached: when-you-see-it-shit-bricks-388841.jpg (780x635, 113K)

>de-motivational posters
Fuckin blast of nostalgia to when I browsed tasteofawesome and showed everyone I knew that one photo of the donut seed

Attached: ALL YOUR BASE.jpg (750x600, 66K)

Attached: OLDFAGS.jpg (600x750, 95K)

They literally shit bricks

Attached: 07630F28-01AC-4F9C-81E2-2660740918A3.jpg (1242x989, 120K)


Attached: Ancient artifact.jpg (750x600, 45K)

For what purpose

Attached: crwdb1l0.jpg (600x450, 175K)



>Dr. Seuss’s How The Grinch Stole Christmas 2: Who Are You Calling Old?

To store them better of course, and to build little wombat houses.

Because it's hip.

Attached: a8127fe445b780393f61726647b2a903--american-singers-huey-lewis.jpg (736x960, 76K)


Attached: 1143359824652.jpg (720x660, 91K)

To piss off dung beetles

Attached: MINDFUCKING.jpg (750x600, 46K)

I fucking knew it, I knew what would happen, and I fell for it anyway.

Wow, I've upped the brightness on every one of these pics and haven't uncovered a single nigger.

A micro size Geocache container.


Attached: 4CHAN ASS.jpg (750x599, 60K)

Attached: 1159465854614.jpg (1280x875, 159K)

based and geocaching pilled

>mfw nobody sees the guy in the ghillie suit
no brick shat

Attached: 5 Dollar Bill Murray.jpg (597x536, 75K)

Attached: Mateba.jpg (750x600, 97K)

Attached: 93E0EF41-498A-434E-8A9C-B119B184FE2A.jpg (750x600, 80K)

Attached: FEMINISM.jpg (750x600, 65K)

I give up
This is the only one I can’t figure out in the thread

Attached: 1159347507484.jpg (750x600, 78K)

Attached: CLOWN FUNERAL.jpg (650x522, 198K)

Attached: 1159465964371.jpg (750x600, 73K)

Meh only a 2 week streak

Attached: spot the leopard solved.jpg (474x316, 36K)


Attached: MOAR.jpg (600x480, 36K)

That cat should be easy to find.

Attached: hidden5.jpg (660x495, 105K)

Attached: 1445485279932.jpg (385x429, 61K)

oldfags caturday

Attached: WHAT HAS BEEN.jpg (555x444, 34K)

tried. failed

Attached: Balls.jpg (639x480, 44K)

Old as balls..

Attached: 1209645072208.jpg (750x600, 104K)

Attached: Cat attack 21.jpg (1528x1200, 188K)

that's just nasty

Attached: 1165865279166.png (750x600, 617K)

Of all the black cats I've seen, that's the blackiest.

tilt your head to the right

kek, one of them is not a tree.

Attached: 2009posting.jpg (1398x1218, 347K)

Totally couldn't find it. Even took a while after seeing this.

did someone say trees

Attached: FUCKABLETREES_123_884lo.jpg (890x711, 148K)

>tilt your head to the right
OMG, It's a vagina!!!!!

Attached: 09funicello1_cnd-blog427.jpg (427x435, 40K)

yep had me stumped too

Attached: Coulrophobia.jpg (890x711, 86K)