Fuck Cred Forums i'm depressed

Fuck Cred Forums i'm depressed

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me too nigga

please sir can i have some more of her

Why are you?

Well hang in there

Pursue a long-term goal
Move your body as much as possible
Drop a little acid or eat some shrooms
Eat good, home-cooked food
Be nice to yourself
Get out of bed early

It took time but I never feel depressed anymore. Used to have it bad.

I’ll walk in hell with you anytime you want

tell me why you're depressed and I'll tell you mine so you can have a laugh.

arent we all

not op but im curious

Sure thing


>Pursue a long-term goal
I'm on it

>Move your body as much as possible
I should do it

>Eat good, home-cooked food
I need to eat in first place

>Be nice to yourself
Also need this

>Get out of bed early
Always get up early for my job

That would be cool

I can't get over my ex-gf, i know it is stupid but she is the only woman i truly love after my mother.

Attached: 20171202_010.jpg (600x800, 61K)

> (You)
>I can't get over my ex-gf, i know it is stupid but she is the only woman i truly love after my mother.

Holy shit... that's exactly what I was gonna tell you my issue is. Mine was brutal, but I loved her and really wanted her to change her drinking and chaotic behavior.

And now she's apparently trying to sort things out with her ex and she's stopped drinking and trying to work on herself. Fuck me... that's all I ever wanted her to do, and she would have been perfect (hot, young, skinny redhead, funny, witty, smart, almost done school, etc... everything was perfect about her); but no... she has to wait until after we break up in order to start fixing herself.

What about you?

Replied below to OP's question.

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She moved to another country, find a another man and move on, it's fucking hard, i really love and i miss her so much, it doesn't matter how many womens i end up fucking, no one is like her.

I know exactly how you feel (minus the other country bit... but that might make it a bit easier?); it's going on 5 months, and I feel nothing towards any of the girls I've met. Even ones that were absolute wife material, more so than her, but no... nothing. I'd almost rather wallow in pain than bother to find happiness without her.

We talk once in a while, and I'm sure she knows how I feel about her, but I'm not on her radar. Knowing her track record of failed relationships, though, I can see this one failing miserably (they are already having issues and they're not even official). He's a dentist, so makes bank... she's gonna be a nurse soon. They dated briefly before we met, then she went right back to him once we split. She went on Bumble specifically looking for him... and found him.


Fuck man, it's hard, and painful but it's time to move on.

But i can't fucking get over it

I know it is... I've known for a while now, but she was so perfect (other than said flaws which she's working on) that it FEELS like I'll find no other. I know that's not realistic, but the heart screams louder than the brain. I know time heals all wounds; I've been heartbroken before, but not like this. This... this is rough. She texts me memes and we shoot the shit once in a while, which makes it even harder.

I just want to be able to sleep in for once and not wake up in a pool of sweat, heart pounding with the realization that she's not here anymore.

I wish i could wrote a block of text like you do, but i'm not get used to write that much in english, i want to express everything i feel for her, but fuck, it's painful and too long.

Anyway, i'm leaving, let's leave this thread.

Are there videos of her sucking dick post pls

I know you don't want to hear this, I never do either especially when depressed but:

Walk 30 mins/day
Drink water
Stop drinking alcohol/smoking weed
Eat vegetables, stop eating microwave shit
Meditate 10mins daily.
Take Vitamin D
Cardio workout 30min x3 week
read a book
Put time limits on phone.
Get off Cred Forums

There are vids, yes.

>Walk 30 mins/day
>Drink water
I'd only do that
>Stop drinking alcohol/smoking weed
I don't, i'm too poor.
>Eat vegetables, stop eating microwave shit
>Meditate 10mins daily.
I will try
>Take Vitamin D
I hardly take any pills in fact
>Cardio workout 30min x3 week
Gonna try this one too
>Read a book
>Put time limits on phone.
I don't have a phone, i got robbed recently
>Get off Cred Forums

Good luck user. Do it even when its hard.

Thanks man, here, one last pic for you.

Attached: 20151025_152839.jpg (1080x1920, 82K)

I hear ya, user. Just take it one day at a time. Little battles each day, and some days will be harder than others, and there will be dips, but in the long term, time heals all wounds.

We both know this, but the heart screams louder than the mind.

Safe travels.

man straighten your back and look forward! Future is never so dark as it might look like.
btw have anything more of your new maid?

I'm in your thread. Lurking for more maid pics. Giving zero fucks about your issues. Earn my concern and post more please.
>one last
FTFY post moar right god damned now.


Life sucks and heres your maid repost OP is a fag

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to this thread MVP.

Thank you thank you. I'd like to thank the Academy and too much time on Cred Forums.
