Any road rage stories Cred Forums?

any road rage stories Cred Forums?
got into my first actual bout of it today after 12 years of being on the road.

>quarter mile from my neighborhood
>work van starts to ride my ass
>genuinely dangerous levels of tailgating
>flick them off as I enter my neighborhood
>the mad lad follows me
>don't want to show them where I live
>decide to pull over on the side of the road to confront them
>they proceed to go up the driveway directly in front of me
>for a second think maybe they live there
>temporary relief
>attempt to drive forward
>he reverses and blocks off the entire road
>panic increases exponentially
>I point out that he was tailgating me incredibly hard
>he claims he wasn't (which is bullshit)
>literally calls me a faggot
>once again point out that he was riding my ass
>we go back and forth a bit
>he eventually says "fuck you" and drives off

not gonna lie, I'm a little worried this dude knows which neighborhood I live in now. it is a decently big one, but it wouldn't be too difficult for some dedicated psycho to figure out where I actually live if they wanted to. the initial event was an adrenaline rush and decided to head to the gas station instead of going directly home afterwards, in case he was circling around looking for where I lived.

Attached: RR.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

forgot to mention that the dude looked like an old meth'd out version of Pickles from Metalocalypse. he was not physically intimidating at all, just fucking crazy.

Attached: Pickles.jpg (500x313, 51K)

I have one.
>Driving home from college, roughly 11 AM. No other classes that day.
>Change lanes after turning left at a busy intersection, cut it too close to a car in my blindspot who was trying to pass me.
>Hear honking, get surprised there'd been a car so perfectly in my blind spot. Kick self for not being more careful.
>~30 seconds pass
>Boomer in dress shirt and tie appears in side mirror, staring right at me.
>Pretend to ignore.
>Check again, he's closer and looks pissed. He mouths "Pull over."

I had never even been pulled over by an actual cop before at the time, so I had no clue what the fuck I was supposed to do.

>Nearly ran red light due to confusion and panic. Fuck.mp3
>He's following me now, don't want to show him where I live. Pull into laundromat parking lot.
>Angry boomer pulls up next to me, motions to roll down window.
>I do.

And then he chewed me out for about 10 minutes, angrily insisting I had very nearly killed him. It began with "I wanna know what kind of medication you are ON!"

As far as I knew, he was right, and I'd fucked up. In retrospect I had signalled and everything; he must have thought he could overtake before I tried to switch lanes.

I just agreed with him and apologized profusely; this did not make him any less furious and seemed to piss him off more.

>"I'm sorry, sir. It was my mistake and I'm glad you weren't hurt."
>"Well would you've been "sorry" if you'd KILLED ME?!"
>"Uh.. yes."

I still think about it late at night.

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"Don't start shit you don't plan to end"
I hope he finds your home

>pull over to confront the guy
>pussy out when he actually stops
Why did you even stop then? You're a bitch

Being fucking crazy is more intimidating than just being big or strong.

I didn't start it, and I don't think flicking him off in this situation was uncalled for. he wasn't just driving close to me, he was a few feet from me going 60 MPH. I don't care how well tempered you are as a driver, I guarantee most people here would have flicked him off too because he was driving like an asshole.

it's just amusing to me that some guy who was willing to do something so dangerous would be so offended that someone gave him the middle finger.

how the fuck did I pussy out? I didn't pull over to fight him, you moron, I pulled over to speak with him and that's what we did. if I was a pussy I would have drove until he stopped following me or called the cops.

that's true, but I think if he actually wanted to do me any harm he probably would have tried to do so in the moment.


it's the worst when you've actually fucked up.
reminds me of a time where I changed to the left lane and completely missed this car in my blind spot. I look to my left and there's a guy driving on the shoulder to avoid getting hit by me, looking over at me like I'm the biggest piece of shit in the world. it haunted me for a while, but you've just got to learn from that shit instead of dwelling on it and be grateful that nothing bad came of it.

>op drives slow as fuck
>probably drove slower once the guy got close
>only gives a finger when he pulls into his neighborhood hoping the guy will keep driving
>gets scared when the guy actually stops his car
>doesn't drive home after
>gets called a faggot and can only respond with "b-b-b-but you were tailgaiting me!!"


When people piss me off I flip them off and if it continues I do the rested gesture where you go limp wrist and slap your arm against your chest. It’s immature but it makes people really mad

I remember pulling out of a drive-thru and didn't see a car down the road and they had to come to a screeching halt. Gave me the angriest finger I've ever seen out of their window and knowing I was the asshole/idiot in the situation haunted me for awhile too.

I've always wanted to give people a thumbs down and a head shake but I'm too scared to

I don’t even think about it. I get so heated in traffic sometimes. I’m actually really good about my temper but when I get behind the wheel it all changes and I’m ready to slap an old lady for not doing the speed limit.

Yeah I wanted to die at the time. Poor old guy must have been scared for his life to spend so much time and effort to flag me down.

Today I compulsively check my blind spots and let people pass me at all opportunities. I don't even like going fast, it's not worth it.

I have so many. I fucking hate driving where I live. I use the bypass in my town to get to and from work while avoiding surface streets and make my girlfriend drive me anywhere else.

Lots of semis up here...

Dude you guys are fags, why even pull over if you're not gonna do shit.

I've had two cases of faggots one riding my ass that cut into oncoming traffic to cut in front of me and park. He got out with a pipe wrench so I pulled my gun and calmly said do it faggot. He left.

Second time some chick decided that a lane ending meant speed up and cut me off which she didn't have the time to do, lane opened back up and her boyfriend through a drink into my car. They pulled over the gay dude jumps out screaming hes not afraid to go to jail while his girlfriend films it. Beat the shit out of him, girlfriend locks herself in car while I detain the retard and call the police. They were both arrested. Bitch showed the video from the start where he throws the drink into my car then him trying to hit me while I got out and him kicking my car, got chastised by the cop for enabling them and not calling them before it escalated. Fuck him.

>I don’t even think about it. I get so heated
>I'm actually really good about my temper

You sound like the kind of person who blames others for your problems.

t. guy who never once got out of his car larping as a real tough guy

not accurate, I always drive at least 5-10 above the speed limit on that road. I also maintain the fact that I would have never pulled over to confront the guy if I were genuinely scared. I would have kept driving and called the cops, not pull over. and it would have been stupid to go directly home at that point. bad enough the guy knows my neighborhood, why show him directly to my house?

hur hur yeah real tough with your fucking gun, user.

In both instances it was clarified that the drivers pulled over because they didn't want to lead the follower to their home. Is that unreasonable?

You're stupid he had a pipe wrench and was just a fat old redneck piece of shit. Quickly defused a situation that didn't need to escalate because he's a raging cunt.

> but when I get behind the wheel it all changes and I’m ready to slap an old lady for not doing the speed limit.
Maybe you should learn to read you dumb troglodyte

my point is it's easy to shit on other people "not doing shit" when you have a gun to protect yourself.

I didn't say it was unreasonable, but flipping someone off is instigating someone who is clearly an asshole and if you're that much of a bitch after the fact then you shouldn't do it.

Park in your neighbour's driveway so he'll home invade and beat the shit out of them in their sleep instead of you

again, how exactly was I a bitch in this situation?
not wanting to show this dude directly where I lived? a bitch move would have been to keep driving and call the cops. no, I confronted the guy.

I bet some of you guys talking shit would not have had the sack to actually pull over and confront the guy.

Fair point. I agree having a gun on me is definitely a better situation than he was in, but had the dude gotten out without a pipe wrench I wouldn't of gotten a gun out. A good old fist fight to settle shit is always preferrable.

Had someone this week almost killing me while driving to finals for my msc.
I was driving on highway late at night, so rarely any other car. Once I drove by a lane for additional traffic I moved to the leftmost lane to let that guy move to the highway. Then that idiot moved to my lain, tailgated me with light signals and then moved to the right lane again, at 140mph. Then he tried to overtake me from the right lane, in which he succeeded and slowed me down, even though I changed to the right lane by then and he could have easily moved on. He slowed me down to 60kmh or 50mph and forced me to go into a parking space. He was pissed as hell, although all that shit was his fault. He gave me a bs tirrade.
But jokes on him, I called the police on his recless driving and it turned out, he was already wanted for an illegal street race earlier (later they found out he and his wife were high on crystal). I am just sad for his daughter, she was constantly in the car and is now given into custody.

front + rear cams.

Around SF there has been a HUGE influx of SoCal and Texas/Arizona trash that always drive slow in the #1 lane and prevent people from passing. Since I'm in a muscle car, it's usually easy for me to go around and put 'em in the rear-view (at which point they typically try to tail me). Since getting my cams, I've noticed that these shitheads usually stop tailing me once they see the rear-mount.

Why did you stay for 10 minutes? You apologized, if he didn’t want to accept it then that’s his problem. I would have driven away.

All I'm saying is that someone who's that much of a cunt to follow you after you flip him off and stop you should just fight him, but not everyone is the same. I get you not wanting him to follow you home but sometimes these people need to be taught a lesson.

Should have told that boomer faggot you're on ritalin and xyprexa for ADHD and paranoid schizophrenia and he'd better back the fuck off or there WILL be consequences