A while ago there was a pastebin with loads of mega usernames and passwords, did anyone save the list?

A while ago there was a pastebin with loads of mega usernames and passwords, did anyone save the list?

Attached: thinking-face_1f914.png (160x160, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:



may you post it here for absolutely nothing in return except my respect?

Im sorry but i was going to troll you and be rude, i actually do not have it.
But your response subsequently made me feel bad about what i was going to do and i kindly request that you forgive me.

I see, whilst I won't deny that I am dissapointed to hear that, I can respect your honesty. Have a good day my friend

well i could just dump em again, but what do we get in return ?

You had me at respect.

I can't lie, you will get nothing except the feeling of making a humble coomer user happy

Good karma


Attached: 1579795765274.jpg (750x891, 84K)

That man has a price, lemme guess a sharpie in pooper good enough?

Attached: 1548962867953.jpg (788x699, 35K)

Dubs and i make some coomers happy

Attached: 1577399096449.jpg (600x800, 121K)

but why dubs? Why must you make my life so much more difficult?


Doubles get

dubs roll


gimmie dubs


Check these digits faggot

give me them dubs


Give the coomers what they want!!

ok i will,
You win this one


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May be incomplete but i don't care

cool, thank you

That list was hashed and md5 encrypted without emails connected to it, so pretty worthless. A rainbow table would be more successfull.
If you want some real credentials go to >>/bath/ and/or ask jenkins

Ima keep it real with you, I don't understand a word of that, all i know is the usernames/passwords worked and I wish I had saved them.

Yeah, because that guy had both the email and the password decrypted. It was benji bin laden, some trolly hacker, that posted the result here. If you want the raw data, you go to baphomet, a board on a more free image board and those people trade the raw data, but in return they want other information. Pokeymon trades is the keyword and I neither will give you a link nor post the info you want. Work for it.

with these links you get some pics to coom to. Everything else is unnecessary

Nah, i'm not here to work

Not my problem. Just gave you a pretty obvious hint where to find the raw data. But ignorance is bliss, I guess?

I am newfag though, unbelievably braindead

What is there new to be? You search baphomet Cred Forums and find a different website if your country doesn't block it, then you visit their catalog and see that one of their top posts redirects you to a new website and wabam, you are a information brocker

Any good free vpns?

tor you normie

lol I could never get it to work

I've got to the 8th chan easily, not sure where to go from there

What the fuck is baphomet Cred Forums...

>baphomet Cred Forums
it is the long forgotten /i/ of Cred Forums, a whisper in the wind, but people still remember the raid boards.
Sorry, didn't know 8 chan got v& last year. Best way to find your result is searching encylopediadramatica for baphomet

>Best way to find your result is searching encylopediadramatica for baphomet

Attached: 1550259647152.gif (500x400, 498K)

Whats your problem? ED always was the chaotic neutral wiki of Cred Forums and existed long before knowyourmeme. I won't post links either way, most countries are ok with visiting hacker sites, but crucify everyone posting links to them

>Cred Forums

Attached: 1572212810110.jpg (500x334, 17K)

ed is a wiki about chan culture since 2007, fatlandwhale wanted to sell it to knowyourmeme in 2010, realizing you can't sell ideas she founded IcAnHazChEesBuRgeRs.
Ed still exists and to this day evades global laws due to "hate speech" and shit.

>Chan culture

Now you are outing as newfag. Even an imageboard needs persistent history preservation for the most prevalent events. Even if those events were just fox reporting about the hacker Cred Forums, or moot being elected as most influental person


>Now you are outing as newfag
>imageboard needs persistent history preservation
>invalidating lurk moar from 2007 onwards

so basically i'm never seeing that list again?

Moot also said he would ban all right wing shit outside of pol, never happened until he sold this shitty excuse of a website due to his feminist gf.

Lurk moar made sense during a time when new lulz was dominant every other week. Now we get original stuff once a year and a proportional number of newfags. Hinting them to the wiki is the current day equivalent of lurk moar, or would you like to do a q&a with underage phonefags?

>lurk moar
>do a q&a
>not just letting them fuck off
Just admit you're retarded.

What is the nerve gas meme?
What is ylyl banana?
When does trump get impeached?
what does vsoc mean?
why are there so many bbc threads?
Why do rekt threads display animal rekt?
Why are there so many neonazi/famous actress threads?

Yeah, you are right, newfags would never ask those questions.

You stupid nigger, I didn't say newfags wouldn't ask questions. I said, let them fuck off. Phoneposters and all the unwashed masses that wandered into Cred Forums did so because a majority of anons violated that one sacred rule of Cred Forums.

Why the fuck would you advocate for ruining Cred Forums.

Look at how cordial this board started off and now look at it, you people dissapoint me, all I wanted was to get my nut and you people have gone off on a huge tangant. I'm done with this.

I advocate not for ruining Cred Forums, I advocate for the long forgotten term of lurk moar. Newfags post constantly and outing themself as newfags, yet I would prefer them, to observe threads and look up the wiki, like most of us had to do.

That user posted all the info you need. If you want him to post the link to the specific thread, you are in the wrong place, mr fbi

>I advocate not for ruining Cred Forums
You advocate for spoon-feeding all the fuckers that pour into here, and completely whitewashing whatever "board culture" is left. You dumb fucking faggot, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Advocating for lurk moar would have been choosing to let the newfags fuck off.

Instead, you make the wiki sound like a good thing.

It seems obvious to you, but I am new and I have absolutely no clue about any history of 8th chan or anything, my mind is clouded with coomer fog, I cannot figure it out and I am tired

ok, you are right in some way, Ill let this thread die