Why Are Whites Racist? (Black American)

Why Are Whites Racist? (Black American)

Attached: confederate_flag630.jpg (630x354, 70K)

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Oh boy this thread again!
Post hand with timestamp Nigger.

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Because whites are garbage monsters who wish they could rape all kids to make up for lacking pigment and originalities. Whites are faggy nilla waffers with a gallon of bitch and a lot of shit butter

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Im half spanish and grew up in a black neighborhood. Most of my friends growing up were black. I've seen more robberies then I can count, witnesses 2 shootings. There were more shootings in my neighborhood but I didnt see them. One kid got shot dead over literally 10 dollars worth of weed. I never had a problem with my friends but they always asked for shit or wanted shit for free. Out of the group of about 20 black kids i was friends with only ONE managed to hold down a job ( at a fucking burger king) and he admitted to " hating black people sometimes" because they would always nigger it up when they came into his store. I had no idea how bad the situation really was until I moved to a mostly white neighborhood. Now I dont know if this makes me racist or not and I don't wish harm on anyone. But I don't care to befriend or associate with a black person ever again. This is coming from someone who grew up and was friends with mostly black kids. I never got picked on or anything either. I got jumped once by some kids from a different neighborhood but so did all my black friends at one point.

I genuinely believe most who would fly the Confederate flag would not be doing so for racist reasons, but because they believe in independence from federal law. The civil war was definitely about slaves, because the South could not compete with the North economically without slaves. The North would forever rule over the South if allowed to win. The South may have fought for a morally rancid cause of keeping human beings enslaved, but many individuals were only motivated to keep the larger government from messing with the states; one could see parallels to the revolutionary war.

We learned from the Vikings and from the Romans to conquer and enslave indiscriminately; then we learned advantages of discrimination from the success of colonialism, and excused it with Christianity. Before the age of the white man, many preceding empires committed their own atrocities to claim the globe.

Now, most modern racism stems from cultural differences, but most cannot separate race from culture in their minds. Everyone is narrow-minded; in my experience many black Americans have shown racism against Chinese and Hispanics, but I know my experience is not representative of individual black Americans. When I was a child, I picked up intolerance towards Chinese and towards those from the Southern states from my family. I grew up though, realize how immature that intolerance was.

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America isn't the entire world you ignorant retard

Everyone has a couple things in common.
Everyone doesnt like to get taken advantage of. But they may admire or begrudgingly forgive someone who out-smarted them. They will take note of it and be smarter next time.

Everybody hates stupidity on all levels. No matter where in the globe you happen to see it, everyone hates stupid people. England, Africa, America, and every third world shithole there is, the people there hate stupidity.

Thats why the entire world hates Black people.
They are always stupider than everyone else they interact with.



Not all whites are racist. Color of skin is not a factor to me.

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Probably because they were around racists growing up.

we don't like your monkey face

Aren't we all?

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You could ask this of literally any race

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shut up nigger

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Fine, the same reason anyone else is racist

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I think generally white people are the least racist in my experience. Sure probably hicks out in the countryside who never met a black person are racist, as much as anyone else is. But I have seen just as many examples of black racism, asian racism, any other (insert race here) racism, that I think it's pretty average across the board.

First of all what is meant by racism exactly? If it's the same thing to not want a black person at your workplace as it is to lynch one, we are gonna have problems. Anything has various degrees and it's not all the same by degrees.

If someone crosses the street when they see any black person that's different than if they cross the street when they see obvious hood rats dressed in thug clothing, jeering and whooping at everyone they see

Why are they racist? Well some genetic components, some history, some learned social behaviors and in many cases, experience

Every black person I have met in my life has been more racist than any white person I have met

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ight, density is your greatest quality I see.

failing to answer a simple question

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I can't make you accept an answer you don't want to

failed to answer a simple question

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still failed to answer a simple question