I have 15 Webms and 3 pictures of the piss poster, the Tasmanian cow tits, the Cred Forums cumslut

I have 15 Webms and 3 pictures of the piss poster, the Tasmanian cow tits, the Cred Forums cumslut.

Anons said she was actually from reddit and some fag was reposting on Cred Forums for attention. This has never been confirmed. Reverse image searching results in nothing.

Where do we find more and why does she piss?

I will be dumping my collection.

Attached: 1576909399746.webm (960x1706, 1.08M)

Other urls found in this thread:


She exclusively posts on Cred Forums. Posting titty webms and pissing webms. Some pictures as well.

Attached: 1576825759400.webm (640x360, 1.25M)

There is some rumors that some of these pictures and webms are not of her, but to my untrained eye they appear to all be the same woman.

Attached: 1576824291836.webm (464x848, 696K)

Attached: 1576719398720.jpg (2305x2882, 1.49M)

I'm quite sure that if there's any more pictures of webms shes posted on Cred Forums, it's very few.

Attached: 1573330462185.webm (1080x1056, 1.85M)

thank you sir. you are a true scholar and gentleman.

Gonna drop all the titty webms first then post the pissing ones.

Attached: 1576671881153.webm (582x302, 405K)

Everyone on Cred Forums just claims Coomer but this girl has an amazing body.

Attached: 1576723135294.webm (400x288, 820K)

For all anons interested, search 'does a wee' on desuarchive for Cred Forums

There's a lot of reposts but most of them are from AU. She's claimed she's from Tasmania.

Attached: 1568592115516.webm (1080x1920, 1.63M)

Last of my titty pics

Attached: 1576756609993.jpg (2314x2701, 986K)

agreed. why does she post this stuff on Cred Forums? lol

Actually I have two more.

No clue why Cred Forums. It's Australia's board so maybe that's why.

Attached: 1576640867419.jpg (2314x2791, 1.25M)

Kinda fat but totally acceptable.

Attached: 1577089862105.jpg (2320x3088, 1.23M)

Posting porn on int is also a bannable offense so she has to use different proxies.

Attached: 1576543620149.webm (270x480, 941K)

thicc to me. in some of these she's getting borderline but i like them all. big tits can save many chubby girls from being considered fat

Which screams dude.

yeah seems like a real autistic thing to do. that's why seems like she'd be much more appreciated here.

As in it's a dude posting it? Makes sense but there are women who are tech savvy.

Some of these files are also too large for Cred Forums

Attached: 1567304720227.webm (270x480, 859K)

The rest of my Webms are too large so I will be posting them on an external site.

Attached: 1559697319741.webm (270x480, 613K)

If anyone knows anything or has more feel free to indulge us.


I'll be posting the rest of the webms in this gallery.

Attached: 1580430665739.jpg (1080x1350, 118K)

Alright, this is my entire collection including the imgur gallery.

For all I know this is all she's ever posted, and I've never found any reverse image stuff. Enjoy your fapping Cred Forumsros

Wtf is this? Hideous

good job. we need more people like you here.

just some random body builder i had saved

Yeah I think it's good to spread a complied list of all her shit. Somebody needs to find her source if it actually exists. Unfortunately i dont think it does but there might be more.

There's a lot of misinformation being posted here. I've talked to her personally. As far as I know, the only one who is truly her is her reddit.

She posts on there and has a degrading fetish. That's how I met her. She is actually a really nice lady and gets off to people making fun out of her for having big tits and being "chubby". Yeah I know she isn't chubby but thats what she likes.

She loves being called a cow and that all goes along with a breeding fetish she has too hence why in her pictures she has that necklace that cows wear sometimes.

But yeah, she's just a fat titted lady from reddit lol

Attached: bnc7l12nw4441.jpg (640x865, 79K)

>She's from reddit

okay so what is her reddit? Under what context did you message her?

her reddit is sharkbittens

Wdym what context? We just talked about our fetishes and stuff like that and degraded her a bit

So does she actually post on Cred Forums or is it just some autistic user

Also thank you user for giving me the sauce for my benis. Did she ever send you anything?

I mean I don't know for sure but she claims to only post on reddit and fetlife so it's likely some autist. I don't think she goes on Cred Forums.

And yeah of course. As far as pics or anything goes no but I mean if you count receiving messages back then yes

I subbed to her onlyfans instantly. Something about this big titty whore speaks to my dick.

Also what the fuck is fetlife

I'm jealous. I really want to sub to her onlyfans i bet theres good shit on there.

Fetlife is basically facebook for fetishes. It gets wild on there youll see it all lmao. Surprising number of females on there too

Wow, there goes my boner

Her onlyfans is only $10 bucks user. You dont have $10? Understandable if you dont want to pay it. I've accepted my coomer life. I have a GF too but I can't stop beating my schmeat like 5 times a day.

idk but I go to tasmania every few months, if you fags track down some detail I'm happy to see what I can do

I got her onlyfans too, she loves to post and its only 10

Fuck you mean, that body is perfect

whats her only fans?

she's from the uk

Yeah as soon as I saw she posted in the past 16hrs I was like bruh

is it worth it? does she post good shit?

I will show you user. Wait for me to compile some of her pictures and videos into a pastebin or mega.

that explains it, the UK has more piss fetishist per capita than most of the world

cheers mate

depends what u expect, I signed because I love huge tits and hers are perfect and she has a degrading fetish and I love that too, so she rly
gets me going


Here's an imgur gallery of the couple pics. The vids are on dropbox gimme a sec.

she has that onlyfans only for a month, for now her posts are mostly tittydrops/reveals her in clothing that is way too small for those tits etc...


Here is her with a dildo to her vag. Soft penetration, mainly teasing.


upload the best you have of her and i can convert it to a Cred Forums postable webm. will post here for you.

"sometimes i do a deep search online for my username and find myself being discussed on forums or reposted on twitter and i love love love it!!!!"
this was her latest post on reddit, she loves the attention

The piss thing kinda grosses me out, but those tits are legendary.

im sure good things are ahead , she is testing the waters for now, getting comfy with this whole onlyfans thing

im pretty sure those piss webms are another girl

I hope so.

Also i'm starting to think that too. There's 0 pissing webms on her onlyfans. Just titty drops.

Are these separate women?


yes the pissing girl is someone completely different. sharkbittens is the reddit girl with the massive knockers

Who's the pissing broad then? an Cred Forums poster?

i guess so. sharkbittens is from the uk not australia

yeah im 99% sure its a different girl, her tits are nice too but they are not sharkbittens and I think she would admit having such a fetish cause she is pretty open about this kind of stuff

absolutely. when i was talking to bittens she was telling me all this crazy shit about how she wants to be hooked up to a milk machine and be milked like a cow and breeded. shes wild lol. she also loves stuffer herself with food to see her belly expand like a cow

wtf were you messaging her on? Reddit? Was she responding in a timely manner?

yea I know she is so naughty but that makes my cock hard as fuck

Attached: 91jrswece0e41.jpg (750x1334, 56K)

best i can do and keep in it under the retarded 2mb limit imposed by this shitty board.

Attached: eD0SgaXpQP.webm (586x980, 1.95M)

those girls often don't respond cause they get bombarded with dick pics etc. but last time she replied to me after I told her her pics are on Cred Forums, she immediately asked for a link and wanted to see haha

back to your question, yeah she does answer but in a timely manner? depends

Bro you could've cut out the beginning and kept it a higher resolution because there was less video. I would've did it but you said you were gonna handle it.

yeah. i used to talk to her a lot before she gained "thot fame". she didnt much attention so id talk to her on a daily basis. sadly she dont respond anymore :(

i love this hucow milking shit

i said i'd convert the video. that is what i did. you wanted it edited for time as well? you didn't say shit about that. that's on you.

yeah she blew up pretty quick, but there was no way around that with a body and tits like these

Attached: kse299n8bed41.jpg (2320x3088, 781K)

lol she spends her time responding to more desperate guys, the ones throwing the most money her way.

>that's on me

look man im not here to start an argument. it's not on me, I have access to the complete video. I'm just saying if it was your prerogative to post it on Cred Forums you could've cut the beginning out.

yeah probably , she said herself she is a low wage girl



yeah it kinda sucks because it was definitely fun talking to her. it would be nice if she showed appreciation for her days ones but i understand thats not the name of the game and shes here to make money. oh whale

yeah it is what it is, I told her she gonna be reddit famous if she keeps posting on reddit
but as soon as she said she made an onlyfans many simps got pissed

damn you are mad

Attached: 1569299234141.png (358x408, 228K)

>OP that's crazy!
>But I don't remember asking.

Attached: 067_1000.jpg (750x697, 87K)

bump for more

I keep dumping pics from time to time

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