I am pro life. Fuck you faggots, I am right. Debate me

I am pro life. Fuck you faggots, I am right. Debate me.

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By any chance do you support the death penalty?

How many unwanted children have you adopted?

Lol this dumb nigger is about to equate an innocent baby to a murdering felon. You're real fucking interesting you know that

When did you first realise you were retarded?

How many destitute pregnant women have you welcomed into your home?

Hurrrrr you haven't adopted a kid therefore you can't argue that killing kids is morally wrong.
Abortion apologists have the absolute worst arguments.

Fine, be pro life. Fetuses aren't a life.

Literally qualify as alive by the most basic definitions of life. Any other assertion is anti-scientific

if the requirement for life worth saving is simply physiological function in absence of testable person hood, are you also upset about trees being cut down for lumber?

>life is defined as simply something that has physiological function

just stop. The term "brain dead" exists for a reason.

I'm pro-life too, that's why nobody's life deserves to be ruined by a parasitic clump of cells. Abortion regulations should be completely undone.
Good thread OP.

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Literally by definition

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We legally declare death when the brain dies.

Continuous brain activity begins ... early third trimester, after 99 percent of abortions have already happened.

Whoops, game over.

Pretty much yeah.

>parasitic clump of cells
Lol what depraved incels will do to virtue signal
We're all just clumps of cells

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You're dumb
Debate over

I'm pro white life. niggers can keep killing little nigs all they want.

What makes you think you have the right to choose what someone else does or doesn't do with their body in a way that does not harm you?

Because the infant is actually dead? Its not dumbass. Another autistic display of mental gymnastics.

We are all born sinners, and all soon is equal in the eyes of God. Literally, Hitler is on the same level as a newborn.

Except for reproduction, as they cannot reproduce.
And Homeostasis, since that's mostly maintained by the mother, not the embryo.
And Adaptation, since it's still forming.
So yeah, 4/7 on the definition here mate.

Lol its not their body dumbass. It's an entirely unique genetic code. The mothers immune system doesn't even recognize it as a part of her body.

>We're all just clumps of cells
Real 13yo arguments here boys.
>Posts the Christian propaganda of a stillbirth or miscarriage and thinks it's an abortion

Only an abortionist brainlet would argue that babies are literally the same as Hitler. You're the new flat earthers

No, just not alive yet, but thanks for sealing my win with an angry insult.

You know that those debates are nothing new and literally every single point has been made?
Discussing this has no value at all except you wasting your time feeling confident and special.

You are nothing special.
Go kill yourself, you waste of air and space. The world wont miss you.

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You are trying to deny adult women freedom with their bodies in the name of the children. Seems right that you should be doing something about all those unwanted children you are forcing women to have. You don't want to work for your opinion.

Yes they do, asexual. That's how they grow. You're still going through reproductive processes, brainlet.
The infant has its own circulatory system.
The infant will react to stimuli, hence adaptation.

This. Also? It's not your problem. You can choose to not get abortions and raise as many hellspawn as you want, but some of us don't want kids.
>just use protection lul
Protection does not work 100% of the time, with condoms or birth control. Not to mention a lot of women get sick on the latter.

And this doesn't even begin to cover complications during pregnancy. What if the fetus dies and turns necrotic? If abortion is illegal, I guess the woman just gets to die? Sucks to be you, we can't dig that fucker out of you because pro life mouthbreathers had to ruin it for you!

Because we are and have some more

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How is it growing if it isn't alive? Its literally a live. Its DNA is what's growing.

OP could be fucking 18 for all we know lmao. You have no intent to argue in good faith

You really are just using these words without knowing what they mean, huh?

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It's growing because it's attached to a thing that's building it. It's just not finished yet.

Contest the claim kike

When is it finished? Is it unethical to kill it once its "finished"?

If there are more abortions, there would be less children for the peso ring organizations.

Whoops. Pedo organizations

The window where it's even debatable to call it murder begins when it matches our definition of death, i.e. brain activity on/off. If you want to call third trimester abortions murder, go for it, just know that that's a tiny percentage of abortions and is usually only legal to save the mother. Meanwhile the pro-life view is that it's a person when it goes from one cell to two.

I try not to argue with the mentally disabled. Good luck winning your internet argument, I'm sure it means a lot to you.

Every aborted baby is one less car in every traffic jam on the highway.

Hey guys, OP here

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literally who cares, the government should not exist to stop people doing whatever.

>I'm a fascist control freak who wants to control a woman's body
What's there to debate OP?
Thanks for reminding us that Roe v Wade isn't something to take for granted.

No debate, you’re right, OP. Abortion is the murder of unborn children, perhaps one of the most uncivilized practices on the face of the earth. Should be stamped out like cannibalism or human sacrifice.

>OP thats crazy!
>But I don't remember asking.

You should be stamped out

Is a fetus a human being? This is, after all, what this argument hinges on, right?

If a fetus is a human being
>how come the census doesn't count them?
>when there's a miscarriage, why don't they have a funeral?
>why do people say "we have two children and one on the way" instead of saying "we have three children"?

You wanna say life begins at conception? I say life began about a billion years ago & it's a continuous process, just keeps rolling along.

Sanctity of life, asshole. That's their bag: life is sacred, even a "murdering felon". Because everyone has a shot at redemption. Even Jim Jones.

It's only alive because of its parasitic nature. If it weren't a parasite, completely dependent upon its host for all manner of sustenance, it would fucking die.

Pic related.

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illegal fetuses vote!

Found the fascist cuck

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Okay; they do not have their own circulatory system, it is connected to their mother through the umbilical cord.
We are not unicellular organisms, foetus can not get pregnant, nor procreate, and cannot reproduce by any human-centric definition.
The foetus does not adapt due to stimuli, as it is still developing, any changes that occur during development are the result of gene expression or epigenetic expression adopted from the parents.
You're stating it's amoral to abort because A.) Human and B.) Alive, but using the most base definition of life in identifying unicellular creatures as a useful measure for a human life.
This means, there is an inherent conflict in your reasoning; Your definition of it being alive is not the same as one would use to identify a birthed living human already on the face of the planet - you're arguing it's alive, but not in any way a human is.
BY YOUR DEFINITION; the HeLa Cell Line is human, alive, and deserves rights.

probably a liberal

Unborn child is not her body. Unique DNA, unique fingerprints, it’s own heartbeat. Has nothing to do with controlling anyone, it’s about protecting human life.

On the subject of controlling women, in many parts of the world females are disproportionately aborted compared to males. Do you support that, too? Is that ok? If not, why?

everyone knows sex can lead to pregnacy, dont want kids, then A:dont have sex or B: be more fucking responsible. also, while adult women should have choices over their own body, as soon as she becomes pregnant, it should be their right to murder an innocent child

You're also retarded. I'm surprised you know what debate means.

dont want kids, dont like condoms, think birth control will fail, then dont fucking have sex if you're not adult enough to step up when you either get pregnant or get someone pregnant

>Unique DNA, unique fingerprints, it’s own heartbeat
By this definition, a conjoined but non-identical braindead twin with a heart, and at least 1 hand is a completely unique human being and cannot be removed from the other twin as it deserves life.
That is idiotic.

Has an unborn baby ever faced a jury of his or her peers before being put to death?
The point of being pro life if personal responsibility. People need to be held accountable for their actions.
see above
Factually incorrect. Just because you can't have a thrilling conversation with it doesn't mean it doesn't think and react to stimulation. The only difference between a fetus and a baby that's spent a month out of the womb is the flesh barrier sometimes called a woman. Other than that, they're about as intelligent and independent as one another, but you wouldn't dare suggest post-birth abortions, would you?
>No one deserves to face the consequences of their own actions
>We legally declare death when the brain dies.
Only because we know there is no return from brain death. Yet we know for a fact that the fetus' brain WILL develop. Nice try, though.

You are literally attempting to control whether a woman's fetus should or should not be aborted, OP. It's interesting that when called out on this, you'd deny it.
>it's about protecting human life
it's about controlling a mother's decision to abort a fetus. Again, denial.
>On the subject of controlling women
What does this have to do with abortion?
Just admit you're guilty as charged, and we can move on ok?

you must want all the nigger cocks to yourself huh buddy?

>>No one deserves to face the consequences of their own actions
So you're saying pregnancy is a punishment?
So you want the state to punish women for having sex?
So your
>It's about personal responsibility
Is a fat fucking lie, you want the state to control women's ability to have sex freely.
What kind of 1984 style mentality is that shit?

HOLY SHIT, I don’t really have a strong opinion on abortion. I only made this thread just to see if my hypothesis (can i cause a heated argument over abortion) was right, and it fucking was! Jesus, people are too goddamn sensitive to abortion.

Not having a strong opinion on abortion is basically the same thing as being against it.

I want to be pro life but I'm a realist because the world is a harsh place

There's this girl that my ex used to be friends with. Mid 20s, always said she didn't want kids, and ended up getting pregnant. Decided to keep the baby, but during the pregnancy she had a "whatever happens happens" mentality. Basically, she continued her life normally, drinking and smoking almost every day. Her mentality was if the baby survives great, if not, no skin off my back. So she ends up having the baby, and it's all sorts of messed up now.. she's 7 years old, messed up as in she is an extremely slow learner, medical issues, extremely underweight. I feel bad for this girl having to deal with this, and probably the rest of her life. Not to mention living with a white trash family. I'd argue for an abortion in this case, where the parents don't even care and are just going to neglect the child during pregnancy

>Yet we know for a fact that the fetus' brain WILL develop

Yeah, because it's still being built, AKA not done yet. The reason there's no coming back from brain death is that literally all we are is in our brain.

Game. Set. Match. Keep deflecting.

S o if life starts at whatever weeks, let's say three, does that make it illegal to deport an immigrant mother because shes carrying a U.S. citizen?

We are stepping up, its called abortion

Btw I got triple dubs faggots