Is this true? Are extremists just a bunch of angry white guys?

Is this true? Are extremists just a bunch of angry white guys?

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No shit.


Purely coincidence.

Most murders in the US are committed by black males 12-50. They make up only 4 percent of the total population and commit about 58 percent of the total murders.

The statistic that white males are more likely to commit a mass shooting which often cited has some ridiculous criteria. It has to be a shooting where 3 or more poeple are killed.

If you look at shootings where 2 or more people are shot, Black males are responsible for about 75 percent.

yee. look into domestic terrorism in the US. it's overwhelmingly white dudes.

Fuck really? What the fuck are we going to do about it?

Really? That's a pretty big overrepresentation there. Probably just made that shit up out of thin air

Guess the journalist is not good with data.

The data is clear blacks and Arabs are by far the more aggressive and more extremist.

lol k

kill whitey

yea, thats why niggers, who make up less than half the population, are responsible for more than half of the crime rate

>most violent
how do they just straight up lie like this lmao

Extremists in a white-majority country will mostly be white. Wonder how you're breathing if you can't figure that out

That is because you can be considered a domestic terrorist just by insulting or harrasing people over politics.

Probably because there's a lot of white people in america.

So the race that makes up most of the population makes the most of the extremists? I don't see the problem here.

go ahead and look at some fbi crime statistics and youll see lol.

Fucking hell i knew it

lol for a second I thought that was Fred Durst

Yeah, so stay the fuck out of America!

Yes, white men are the only ones willing to die for freedoms and guns.

Just ignore the constant black on black violence.. How many killed in Chicago? Black Lives someone I guess.

Setting aside the muslim or black issue versus caucasians, let's consider what an "extremist" is. Extreme in what way? OP is trying to make it sound like Right Wing. That's the guys that may have military training, probably work decades on their careers, support their families, and have what could be called conservative values. What about their neck bearded, basement dwelling, college drop out, trap loving bisexual children that join antifa? Surely they ought to be considered when discussing "extremist" views.

So, the 12/13-50 Cred Forums meme was taken from the actual statistic that Black men are INCARCERATED FOR 50% of homicides, this was taken after accounting for cases in where a suspect was never found - so it is not even representative of every homicide [let alone all violent crime].
Incarceration says nothing about whether the person was actually guilty, or set up, just that they were imprisoned for a crime.
Remember the unreasonable amount of people in the US imprisoned falsely because of our shit Judicial system, and you will remember without a shadow of a doubt that there is no way all those men are actually guilty. Furthermore, given the fact that gang violence is not the same as extremist violence and your whole "b-buh black people shoot more people" is a wholly separate issue from fucking spree killers.
Go back to your containment board Cletus.

Chicago is 16th in murders per capita

>antifa scary extremist
>0 kills
>Constantly captured without much hassle by cops if they get too rowdy
>Also somehow overweight basement dwellers.
Dylan Roof, Elliot Rodgers, The El Paso shooter, most School Shooters.
There is 1 named "antifa extremist" who everyone already forgot, and it was that geezer who shot out the tires of a bunch of ICE vehicles and was killed in an Ice concentration camp's parking lot, in Texas.
>Inb4 places designed to collect a high amount of specific individuals into a singular location is not a concentration camp
*It isn't a death camp though.

The top 10 murder capitals are all nigger central though.

Stop being a retard OP. If this were true we wouldn't have a nigger problem now.

Such a cope. Why is all of Africa a shithole?

Pick one

White extremists. Yup. Got it.

Those guys got NOTHING on what blacks in this country are doing to each other and the communities they live in.

Look at ONE city - Chicago. 2019 stats. Shot and killed: 461. Shot and wounded: 2292. Blacks committed 90 percent of those shootings.

THAT is the real domestic terrorism.

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You forgot to add Democrat, progressive, or mentally ill, but I've repeated myself three times already.

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>THAT is the real domestic terrorism.
Yeah? What's the political message?

How can you not laugh at this?

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I hate to feed the racists, but it really is true that most murder *victims* are black, and in about 2/3 of interracial white/black murders, the victim is white. Add the two up, and no, it's no fantasy and no artifact of the legal system -- about 55% of murderers are black, but they're also just ~14% of the population.

If you're talking terrorism, it matters hugely how far back you go. Most terrorism victims in US history of the past 50 years died on one day. Recently, non-Muslim whites have been running ahead of Muslims in the mass murder sweeps, but Muslims are also just ~1% of the population, so yeah currently the Muslim/terrorist association is no fantasy, but it hasn't always been that way. Then you also get into which murders count as terrorism and which don't, and why terrorism should be so much more scary than being murdered for other reasons.

Asians are considerably underrepresented among murderers, but whites and Asians are not underrepresented among mass murderers and school shooters.

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Soo true it hurts

>muh white people
>basically every terrorist attack ever is done by jews and muslims fighting over shit tier sand land

OH OK it must be white people and everyone else tho

I too fondly remember all the times everyone who wasnt black was arrested for shooting people where they were (((FRAMED)))

If you've ever read any history, you'll know this to be the general case.

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>Confuses Democrats with "the left".

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>all black people are innocent
>it's evil whitey framing muh poor dundu brothas

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