Did brown people build the pyramids or black, or was it 50% 50%

did brown people build the pyramids or black, or was it 50% 50%.

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whites 100%

for sure browns, all the whites were busy getting cucked by the blacks


No. After both the bronze age colapse and the destruction if the roman empire "people" simply satrted fleeing from egypt. I wouldn't call them blacks or arabs, probably eggers

Browns, blacks or whites were too autistic to design and construct anything of note ~2500 years ago. That being said, jumping to the conclusion of aliens makes you even more autistic. open your mind quiad

Egyptians are mediterranean so white.
sure thing lol

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aliens because we have an explanation for everything but not when it comes to the pyramids them Egyptian niggas built

niggers may have done the heavy lifting (they are good at that) but mediterranean whiteys did the engineering that made it possible

This. Google what knowledge of math they used to build them.

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Cuz they were using google 4000 years ago.

true story... jews were running the internets even back then


Not so much 50-50 as carrot-on-stick.

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Egyptians built them you fucking retard.

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What am I looking at here? Drones?

>baiting that bad
>missing my point that hard
What is it user?

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we wuz kangz and sheeit

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The question isn't who built the pyramids, for all we know it could have been imported Nubian laborers doing all the physical work. The question is what ethnicity was Imhotep and his engineers and all the bureaucrats and number crunchers who ran the massive logistical operation and calculated all the operational aspects of it.

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looks like a jew nose... coincedence? I think not.

Damn mexicans taking our pyramid construction jobs.

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say they were Egyptian.

They were Mediterranean. Just like the Romans, and the Greeks and the carthaginians, and the Persians and all the greats of the ancient world.

Looks like an elephant trunk to me.

Why? How do you know they didn't import in the engineers too from more advanced civilisations? After all the American space program was full of ex-Nazi engineers, Tesla was Serbian... the list of brain drains goes on and on.
Also - what modern ethncity do they most closely resemble?

That's the question. Still didn't found out where it is so far, but there is anyway enough strange footage material on the intranetz to be open minded.
They wouldn't fly that near to each other while using flares. Also no reason for the other two points glowing up later to us them while they have an opend parachute. Also also they move way to fast, slow and fast again for skydivers.

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There is a reson why (((they))) use numbers and give so much power to them. Remeber Tesla? 3,6,9? From somewhere came that knowledge (((they))) hide, and, spoiler alert, it always ends in egypt and other non possible buildings with sacred geometry around the globe.

Attached: sacred-geo-1.png (758x482, 684K)


It was about 50/50 brown and black, ancient Egypt was sorta diverse, it was a big city with a lot business going through it. The Europeans never had power in Egypt until way long after the pyramids were built.

Yes for sure a bunch of slaves built the most mathematically complex structures on earth.

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The ruling class were white, the skilled labourers were brown, there were probably a few black slaves. Same pattern for most of history if you think about it.


My nigga u ever looked at a map?

Israel was enslaved by the Egyptians. They were bred into separate races such as horses, cows and even pigs because of the conditions they faced. The Israelites built the pyramids because the Pharaoh wished to go to heaven.

I didn't know only black Africans were on the west coast of Africa. Also, you do know that people traveled too, right?

You should learn more about history.

During that time, it was much colder in Egypt. The ice sheets of the ice age had not yet contracted from the area. The area around Egypt was in full bloom!
The enslaved Israelites were stone carriers and cucks. New races were invented over the coarse of many generations of inhuman behavior.

It's like my old professors in Babylonia used to say, 'credits to the window, debits to the door'.

firstly, the pyramids were built by paid labor, not slaves. secondly, the israeli servitude in egypt was about 1500 years after the construction of the pyramids.

Maybe the fellow confused Mediterranean (Latin: the middle of the world) for Mesopotamian (Greek: between two rivers). Happens in the USA all the time.

Arabs are white too


server with no rules! discuss racism openly and other controversial topics

If you consider Semites to be white, yes.

Egyptians are and were brown. Studies suggest that egyptians back then were far more diverse than they are today. Various pharaohs are described as being anywhere from light brown to tan to black.

Typifying people by race is a relatively new idea. In the past people usually split each other into the groups "from where I'm from" and "everyone else" as can be easily seen in nearly all cultures predating the idea of "race".

Not sure if you're uneducated or just a liar, but you are completely wrong.

It was 50/50. Laborers were out in the sun the entire time and niggers are only useful to society when enslaved.

Lil Tee, is that you?

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Come on down to Cleveland Town everyone.

You know im right faggit. Generations of poor laborers in a desert will make you brown skinned and just south is tons of dumb niggers that can be whipped onto work with little to no resistance.