Why did he have to die :(

Why did he have to die :(

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courtney fucking killed him

If that the case... Why is she not in jail? Is she a professional assassin who left no evidence behind?

things could be so much worse. he could have lived. kept making music. the music would be shit. and he'd be now penniless and homeless having the earlier records tarnished and forgotten. its good that he died before that. now the music is timeless.

Nah... Pretty sure his music would be kick ass if he was still making it today.

I honestly don't think he'd make it to 2020 be ause of how much cigarettes he smoked and the heroin he did... But IF he was alive... I'd imagine his music to still be amazing.

COULD be, muther fucker. COULD. We COULD be living in the shittiest timeline where him making shit music after 1994 is a reality. Thankfully, we're in a middleground timeline.

True true

probably cause of something you did to anger God

He hated celebrity status and being the 'voice of a generation'. He wanted out of Nirvana and record with Michael Stipe. But was too far gone to go there

usually, if you put a shotgun to your head and pull the trigger, you die.
>where do shitty singers go when they die
>they don't go heaven where the angels fly
>they go to place with full of faggots you see
>and become anhero on Cred Forums /b

This is the shotgun that killed Cobain. The cop holding it is 6'4", while Cobain was only 5'9". Do you seriously believe the Kurt could have shot up a 3x lethal injection of heroin, carefully packed up his drug kit, and then stretched to place the barrel in his mouth and pull the trigger? All within seconds before the smack rendered him incapacitated?

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Because of Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos.

He was leaving Love for another musician chick. Watch the the doc 'soaked in bleach'. It's about the detective Love hired to find Kurt. Honestly never thought she did it until I saw this and I was like oh this bitch was up to something for sure....

No big loss.

because we don't have stronger gun laws

his feminist fuck of a mother loaded him with self loathing

Why did he die? Because he tried to be an edgy faggot that claimed to hate pop music and selling out, but all he did was write generic garbage that equaled the quality of pop music, but in the form of a different genre... essentially, he thought he was talented and unique, and when he realized he was garbage, he did the world a favor and offed himself... one less edgelord for the world to deal with....

I would love to own that gun.

Cobain was super depressed. You don't do drugs when you're happy, and you dont do heroin if you're right in the head.
Either way I don't know if him living would be better for him. It'd be great for me tho.

a shotgun to the face kinda has a detrimental effect to ones mortality.


Cause that's what happens when you suck-start a shotgun.

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She was married to a feminist bitch

She sent Alan. Before that she tried to send El Duce but he declined. He died days after admitting this.

Are you serious? Nirvana and Nevermind were already getting constant airtime in their first few months

Because he was worth more dead than alive to his owners.

Cobain was a faggot. Peter Steele is the real loss.

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Not interested in debating whose death is more significant . . . but how nice would it be to have a few more Type O Negative albums?

Sounds like you figured it out all by yourself bud