What are the shittiest parts of California that people dont talk about?

What are the shittiest parts of California that people dont talk about?

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Name a California town, any town, now because it's in California, it's shitty.

There ya go.


Its California. The whole state sucks

Bombay beach and salton sea area.

Mad niggers who probably live in the boring ass midwest detected

Everything south of Visalia can eat my ass, Northern Cali is the only part worth 2 shits

>Northern Cali
Oakland, Martinez, the whole East Bay suxass

cali aint that bad, but maybe thats cause im from so cal, still not as fucking bad as florida though or the mormons of utah

It’s fucking expensive as fuck Skid Row

East bay is fine, fuck all the suburban shit though. Danville, pleastanton, and Dublin especially. Dublin is full of rich punjabs.

SF is a shithole. People want to talk trash about Oakland but SF is a gold-plated turd.

Nor Cal is worth half a shit at best

oakland is shit too dont tell that fucking lie

Central Cali is desert and useless towns
So Cal is an abomination, LA needs to be wiped out
NorCal has actual scenery and cities worth something.
Im getting the fuck out of this state in a few years but you are retarded if you dont think this portion of the state is at least good.

Pretty much everything north of anaheim until you reach monterey, fuck you.

Love, san diego

Every major city in the whole state

Oakland doesnt try to pretend to be anything. Great food, good bars, lots to see and do, you can tell when you get into a ghetto but I really find San leandro/San Jose more ghetto than oakland.
Dont leave shit locked in your car and dont start shit with anyone and its fine.

I would like Berkeley but that place is so full of fucking hippies and liberal SJWs I cant bring myself to visit

Modesto to Bakersfield is literally one giant shit stain

you wrong my friend it tries to be like sf

I'm in Los Altos, yal some fucking pleb ass bitches. You know what the median networth is here? A flyover worthless piece of shit faggot could retire and fuck his sister for the rest of his life.

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Anaheim is just a shitty tumor from LA and San Diego is like one big landfill. God I wish the state would split in two so I dont have to be associated with you retards

It's literally nothing

>NorCal has actual scenery and cities worth something.
High 6 figures keeps me here, it's the nicest weather I've been around too. Been to almost 40 states and 24 countries. CA weather > rest of the world. Probably the reason it's so high in demand.

One word

That is one thing that Oakland does not do.
Oakland has its own identity, it’s a shitty identity but it’s it’s own thing.
SF tries to be something it’s not, when all it really is a one giant shit log

aka texass 2

Jefferson isn't too bad.

What is Bakersfield, Lancaster and Palmdale?
Redding is just a hick town but its got trees, the ones I listed just have dirt and one smells like cow shit half the time.

Is a shit hole

Some people will never know the joy of a summer that never breaches 75 degrees and I weep for them

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Gentrification is turning Oakland into a homeless fuck zone, but it's gotten the east oakland ganstas out. I work in oakland at a tech company, been here my whole life in the bay, oakland and hayward are fucking changed for the better.

In what possible fucking way?
Oakland really owns its shit, from the crime to the culture. SF is pretentious as fuck and overpriced.


You must have never been to Eureka. Absolute tweaker shit hole. Makes San Bernardino look good.

mixed bag, I dont want to see shit like chinatown get torn down and made into more cookie cutter bullshit by the rich.
Going to places like Dublin just depress me, 0 personality. Fuck that.
The crime getting moved out is a great benefit but at what cost ?

>>makes san bernadino look good
I'm going to disregard anything you say after some dumb shit like that.

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Fresno. Madera, Modesto, Stockton, Mariposa....Whole State is a shithole

Placer County

Wtf are you dumb? Or just a SoCal faggot?

idk actransit making a dedicated bus lane sound like they are trying to copy sf

There will always be a moon over Marin.

thats a fairly minute fuckin thing to pin that statement on man.
And public transit in this madhouse definitely needs some work. They already damn near make it feel illegal to own a car out here so they better fix up the transit system

some of them but not all of them do you come around the deep that often

Every major city has that shit dumb duck

i wouldnt know nigger i dont really leave anywhere cause this whiole state makes me want to burn it all

but you see making a dedicated bus lane isnt gonna make the bus go any faster

You can admit to being an antisocial neet its all good.
At least you are comfy

I used to when I brother was a local famous rapper. They all moved to sac tho. It's definitely changed, I don't get how they can live in the deep east when rents fucking 3k.

Either that rent won't last or they won't. Betting on how silicon valley is spreading over, they gonna all leave by end of the decade. Just like EPA. Look at that shit. EPA is fucking nerd central now.

Love it here. It's chill af. I work remote and hike all day, and travel.

never said im a neet but i do leave my house wheni have to work

>Names the shithole cities
>Whole state is a shithole
k, have you tried living in fucking nebraska?

How can ghettofags afford fucking oaktown now? I don't think pushers can even afford it now.


Ssssh man, keep it down or do you like to pay even more for your little hidey hole? Those flyover politicians are already brainwashing as hard as they can to prevent constituents from rushing west when they turn 18 like back in the 70s. Remember, we aint got shit out here but crazy liberals and lazy welfare families ;)

You're right, who wants to live in a shit hole that costs way too much.. for no reason ;)

then you dont come to oakland cause i still see shit tons of niggers and beaners

Obama money

San Fransico is a homeless shithole that is riddled with medival diseases due to poor sanitation

The fact that it's more conservative than you'd think, but LA and SF dominate the voting system so hard due to gerrymandering that we basically have to indict the governor to have a chance at fixing anything

What part? Montclair is all white, so is piedmont and asian, downtown is gentrifying, the lake is gentrifying...

What the fucking shit did Obama pay welfare recipients? $4k a month plus? I doubt that so fucking hard. If low-income people live here, they have 20 people in a 2 br house. Please prove me wrong and find a fucking welfare check that has 4k on it.

Thats most of your shit hole country.

Bakersfield and nearly all of kern county as a whole. The only perk it serves is being the only real viable option to get a CCW permit in the state of California without much warrant if you can pass any necessary requirements. it’s a litteral shit hole filled with tweakers and VD. With some noticeable places being extra shitty like say oildale.

It's definitely in an extreme capitalist state. The socialism counterbalance isn't one. It's fucking needles for drug addicts. They need some real balance going on in SF or that shit will collapse. Pure capitalism is just as bad as pure socialism.

Wow.... finally someone understands economics on this board holy shit..... I laugh my ass off when people say "commiefornia" they're more capitalist than fucking wallstreet in the valley. They're just "socialist" to their own employees.

This x100000

and it all sucks whats your point. show proof that its not only mexicans that pack in like sardines

Bullshit EPA still has one of the highest violent crime rates in the United states

Bruh that's right where facebook fucking put their HQ. A small house there is worth 1.5m now, that shit is the least ghetto ass area in the bay next to los altos and the rest of peninsula. I take it you don't go there often.

The conservacucks would never admit this though.

Facebook hq is right on the fuckin water by itself. You ever go into EPA?

I just graduated from menlo so I know the area well

Well, it's not their fault, most boomers are indoctrinated to believe that capitalism is the answer to everything and that it needs no balance. When in reality the US only exists because it has a government to balance the market. Or we'd be using leaded gas and breathing in asbestos all day. Lead in water too.

I drive to fb and google 3 times a week for work. I haven't seen any ghetto there are all. Except the fb workers paying 5k a month for a fucked up 1br apartment. Where are you talking about? Some section 8 shithole?

>Makes San Bernardino look good
Clearly this nigger has never been to Victorville.
Or anywhere else in the High Desert for that matter.

Literally the whole goddamn state anywhere that's populated.

Definitely south central Los Angeles. There’s hella hookers there. Charging like 60 bucks and up. Not worth that stanky pussy. Also skid row.

Can you name somewhere better? Specifically.
Not just "aNyWhErE"

You’re cruising the gentrified neighborhoods around ravenswood then

Now, as Detective Lydia Cardoza and Officers Jose Luaorozco and Robert Olvera patrol East Palo Alto’s streets, their Peninsula hometown that witnessed so much tragedy has undergone a transformation few had imagined possible. Violent crime has dropped precipitously — by over 60 percent in the past 25 years. Murder has almost vanished.

I go to Stanford and come from Brooklin. EPA isn't shit. Rich ass white people and techfaggots everywhere.

There is no ghetto on the peninsula anymore lol, mountain view, epa, san mateo, santa clara, etc are all fucking way to high of price to live for the ghetto to even exist.

Kansass and texass of course, the weather sucks, there is no innovation, the women are inbred, and there are fucking tornados. It's great! Come on over!!

Tracy or Bakersfield

The median income in epa still sits around $44grand

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Just draw a line from Stockton, including Tracy, through Bakersfield along the 99 and you will find the shittiest places in California to live

This dirt spread in NorCal called Galt. It wants to call itself a agriculture town because it's mostly dirt, but nothing grows there except the poverty level.

its all garbage, i visit there often for work. im from az, so stop moving here and bringing your fucking garbage liberal ideology. it didnt work in cali, so its not gonna work here. stay in your smelly overpriced diseased state.

>image name

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what elements are capitalist though?

Cows and whores also grow there.
It’s Lodi’s slutty, inbred cousin

It might be all that other shit, but it's not overpriced. Who the fuck are you to talk down on the market you faggot commie.

Imagine think this proves your point, especially considering the headline

I guarantee you’re a faggot from Scottsdale/Glendale area.
I’ve never met anyone from there that’s not a complete faggot

>Gun laws are strict
>Crime rates are high
>Everything is expensive
>Everyone is an upright liberal asshole
>Jobs are hard to come by
>Tent cities are popping up in just about every city
>Drugs.... So many drugs

Glad I moved away and got the fuck out. Lived in various parts of CA my whole life.

Which brings me to the WORST thing about CA:

Don't California my Arizona, faggots.

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Extreme income inequality is an element of uncapped capitalism that is affecting SF the hardest. Pure capitalism would lead to homelessness, pollution, and stripping of environmental protection though. Which hasn't happened yet because most of the elite like their shitty city. But any ism that goes unbalanced and extreme will lead to dystopia. Just like how socialism will fall into authoritarianism, capitalism will fall into a corporatocracy. The US market isn't pure capitalists in the least. But it's definitely more capitalistic than socialistic.

No one wants to live in Arizona faggot.
Go get cucked by your self tanning whore of a wife

You're so full of shit. California has amazing places like the redwood areas, many coastal towns, the Sierra Nevadas, and more. AZ is mostly barren desert. If the desert is your thing just state that, pussy. Don't trash on one of the largest, most diverse states in the union. It just makes you sound ignorant and small-brained. But if you were born and raised in a desert, I guess I'm asking a lot from you.

Man, if I'm being honest, all of Cali blows. I've lived here for most of my life and the one thing I've noticed is that if you don't have a certain type of life style or mentality, its mostly shit

huttburt trump supporter living in bumfuck alabama says what? I make more money in a year than your extended family does picking cotton at Jeb's in 3 years, nigger.

So you're saying EPA is totally ghetto still even though there is literally no houses that are less than 600k... which no ghetto person could afford to live in.

Can't say, would then be talked about.

if you have to ask this, you don't know shit about economics and need to go back to hs

your a fucking retard
>>hurr durr so much shit is the states fault but lets blame capitalism

This is the same trolling faggot as . What a lame brain fagboy.

I’m saying EPA is still a shit hole with one of the highest violent crime rates in low income areas despite the gentrification of parts of the city.
It’s not a hard concept to grasp

>if you're boring, depressed, sleep all day, and are an incel living at their parents house, it's mostly shit
That goes for anywhere user.

On a side note, I do have a lot of fun fucking around here, so I guess that's a Pro.

How’s that 210 sq foot house in the bay treating you?

That's very true and I was actually thinking how this could be the case anywhere.

>hurr durr so much shit is the states fault but lets blame capitalism
I'm not blaming capitalism as a fucking ism retard, I'm blaming those that let it go unchecked and unbalanced. Like the fucking state! You're right! You couldn't even comprehend my argument though, so you get a small cookie.

they have the highest gas prices of the contiguous states. the price of a run down shack in cali can get you a 3 bed 2 bath house in az. i guess facts make me a commie

okay sir galaxy brain you must also have a grand plan for it to fix it right?

We can afford it because we're capitalists. You're a commie because you think there is no such thing as supply and demand.

you must be from central phx. glad to see you finally have internet. congrats!

> (You)
>No one wants to live in Arizona faggot.

That just goes to show how fucking horrible commiefornia is when faggots keep showing up to a place they don't wanna live because it's better than the shit hole they're snowflake glittery trap faggot asses crawled out of.

We don't want you here either.

Gtfo and quit trying to pass these bills


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is that what you call thousands of illegals jumping the border and soaking up your resources?

Sure do, kill all the homeless... err I mean relocate all the homeless people and replace the lower class with automation. Ez fix.

Nah but really, they don't pay me.. er ok they pay me more than enough (gov salary is a joke) to solve that. But it's something that will need to be done via government. Hopefully, we can get some more moderate officials elected. The homeless issue is already majorly affecting the Millenials and pushing them to be more moderate. Most of my friends who work in tech are strong advocates of moderate candidates like yang or tulsi. Then again, most of the tech workers here are very well educated and know capitalism needs balance.

too bad it all goes to taxes so maria and juan can have a baby

Lived here for 32 years, never met an illegal before. I've kicked it with mexicans in many places. I don't think it's that abundant. Also that RealID thing is gonna be hard af for them to get.

Yes, if you dont like california please live elsewhere. I recommend places like nevada, arizona, and texas. Those states have vacancies. No, there’s no reason at all.

but what about the illegal problem fucking edgelord

im a capitalist too. i just dont like cali taxes and policies. i dont know where you obtained the notion that im a commie.

Again, if you come here, that's fine. But leave your liberal bullshit mindset at home. I

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>The homeless issue is already majorly affecting the Millenials and pushing them to be more moderate.
This, people are getting FUCKING SICK OF IT. Shit will change soon, I'd bet 5 figures on that. Newman better fucking shape up, or he's gone. CA isn't what it used to be, we all got houses and families and shit now. Everyone hates that it's going to shit because of the ridiculous inequality. It DEFINITELY won't last long.

I'd introduce this new thing called Real ID, where you need a social security card or birth certificate in order to drive or fly on a plane in the US. I know It's an ingenious idea. I came up with it all by myself.

Why do you care so much though? Did an illegal take your data science job at google paying 220k a year? If so, there are agencies you can go to for that.

bandaid fixes gg scrub
i dont see that real id doing shit good try thouh kid

Agreed, I live in oakland and the homeless situation is fucked. Only reason I'm here is I can save $10k a month. At 24 that's not an easy thing to do.
Otherwise I'd be the fuck out, tent cities are everywhere. I live down the street from my work and drive. Also fuck bart.


>bandaid fixes gg scrub
Oh, well let's hear your great idea since you're able to judge mine. I bet you make about what government pays too, so the situation fits you well.

Bay area here, whole place fucking suuuuuuuccks.

If you're broke and don't go outside. Fn love hiking in the bay, and the restaurants are some of the best in the world.


>i dont see that real id doing shit good try thouh kid
Then the mexicans are gonna take your lawn mowing job and there is nothing you can do to stop it user, oh well, better off yourself.

> Soaking up all those jobs working in fields and doing manual labor

oh yeah, they’re really a strain on the economy.

a moderate in california would be a huge fucking fix you retarded fucking cuck stay the fuck flyover inbred bitch land

all im saying is government cant be trusted to do shit

no one cares nigger

Palmdale native yo

>all im saying is government cant be trusted to do shit
So corporations can? That's the counterbalance to the government. You're saying corporations and banking institutions will do a better job than government when it comes to the social welfare of our citizens and country? You do realize libertarianism is a utopian pipedream ideology.

Oh wait, there are ton of countries that use libertarian ran governments... jk

Its really just any system with too many jews. California is a capitalist state where the (((rich))) are the same ones who preach gibs and other shit while raising taxes to justify the "gibs."

be honest, are you white?

I'm white and I love it here, except the homeless bullshit. All the asian girls I can fuck.

pol is metastasizing again.

chill dude he's probably like 12

not saying that either.
and where has libertarianism been actually tried no one with power would want it for a reason. you are all fucking dumb shits holy fuck why am i here still.

California is a nigger's paradise.

> marijuana is legal

> weather is perfect for being a homeless bum

> liberals will give you free money

> liberals will fight for your rights

> white women love race mixing

Seriously, please don't send your daughter to school in California.
She will end up having sex with a dirty nigger.

>not saying that either.
Then you have no point or argument lol

>and where has libertarianism been actually tried no one with power would want it for a reason.
Of course it doesn't adhere to human nature, it's a utopianistic idealism like socialism, or any pure ism.

>holy fuck why am i here still.
I have no idea.

stfu brokefag, no one cares what the flyover cucks think.

Yup. That's pretty accurate, all right.

but capitalism can do a better job than your precious government and it shows when the government isnt involved

I meant the landscape, racist faggot. Your small-minded dessert brain is showing again.

libcucks are the shittiest part about california

Cen Cal has the easiest girls tho

> don’t send your daughter

Lol do you think this is the 1400s, hillbilly? They don’t need you to ‘send’ them anywhere. Bitches show up in planes, trains, and buses scrimped and saved from their summer jobs at Denny’s and allowances since they were in braces ... all to ride Tyrone’s bone on a sandy beach :). Stay livid.

Madera —> Bakersfield = Trash

im hispanic. how am i racist? according to your libtard skin rules i cant be. i have nothing against hispanics, most of my friends are. thanks for pulling out the race card so quickly and losing the argument.

I know. I'm a small dicked chink and all the asian girls go for white dudes here at ucla. fucking sucks being an asian male. fml

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