You Laugh You Leave

You Laugh You Leave

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Silica gel isn't even toxic

No, it's just really, really tasty, and they don't want the public to know.

Challenge accepted. I doubt I'll even smirk.

cool thumbnail dipshit

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so eat it

it tastes like nothing, i ate it some times

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not even smirkworthy

pretend nazis should just go away

I'm worried, and check'd

oh haha. so funny. looks like i'm out guys

this poor guy
nazis had a fine tradition of tranny cabaret

Stupid leftists should just go away

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>hurr durr people don't pretend boys are girls so they're pretend nazis

You're an actual fucking moron, have fun pretending you're not gay because the dude you're fucking thinks he's a girl. What I found funny about it is the dad's dead reaction.

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Here's some dindus doing nuffin

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Your impotent manbaby rage and hatred for people that are different aren't funny, not because I'm offended or whatever faggotry you think, but because the only reason you find it funny is the hate, which is sad and not funny

This is not funny you insensitive asshole.
That dad's pain is real.

pls, I laugh at funny shit, and this webm is about the father being unhappy and trying to hide it. stop projecting your insecurities onto other people

Eating cardboard won't kill you either, still not going to eat it retard

maybe if your father had been supportive like him, you wouldn't have turned out this way

maybe if you had a father, you wouldn't be mentally ill thinking you're the wrong gender

I find it funny because the dad is clearly hurting but is acting like the tranny thing is normal, kinda like you're doing, faggot. You clearly have a love for transfags if your go-to reaction is being enraged when you see a tranny then I'm willing to bet you are offended by it.

Congrats on the dad being supportive but he's not very good at hiding how he truly feels and that's just what's funny about it. Plus, a gender reveal at like 20 is fucking pathetic no matter what political agenda you're trying to shill.

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looks more like dad molested him and got away with it in the most unexpected way..

>seething over a ylyl

Idk, im black and I turned out alright.

It's literally inert. It will suck up like half of it's weight in water and then just pass through your system. The bag might be destroyed by your digestive fluids.
There is a form of silica gel that is colored with some kind of chemical indicator that shows of the beads are dry or not. This indicator is HIGHLY toxic, but these aren't inside those little baggies.

if the kid felt like he/she/it/their/xir leg doesn't belog to them*, would you demand the father demand a surgeon cut it off, too?
this is a real question, and a real medical illness some people suffer from
what makes transgenderism any different?

He's probably relieved that the SJWs at work won't think he's gay once they find out, plus, I'm sure the pedos will someday achieve getting their letter into the LGBTQ&A. He got off real clean.

My father loved me which is why I'm not such a low self-esteem babyman that I have to make fun of people for being different

You don't know how he feels. You're assuming based on a 30 second clip. Maybe he always looks like that? Literally the only reason it's funny to you is you hate trannies. Can you say different?

>My father loved me which is why I'm not such a low self-esteem babyman that I have to make fun of people for being different
I make fun of people for being different, and I guarantee so do you. Like when you demean and make fun of everybody who doesn't instantly share your point of view. Self-righteous fag. It's stupid shit why Trump keeps winning, and no I am not a Trumper I despise him

Yes, I've been saying different the entire time. The whole predicament is funny to me as a whole anyway, even the way it's clearly set up. "I'm gonna walk out of the box and then you two are gonna high five", it's just cheesy and uncomfortable to watch. Not everyone has to be like you, faggot, not everyone has to accept what you do and they won't. My thing is, if you're gonna be offended by bigotry you're on the wrong website as a whole, even the actual trannies on this site handle the hatred better than you, grow up.

keep telling yourself you've got the moral high ground and are the good guy/gal/non-confirming entity
and watch the deplorables reject your fascism of thought once more and rise again

Unifying aspect here is you don't like being called out. Hypocritical babies the lot of you

Go make another pro-Trump thread

>Hypocritical babies
I identify as babykin, this is babyphobic

What said, user. I was actually born with the brain of a baby, it's not my fault that I'm different than you. Now, don't look at me weird when I decide to force myself upon a random chick's tits in public, it's just how my brain works.

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I love when you people have to make up some ridiculous made up scenario as an argument

Kinda like you've been doing, retard? "You guys only think this is funny because you hate trannies and that really hurts my feelings, I know you've told me already why you find it funny but I'm gonna ignore that because then I can't be upset."

It's not any less ridiculous than your gender dysphoria scenario. People feel trapped in the wrong body, or reject their limbs, or think they are fat when they are really starving themselves to death, or think they are so ugly they don't dare go outside when they are normally looking.
And you expect me to just accept your mental... non-conformity as born this way(tm) and expect me to fuel your delusions? fuck no
Feel free to live your life the way you like, at least until you self-harm or mutilate yourself at which point society has the moral obligation to step in and protect you from yourself same as it has to protect suicidal people and anorexics

Also, what the fuck do you mean by "you people"? Goddamn racist.

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You can live your life fine as the opposite gender. Mutilated fake vagina or not. It only really effects your ability to have a child, and not everyone has those anyways. An important part of these people living a better life and lowering their suicide rates is accepting them. You cannot function as a dog, baby, rat, Abraham Lincoln, etc.

I think the worst part of this is that this is not the first time it was filmed and not the last time either. The pain becomes even more existential once the gender revealed climbs back into it's box for at least one more take

And related, if you're having a gender reveal party or video or celebration or coming out it's not like it's a fucking mystery. If you're a dude having a gender reveal you're probably not going to say you're a dude anymore.

HRT and gender reassignment surgery increases the suicide rates
And the cherry on top: the guy who invented reassignment surgery is now a staunch opponent of it and says it has to stop and is only causing harm

Jesus y'all are bringing me down with your bullshit. Why do you desire to argue with literal anonymous strangers on the internet? You're never going to meet this person in your life, you're not going to change their views so why not accept that you're both dickpipes and fuck off?

Please post professionally analyzed proof of this claim

Shut up faggot this isn't reddit

Kek'd hard at the though of having a gender reveal party just to pop out as a dude again. Also, definitely about 50 takes with those same fucking awkward high fives, "born with the wrong brain" means the queer probably kept thinking he looked fat every take.

We were all born with the brain of a baby user

No u

It's a mental illness. A guy decides he's not happy with girls, being gay doesnt make him withermso he moves to crossdressing because pretending to be a girl will make him happy. That doesn't work because that pesky penis. So cutting it off will finally make him happy. Shirley, that didnt work and I crossed the point of no return so I cant try anything else. I guess ill just kill myself.

Back in the day you had to go through a lot of therapy and have drs sign off on it, because medical doctors wont cut off healthy bu body parts. But now you just whine and accuse people of being some 'ist or 'phobic and then demand the rest if the country pay for your delusion.

every time I see this creature I cant help but remember mask....

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Exactly but you see, I'm special and I deserve to be treated as such. I don't deserve any criticism because my life is difficult and although you've probably had your fair share of struggles you're a cis male so I don't care how you feel. I'm more important because I'm different than you, I deserve to be protected.

You're likely some alt-right scum whom I despise, but I agree with you on this, and funnily enough so do statistics and science

Shit actually kinda scared me for some reason, it's uncanny though.

It's still a lengthy process that requires multiple doctors to confirm.
Statistics and science do not agree with him. Trans people are not trans because they're "unhappy with girls" whatever the fuck that means.

>Statistics and science do not agree with him.
He expressed himself (or herself? Or theirself?) very nonchalantly with much hyperbole, but the core of it, mental illness, increased suicide attempts, doctors going against their ethnic code by cutting off healthy organs leaving behind essentially an open wound that needs livelong care (m2f), something they wouldn't do for a people with any other form of body integrity dysphoria, that's all true.

I don't know what the fuck he meant either but how can you call yourself a girl when you're jealous of girls? They're complete fucking critters, it's as easy as just being a faggot who likes looking like a woman so much so that they'll commit to it and make it a part of their everyday life. I'm also willing to bet that they know they're bound to get more attention from "straight" guys (still faggots). Then just say you were born in the wrong body and BOOM, not only is it justified but it's encouraged.

You really are a self-righteous faggot aren't you user? Have you ever been on this site before? Anyone here who doesn't jerk it to traps is generally very hostile to trannies and for good reason. They act irrationally and have substance abuse, mental health, and suicide problems that are pretty good and well absolutely unseen outside of severe schizophrenics.

>Muh societal hate

No faggot, POWs in Vietnam, Jews in concentration camps, and child sex slaves have lower suicide rates than trannies, and if you're going to try to say that a man in a dress has it worse than any of those people then you are a literal Goddamn retard.

No, people don't like trannies and yes, it is because they're different. However, they aren't different in benevolent or harmless ways, they are different in disgusting and incredibly harmful ways. If you're getting this fucking salty because you saw one video on this gay website then I honestly don't know how you walk around in the real world without having a fucking stroke every time you see something you don't like you infantile big baby bitch.

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Good post, well said.

Yes it's a mental illness, the high suicide rates are due to how poorly they are treated. Their suicide rates drop in environments where they are accepted. Yes the suicide rate even then is still higher than usual, however that clearly shows that it is the right direction. Also the Wikipedia article you posted is unrelated. It is specifically for something that will leave you disabled. Not having your penis isn't going to disable you like having a doctor cut your legs off or make you blind

>Anyone here who doesn't jerk it to traps is generally very hostile to trannies
I'm not hostile towards trannies, I feel them as I do feel for other people with debilitating illnesses.
However, the attempt to elevate this mental illness to normalcy while throwing under the bus the people who actually suffer from it, even kill themselves because they get no proper treatment (therapy lowers suicide rates, HRT and reassignment surgery sharply increases rates), that's what I strongly object to.

Literally apes

Weak bait

What do you mean? I dinsee nuffin.

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Gender reassignment surgery does leave you disabled. Male-to-Female, it leaves what is essentially an open wound, that has to be kept open otherwise it will close itself up again at least some.
Same as organ transplants leave you disabled. But unnecessary organ transplants aren't performed, and the necessary ones, while leaving you disabled to varying degrees, are still better than not doing it.
When it comes to GRS all studies show that the outcomes are worse to far worse.

Honestly I'm not too well studied on sexual reassignment surgery, so I'm gonna go do that. Thanks user.

Not to mention almost all of them become infected

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I guess I said that wrong. We're more hostile towards that effort to normalize transsexuality and such than we are towards individual transsexuals.

More angst against the movement than actual "hate" towards the person.

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Not a movement, an ideology and belief system devoid of facts and actively hurting the people it says to empower and protect. It's basically the woke version of climate change denial

"Beautiful" and "natural"

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And look horrible.

>climate change denial
I believe that climate change is natural , user.

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Actual true story inbound
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

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Pretty boring story ngl.

At least you are proud of your under-education. Which implies you're poor too and will suffer the most from man-made climate change :D

Normal people dont want to normalize mental illness. If you have cancer you want to treat the cancer, not get a hug and a speech that its totally normal and everyone secretly wished they had cancer.

Just because you are emotionally-impacted by 'call outs' does not mean the people you interact with online are, in the slightest.

>Implying that you would accept the authority of evidence

Worst you YLYL ever.

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>At least you are proud of your under-education
In what manner? I stated an opinion of mine. You have no idea how well informed I am or why I believe that. Being so hostile right out the gate implies that you're either really insecure about what you believe or that you have a superiority/inferiority complex.

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that's your problem, science and facts don't care about your feels

This website is 18+. Also that story was boring af and sounded pretty incestuous.

Good one retard

>science and facts
Science and facts that are rather inconclusive because there's little to compare it to that can be measured.

The Earth goes in cycles user. Back during the dinosaur ages the Earth's average temperature was something like 120 degrees Fahrenheit. And of course, we've also had ice ages.

Now there is a correlation between the Earth heating up and the usage of fossil fuels, but correlation does not equal causation, as that heating and usage of fossil fuels both increase over time.

I generally find the view that us humans could do so much to impact the world with simply going about our daily lives to be an incredibly anthropocentric viewpoint. Something is happening that we don't understand and so there HAS to be a way to stop it and it HAS to be something that WE can do.

Here's a fun exercise: Read some scientific studies on global warming in relation to carbon emissions and count the number that end with a phrase something like "This MAY show the relation between carbon emissions and global temperature."

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lurk moar

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>Science and facts that are rather inconclusive because there's little to compare it to that can be measured.

>The Earth goes in cycles user.

>Back during the dinosaur ages the Earth's average temperature was something like 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

>And of course, we've also had ice ages.
Yes, so?

>Now there is a correlation between the Earth heating up and the usage of fossil fuels, but correlation does not equal causation, as that heating and usage of fossil fuels both increase over time.
Basic chemistry shows causation

>I generally find the view that us humans could do so much to impact the world with simply going about our daily lives to be an incredibly anthropocentric viewpoint. Something is happening that we don't understand and so there HAS to be a way to stop it and it HAS to be something that WE can do.
You talk about the humans who exterminated many species, created a floating plastic island in the ocean larger than many nations, created deserts by accident when we lumberjacked a little too much, fuck up entire coast lines every few years with oil spills, yeah what could we possibly do?!

>"This MAY show the relation between carbon emissions and global temperature."
Scientists are very conservative with phrasing. They also say that the theory of gravity MAY explain why we do not float off into space.

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This guy knows how wrong you are.

>More angst against the movement than actual "hate" towards the person.
If it were all that abstract, your view of this decade's fashion victims in the realm of ideas would be one of negligent disregard, rather than paranoid fixation. It is all so tiresome.

Great argument user.

>Basic chemistry shows causation
On a small scale in a controlled environment when you pump in a shitload of CO2, I guess.

>You talk about the humans who exterminated many species
Which species? A couple of bugs? Some random bumfuck treefrog that lived in the middle of a specific South American Jungle? We haven't killed off all deer, we haven't killed off all spiders, we haven't had any effect on the Earth that has wildly knocked it off course. Things die and go extinct all the time, and are replaced by new mutations and subspecies, that's how nature works. Wolves have been responsible for as many species extinctions as we have.

>created a floating plastic island in the ocean larger than many nations
And how does that affect the entire ocean, user? The Earth is far larger than ALL nations put together.

>created deserts by accident when we lumberjacked a little too much
Never heard about this one.

>fuck up entire coast lines every few years with oil spills
Which entire coast lines? Do things still live there?

>yeah what could we possibly do?!
You need to calm the fuck down user. We haven't knocked the planet out of orbit, and there is almost nothing that we could do to actually "destroy the planet." You've fallen for an alarmist meme. Life will go on, and there are more important things to worry about than whether or not the guy down the street drives an electric car and recycles in his solar powered house.

>They also say that the theory of gravity MAY explain why we do not float off into space.
While I haven't read into a lot of studies on Gravity, I'm sure many of them would say "This conclusively shows that there is a force that attracts things to the core of our planet" not "Maybe we haven't floated off into space because of gravity."

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>Great argument user.
facts do not require arguments

>On a small scale in a controlled environment when you pump in a shitload of CO2, I guess.
No, the properties of our atmosphere and how certain gases work like carbon-dioxide or methane work in it are well researched and well known

>Which species? A couple of bugs?

>And how does that affect the entire ocean, user? The Earth is far larger than ALL nations put together.
We know for example that the plastics decay into micro-plastics which then get into sealife which then gets into your organs.

>Never heard about this one.
Now you have

>Which entire coast lines? Do things still live there?

>You need to calm the fuck down user. We haven't knocked the planet out of orbit, and there is almost nothing that we could do to actually "destroy the planet."
We could make it uninhabitable. It would still circle the sun, just without us.

>You've fallen for an alarmist meme.

>Life will go on, and there are more important things to worry about than whether or not the guy down the street drives an electric car and recycles in his solar powered house.
Electric cars and recycling are a minor issue. Far more pertinent are farming incl but not limited to deforestation and mono-cultures and general energy production. Burning a bit of oil to drive around in cars? Can be offset by planting and burying some trees, or growing seaweed in the ocean

>While I haven't read into a lot of studies on Gravity, I'm sure many of them would say "This conclusively shows that there is a force that attracts things to the core of our planet" not "Maybe we haven't floated off into space because of gravity."
It's more theoretical physics and some experimentation than studies.
But nope, they still say "may" and "this strongly suggests" and things like that. They don't actually know yet what gravity is, and it has rather exotic properties too. However, the basic consensus is that it allows us to not float into space.

Lost and I take my leave

>facts do not require arguments
I guess you're right. Faggots like Galileo Galilee shouldn't have made arguments about why the prevailing scientific opinion was wrong. There was no point in debating facts.

>No, the properties of our atmosphere and how certain gases work like carbon-dioxide or methane work in it are well researched and well known

That doesn't affect a flawed experiment.

What do you know, it's almost exclusively entirely localized subspecies of specific birds, mammals, bugs, and frogs.

>We know for example that the plastics decay into micro-plastics which then get into sealife which then gets into your organs.

That isn't going to kill anyone, user, and it won't reach a parts-per-million high enough to have an effect on the entire ocean, or all life therein.

>Now you have
How about you elaborate? The closest thing I know of is the dustbowl which was brought about by bad farming techniques, and to my knowledge isn't a problem any more.


People still live in both of these locations, and there is still life along the coast lines. It was a mess, but these areas are still inhabitable.

>We could make it uninhabitable
Do you even realize the catastrophic levels of fuck-up that would be required around the clock over the course of decades for this to happen?

>huehue we already are doing that

No we are not. The Earth is getting along fine. We cause hiccups from time to time but we won't destroy the damn planet.

>Electric cars and recycling are a minor issue. Far more pertinent are farming incl but not limited to deforestation and mono-cultures and general energy production. Burning a bit of oil to drive around in cars? Can be offset by planting and burying some trees, or growing seaweed in the ocean

That's not my point user, and you know it.

>t's more theoretical physics and some experimentation than studies.
But nope, they still say "may" and "this strongly suggests" and things like that. They don't actually know yet what gravity is, and it has rather exotic properties too. However, the basic consensus is that it allows us to not float into space.
Could you quote some?

Climate change is by and large a non-issue. Our efforts and energy would be better spent fighting against legislation by corrupt governments that works to destroy their people. If that can be done successfully, it will likely take care of your issue any way because it will crack down on the unethical practices of megacorporations and kill their funding and "get out of jail free" cards.

Not sure why. Just don't fuck dudes and your good.
I been alive 33 years and never once had a issue with a girl pretending to be a dude on me.
Like it literally doesn't affect me and I'm in Kentucky. The only reason I can think someone would care is if they have some type of interest or stake in the situation.

You will be happier as a girl I'm sure, not me for though.

>I guess you're right. Faggots like Galileo Galilee shouldn't have made arguments about why the prevailing scientific opinion was wrong. There was no point in debating facts.
He didn't make an argument about wrong science, he made an argument that believing the shit from the bible is wrong as it 1) isn't science and 2) there are scientific observations contradicting it.

>What do you know, it's almost exclusively entirely localized subspecies of specific birds, mammals, bugs, and frogs.
So, each had varying degrees of impact on their environments. It was also just an example of what humans are capable of. But introducing new species into existing systems has usually bigger consequences indeed.

>That isn't going to kill anyone, user, and it won't reach a parts-per-million high enough to have an effect on the entire ocean, or all life therein.
Effects are already observable, read the literature

>How about you elaborate? The closest thing I know of is the dustbowl which was brought about by bad farming techniques, and to my knowledge isn't a problem any more.

>People still live in both of these locations, and there is still life along the coast lines. It was a mess, but these areas are still inhabitable.
People also live in the arctic. Just because human life is possible doesn't mean it's not a problem

>Do you even realize the catastrophic levels of fuck-up that would be required around the clock over the course of decades for this to happen?
He were on the verge of nuclear winter a couple of times during the cold war. Because of fuckups, and only got lucky

>That's not my point user, and you know it.
You were mocking hippies and their electric cars and recycling. I do not even disagree with that, and instead pointed out what actually needs to be done

>Climate change is by and large a non-issue.
Nope, The *broad* scientific consensus says otherwise. Sure, scientists argue about the specifics, but the macro-theory is set and agreed

Ain't nobody is gonna read all that shit

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Let's get into now

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>he made an argument that believing the shit from the bible is wrong as it 1) isn't science and 2) there are scientific observations contradicting it.
That was not his argument, and I really have to wonder what the fuck is going on inside your head.

Yes that notion originally came from a literal interpretation of a Biblical passage, but he was arguing against the astronomers of the time who had their science backed up by equations and observations that would later be proven wrong by the more sound maths of Galileo. He didn't hate the Bible, but rrather argued that the pop-scientists of his time were using "science" to push an agenda, said agenda being that a lot of higher ups in the Catholic Church wanted to "prove" that the Bible was infallible and to be taken completely literally so that they could abuse their positions of power and "holiness" to extort the people. As such they bribed some scientists to find evidence for the "correct" opinion of contradicting heliocentrism.

Much the same as (I believe) a lot of scientific studies in contemporary times are funded to find the "correct" opinion of humans leading to the destruction of our planet via carbon emissions so that legislation can be pushed forward in order to introduce carbon taxes (to pay the government) and environmental laws (which would be manipulated by corporate legislators in order to have loopoles that only a large megacorporation could fulfill in order to edge out competition).

> It was also just an example of what humans are capable of.
Small scale changes to localized environments over multiple decades or centuries?

>Effects are already observable, read the literature
In the same way that pissing in a river affects the ecosystem.

Elaborate on what user? I was asking about creating deserts through woodcutting.

>People also live in the arctic. Just because human life is possible doesn't mean it's not a problem

I can see your point, but I think you're missing mine.


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Where can I see this with sound?

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Why do women seem to not care?

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That girl in the box is really sexy
I wanna fuck her asshole
right in front of her dad

fuck off

My point is that we have never changed an area so badly as to make it uninhabitable for ourselves or for wildlife. Yes, oil spills are an issue, yes, we should avoid them, but no, we haven't "destroyed the planet" and it would take a serious concentrated effort to do so in any meaningful way.

>He were on the verge of nuclear winter a couple of times during the cold war
When, exactly? And what long-term affect has it had on us?

>I do not even disagree with that, and instead pointed out what actually needs to be done

I still think you're missing the point, see above.

>Nope, The *broad* scientific consensus says otherwise. Sure, scientists argue about the specifics, but the macro-theory is set and agreed
The broad theories of science have been wrong before and will be wrong again. It's alarmist nonsense used to keep people from worrying about real issues.

to get away from female chinks who have the carona virus

if you lived near niggers you would see piss stains on the stairs and a few niggers fighting to steal that shoe.

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less insecure in their own sexuality. live and let live type deal

>camera guy keeps filming like a mother fucking boss
I love this clip

Holy based.

the fortune teller was later court ordered to pay a full refund

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>against the astronomers of the time who had their science backed up by equations and observations
No, the people he was arguing against were believer and some pseudo-scientists who failed the basic requirements of the scientific method every step of the way. People who operated with the scientific rigor and competence of astrologers.

>Small scale changes to localized environments over multiple decades or centuries?
I lived multiple decades already and aim to live a few more decades longer. That scale affects me.
And decades and even centuries is a blip to things like climate, and yet we observe a radical change to it in that blip, which coincided with us humans pumping lots of gases, carbons in particular, into the air. I know I know, causation-blah-coincidence-blub

>In the same way that pissing in a river affects the ecosystem.

>I can see your point, but I think you're missing mine.
Not really. Your point is that humankind can survive and adept. It can to a degree, but when we turn half our farmland into not-farmland or really-bad-farmland then we will kill billions. And if we manage to completely fuck up the oceans then we will have a lot of trouble breathing

>My point is that we have never changed an area so badly as to make it uninhabitable for ourselves.
And just because we didn't manage to make uninhabitable land on large scale so far doesn't follow we never will. In fact, we got a good mechanism to make it happen: human made climate change.

>When, exactly?

>And what long-term affect has it had on us?
Thankfully none, because we got lucky and it didn't happen

>The broad theories of science have been wrong before and will be wrong again.
When? And don't come with middle ages pseudo-scientists or the one of no-impact cancer-worms.

the nigger didn't want to pay the fortune teller which is why he went to prison.


Let's read your Estonian and see if you make any mistakes in a language foreign to you

Not that user, but if you want to actually learn how climate change works here's a playlist explaining climate change.

Well if they're not going to get the cumshot, they might as well keep going and sell it as a puke fetish kink video.

Well, what else to expect from a nigger..

>No, the people he was arguing against were believer and some pseudo-scientists who failed the basic requirements of the scientific method every step of the way. People who operated with the scientific rigor and competence of astrologers.

Yes, and these "scientists" had the prevailing opinion of science in their day. Most people believed what they said because it's what the powers that be in those days endorsed. Things have gotten a lot more complex these days but it's still possible to suppress and manipulate information rather easily.

>That scale affects me.
Do you depend on the health and welfare of the Atlas Bear?

>And decades and even centuries is a blip to things like climate, and yet we observe a radical change to it in that blip
I understand that, but exactly how long does it take for an ice-age to come into effect? Probably just a blip or two.

Alright, you've got me there. Chernobyl was quite the clusterfuck, but I put it as an exception because it was grossly mishandled nuclear energy, which is way different that carbon emissions or oil spills. And even still, life goes on in the exclusion zone.

>Your point is that humankind can survive and adept.
No, my point is that we won't harm our environment so badly as to make it unlivable unless someone detonates the world's stockpile of nuclear warheads.

>Thankfully none, because we got lucky and it didn't happen
Again, we are going into nuclear problems which lie outside of normal human day-to-day operations.

>When? And don't come with middle ages pseudo-scientists or the one of no-impact cancer-worms.
Those happened user, and you may not accept it but the broad consensus of scientists who don't really know what they're talking about get popularized more often than a lot of people talk about.

>spouts "science and facts"
>doesn't even know about the medieval warming period or little ice age

You keep saying science is opinion. It is not

>Do you depend on the health and welfare of the Atlas Bear?
Maybe my live would be better if it still was around. The ecosystem is very complex and has very complex and non-obvious intra- and inter-dependencies.

>grossly mishandled nuclear energy
yes, and we humans quite often grossly mishandle things and these things then blow up in our faces. Right now we grossly mishandle greenhouse gas output, and 99% of the scientists say they found through experimentation, studies, calculations that this will too blow up in our face. Even if they all turn out to be wrong because they were infected by a brain eating fungus at some climate conference, it wouldn't be a risk I am willing to take.

>Again, we are going into nuclear problems which lie outside of normal human day-to-day operations.
It's not. Nuclear is an important part of international policy and the economy, both in weapons as well as power generation.
And Chernobyl or this the almost launches of nukes during the cold war aren't isolated incidents either. The US got three mile island, Japan got Fukushima, the world got the India/China/Pakistan border conflicts, and Iran, and North Korea.

You keep calling total quacks "scientists" for some reason.

Anyway, gotta go now, was nice talking to you, no sarcasm intended. See you another itme

Did I say I didn't know let alone deny it? Very lame rhetorical troll.

>how long does it take for an ice-age to come into effect?
Several thousands of years. You could have just looked this up.
It's irresponsible to not look up things and then base your opinions on not looking up things.
Look at the video series here You only really need the first few videos to understand the basics of climate change and the video series was made by a right winger, so he's not even biased against you or an 'alarmist'.
Or if you wanted to you could read some books/ wiki-articles, or you could read actual scientific articles, your choice. But please don't 'debate' something you don't even know the basics on. If you insist on learning nothing, just don't share whatever illformed opinions you have.

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Fix it you dipshit.

>Did I say I didn't know
The fact it's been hotter than modern times shows climate change is natural

Fuck those bastards if you don't want that responsability use a condom.

either his cum is fucking rancid or she's in the wrong career

>You keep saying science is opinion. It is not
Au contrare, science is the act of interpreting factual data into a widely agreed-upon opinion. For example, the common opinion is that the unproven concept of gravity is correct.

>The ecosystem is very complex and has very complex and non-obvious intra- and inter-dependencies.
That's true, but things have hardly fallen apart without dodo birds being around. As I said, things die, mutate, and become new subspecies all the time.

> Right now we grossly mishandle greenhouse gas output,
Which, if the predictions are correct might actually have an effect after a few decades. The effects of mishandling nuclear energy are immediate, apparent, and demonstrable.

Greenhouse gas is on the way out anyway as advancements are being made in nuclear and renewable energy. The only reason coal and oil are still around is because of Rockefeller and his ilk.

>It's not. Nuclear is an important part of international policy and the economy, both in weapons as well as power generation.
It does not feed us and nuclear catastrophes are incredibly uncommon, not to mention that since Chernobyl and Fukushima we have implemented safeguards to make sure that meltdowns can't ever cause that much harm ever again. Also, nuclear weapons have not been legitimately deployed since 1945.

>The US got three mile island, Japan got Fukushima, the world got the India/China/Pakistan border conflicts, and Iran, and North Korea.
No one has ever been dumb enough to actually launch a nuke though because of the M.A.D. doctrine. I will say that I think there should be more research put into the neutralization of nuclear energies, but I can't bring myself to call it a priority.

>You keep calling total quacks "scientists" for some reason.
Because that was their official title, user. John Money was actually just a pedophile, but he is still considered a scientist.

>Anyway, gotta go now, was nice talking to you,
I enjoyed our debate


i had really bad anxiety before i looked at this picture. why the fuck did this grotesque abomination give me peace?

Dude are you having a breakdown?

Didn't laugh, leaving now

>I generally find the view that us humans could do so much to impact the world with simply going about our daily lives to be an incredibly anthropocentric viewpoint.

What is it like going through life this retarded?

What is going on with this massive argument and walls of text? Why not just go jerk each other off in a different thread

No comment user?

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>Which, if the predictions are correct might actually have an effect after a few decades

>pic related

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