Do antidepressants actually work...

Do antidepressants actually work? Most people here are on that shit anyway and I might go down that road too since nothing else works anymore.
Yay or nay? What are your experiences?

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avoid SSRI's, mirtazapine was the only one that worked for me.

No two people are the same. No way to know they work for you or not unless you try.

This. SSRI side effects are shit. One of which is erectile dysfunction which could be permanent. Idk about you but not being able to get or maintain a boner would make my depression worse

Confirmed. There's a shitload of negative side effects in association with SSRIs.

that would be the end for me, also if you've taken speed for long periods SSRI's psycho side effects become more pronounced, and makes the anti - depressant effect zero.

This is actually what I'm afraid of. Losing my sexual ability would be a disaster. My depression just drives me to drinking so often I don't know how else can I keep going.

Wellbutrin doesn't effect your dick. It's not a "heavy" med, mind you but does work for some. If you're a fast cummer, then antidepressants make you last forever and when you do nut, it feels fuckin fantastic. Everything in life is a trade off. To say you can't get a hard on, on those meds isn't entirely true. You just have to concentrate on yer fucking.

Just get a non SSRI. You can try Buspar. A non benzo anxiolytic that could help with depression

been on ssri's and tricyclics for over 10 years. can still get hard when needed, harder to cum sure. i take 200mg of sertraline a day which is max dose.

Buspar is pretty good, Doctors in the UK are reluctant to prescribe it as it can lead to dependency.

Also some meds interact with SSRIs that don’t immediately say so on the bottle. For instance Ultram/Tramadol just says don’t drink with medication. But if taken with SSRIs could easily lead to serotonin syndrome which fucks you up

Meth works pretty well

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Been taking desvenlafaxine for the past 11 months (also known as pristiq)

Taking it helped me ease up on my emotional distress and allow me to self reflect much less biasedly.

You come off it after 12 months but whats important is that you also work on improving your own outlook in life while youre on it, so once you start tapering off, you'll not fall into depression again.

Some ED occured, nothing im too worried about as when I miss a day, my johnson comes marching right back with full force.

Shits good

Op here.
Wow, so many have actually found pills helping. I've been trying to stay positive with good diet and working out but I know my problems are more than that. I work a shitty and job as a security guard and that isn't fixed with pills.

Yeah ssris slap. Keep trying different ones until you find one that works. It takes them a couple weeks to really get going but you will find one that's not too bad on sides and let's you feel a little better :) my route was prozac > paxil > lexapro > celexa and now I'm on the min dose. Gabapentin is good while you're coming into the shit and getting sorted on which one you need. Just go to the doc and say you want to try but you want to not get stuck on the first thing if it isn't working.

Yes they work.
Don't take your fucking advice from Cred Forums.
Some work for some people, some don't. You need a good psychiatrist who will work with you. Ask them to start you out on a low dosage of something. They will listen if you voice your concerns.

There are literally schizophrenics who post here day after day who will tell you to be afraid of anything mental health related. You should really do some research on your own, if you don't know how the best way to learn is visit a professional.

Meds were the first thing they offered me when I wen't to shrink and I have red some harrowing experiences what other people have had. Still don't know what to do.

What a pussy

if you're not at the point where you're swallowing any pill you can to get rid of your depression, you're not fucking depressed you whiny faggot

I have been depressed throuhout my whole life so I'm pretty sure I know how it is. Also I got diagnosed with the hard case by my shrink.

Untreated mental illness is so ... braaaaaave lol retard