My neighbor is smoking weed at the moment with his girlfriend...

My neighbor is smoking weed at the moment with his girlfriend. They play music at all hours of the night and I wanna call the police on them for disturbance and use of drugs (very illegal in South Dakota).

What do I say to guarantee the police will show up? Say I saw them dealing drugs?

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Say that you heard them get into a argument over using up their drug stash and that the girl started screaming bloody murder, before going completely silent.

>ask them to turn the music down
>if they dont, call in noise disturbance
>cops will find the drugs

>walk next door
>calmly and politely explain your frustration with music at all hours of the night
>do not mention the cannabis usage
>problem solved

Say you can smell marijuana smoke coming from the property and there has been a child crying for over an hour. Anything involving kids gets priority

Oh look this stupid thread again

I second these options

dont be a narc, OP

Say that you need an ambulance because you can't stop sucking dicks

Sure break the law to use it advantageously you stupid fuck

Don't be a narc you pathetic little bitch. They probably have no idea they're bothering you. Pretend you're a functioning adult and go talk to them.

>a drug
whatever you say, great plains trash.

I live in western south Dakota if I ever got the cops called on me from you ima smash your head in and fuck all the people you care about. Tell them it's too fucking loud and mind your own fucking business

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EVERY fucking day I wake up and see this thread and don't want to kill myself at all

winner winner chicken dinner

>double dubs checked

then get a fucking job and move out of mommy's basement

weed is a drug faggot

everything is a god damn drug

Last night was Idaho, now is South Dakota?

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so are caffeine and alcohol. which ones we decide are "good" or "bad" shouldn't be based solely on what the legal system decides is okay

Imagine being this new

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Not this shit again

Post this thread like once a day

Really showcasing South Dakota's worth in the country. Sound like a bunch of hick retards

Hey OP! I'm close to SD. Where do you live!?

Shit tier repost

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hope OP family gets raped and slaughtered on a live stream while he cries in the background

C'mon OP! I wanna meet you.

Horrifying but would work.

Be more vague though. Too specific and they'll know you're lying lmao

youve said too much

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