

Go on, white boys, go on.

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communism > globalism

I love starving to death.

I am an Anarchist, so I am not defending Tanky shit like the USSR or China.

Yes and you'll still starve to death. The absence of tanks doesn't magically make it work. Why do you think they believed they needed tanks?

Tankies are people who defend state capitalist countries like the USSR, China or Cuba, and say that they are socialist/leftist. I am Russo-Canadian and I have ancestors who died in gulags, I ain't defending that type of shit. The thing that you are scared of is a caricature of leftism, made to stop from questioning the oppressive system that is neoliberalism and capitalism. You probably have a job. Is it good? Probably not. The working conditions probably suck and you probably hate it. You could form a union, but just saying the word "union" could get you fired. I bet you live in a city where rent is rising higher and higher without your consent even though you have to live with it. Do you get what I am saying?

Strasserism: it’s like NazBol But not a fucking meme and it actually helps the volk. Jewish capitalism and globalism shivers in fear at the mention of its name.

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Long live our Volk

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>post nazbol meme

Lol okay fag

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>100M dead
>labor camps
>totalitarian rule
Sure, if you’re retarded what’s not to like

I guess Cred Forums gotta be Cred Forums.....

Can you actually come out of your basement and talk to other people? Stop blaming your problems on minorities.

P.S.: Calling people "fag" isn't an argument

being man made inventions, both systems are equally flawed and both cater to a ruling elite. one provides the minimum necessary to all plebs but uses force to make sure they don't ask for more from their masters, the other provides nothing but promises a chance at wealth and uses money to make sure nobody gets too rich or powerful to challenge the masters.
and in both cases jews are at the top

Read fucking theory. I know what the USSR, and since I have enough brains to actually dive in leftist theory, I can tell you that it wasn't socialist.

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Nice try, Ben. We know it’s you...

Lmao busted

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You dont know as much as you think. State run capatalism or unions of other leftist dip shits, either way they dont respect the rights of the individual. Also front forget anarchists are the first ones the commies kill when the revolution comes around.

Fuck off, fash, ok? I am jewish and can assure you that I don't a plot against you. Fascism is a loser ideology and enforces toxic masculinity and misogyny. Step out of it, comrade. Go outside, please.

You couldn't even begin to tally the death toll of capitalism

I can't wait to kill an antifa faggot. Commies would be fun too.

>Being this ignorant
You are a magical creature user

Tell me, if every example of communist socialism ends in genocide, why do you want to try it anymore? Either you don’t understand history very well or you’re extremely narcissistic in assuming your attempt at utopia would go any better.

New forms of socialism? great let’s move forward and try to evolve.
Reimplementing a system that killed 10 more people than the nazis? No. I will refuse and fight till my last breath to prevent such totality of thought and state from inhabiting my homeland. If you don’t understand that you are seriously lost.

Don’t let the greedy capitalist or the blood thirsty communist trick you. Embrace third position.

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>this guy

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>I’m a Jew
>masculinity is toxic

Point proven. Kill yourself schlomo.

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Pffft. Fuck authority and whiny artists dreams of revenge.

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Ye, try Anarchism. It removes the notion of a central government and is based on equality


Anyone making less than $30,000 a year, Anyone without health insurance, Anyone who feels stuck without a way forward, please listen when I say, this system has made fools of us all. We all know the stick poking us into line is the threat of homelessness. Why not just take the power back by proving we'd be fine at least for a day? We all know the feeling of being stuck inside on a day off before a check comes. We know what it's like to have an empty pantry. Most of all, we know what it's like to feel like our needs aren't being met. The United States has 155,000,000 workers. An 8 hour shift at $15/hr comes to $120 before taxes. Even if your boss thinks they can't afford their workforce’s time for a day, here's a list of people who could single handedly pay literally every worker that amount with money left over: Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Larry Paige, Larry Ellison (I love that there's two larry's), Narc Suckernerd, Alice Walton, Jim Walton, Sergey Brin, Warren Buffet, Micheal Bloomberg, Steve Balmer, Rob Walton, Charles Koch, Julia Koch, Mackenzie Bezos, Phil Knight, Sheldon Adelson, Micheal Dell, Jacqueline Mars, John Mars, Jim Simmons, Lauren Powell Jobs, Elon Musk, and Rupert Murdoch. Needless to say, your boss can take it up with them. Hell, a lot of you reading this are probably employed by these people. They can't fire us all. If you're on work release, they can't throw you all back in jail at once; although, I'm sure Geo Group would love to try.

The day is only yours if you seize it. If you want to stand up for what you believe in, please, put this in your own words, find your inner courage, and come outside with us. Afterward, return to the status quo if you’d like.

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>wants you to think you’re his “comrade”

Never forget what what they’ve done

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The only "third position" you know is wanking in a corner while a black gentleman impregnates your wife.

hahwa no food hqa

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Equality is a lie
Freedom is a fantasy

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I prefer you go outside before the other user kills themselves. Wake up user. There is no jewish plot. Only a plot to establish a jewish plot so you spend more time in chains hating what isnt harming you. Unless your Palestinian in which case... fuuuuuuckkk

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Love how everyone forgets that Bayer owns monsanto


Yep, it’s a kike alright

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Socialism has never been implemented correctly according to you, right?

I’ve read Marx and Lenin. I’ve also read the gulag archipelago. If you fly a hammer and sickle you are championing the symbol of those regimes and the rhetoric that led to those regimes. I’ve read the “theory” and the fact is when implemented it does not work.

If you have another form of socialism to put on the table, awesome! Otherwise you’re an idiot and a pawn.

“Yes Goyim, we aren’t hurting you, we are your greatest ally, remember? Now forget the movement, go outside and play like a good goy”

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I am an anarchist.
Anarchy is also about as far from hammer and sickle communism as you could possibly get so.

No, equality and freedom are just complete different things and can’t live in direct harmony.

Sorry man. I didnt realize you were out of work.

This board is for people 18+

Come back when you’re older

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“Yes Goyim, if you don’t work hard to make me more mon-...I mean if you don’t work hard you will never get all the nice material goods that you need to be happy. You want to be happy don’t you goyim?”

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Take your own advice and grow up newfag. Older I get the less fascism makes sense.

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>toxic masculinity
If you’re conflating America and nazi Germany you’re making every one of your ancestors roll over in your grave.

BTWs the communists killed more Jews then Hitler.

“The older I get the more Jewish media I consoom”


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I feel like anyone can have a say on this, why only us white boys?

“Yes Goy, blacks and whites are all the same. Now throw away your genes before someone thinks you’re an evil nazi”

Nice try Schlomo

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>be me 23
>get older
Says the guy with the nazi flag, what are you an edgy high school freshman?


Prove your case.

OP is a faggot confirmed.

Behold, what 23 years of television and social media will do to a nice white kids brain.

A shekel for the good goy.

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Ahem... Sneed

>electric jew
Really can't make this shit up. Seriously, though; riddle me this. If jews are controlling all the wealth in power, why would they advocate for systems in which that wealth and power is redistributed?

Btw i'm an anarcho-synicalist

>wealth and power

as if the juice can't now interact with you personally online instead of through passive programming


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National Socialism > Communism > Capitalism

You could be Nazbol, but you choose to be a faggot, why?

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what's the difference between national socialism and communism?

>Being this mad
user hurt itself in its confusion

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Communism is Globalism lite while National Socialism tries to keep the group's identity

The difference between communism and socialism is about 18 years

National Socialism (Facism) is about as sustainable as socialism, user. Eventually, the state creates too many enemies both foreign and domestic. Then, collapses, and the leaders, and supporters disgraced for generations. Bigotry, authoritarianism, and expansionism is not a recipe for success

Fag is an insult faggot

>When you think all economies before communism were capitalist
Damn it must suck to be this ignorant when it comes to history.

Lurk moar.

>Fag is just an endearing way to address someone. Like artfag, animefag, etc.

>Eventually, the state creates too many enemies both foreign and domestic.
When your whole MO is "Fuck Globalism, we're going our own way", you're not going to be friends with Globalism, but there's not much you can do about that but take it. As for domestic, Tightening the freedoms we enjoy nowdays will not sit well with most people, but if National Socialism can turn a war torn country into a world power in the span of 15~ years, they'll get over it

I mean, the fact that Russia killed more Jews than Hitler is just historical fact.

Ummmm No? What kind of analysis is this? This is just incorrect.

>Lurk more
Fuck off new fag

What up, comrade?

Also, most amerifats don't know shit about communism. Most of them think it's about being semi fucking decent to trans people or voting for Elizabeth Warren.

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>if facism can turn a war torn power into a superpower in the span of ~15 years, they'll get over it
That must be why Hitler had so many people trying to kill him within his own party
>nothing you can do about that, but take it
And suffer under trade embargos

Ummm Yes, Communism today would end up like modern China but with pedos and fags, so just fags

Cuba and NK got along just fine with the embargos. Say what you want about their lack of modern tech but they didn't heel to the West

I can respect your kind of commie, even if youre as niche or even more than we and you'd get called a Fascist with us

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"I know what Real Communism is... all the other ideologues and intellectuals that have tried communism, they weren't REAL communists. If you give ME power, I'll do the right thing, and not let the power go to my head."

>cuba and NK got along just fine with the embargos
North Koreans are starved so that their supreme leader can build nukes, and the state kills its own people for trying to flee. Sounds like a fucking amazing place to live, user. I don't imagine Cuba being much better

sleeping with Hillary Clinton > communism