They have already had sex its obvious

They have already had sex its obvious.

Trying to get me to "kill myself".

They are my stand ins.

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Pray for my good health.

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let me pay for your plastic surgery baby, my wife is dying of consumption

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She was crying because she lost her mother's favor, her real love, because that is the bitch who steals everyone's life.

The truth is what makes them cry, not love.

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"She finally acts her age."

Problem is she too old for anyone to care.

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How long have you been off your meds, user?

sposed to wear frankenstien shoes

or drag one leg walking away from immortality..

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They tried to get me to take meds.

Because I am the one who told them the Fraternal order of police are the ones behind 9/11

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Instead I fucked their wives.

They were too jealous to let me marry their daughters, so their wives fucked me instead.

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and now, like them , their daughters are disgusting and their wives are lonely...

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... well, enjoy your madness.

If your in-laws relative really loved your for who you are why are you no longer beautiful?

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I will enjoy enlightenment, I already have.

They speak when they should listen.

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knock off brands really are disappointing

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Little known fact - she was a scat fetishist along with Elvis

If your daughters can find someone like me, your children will almost be white again.

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There is involvement between her and Elvis' family I can pretty much confirm that.

Was a completely different world then. Something people born this century will not ever comprehend.

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Elvis was into weird shit. Liked young girls and cumming in hair, too. I think drugs, fame and wealth tend to bring out the degenerate in us.

Proof that God exists. No mere man could build this, especially not back then.

I have no interest in someone else's middle aged wife.

For the record.

If I was going to be paid for sex, I would have done that long ago.

You need someones penis, learn boundaries.

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We are both proof god exists my friend.

That is the town my grandmother was from.


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Drugs fame and lack of education.

Rich people do weird things because they get away with it.

Hard not to like young girls, just not too young.

Fresh things are normally the best right?

Cumming in hair I can confirm, also that it is disgusting.

I find high education correlates heavily towards debauchery. Or at least high intelligence. Smart girls tend to be into freakier shit.

Christine knew they were already having sex, because that is her father.

Depends what you define as freaky.

You should be aware that you are told what is freaky based on sales forecasts.

What people do in private is no ones fucking business, people formerly understood this.

Who the hell said I'm being 'told' what is freaky? I'm talking freaky shit like piss, gangbangs, fisting, lots of anal, dogs, etc etc. Most dumb girls seem to be into boring sex.