Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

You got the Qs and they got the As!

As always tits not required but encouraged

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I was wondering where you were at.

Can you say "Charlie. They took my thumbs."

ever put anything inside your urethra?

would you suck on this bad boy?

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Anna the attention whore, again.

Not op but yuck. You Indian?

Lol ok I guess

God no!


Its vchan but yea hi weird user

Jeez I feel like I just got s dry handjob.

>God no!
what about your partners? ever put anything inside their urethra?

Most women I talk to have a gamgbang fetish. Why?

Grey Wife beater... no.

Upgrade to white v neck undershirt...possibly.

Lol It was a weird thing to say so....


Idk what kinda ladies you talk to lol

Well easy. Why do guys have harem fetish? Spreading the seed.

Ladies have it for similar reasons... get as much seed as possible and you get the strongest swimmers out of a large pool.
Also this is why women make noise durring sex... to attack more monkey men from the bush.

you sound boring... wanna see my dick?

So like, what's the root of the insecurity issues some women seem to have when a guy they like talks to other women? Is that just jealousy or is it more so feelings of inadequacy? I'm too logical to have bullshit emotion conversations, and I've approached both if those topics and both got shut down. Also, I get that's person to person, but it pisses me off not being able to use logical reasoning to explain why I don't give a fuck about other women

Sounding. Nice, dont know many people into that kink. Idk if it would be as enjoyable. The lady urethra is 3in? While the males is 7in? Great if you want to sound rod for fun but very shitty if you get a kidney stone.

Any females lurking I'm personally intrested if its pleasurable, dont be shy it's all anonymous!!!!!

Its immaturity, girls behave this way not women.

What's v chan?

Nah I'm good.




you're weird for being so insistent about that question lol

>Nah I'm good.
ok... you sure?

hey look a samefag

tits or GTFO

I asked this question in another thread. I want to ask my friend if I could pay her to eat her out. How much is too much and if a guy friend asked you this and you needed the money (she doesn't have a job to pay me back) you would be creeped out?

well, already asked about her clit and vag and other orifices in previous threads so...

So....is Anna and Cred Forums the same person?

Very sure


????? You mean vchan?
No anna and vchan are completely different


Damn. Well hopefully she gets really desperate. Lol I just know the bitch cant pay me back. So I won't loan shit

Damn, if I knew more threads like this would actually get voc responses I'd be posting more. Thanks homie, you hit the nail on the head I think. She definitely has trust issues with me, and they're not unwarranted, but I suppose that's an area of our communication that needs mending. I can't argue emotional issues with logical responses. Still, I wish I could just say I love you and have all arguements resolved lol

Wow! And congrats? Your first? Me and my husband have been talking about kids lately, turning 30 soon...
Your voice isn't deep. Jesus I sound like a black man. Have to ditch the smoking habit before we seriously talk about babies. I'm trying.


Where are your dicks, man?


I dont have any

>Very sure
oh welp... ur lost... anyhow, can u sing?

I can assure you it's no loss on my end lol

And I sing sure...good? Eh idk about that

>And I sing sure...good? Eh idk about that
well, only one way to find out.

Yea I dont sing on vocaroos lol
I can only sing in bars.
I love karaoke but singing with no music and no crowd to hype me up...I just cant lol

ok, forget about singing. I just realized I never asked about your boobs!
So, what about your boobs? do you like to titfuck?

>As always tits not required but encouraged
You know you're encouraging larping fags with that, right ?

Broke up with an ex because of me not wanting children currently. Same ex brought a new date to company holiday party and completely rubbed it in my face.
Is she just being a bitch making me jealous or is she looking to get something out of me?



Ramble on! It's very exciting and I wish you all the best!!!.. and thankyou for sharing your experience, I appreciate it...really.

I been married since 18, on depo for a while then pill and now off that, feels good to not be on hormones! I get what your saying about not overthinking it but... we are very busy people, and way past the honeymoon stage most weekends are spent sleeping not getting it on. Have to find a good balance of romance and not being a try hard.

The way you ask shit is very scumbaggish


tits or gtfo

Yea sort of sounds like how a 14 year old boy would ask questions


time to gtfo then, fatso

So how are the pregnancy hormones coming along?

Haha think I figures it out. Short but sweet.


Appreciate the response despite the lack of context.

She broke it off, we were together for 2.5 years, on and off for the decade before. A few female coworkers noted it was very petty of her and I honestly didn't think anything of it til they told me. Again thanks for the reply, I'm just fucked up over this.

>no tits means fat

Wow what logic you have there


Your threads are gay, OP.


Your voice sounds pretty normal! Definitly female and I dont think you could fake a dude voice if you tried

They could both be getting off on getting you upset. You know they probably went home and talked shit about how they really got to, they had sex. This is what crazy unhealthy couples do. By getting upset you provided them with joy, why would you willingly do that?

There are 7 billion fish in the sea, and human live is extremely short. If you were to run the numbers I think each person has 20k soul mates....

Eh but they're entertaining

Why are you responding to your own posts?

Really? My voice sounds like batman (to myself) when I speak...

??? What are you talking about?

Dear wymyn:

Why do you like black guys so much ?

Can I see your tits please ?


That's obviously you


And no to that second part

Years have past since what she says has broken her trust, but even before that had happened actions were taken that broke my trust in her. All this is to say no one is perfect, and for her to see me so perfect and speak volumes about it but then treat me as undeserving of being willing to change for makes it difficult for me to accept her. I do, and fiercely so, but long distance is hard and she makes it harder by holding stubborn resentment and also intense love. Like, fucking pick one and stop being indecisive. I'd rather be alone and sad than with someone who makes me miserable because of an unwillingness to move on from the past.



Its clearly not. They sound a bit similar but vchans mic is clear while the other femanons mic is clearly muffled
Also as for the smaller things, that girl talks shakey and apprehensive. Vchans voice booms confidence.

Stop being an autist and notice the clear difference

Are you for real?

Are YOU for real?
Are you seriously that fucking deaf user?

Unsure if he is, but she for sure is. She's come into my job (we both work under the same ownership group) and has talked to my coworkers about me when I wasn't working and or stayed too long and caused me to have anxiety attacks while I was working.

Long distance can. Really be hard. I personally dont believe it usually works out but that's just my opinion

Lol this is funny

Yeah your right it's the vibrations and ear canals, bones, tissues distort it. But it's still cool to hear myself voice as batman, dont think I'm quite ready to give that up.

Ever witness a girl go from normal to squeaky voice when a man comes around? Yikes, that's a no I dont want to know you anymore sign, its definitely daddy issues bc they do it for attention.

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Mabes it's a pity thing? Think how the status quo for being a minority is to be a victim...of the system, of circumstance, of history, ect. ?


It's my first time user...

damn you do a 59sec vocaroo to something you could just type "it's the name people gave me". You must be so annoying

So if she is then he's getting the benifit...probably sex. So he's not going to stop her, hell he may even be encouraging her behind the scenes.

You need to get a handle on how you feel. Your either going to keep feeding them, or worse it's going to be unresolved meaning no future relationship or a really fucked one.

Cool as a cucumber, learn to handle anxiety. Relax, relax your eyes, almost like your feeling tipsy. There's a ton of free and good video online on how to manage this!!!!

Your voice isn't deep you just sound fat

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Phone mic., and yeah it was nervous... like I said first time posting anything that was "me" in 8+ years, I dont even post hand holding time stamp, this or any other board.

3d chess, what do you think anons gonna request as "proof"...

If you had to commit suicide how would you do it?

lol why is it grey

That's a small inflection and if it's the husband then no problem, I'm probably just as guilty at times. Dont feel any ways about it.

I was talking about those extreme examples that make you go what!

There's a reason men particularity like the high voice it is an estrogen indicator? Higher voice = more hormones, or youthfulness?

it’s so funny how white racists all have the same inflections in their voices

how do I tell my gf to stop shaving her body hair?

Thanks user. *sigh*

Sometimes at the gym I do look at the splendor of the female ass. Nothing intense, just a quick look.
One time I was noticed.
What does women think about that?


I actually have a phone mic too! People are typically shocked to know my mic is just a phone mic. Idk if its because of the phone I have or the app I use but I love how clear it sounds.


That's weird to say

Mabes because I was pacing around while i did it. Probably wont do again...

Just tell her? I mean it's not that hard.
Do you shave? If so, how would you react if she told you not to shave?


What does a woman think...

"Oh that's flattering".

Tell her it's a turn on.

No you're fine! Dont let anons discourage you. I get all sorta of comments all the time and it never stops me.
If you like to talk then talk!
Just do what's comfortable to you!
I'm just a chatter box and I think its more comfortable to talk

I think it’s just normal sized

your voice reminds me of Scarlett Johansson

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I'm a typer! Pffft been here 8+ years, these anons ain't got shit, tits or gtfo? Fat? It usually some weak ass insult.


Do women like being raped?

What is it like to wipe your pussy after a piss

I can't speak for other women but I absolutely love it.

No lisp, kinda get the SJ vibe a bit.

nah woman you have that soothing crack in your voice, gives it a lot of personality.
do you make porky sounds when laughing?

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S & M yes, legit rape no...


Geez go over to Cred Forums they eviscerate each other everything. Core belifs/principals, being, country, it's a shit show over there. Why people insult to troll or sway or shill.

The insults are fun when the are well done and intelligent. The creativity is rather impressive at times.

If your man walk in saying that you better sling some shit back at him....but even if fam or freind say some bull what does anyone's option matter? I dont completely get that...


Never really think of that...pretty normal?


Scarlet Johansson


Momoa looses his hotness when you learn he's got some weird cuck thing going with Lenny Kravitz ex wife...


Oh lol duh. Well thanks I guess. I think she sounds nice

Qanon how can I find out if my girlfriend is cheating on me
Shes currently in her home town visiting her parents and comes back in 20 days
We had been talking and she told me she got invited to dinner by an "old friend" for valentines
Please help im fuming
We're both 20 and have been dating for 2 years

Explain? Lol
Like I knew she was lenny's ex wife but explain where the cucking comes to play?

Cred Forumsaggot

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Lenny gave momoa some friendship ring, they go on vacay together. Whole thing seems really weird and cucked...loved seeing him wet for 2hrs in Aqua man but reality ruins it for me.


>I hate niggers
>Black people are gross.
You sound lovely. No trolling.

Ahhhhhh yea...that's kind of weird and oddly disappointing to hear lol

I'll pretend I didnt hear it lmfao

That super bowl commercial was bad enough lol

Well thank you.
I'm just an honest person.

Oh god so glad the man isn't into sports, but now I'm going to have to youtub it!!!


No fucking way. That seems likely to throw fuel on the incel fire, but 'muh personality'.

I'm amazed it didnt get that kind of backlash from all the weak bald headed guys lol