Eminder if you voted for this piece of shit you deserve to have your face pushed in

eminder if you voted for this piece of shit you deserve to have your face pushed in

beaten up back to whereever or whatever fucking place you came from

literally no one i know in real life likes this guy or says his name in a good manner

let me see one of you maga hat cunts walking around here, i'll level the fuck out of you

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Other urls found in this thread:


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You only had a problem with him after he became PREZ lol


>Drumpf gets fucking OWNED
Take that republifags

Attached: pepepayload.jpg (152x76, 7K)

Still your president!

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We're the Red Hat Gang.

We like Trumpman. He's a superhero.

He striked down Mexicrims with his magical Golf Club that only he can wield.

He has a Cloak of Invisibility surrounding his finances.

The Trumpman Show is broadcast every day with his new adventures !

Eurofag here
NOT my fucking president
Keep him, suckers

still your president

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Fuck off, Tenda

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im on your side fucking retard

Yea, but no one cares about what you think

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At least he's not Arthur

Fuck you faggot

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still your president!!

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"no one"

Five percent of the world telling the other ninety five that they don't exist.

Can you even understand percents, or did your schooling consist of "creative" math where the answer is whatever makes you feel good.

Im not scared a of a pink haired tranny tough guy.(or whatever gender out of the 10 you made up and choose from).

I think this counts

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Hey fags, remember this is 2016?

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Oh wait no it's 2020!

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>They just let you do it
Sounds like consent to me

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Okay bubble boy.

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Your boyfriend vote for trump?


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When men are in positions of power, that overrides anything the woman can do about it. She's effectively coerced at this point and has no choice but to 'give in', otherwise the consequences for her rejecting will be the dissolution of her status, career, and safety.

Your president? STILL!

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cmon bros take your niggerdick fighting elsewhere.
>two spergs replying to each other with cocks
this shit has been going on for YEARS.

Oof, what a boomer moment

Attached: feminism0anon1.jpg (1024x666, 170K)

Fuck you and fuck women who cant stand up for themsleves.

STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMEN (except when we're not)

4 more years, nigger

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>fuck women
Found the incel

Still your president

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>>two spergs replying to each other with cocks
Welcome to America

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Sure you did champ

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Still your president

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still your president!

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Lmao, several women cant do what a one armed, one legged man can.


Still your president!!

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That means nothing when the discrepancy is in wages, which are measured by the hour. Women earn less per hour worked, even after asking. Keep pretending you BTFO an argument by ignoring the whole picture to pick apart one detail which doesn't even mean anything.

How has he harmed you directly

t. inner city shit

>let me see one of you maga hat cunts walking around here, i'll level the fuck out of you
lel, nuke 'em from orbit, it's the only way to be sure

eurofag here. imagine being so blissfully unaware that you dont even recognize your feudal overlord.

not anymore, he dead

Attached: DJTdied.jpg (450x231, 16K)

>t. inner city shit
rural poorfag. probably fuck the livestock too

Whenever your ready junior. I’ll beat the brakes off yo ass then cum in yo mamas ear

>eminder if you voted for this piece of shit you deserve to have your face pushed in
mad the economy is booming under Trump eh?
>beaten up back to whereever or whatever fucking place you came from
why are leftists always violent and aggressive? i blame antifa
>literally no one i know in real life likes this guy or says his name in a good manner
okay so judging by demographic maps you probably live in a liberal violence free paradise like Detroit, well newsflash, there are a lot of small to midsize towns with people that talk about the good things he's done so far
>let me see one of you maga hat cunts walking around here, i'll level the fuck out of you
i know this is a bait thread, but there real people like this where i live and its sad. someone got stabbed for having the richard spencer "alt-right haircut"

>i know this is a bait thread
and yet still takes the bait
if you had just taken the bait, you would simply be retarded. but you took it anyway knowing that it was bait. you are a god among tards

Fuck Conservatives, Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck Putin, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS.

Just fucking nuke all the chans already

>literally no one i know in real life likes this guy or says his name in a good manner

So your mom and your uber eats driver?


Fuck you faggot

>mad the economy is booming under Trump eh?
Booming. Is that what they call slowing in growth compared to the growth left to him by a democrat?
>why are leftists always violent and aggressive? i blame antifa
And much like antifa it's probably a direct response to how the right wing are demonstrably more violent, this why antifa has killed 0 in the US and right wing extremists have killed hundreds.
>okay so judging by demographic maps you probably live in a liberal violence free paradise like Detroit, well newsflash, there are a lot of small to midsize towns with people that talk about the good things he's done so far
They probably talk in vague terms or give him credit for shit he didn't do anything to cause, then
>i know this is a bait thread, but there real people like this where i live and its sad. someone got stabbed for having the richard spencer "alt-right haircut"
Sadly that probably has happened. Unfortunately when enough people subscribe to violent ideologies the backlash hits innocents, assuming the victim here wasn't one of those subscribing to a violent ideology himself.

You'd get your shit pushed in if you ever swung at anyone.

You got the low rent version of him

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>This is terrible!
said no one ever

Except that's literally illegal.
These stats show that women work 80% of what a man works. Get absolutely raped.

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Reminder,your vote doesn't count during a presidential election, asshole

And yet it happens. Your image doesn't have the wage data. I wonder why you would deliberately exclude that?

cant wait to hit the polls!!! gonna pull the handle on The Don again!! 4 more years bro!!

And that's the way nature intended it. Deal with it over a soy latte.

Stay mad nigger

Where u at then faggot

l am voting for bernie sanders when Buttigieg loses

Still mad? Doesn't that get tiring?

>If you don't have sex with other men you must be banging animals.
There is vagina, user. You'll get to try it one day.

Nature intended that we should eat a subsistence diet and fuck whoever we please. Don't appeal to nature you fucktard.

Voted for him once, will again in November. He's delivered on his campaign promises despite the endless witch hunt and media spin, and we're doing fantastic. Look at the economy. Look at trade negotiations. Look at the terrorists who have been killed, objectively making the world a better place. Look at the regulations rolled back and the economic revival it eased.

Face it, if you're rooting against him, you're the same as the bitter Democrats who have been rooting against America for the last 4 years.

I wouldn't recommend it for you since the only pussy you can get is your sister's, Cletus. Stick to horse pussy; it's less likely to cause deformities.

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He will also fully legalize lollicon, decriminalize cheese pizza, and get rid of stupid non-rape rape convictions.

Agree with everything except the environmental rollbacks. Lived through Love Canal debacle, don't want to see that again.

>He's delivered on his campaign promises
No he has not.
>Look at the economy.
It is slowing. Trump has never topped the best Obama GDP growth numbers either comparing quarterly best or annual best.
>Look at trade negotiations.
They are harming domestic economy, demonstrably. Thus all the subsidies.
>Look at the terrorists who have been killed, objectively making the world a better place.
I'll give you this one. At least he has made good use of the military to continue the war on terror. Shame he promised not to continue those endless wars.
>Look at the regulations rolled back and the economic revival it eased.
Regulations rolled back yes. Economic revival no. Economy, as previously stated, is slowing in its growth.
>Face it
I faced it, turns out most of what you said was bullshit.

Woops, this () was meant for .

>Most of what I say is bullshit.
We know user.


I'll leave the horse pussy to you, user. Idk why you never think of fucking women. It's pretty easy, really.

Having lived through the tepid stagnant Obama economy, this is absolute horseshit. We are going gangbusters. The reason you don't hear the argument about raising minimum wage anymore is that the vast majority of companies are starting at $15 just to get warm bodies. There are the lowest unemployment numbers for blacks and hispanics ever recorded since we ever started recording. And we negotiated trade with China, renegotiated with the Paris Accords, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and even passed the USMCA renegotiating the former NAFTA. You might not agree with his politics, but objectively we are doing better by every single metric. And even despite the drummed up witch hunts (which turned up nothing every time), and in-the-bag propaganda media outlets, he's still killing it!

OP is a fag in his mom's basement. Too afraid to say it in the open.

>No u
Wow that comeback was BRUTAL. How can I ever recover?

Facts don't care about your feelings. Trump's best annual GDP growth was 2.85%. Obama's was 2.88. Go cry about it.

It would be when you and your sister are that in love, Cletus. I still don't recommend it.

You are in the right place, user. With your incest and beastiality fantasies.

Anytime sweetie ! How long is your flight from Israel ?

Imagine thinking that a group working 80% of the hours shouldn't get 80% of the pay. What even is your claim? Get absolutely raped.

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It doesn’t matter what Obama’s was. He’s not president anymore.
And you say republicans can’t get over the past.

If by going gangbusters you mean failing to top that Obama era stagnation you imagined, sure.

Obama, 2.88%, 2015
Trump, 2.85%, 2018

Facts don't care about your feelings retard.

Oh no, what if he transitioned and competed directly?

>saved thumbnail
You are the epitome of fucking stupid. Anything you say now carries absolutely no weight.

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Why don’t you post how many years Obama had below trumps minimum growth? Those faces don’t lie either.

thread disregarded


>No, he isn't, here are the facts.

Fact. Obama will never be president again. Get over it.

Well that speech was trash tbh and was not a statement to the state of the nation but what a good boy trump was. I still wonder if he wrote that speech himself or someone else did.

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There aren’t that many trump supporters, moron. There’s just a fuckload of people who will take it over the left’s options


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It was a good speech but Dems hate America, nuff said.

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#Trump2020 best pres

And when you reach grade 3, you'll learn how to write a sentence.

You fucking newfags getting baited so easily nowadays.

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I fucking hate how people use the word impeachment wrong. Impeachment is not the process of removing someone from their position but just letting the senate decide if their immunity should be revoked. Trump was impeached, but impeaching someone doesn't mean they are either guilty or prosecuted. It is a basic distrust votum. That a news site gets this basic shit wrong shows a lot about current time USA.

Run..I'm a better shot than you.bh..

You couldn't beat your dick, faggot.

the fact that shitstain is still in office shows a lot about the current USA

>It was a good speech
It was announced as speech to the situation of the nation. It was nothing about that, he just ranted about all his achievements. Which is fine, but not fitting for a speech about the current state of the nation.

Hahaa.. as if any one of you could.
Bwaaa haa ha!

So you don't disagree that you deserve a good beating, you just don't have confidence in OP delivering it? That's half a victory for OP.

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You're right, they don't. But you know what also doesn't lie? The job growth statistics. Steady for 6 years under Obama, slowing under Trump. But you don't like it when facts aren't easily boastworthy, so you choose to believe Trump's hyped up boast versions instead, the ones that are bullshit.

"We’re doing a good job. We finished up at 3.1 GDP. Everybody — you know, that hasn’t been done in 14 years, maybe more than that, but 14 years."
t.Trump, on the 2018 GDP growth.

Annual average for 2018: 2.9%
4th quarter over 4th quarter: 2.5%

So he was wrong, unless he invented a bizarro world version of annual GDP growth nobody else knows. Additionally, Obama beat him for annual average and has had a 4-quarter streak of 3.8% Q1/Q1 2015, higher than any year under Trump measured from any point to the same point a year later.

Everything you claim about Trump's 'booming' economy is bullshit.


>wants to bring violence upon the people who didn't vote for a perfect gentleman.

Do you hear yourself?

I don’t get it, trump won’t be president after this election???

Not to mention obama in his first period despite the crash was able to reduce the crippling debt. The one that increased by another trillion each trinary under trump.

Fuck you, I am still voting for Trump, again.

>Europe better than America.
Name something other than soccer that Europe's better at than America. I'll wait....

Just because she didn't say no doesn't mean she consented you fucktard.

I'm not talking to the population at large, though, am I? I'm talking to one retard on Cred Forums claiming Trump is doing better than Obama, bullshitting about a 'booming' economy that just doesn't exist in the numbers, and when shown how wrong he is just pulls the 'nobody cares about the past' cop out.



social wellfare

freedom and democracy

Not to mention Obama got the IRS to audit his opponents.


living standards and healthcare

Health Care isn’t a right.

Socialist incrementalism will never take hold in America.

If you’re too stupid to pull yourself out of debt, make better life choices, and capitalize on this hot economy, you deserve to starve.

So fuck you commie, I can’t wait for November.


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We'll take it anyway. Move along.

LOL, nope.

Bernie is gonna kick his ass and throw him in the gulags. Seethe harder Trumptard.

Obama didn't order it, dumbass, and the IRS was targeting groups where they were bragging about how they didn't need to pay taxes, not his "opponents." Get your fucking head out of your ass.

>He's just like Jesus!
You have no idea how much tail Jesus got. The New Testament was twice as big as it is now. They had to cut a lot of that shit out. Jesus would do these miracles, like changing water into wine, and the women would get so wet it was running down their legs.

>healthcare isn't a right
Yes it is dipshit.
>everyone I don't like is a commie
I'm sorry you can only use a small percentage of your brain

Thank you. How can the left be so fucking stupid and function from day to day?

>Not to mention Obama got the IRS to audit his opponents.
That was a shit move, true that, but he had the right ideas: why are the super wealthy not paying any tax while abusing corporate wellfare to its limits. And obama is a selfmade millionare, he would have damaged himself with his initiative, but he understood that the gap between poor and rich was getting too extreme. If you don't have people to consume your goods you are worth as much as your corner hobo begging for money

So Dems don't like faggots now, interesting.

Rights don't exist in reality you retard, they're arbitrarily defined by what we agree as a society constitutes a right.

You completely disregard that the economy does NOT offer a lot of opportunities, as well as the socioeconomic circumstances and conditions that corner people into unfavorable circumstances.

You clearly are a sociopath without the capacity for empathy.

Trump is gonna lose, you shit stain. Just wait. Americans are wise to this conservative rhetoric and know that their lives aren't going to get better under their policies.

Reminder if you post a slide thread you deserve to be shot

>Price tags
Price you see = price you pay. The American system of adding the tax only at the register would get companies sanctioned for deceptive practices in Europe.
I've had bread in Europe, its way better than we have. Even their shittiest brand name bread is nice compared to ours.
>Public transport.
I mean that shit actually works over there, uniformly and extensively. Well, except in the UK where when I visited a train got delayed due to leaves on the fucking line what is that shit UK?
Fucking no comparison.
Far fewer deaths amenable to healthcare pretty much everywhere in Europe.
See chocolate above. Monterey Jack is the only American cheese worth shit. There is real variety in Europe. I'm really find of the Grilled Halloumi I had at a wedding reception in Cyprus.

Kek. I deserve a good beating if one of you faggots can provide it. Somehow I doubt that though.

you really arent tho

Yes, Health Care is not a right, it is a service.
Unless, your going to force doctors and nurses, to work. It is not a right.

>We hold these truths to be self-evident ... endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life...
>Inalienable right
Life is a right. Healthcare is essential to the preservation of life. Therefore health are is a right, as recognised by the founding fathers, and is inalienable. That means you don't fuck with it. It means literally the same thing as the 'shall not be infringed' of the 2A.

So no "nuh uh trump is awesome I don't deserve it because da da da?" You're not going to stick up for yourself and in fact you DO deserve the beating? Is that what I'm getting here?

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>Talking about a speech you've not listened to

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your going to force doctors and nurses to work

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>Yes, Health Care is not a right, it is a service.
Not him but basic health care is a right. Lets take a simple example: what is paid by your tax money? Fema and the WHO. Both provide health care in case of a deadly outbreak.
Now lets look at ambulances and ER: those are paid by tax too and are required to help you, regardless if you have insurance or not (the bill that sends you to prison afterwards is on a different level), but hospitals have to by law help you and as such it is a right and mandatory level of service.

>Health Care isn’t a right.
It also isn't something I mentioned.
>Socialist incrementalism will never take hold in America.
It also isn't something I suggested.
>If you’re too stupid to pull yourself out of debt, make better life choices, and capitalize on this hot economy, you deserve to starve.
And if companies can't pull themselves out of debt and make better corporate choices, they too deserve to die, but a Republican president didn't let that happen. The economy is not hot. It is slowing. The figures have been mentioned to you, the source given (bea.gov), you have no excuse to continue claiming this bullshit about the economy being 'booming'.
>So fuck you commie, I can’t wait for November.
You wouldn't know a communist if it came up and seized you right in the means of production you ignoramus.

Just because you let your dad rape you when you were 6 doesn't mean women don't say no when they don't want it.

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As if dems will allow Bernie to even win

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I have, have you? Trump did a really great deed, he madew the nation so much better. Meanwhile he didn't even mention any foreign conflicts that concern the nation more than some pesky little trash jobs.

Easy: Goverment handouts

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I refer you back to the video where he's not talking about himself at all for the most lazy evidence against your stupid position.

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impotent rage of self righteous SJW. That's why he was elected

Even if bernie gets too run.
Nobody is going to fucking vote for him.
He is an old jew. You think people won't hold that against him?

Half the dems won't vote for him because he isn't a dem and the repubs are never going to vote for a jewish socialist.

He was elected because you're stupid and weak, and you still believe his con man bullshit.

Attached: drumpf3.jpg (550x310, 43K)

Are we both watching the same vid? The fuck he only talks about how proud he is about his achievemnts

Pretty much. The average Trump supporter doesn't find common ground with him in that they're all billionaires together. They feel empowered by someone who is openly racist and discriminatory in a position of power, doing whatever they want. He's a great self-insert character for a power fantasy for uneducated working-class whites.

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HE is the nation, so fuck off commie

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Holding an individual above the principles this nation was founded on? That sounds pretty fucking un-american to me.

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pwned them libs

A shame none of the knuckle draggers Cred Forumsposting in this thread are gonna reply to this one.

Oh, you're counting "Lowest Black Unemployment" etc as trump being proud of himself instead of being proud of America.
TDS in a nutshell.

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Man you really didn't listen to it, huh?

I know you guys are working really hard to co-opt the phrase 'trump derangement syndrome' but I don't think it means what you think it does.

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Timestamp where Trump mentions himself in the vid, I'll wait.

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maybe user sees right through his bullshit unlike you

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Reality is if you voted for anyone else but trump you deserve to be tortured and killed ...

They have only a few strategies

he winned cry mores

/all threads

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Let me guess, only those who have experienced the truth of TDS can have an opinion about it?

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So sad. The same people that voted to acquit him also voted for no witnesses, no evidence, and half of them admit he committed the crime he's accused of.
If he had half a brain, and the slightest shred of actual self-worth, he'd be ashamed of that headline.

You guys elected an NPC.

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why do you faggots always post the same butterfaces lol

what has even changed during his presidency besides people being mad and arguing all the time? it's like this with every president

you can't vote to leave your mommys basement tho you're stuck there

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Reee'ing so hard over Orange Man Bad's inevitable re-election, you can barely type a coherent sentence....the next 5 years of Trump are going to be pure hell for you, huh pumpkin.

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How could anyone have the nerve to punch John Goodman?

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>No witnesses
>No evidence
The house investigates, the senate decides.

If you think the investigation finished early, you're correct. That's why a new investigation has started against Hunter Biden has begun.

Dems refused any witnesses including Hunter Biden because (((they know))).

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>cube worship

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>durr hunter biden
>we're going to keep ignoring the real criminal

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sorority whore

replace all "we" with "I" and you have a whole speech of him telling others how great he is. No mention about his plans to invade venezuela, his drone strikes on iran or his threat to bomb the european gas pipeline that concern the nation more than some mexican illegals.

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stfu you have islamishits overlords in there

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Almost half the country wants him removed, but it's still the high water mark for his approval rating.
So sad...

Except it's still not his actual high.

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bad shoop is bad

>I keep my promises
>I replaced NAFTA
You just didn't listen to it at all. He frames about a dozen things as 'since my election' which were already occuring before he was elected.

Not a shoop.

voted for him before and ill vote for him again TRUMP 2020! ILL VOTE FOR HIS KIDS TOO LOK TRUMP 2024 + FUCK YOU

democrat sex

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>durr their all the same durr

>Hunter Biden being actually corrupt but four years of investigation turned up nothing
ok boomer

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What, this the new democrat hoax. Fuckers do not learn.

>You just didn't listen to it at all.

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yes it is dipshit
Trump's inauguration was poorly attended

so... nothing?

Gonna still be posting the same wet dream leftist bullshit when the next Repub President's sworn in January 2025, ain't ya?

in venezuela we love that guy, not the chavistas, they say much like what you say about him, hey! maybe you are part of the Maduro regimen as well?

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>imagine voting for trump again when you're still posting on Cred Forums and not be successful at life

Then again, it's white american culture to take your nations people down with you, like school shooters.

>trump dindu nuffin
your Republican overlords covered for his crimes ass shit
no ass shit
boomers voted for trump
don't post here if you can't carry your weight
ass shit

>His repeated boasts and self references don't exist because I say so!
Why do Trumpanzees hate reality so much?

ffs you libs are dumb

that's not the inauguration you moron.

and that's not a shoop.

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you had something? Besides your tiny cock in your hand?

>his threat to bomb the european gas pipeline
wait I didn't hear that one yet. So Trumps wants europe to be more independent and threatens to bomb them once they become more independent. Seems like a sane move. Indepence for you only once you are also dependent to us.

>gonna still be defending a criminal presidency heh heh heh we sure stuck it to you libs durr

Any evidence of Hunter being corrupt? Does it not bother you that your accusations require him to be a time traveller? Burisma was no longer under investigation by the time he joined.

>The house investigates, the senate decides.
Normally, the executive branch investigates, but this one was too corrupt for that.
Normally, the House must prove a trial is warranted, and they did.
Normally, a real trial has witnesses and evidence, this one didn't.
Spin all you want, even many Republican Senators admit it was a sham.

>Dems refused any witnesses
Dems never had control over witnesses.
If the GOP had wanted, they could have called any witnesses they wanted, including Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and anybody else they had wanted to.


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Do people actually think this way?

this guy is spot on

basically to liberals all that is good = BAD
and evil is a victim of good and to be defended

Trump haters should be hung for treason

you elected stupid user
you don't get to call other posters dumb

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It was pretty awesome to see Guaido at the state of the union speech!!! I'm not from venezuela but there are many of us here in the US that are watching and hope everything works out down there. Stand strong venezuela!!!

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are you stupid? it was under investigation before, during, and then later after the time he was there snowflake

>ize so essited that so many racists essist in ammurica


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Trump lovers are never hung kissless turbovirgins.

How else should he reference the start of the best time in US history?

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You’re conflating different “rights”.

If you’re hit by a car and killed, the driver wasn’t impeding your constitutional rights.

Healthcare is not a public good, it’s both a rival and excludable.

I have the right to own firearms, I don’t expect the government to subsidies that right by providing me infinite guns, although that would be tight.

You also have to consider what you would be giving up. The United States has the most innovative and cutting edge health care system on the planet Every other nation benefits from our profit and our investment in finding new cures and procedures by not having to invest in that themselves and instead, just ride our coat tails.

In a perfect world, everyone would contribute but they don’t. So I’m not going to give up my access to that and those future innovations so some pink haired communist can get her insulin shots for free because of her disgusting life style choices.

You want better access to medical care? Either find a job, or develop a skill that is beneficial to an employer that will provide that care, or lobby for a larger social insurance subsidy through expanded ACA.

Because this universal healthcare shit isn’t it chief.

>ass shit
you niggers are weird.

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>racism incompetence mob money laundering poverty tax cuts for the richest people

pick one trumpshit

Yeah, he wants Germany to become powerfull and independent again, not a month after Merkel started negogiating with Puting about free eurasian trade and Trump was pretty pissed about how Germany could dare to be independent with europe and not the US. Currently we have US sanctions on all high tech sectors but he told us that we can expect millitary response if we don't cease our pact with russia. So much for Trump wanting europe to be independent and doing their own affairs.

So he didn't brag that he got the job because of his surname

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tell that to my wife and kids, fucking nerd virgin

seriously, are you 12?

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at least you didn't call me boomer that time because now you know i don't stand for anything you believe
ass shit

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yet over 80% of Americans got a tax cut

>Therefore health are is a right

I don't think you understand what a right is. Maybe it's easier to explain what a right isn't. Healthcare is something that costs money - the facilities, the materials, the medical personnel, the infrastructure to train people to become medical personnel, etc. That money isn't shoveled out of a bottomless pit overflowing with cash and isn't harvested from unicorn farts, so it comes from taxes, i.e. from your pocket and mine. Nothing that is a right will require you to take money out of this pocket and put it in that pocket. You can socialize the fuck out of medicine, but at no point does it become a right.

one of his ex's is literally black


Geezus, how are you people going to ever survive Trump's 2nd term?

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what are you going to do about it, other than whine online?

stay mad, libfag

you realize Star Trek is a socialist paradise? Aren't you kind of a hypocrite?
Oh wait. You still support a criminal presidency my bad. Of course you are. :~)

Paid troll is the only hater in this thread

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>one of his ex's is literally black

As opposed to figuratively black?

>yet over 80% of Americans got a tax cut
And debt increased by 10% every three months. Obongos govt blockade will be shit in comparisson to the additional 10 trillion trump was able to amass so far

So you admit you deserve a good beating? You just doubt OP will deliver it? Doesn't that prove his point?

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I'm voting for Trump. You can't stop me and I'm happy that you're upset.

>I vote to troll people
Who should stop you? You outed yourself as retard, nothing more to add.


OP is obviously a retard who can't take the time to read what they have typed.

I don't give two fucks about trump either way, you blue haired triple faggot. I just stated that you probably couldn't beat out a rug.

More proof that I made the right decision to vote for Donald Trump. I think I will make the same decision this year seeing as how you never change.

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Outed myself who enjoys a booming economy, historically low unemployment, nominating reasonable SCOTUS judges instead of activists, peace, prosperity, and sore as fuck liberal bottoms. You stay mad little cucklet.

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Electronic Reminder maybe you stupid fuck. Also imagine thinking missing a letter devalues his whole argument I can smell your stupid fat ass from across the Atlantic retard.


He is not directly wrong. Not 80% of people got tax cuts, but 80% of capital is no longer taxed, Ill leave it up to you to decide if this is better or worse

Sorry, my mistake. I mean the firing of the prosecutor general postdates the investigations. Additionally it is a very clear matter of public record with some dozens of official statements from everyone involved in the pressure campaign that he was fired because he had not investigated aggressively enough. Literally Joe Biden and the entire US government wanted Shokin to investigate Burisma and others MORE, which kinda fucks any suggestion that Joe Biden was trying to protect his son.

Did he? This is a new claim to me, I'll need some evidence.

Fuck I really don't want to start posting source, but fuck. Alone inflation in comparison to the wage increase during Trumps era was shit enough. If you didn't get a raise of 75% in comparisson to when Trump went into office you are earning less than before.
Maybe someone wants to argue with that idiot, I feel like taking a smoke break.

I like to make up numbers derp

Every achievement he prefaced with the phrase 'since my election' is demonstrably a direct result of a trend that had existed before his election. In the case of jobs the trend existed even before his nomination. Since it wasn't the start, trying to claim it was is fucking dumb.

>Not 80% of people got tax cuts
then he's a fucking liar

As a European I get so sad seeing how fucking thick you are, Trumpmis riding the coat tails of good economic structure left by Obama, his deal with China was fucking shit they didn’t even send the prime minister to Washington to sign it but one of his bum boys. He killed a general of a sovereign state with on the basis of “intelligence” that he was a threat which we never saw or heard of.

It’s because of stupid ducking idiots like you who hate democrats so much you’ll eat his shit and ignore his crime and corruption I hope you break your arm and have to pay 80k to get better you dumb fucking idiot

Then he should get some credit for continuing the trend right? The predictions before the last election is that he would tank the economy, start ww3, build concentration camps, etc. None of that has happened.

you got me, I had to post source:
The data says: a live cost raise of 0.3% per month since trump is in office, calculate the end result yourself

>riding the coat tails of good economic structure left by Obama

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>getting this mad over the president in 2020

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>good economic structure left by Obama

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living cost, but nice source, at least it is backed up by the fed govt.

Kek. Cope harder.

You are just so dumb man you just eat this shit off Fox don’t you. It’s all bullshit your GDP growth is slowing down, any progress you think you’ve made is based on Obama’s presidency. You pulled out of a climate agreement you didn’t renegotiate the Accords you fuck, you and your fat fuck friends just don’t wanna give up your mobility scooters and hummers and wanna fuck the earth for coal which is such a decrepit industry. His policies are bullshit, he’s fucking your economy in the long term and you’re a twat

no because blumph

raise your hand if you haven't gotten a 75% raise since 2016 and are now homeless because of it.


There is no reason for your second word to be capitalized, you too are obviously a retard that can't take the time to read what they have written. Faggot.

your garbled glownigger bullshit is as low-res as the image you posted alongside it

neck yourself, turbofag

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>Implying you have to be homeless because money got devaluated
You don't seem to understand how inflation works,

>posting an incomplete data visualization from 2012
>understanding this little about the national debt
wew lad

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so fucking majestic
you can practically watch in real time as he sheds fucks as efficiently as a duck sheds water

Yet another Trump thread full of hundreds of furious replies about how orange man bad. This is one of thousands of identical threads since 2016. Anyone ever read something in these threads and changed your mind? lol doubt it.

Our food doesn’t taste like fucking garbage. Our police don’t fire a billion rounds a day , our schools are better, our healthcare is better , our transport is better, our cities are cleaner our democracy is actually democracy. America is literally listed as a flawed democracy you fuck

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I haven't gotten than much of a raise since then. I'm doing just fine. That guy's numbers are a fairy tale.

Well at least Trump himself is proud that the dollar is so much cheaper than the euro and it attracts visitors.

>I haven't gotten than much of a raise since then.
Have you built your first house with 21?



5 seconds of google

After thinking again, people will not understand the irony. Trump said that the cheap dollar will attract visitors, but the dollar isn't really cheap, prices climbed the last 10 years.

>If you’re hit by a car and killed, the driver wasn’t impeding your constitutional rights.
No. He is impeding you inalienable right to life. It's not constitutional.
>Healthcare is not a public good, it’s both a rival and excludable.
Wrong. Public healthcare is demonstrably the leading cause in the lower rate of deaths amenable to healthcare in literally every nation that has it.
>The United States has the most innovative and cutting edge health care system on the planet
Other nations also develop medicines, cures and procedures. Try harder on that argument.
>In a perfect world, everyone would contribute but they don’t. So I’m not going to give up my access to that and those future innovations so some pink haired communist can get her insulin shots for free because of her disgusting life style choices.
Labeling everything left of free market capitalism 'Communist' makes that word meaningless. Again, innovations don't all come from America. The assertion that other nations ride on our coattails is juvenile. Additionally, medicine and treatments for lifestyle related conditions is negligible compared to the cost of treatments for genetic conditions, cancers, trauma and other such injuries. You conflating universal healthcare with 'i don't wanna pay for people's lifestyle' is retarded.
>You want better access to medical care?
I want access to essential medical care for all. I already have it for myself. I love how you retards always assume that everyone who argued for the system which benefits everyone must be a leech.
>Because this universal healthcare shit isn’t it chief.
By all metrics it is better than for profit. Longer life expectancies, less deaths amenable to healthcare.

Was Black Unemployment lowest since records began, after Obama became president, or after Trump became president?

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but orange man bad!

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