What are you playing right now?

What are you playing right now?

Is it good?

Attached: MOUNT-AND-BLADE-WARBAND.png (943x521, 703K)

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Mordhau and reach

Reach fucking sucks, but until 2 and 3 drop on pc it's good for the nostalgia

Mordhau was great but just fucking sucks now with the dumb nigger devs doing full retard shit.
>adding guns so they can actively ruin official servers by shooting people in a medieval melee game
>adding JUMP KICKS
>removing team hitstop so now people just swing through each other and 1vX fights are completely unfun
>crossroads invasion, grad blue attack invasion, any frontlines but mountain peak are totally unfun

And I like squad but it's just such an ordeal to get into it for even a single round and there's no achievements, stats, or unlocks or anything. I mean, bf2 was awesome because of the ribbons and medals and ranks and shit

rocket league usually

just getting into 'the last of us' remastered. it holds up rather well and is quite immersive

Escape from Tarkov

I swear there isn't a single game I like out right now. Just waiting for Doom Eternal and Cyberpunk

crossout, its PTW we dont want poor fags.

Fallout 4. Can't stomach how you can't really influence anything and the worried papa voice actor, but I like the graphics.

>shit tier racecar game
>shit tier "play a sideshow movie" gaystation game
>tarkov, yet another shitty dayz clone 10 years later

Skin flute.
It’s breddy gud i guess

Replaying halo

It's called Darude, Sandstorm

name better games besides you play "i literally cannot stop sucking dicks: the game" fag

Kingdom come: deliverance most of the time
definitely can be frustrating at times but the world and realism (for a video game) are really drawing me in

Can I download that one on steam?

Witcher 3

Fallout New Vegas
Pretty fuckin good.

More like dota

I can't get past awful graphics and UI, did one playthrough years ago though and liked it a lot

Europa Universalis IV and Darkest Dungeon

I enjoyed the graphics as well. Gameplay was okay, base building was... I'm still not sure.

Play 4 made me want to play New Vegas or 3 though.

It's difficult when you begin but becomes much easier. You'll be running into 5 to 10 fully armored guys later on and laughing going into it.

DLC was kind of a let down though imho

Playing through the Kotor games, I'm about 1/3rd or so through the second one right now. Normally I play a game vanilla on my first playthrough but in this case I made sure to get The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod.

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