What is your opinion on coronavirus

What is your opinion on coronavirus

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Much worse than China's official numbers. Even if they weren't covering it up the vast population and incubation period mean infections and deaths will be much higher. Even with the official numbers it's killed as many as SARS did in 8 months in 1 month. The numbers also make no sense, the infection should be accelerating as more people become infected they'll infect more people but instead it's a steady increase and even slowing down now. Something doesn't add up. Thermal imagining from space shows large amounts of burning happening, bodies? It's gonna be real bad I think. The people dumbing it down as just as bad as the fear mongers. If you're healthy you'll probably be fine but sick and old people are gonna have a bad time.

>Much worse than China's official numbers. Even if they weren't covering it up the vast population and incubation period mean infections and deaths will be much higher. Even with the official numbers it's killed as many as SARS did in 8 months in 1 month. The numbers also make no sense, the infection should be accelerating as more people become infected they'll infect more people but instead it's a steady increase and even slowing down now. Something doesn't add up. Thermal imagining from space shows large amounts of burning happening, bodies? It's gonna be real bad I think. The people dumbing it down as just as bad as the fear mongers. If you're healthy you'll probably be fine but sick and old people are gonna have a bad time.


I'd like to add that that every dissident to the chinese government will get "sick" then either be put in quarantine to actually get sick, get quarantined at home conveniently before an electrical fire, or just disappear.

Native hong kong people will die at a higher rate than mainland chinese. HK people will say that it was an inside job china will deny it and send in mainland chinese to refill the population.

this is their chrernobyl. lies and coverups until they loose control - and they will. then the whole world is boned.

you mean COVID-19? it's not called coronavirus anymore. i guess you and your shitty joke just got rekt by the world health organization.


/thread also nice trips

apparently its a thing that exists

tastes better with a slice of lyme disease

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Not hearing much about the demographics of the people dying but I suspect that it is old people and young kids.

It's just another virus that attacks the weak, just like the flu. This years flu bug has killed 35000 people worldwide, almost 10000 in the US alone.
Coronavirus will do about the same. Viruses are a way this planet naturally culls the herd. For most people, it will be a bad chest cold, maybe turn into pneumonia. It won't kill you if you have a good immune system and take care of yourself.

WHO the chinese shill organization?

world health organization is like the anti defamation league for viruses

Watch a youtuber named "Styxhexenhammer666" for a great coverage of the Corona Virus as far back as when it first started appearing.

its a weak virus but spreads like motherfucker since its 7-24 days before symptoms come and fever is not always one of them
while youre carrier you infect everyone around and they do the same

What about the 34yo dead doctor? It will get to anyone

It doesn't affect me enough to make me give a fuck.

Pussies will perish, the Alpha lives

Fuck off what a retarded name. Cant be good at all with a name like that. Trash

young doesnt mean strong

Same as it was about
>Bird Flu
>Mad Cow

If I'm fated to die by it, then so be it. But, since I generally avoid people, don't have sex, don't eat meat, exercise regularly, and keep good hygiene, I don't see that happening.

But still, it's a good reminder of how easily we (including you) can die from a virus, from something so infinitesimally small that you can't even see it, or know you're infected by it until it's already wreaked havoc on your immune system.

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If any would have the highest probability to survive then a professional doc right? But he ded. Means nobody is safe, nobody

Right, like China didn't bump that guy for daring to raise the alarm without going through 30 layers of bureaucracy and continuing to post about it after the police state told him to keep his mouth shut.

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its just an exploded sapper