Condom broke while inside of a girl
I did not cum in her but there may be Precum
I bought her plan b and watched her swallow it
How fucked am I?
Condom broke while inside of a girl
I did not cum in her but there may be Precum
I bought her plan b and watched her swallow it
How fucked am I?
Please for the love of god help me
You fine, I've done the same thing before. Plane B works good once, works less the more you use it though, so don't do it again for a few months at least
This was her fault
ok son
listen up ill let u in on a trade secret
if u accidently cum in her axe wound
you put another round into her dirttrail
balances things out you see
cancels it out like fire and ice
You mean blasting your gay boyfriend in the ass and then you got shitdicked, faggot. You now have full blown aids asshole
my dude, plan B is pretty solid at making sure she doesn't get preggo. if you talk to her regularly, just check in and make sure she gets her period in the next month or so
your fine, I full on filled my ex up(gf at the time) 3 days after of doing the same thing we go like a 7day plan b, it worked.
sometimes it doesn't work, start saving up
or keep asking until you get the answer you want
>bro fam dude have you tried physically talking to her with your mouth? sometimes this proves effective
Smoking my first joint fellas which end do you light?
i think its like a suppository bro light it once its inside ur ass
OP here. Should I block her on everything? Met her from tinder don’t really know her
She's most likely not pregnant bro. Spermicide on most condoms, and you even said you didn't nut. Plus she took Plan B. Why the fuck did you even have to ask?
Precum is just liquid to lube the urethra for the actual cum. U fine
I really REALLY don’t want a black chick to have my kid
Thank you and also everyone else who responded with something saying I’m fine
>everyone saying I should still be aware and responsible since nothing is for sure can screw off
I didn’t say that I’m already worried and that’s been acknowledged
>that's exactly what I'm saying let me explain how I'm different than everyone
my guy u can chill, precum doesn't have sperm on it, so u fine
Someone needs to get laid
>using a condom
fucked like any old cuck and a fag