Be gun owner

> Be gun owner
>Vote blue
>Cry they took your guns away
Liberals really dont have an inner monologue

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Fuck off retard, go back to Cred Forums

fuck u and ur guns asshole. nobody cares except you and...assholes like u!

Good thing they had that peaceful protest!

Hope the 300 MILLION+ GUNS you have left is OKAY.

Probably NOT for the so-called Law Abiding Gun C*NTS.

Keep seething

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and it won't survive the first court case

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only one seething here is you. you started the thread! we don't GAF.

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you whiny faggots always say they are going to take your guns and they never do

it's just something oligarchs tell you so that you'll vote to keep the rich richer

>you whiny faggots always say they are going to take your guns and they never do
They don't need to. They just ban what can be sold or owned and wait out the rest. They don't need to steal them if you can't use them in public anyway, and no one can buy anymore. When you die your retarded wife or kid will take them in through the buyback program for 200 bucks.
>if im not actively being attacked my rights aren't infringed!
That's you. An idiot.

that's a fact. they wont take ur guns carrys gonna be a thing of the past. conceal, sure but not open carry. no more hangin out at ur kids elementary school with ur long rifle or AR its comin!! another year,2 tops

I get what people are trying to do by passing gun control... but I don’t think it really helps much.
Red flag laws can probably help if people don’t abuse it (which will happen on both sides)
But if we’re being honest, an assault weapons ban, limiting people to one handgun a month, banning high-cap magazines... nothing’s going to stop an asshole from being an asshole.
Take the money you’ll spend on enforcement and shit and put it into mental health services. Stable people are safe people. Regardless of if they own guns, knives, cars, or big black floppy dildos with razor wire wrapped around them.
If you’re against gun control, help come up with a solution that isn’t “more people with guns!” And if you support gun control come up with a better solution then “if people don’t have guns then everyone will just hug each other”
Anyway, I’m gonna go clean my new 10mm 1911 peace

>Red flag laws can probably help if people don’t abuse it (which will happen on both sides)
There have been over 2000 cases of red flag laws being used by this point and ~98% of them were initiated by cops. They're inherently abusive as they violate your 4th amendment rights.

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“Assault weapons”
>Notice how fucking useless this law is. These idiots are pretty damn broad when it comes to defining what an assault weapon is. Anything used to cause harm. I know they mean guns but if you weren’t a retard. You’d know what it is. But even in the politically correct term, you can’t fucking take guns. It’s in the constitution, if you don’t like the laws here, go somewhere else. The illegals do it all the time.

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fuck all this gun talk. im goin down south n do me sum huntin with my M-60 imma blow those creatures to hell!

You see that with shit like 72 hour psych holds too. Salty ex wife, abusive husband...
as a society, what do we agree is the right thing to do when we hear the weird guy planning to kill a bunch of people? By gun, car, or razor dildo. I’m not being pedantic I’m honestly wondering.

Instead of needing guns why don't you just learn to fight?

Missing the point. It's not about personal defense, that's just a bonus, it's about defense against tyranny. That the politicians want the protection that guns afford them without affording you the same is tyrannical. It's a balance of power that is not meant to be in America.
The power is supposed to be in the hands of the people.

Why? Tools were made to make jobs easier.

Soyboy faggot, you'll kill us all

Weird guy planning to kill people is conspiracy to commit a crime and is already illegal. You have to be able to prove it though to take his rights. And he has to be able to face his accuser, you, which the red flag laws don't allow. They're absurdly unconstitutional, and immoral.

If you think your guns can beat theirs you’re dumb. I want my nuke.

Literally no one took anyones gun away. OP is a faggot. KYS

when people actually let the gubmint take their pp

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tyranny???? hey, u aint that guy that was in Deliverance that they made squeal like a pig??

Open Carey was illegal all over the place long ago. Not a new concept at all

>not buying illegal firearms online from a Bolivian gun runner
who cares if its illegal

You're thinking about it like it would be a real war. They can not war on their own people if the people are united, they don't have the money for it. Because the money comes from the people. If they destroy the economy by declaring war on their people, even the money they already have is now worthless. They literally couldn't spend it because it has no value. Now they have to fight an insurection in their own homeland while dealing with whatever fragments of the military break off. Every time they kill a combatant they make 3 more in his friends and family.

What they want is a police state. They want the power to be granted to them up until the point where it can no longer be taken back by force.

LARPers who fuck their AR-15's star chamber because they're too cowardly to face their problems and instead think ''at least I have a gun! I'm a free man!'' are cancer.

Want to know how I know you're poor?

>Bill will require permission to keep any guns you currently own that violate the new law, permission that requires a reason you need the gun and several people to vouch for you and even still, without knowing people, you will never get the permit like in californa and NY
Are you retarded or did you choose lube when I asked you gun or lube if your daughter was being raped on omegle?

I'm not, so yes I'd love to hear it.

Law won't survive the first federal court challenge. And Governor Blackface is so unpopular in Virginia right now, he's probably gonna be removed from office by a recall vote within the next year. Hell, Republicans have won every local special election in Virginia since this shitstain and his rapist Lt. Governor decided to go full retard. Virginia's already trending for Trump. So it'll more than likely flip back red state in the next couple of elections.

Would you shoot the computer?

Actually libtards prefer open carry. Its why many blue states let you open carry without a permit but require one to conceal carry. Its true, anti-gunners know the least about guns and gun laws.

Oh, you might be talking about my dumbing down of the concept of dollar value.
I was dumbing it down for you.

>I'm not
sure, bud

Kek, I bet you couldnt win a fight against jamal or your wifes son tough guy

dumbass faggot


>90 lbs. Woman
>250 lbs rapist
>durrr why dunt ya lurn 2 fight
Jesus, you retards get dumber by the day. I realize women armed with guns makes it more difficult for you far left douches to rape them. But try not to be a complete sniveling retard.

Okay pal.


Ill shoot you soyest of boys

>Trusting women with guns

Be careful, they will talk about how pepper spray and tazers are just as effective as guns if you try to convince them thats not the case they will say guns are in effective blowing my mind since they want something they just claimed is as ineffective as a tazer banned. Also its ok to stab the attacker to death but shooting the attacker is wrong. Liberals really are NPC's, pic releated

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