I got turned down for a job because I dont have any social media besides a linkdin and because of that...

I got turned down for a job because I dont have any social media besides a linkdin and because of that, had no idea how i act outside of a work environment. I'm 21 and everyone looks at me like im crazy because i wont put my entire life online for everyone i dont give a shit about to see.

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I dont have any social media at all and I have never been questioned on it when applying for jobs. You must be applying for shit-tier work.

STFU,no one cares, asshole

It was for a job at a mental hospital. I have a master's in psychology and they wouldn't fucking hire me because i'm not on facebook

that's the power of jews for ya

eat my chode

lol. I was three interviews in by this point. Could've been making 80k a year

Sue them.

I'm a white male, What chance do I have?

What legal grounds would OP have to sue?

Did you ask them why that was a factor in their decision?

How do you have a master's degree at 21?


Yeah they said that they weren't comfortable with hiring me because they thought that I was hiding something from them because, according to the onee conducting the interview, "what 24 year old doesn't have ANY social media whatsoever?" Like I was crazy or somehing.

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again, Im a white male. I dont think i have any legal grounds

Tell them you're a transnigger and it'll be alright.

OP has a MASTERS IN PSYCHOLOGY and cant get a break because he won't give his social security number to Mr. Goldstein Sheckelberg over at Goybook, so good old zuckerberg can selll it to china

lies from a liar
no employer is going to say no outright to someone who has no social media
21 and a ged drop out is more like it
now you're 24, cant even keep the lies straight

That is unreasonable.

The one conducting the interview was a woman wasn't it?

Nah you have BPD and it shows. You should learn to code.

you are hiding things, and it's called your presence on Cred Forums. Go tell them the truth and suck it when they won't like it and will tell you to fuck off and go be wageslave.

either way your gonna be a wageslave by the end of it, unless you get lucky and find another opportunity.

You should take control of your interviews instead of being passive. The passive people in this world don't make it very long it sort of takes a man's hand to get anywhere in life. Otherwise you are just letting yourself get fucked.

this, don't be a retard too. Puff it up and say your autistic while your at it.