Are we "great again" yet?

are we "great again" yet?

Attached: trump-face-orange.jpg (2000x1200, 142K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i would think we'd have to be to "keep america great"

We're getting there

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The fat bastard looks like corey

Attached: corey-harrison-pawn-stars.jpg (300x300, 19K)

You will never be president or have any power in your life

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I dunno, did we ever "yes we can"?

Attached: download.jpg (140x140, 6K)

Imagine unironically supporting someone who fucking sprays tan this badly.

I always interpreted that as a "yes we can elect a black guy" in which case, mission half-accomplished?

Its makeup, donald-kun does it himself. his shirts constantly have this shit all over the collar.

Imagine looking like Trump on purpose. Like what the fuck dude, he purposefully does that shit to himself every single day, lol.

Like who the fuck is homeboy fooling at this point with that fucking hair and that fucking pumpking makeup.

It's the most pathetic thing I've ever fucking seen and we all just look at it and collectively pretend that's a normal, sane human being.

Shut up, libtards.

no but China is failing so that's something

Fo real. If the dude just stopped he would look way more respectable.

Attached: TrumpyWarbucks.jpg (980x551, 98K)

Does anyone have the one where his face is photoshopped really small


Imagine actually giving a shit about anything you just said. That would be really pathetic, huh?

>i vote for my presidents based on how subjectively respectable he looks and not based on actual issues
Okay, libtard.

Clearly Trump does give a shit. Dude is vain as fuck. Look up his tweet in reaction to OP's post. Fuck head is like "thats not real, its photoshopped, but my hair looks great right?"

So according to yo, T-man is double pathetic. First for thinking that anything he is doing looks good, and again for even wanting to do anything in the first place. (and again if you want to count how butt hurt he gets, waiting for the youtube blogger style breakdown where he cries about how mean everyone is to him)


Melting snowflake?

Want me to teach you some more words so you can use them? Libtard only works so much before its just sad that you can't come up with something better.

The orange makes him friendlier.

Attached: He stole my bit.jpg (640x896, 52K)

Never wasn't great.

Attached: yummy.jpg (800x582, 200K)

Okay, libtard.

Okay you piss bellied, economically illiterate, ID Pol worshiping, White race hating, racist, tyrant of low expectations, sucking on your own share of Corporate Dark Money as you worship at the feet of a bunch of treasonous fossils who sold us to the Chinese long ago.
Get fucked libtard.

I'm a Republican, faggot. Trump's a liberal Democrat. Go suck dick back in your trailer, Mississippi cuck.

Tee hee

People will say bruh look at that mf cheeto and then turn around and say hmmm that's perfectly normal to me.

Attached: 17927368-7415557-image-a-65_1567305818677.jpg (634x347, 44K)

The only thing I have in common with Trump is that I wanna fuck his daughter

Shit that was pretty decent. A little vague since "economically illiterate", "racist", and "piss bellied" work for anyone who sides with any political party. But I applaud the effort.

Trump is one more layer of makeup away from being Mimi or whoever from the Drew Carey show

Attached: January02_aeons_09.jpg (300x225, 17K)

Still mad she lost, libtard?

Trump obviously hates the whites. Why else would he wear orange face?

Trannies are fucked. But Trump puts on just as much makeup as that dude.

Ummm yeah you just got canceled sweety

No Obama pussed out on all his campaign promises which left a lot of his voters feeling burned.
Which probably played a role in progressives staying home, and Trump winning.

Daily reminder that it's not illegal to want to fuck your own daughter. Daily reminder that Ivanka is a fucking goddess and you'd be gay to not want to fuck her even if she was your daughter.

>He'll build the wall any day now!
>so what if he give israel billions of dollars!
>theyre are greatest ally!

Keep moving those goal posts trumptard.
Maybe if you ever stop licking that boot youll see how far trumps got his cock in your ass. Bitch

Weak stuff, libtard.

Stay mad, libtard.

Hillary living rent free in their heads.
Every Democrat instantly forgot about her once she lost.
He stance on Bernie was considered a boon for Sanders.

Nobody cares about Hillary except MAGA fags.

>hurrdurr libtard

Yeah, I'm doing OK.

I am aware. It's why I use them.
As long as we are fighting each other, we are not defeating the Globo-Homo or breaking the conditioning.
However the DemonRats and their BS just drives me up the wall and I fall back into the conditioning.

This is something you remind people of...daily?

Bro fucking pull the trigger already. What the fuck is wrong with this country.

You are so mad she lost.

It makes him a wacky character, and that generates media attention.
At least until he got old.
Can't get a proper tailored suit, either because of whatever weird comespation complex, but probably just as much because 12 diet cokes and 30 dollars of McDonald's is always mutating his bulk balanced precariously balanced on his bitch ass chicken legs that don't deserve all of this.
His brand is cemented.
He won't change.
So we get this shit.

Attached: t-Trump-Easter-Tiffany-Melania.jpg (1440x960, 393K)

>Which probably played a role in progressives staying home, and Trump winning.
I just love this.
Any story you spin that says "hillary didn't win the support of the voters because...." ignores the fact that Trump did an even poorer job of romancing the voters.
And being in office isn't helping his appeal:

Attached: 1486474866705.jpg (654x560, 122K)

>You use your freedom of speech to say things I don't like...daily?
>What the fuck is wrong with this country.
You are.

>muh popular vote
Too bad that's not how you win, libtard.

LOL those fucking pant legs

Guys. We gotta vote for Sanders.

It'll complete the trilogy.

A black president.
A neo-nazi president.
A jew president.

It'd be funny. BESIDES! Y'all say the jews run the world, so, it'd give a little bit of believability to your conspiracy theories if we actually had a jew run shit.

mini engineering marvel

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>”Lol snowflakes stay mad”

Two coked out oompa loompas in a trenchcoat, and I will die on this hill

Don't forget the part where you kill yourself in the greentext.

Honesty that was the crux of the whole post.

>clearly not even wearing a trenchcoat

A jacket counts as a trenchcoat if you are an oompa loompa.

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Damn... can't argue with that one. You win this round, libby.


>Too bad that's not how you win, libtard.
Too bad indeed, a sad day for America.
Still, I just love how many of you sister-fucking inbreds want so desperately to believe you aren't the minority.
Nobody likes you.
Nobody likes you're senile, fat old cheat of a president.
He's going to doe on the toilet, squeezing a Big Mac in his tiny little fingers.

Attached: 1485456632796.jpg (768x1024, 44K)

Seethe, libtard.

>no one likes you
Don’t have too. Best of luck in 2024, nigger.

>Seethe, libtard.
Dilate, cope my minority party "friend".

Attached: B76E916.jpg (1083x1600, 496K)

Still mad she lost, libtard?

That looks to be the exact number of popular vote from 2016. Looks promising this yeah for him.


I'm mad the republicans are stacking courts and offices with sycophants to protect henchmen and joking about refusing to ever let go of power.
I wouldn't like it if the dems were doing it.
It's not a healthy thing.

Stay mad, libtard.

>Still mad she lost, libtard?
Protip: Nobody in our party liked her either.
She was the least popular Democrat in living memory.
Not sure how/why she ran unopposed except for the 75 year old Jewish socialist who isn't technically even a Democrat, but even he nearly beat her and I can't help but think any serious candidate would have beaten her.
Also don't forget, she was also the first female candidate to ever get a major party nomination, and oh yeah, your party has been vilifying her for decades, AND YET.... she was still more popular than your fat, senile, molester of a candidate.

>b-b-but muh electoral college
..that wasn't what I was refuting in the first place.
Try to keep up. Cletus.

Attached: abe.jpg (500x519, 122K)

>Stay mad, libtard.

Attached: PsKuEb4.jpg (640x511, 77K)

Sure libtard.

Its like its the only word they know

Any day now, right, libtard?

I know words. I have the best words.

Quit responding to these stupid threads. These assholes have about ten threads going right now. They are spammers who got b& from Cred Forums.

Attached: K-On trump.png (619x597, 289K)

>Any day now, right, libtard?
Wow, I DO love the part where the only pro-Trump arguments here are :

strawmen -
"not my president"
"it's over, this time for sure"
"muh shareblue" (only paid trolls oppose the human cheeto)

gloating -
"get over it snowflake"
"4 more years"
"muh liberal tears"

lies/exaggeration -
"he's building the wall"
"the world respects us now"
"trade war with china is a good thing"

credit for not yet destroying the Obama economy -
"best stock market ever"
"lowest unemployment ever"
(this last one's also a lie)

You guys don't have one real, actual good thing to say about the guy, so all you can do is deny reality.

Attached: 7qi1bJr.jpg (640x559, 54K)

Blow it out your ass, libtard.

Do people actually think a border wall is going to do shit? I honestly think the guy cares more about how he looks than how the country is doing and to me that’s just not something a president should do lol

>Blow it out your ass, libtard.

I love you too, snowflake!
(srsly tho, no rebuttal, huh?)

Attached: ErnestBorgnine.jpg (800x1007, 510K)

Sure libtard.

I just gave you my rebuttal. You literally quoted it. Fuck are you smoking, libby?

I’m definitely a libtard I just find the way he panders to his base kind of cringey, plus I live close to Atlantic city and I know people he personally never paid and fucked over after he bankrupted his casino here.

>Do people actually think a border wall is going to do shit?
Nobody in Congress does.
That's probably why Trump has to keep cheating to fund it: stealing from other projects, government shutdown, fake national emergency.
NOBODY wants to fund his wall, and remember that includes the Senate that just "acquitted" him even while admitting he'd broken the law.

Attached: 1488278858020.jpg (480x378, 35K)

Shut up, libtard.

Stay mad, libtard.

>I just gave you my rebuttal.
>Blow it out your ass, libtard.

Attached: xwomanlaugh-07-1452168813.jpg.pagespeed.ic.yD4ymZUG23.jpg (600x450, 38K)

Laugh it up, libby. You won't be laughing when he wins again.

>mfw I start this thread forever ago with low effort b8, expecting cheeto memes
>come back to this shit

Attached: Monke.jpg (680x450, 33K)

Remember when all those fucking boomers gave all their money to the GoFundMe wall scammers. Shit makes me lol.

Attached: 1bbagv.jpg (504x500, 71K)

::complains about Safe Spaces::

::wants a fucking WALL::

Button that Shit you walking Turd. He has ZERO suit etiquette. Is his tailor the same guy who tells him he is 6'4" & 190 lbs.?

He only needed two years, remember? Its KAG now.

A Centaur without the hind legs, AKA, dickless.

babbys first pol thread libtards

>haha a defense against criminals coming into our country is totally the same as wanting a room to cry in because she lost right guys haha g-guys?

>>haha a defense against criminals coming into our country
You mis-spelled "multi-billion-dollar paperweight/monument to his ego".

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I hope he stays for another 4 years because it is funny to see americans tear into each other and then cry like little bitches.

Telly looks exactly how I imagine trumpers to look

It can be both, libtard.

Shut up, libtard.

trump made the greatest sacrifice possible for this country, fucking up the republican party from the inside and ensuring that Bernie finally became president

it was the only way

>It can be both, libtard.
Not as long as a $100 sawzall or a $50 ladder can defeat the wall.
Not that you need either to defeat the wall.

It's a boondoggle that even GOP Senators don't want to pay for.

Why they trying to put those swifter duster things around his penis?

bot vs bot
Oh my fucking sides.

Attached: 26.jpg (605x978, 208K)

It won’t work.
Tell me how a wall will stop people from illegally immigrating into the country.
There is tunnels, there is semi subs used by cartels to smuggle drugs
A large majority of illegal Immigrants are here on overstayed Visas.
A multi billion dollar wall along the border makes sense to literally no one except the private contractors who are building it who are essentially war profiteers.
The whole idea is just based in stupidity

they're boom mics and they're so they can get a good shot without all the mics being in his face

They're swiffers, to clean is dirty little mushroom dick.

Attached: mushroomdick.png (900x600, 444K)

Dude that what you get when you put a B list (at best) celebrity in The Ultimate Position of Power

I would prefer Barry Goldwater to this fucking moron

Attached: Bored Medical Patient.png (765x653, 1.07M)

We'll build walls in the tunnels, idiot.

>We'll build walls in the tunnels, idiot.
its cute when they try and think

You give me one reason why a wall wouldn't work in the tunnels. Hell, if anything, it'd work even better. There's a lot less space you'd have to cover in tunnels. Shit, why even build the wall above ground at this point. I'm gonna write our boy Trump about this. Tunnel-walls, bitch!

Our economy and standing internationally is.

The word you're looking for is progressive, not liberal, which applies to almost everybody.
"Liberal" entails strong belief in personal freedoms, the idea that all members of society in some way must contribute to it in some form to varying degrees, (taxation, labor, military, etc) and embracing of free market economics.
George W. Bush is an example of a right-wing liberal. Obama was a left-wing liberal. Trump is a liberal. Just be more specific.
Now, continue with the shitshow please. *gets popcorn*

They will just make a tunnel under the tunnel walls retard

Didn't I tell you to shut the fuck up, libtard?

Not even once.

Attached: US treaty paper.jpg (500x500, 37K)

Then we build more walls, dingus. Walls that go a hundred miles underground. Dig your way under THAT, Mexicans.

Seethe, Eurofag. We fucking beat your ass in 'nam.

dont worry. you can still suck bernie's dick even if he loses twice

You actually may be onto something here.

Attached: angrywhitemenistan.jpg (959x656, 212K)

Thank you more shitting now! *noms popcorn*
Louder this time!

Fuck Trump. I didn’t vote for this asshole just to find out he wears makeup like a faggotry tranny. He probably dresses up like a fucking drag queen too. Fuck him.

Attached: 0B02C5A7-715E-40AF-9207-38F743132F6A.jpg (600x450, 88K)

Who wants a president that looks like a fucking tranny?

Attached: 4971B1B7-C8FA-4671-9F9C-0885DB78A072.jpg (960x945, 56K)

>find out
his face has always been orange retard

If there is to be any future for the United Snakes, you'll have to be either a Shlomo or a Dmitri.
Even trumpsters aren't that ignorant.

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fuck you dipshit he’s never been this obvious about it. He wears make-up like a gay faggot tranny and I don’t want a faggot tranny representing me on the world stage. Fuck you and fuck trump.

Attached: trump not orange.jpg (610x459, 17K)

The first president to look like a gay faggot tranny.

Attached: 2458C5DA-DD5C-494F-8D0D-8B3A47C03D9F.jpg (960x960, 109K)

Never speak so ill of countryman, comrade.


Attached: 3DBBFA80-277D-49F8-91B7-84CFCD832C65.jpg (700x700, 42K)

Holy fuck, that unironically does look like paradise.

Found the dude who lives in the south

Just sayin.....

Attached: BD9303B0-61AE-4B2E-A9B7-F2E25E6E6456.jpg (680x472, 30K)


Attached: mary trump.jpg (720x480, 28K)

Even the gay faggot trannies are laughing at him,
He’s a fucking disgrace
Plus he looks like a gay faggot tranny.

Attached: 4D040B4E-9A95-48DE-A465-5687B930A633.jpg (960x870, 51K)

It's not illegal to live in the south.

I can't believe the libs actually NOTHINGED our president. How will he survive the rest of his terms NOTHINGED?

Do you think Trump will need to win by more votes this cycle?

He still looks like a gay faggot tranny.
He’s also impeached for life.

He won with less votes before, he can do it again.

Dude, he *is* a gay faggot tranny. His cock-sucking days go all the way back to Roy Cohn honey.

Attached: trump cohn.jpg (2560x1723, 1.04M)

Just sayin....

Attached: D0A1D731-5F6F-4B63-9FAC-ED7B8B22952C.jpg (790x960, 69K)

Oh my god, he's NOTHINGED for life. Say it isn't so.

so he sucks cock and loves fucking little kids,
Well done voted in the first pedo president that is also a gay faggot tranny.

Attached: EB9EB4AB-AE41-4C69-B183-8BD4872877AF.jpg (564x560, 68K)

He was impeached for being orange but yeah, so what? He's still your president.

Attached: A46C4C72-7F30-489A-A59E-1727B84B9623.png (640x610, 247K)

He also looks like a gay faggot tranny.

>muh accusations
Accusations are not proof.

Attached: 1580949407326.jpg (634x484, 87K)

GEOTUS makes tribe strong.

Attached: johnson-v-trump-epstein ED CV16-00797.jpg (929x710, 154K)

Still your president, libby.

still impeached too.

You don't need to not look like a gay faggot tranny to be president.

but he does wear makeup like a gay faggot tranny.

Wow, he's still NOTHINGED. God help us all.

Look at that Alpha Neckline

A president that looks like a gay faggot tranny.

>meme skills
>solly cholly

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look at that makeup!
Makes him look queerer than the gayest faggot tranny!

Attached: ~trump still president.jpg (654x500, 97K)

Alt-Reich, no meme.
– Bob Marley

I'm absolutely seething over the fact that you successfully NOTHINGED the president, yes. You caught me. What a world.

>admits he is fine it’s a gay faggot tranny as president
You trumptards are lithe biggest hypocrites I have ever met. He looks like a gay faggot tranny.

seriously neutral in all this shit, im just curious if the libtards are ever gonna man up and pop the dude

Test test whatever

Yeah that sounds awesome

>absolutely seething
Oh btw,
Just sayin......

Attached: DDC3B319-5573-4A67-AF76-3669C8D413B6.jpg (960x960, 63K)

I don't have to cope. There's nothing to cope about. He looks funny. Orange man yada yada. Alright? I never covered it up. It was just always irrelevant to me how the president looks. I voted for him because he was awesome. Also, even if looks were an issue, she objectively looks worse.

Don't forget lift shoes too

Attached: DfgOR_iUYAANSm5.jpg (768x594, 33K)

Wow, he didn't have a NOTHING hearing. That's epic.


every time I see the pant legs I fuckin die laughing

That’s lucky cos trump looks Ike a gay faggot tranny kekkek

Holy shit is that real?
Fuck he is embarassing!

and he'll be the first imoeached president to be re-elected

get ready for 4 more years of your prez to be Donald Trump

>neo-nazi President
Ya, because we all know how Nazis are huge supporters of Israel.
Do you understand how absolutely fucking retarded you are?

Attached: Smirks in Hebrew.jpg (310x380, 59K)

Orange man good
White man bad

>omg haha tiny feet the world is laughing at us xD
Get a grip, libtard.

You couldn't describe a better society if you tried... jfc libtards cannot fucking meme

I wonder if he will wear drag to his election speeches?
You know, seeing as he wears makeup like a gay faggot tranny.

user, have you considered that you are the gay faggot tranny? It's time to come out.

I don’t wear makeup like trump does.
Trump wears makeup that makes him look like a gay faggot tranny.

nicholas cage came back kinda great, pretty much as great.

Attached: Play The Trust (2016) on by birloke - SolarMovie.mp4_snapshot_00.12.55.jpg (1280x696, 146K)

Gonna need to examine those rape pics. It's a matter of National Interest after all.

Yeah you’re right.
The world is probably laughing at us cos of this shit.

Attached: 090B3048-F7A6-40DC-B974-165E2E17FF63.jpg (540x619, 52K)

Well Epstein did have them. I wonder why he suddenly got suicided?

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An Impeachment follow by an Aquittal is like when your teacher gives you a gold star on your homework.... and then gives the Retarded kid two gold stars.

Meanwhile in Israel

Attached: fence4.jpg (650x458, 44K)

Attached: wall_cross_section.gif (400x282, 31K)

Gotta hide the elevator shoes. Only way is frumpy trumpy pants

That's why he leans like this.
Guys wearing heels who don't know how to wear heels often have this forward lean

Attached: download (5).jpg (304x166, 10K)

I literally have food, health, science and art in my room right now. Shut the fuck up, libby. Get a job if you want these things.

You also have a president who looks like a gay faggot tranny kekkek

Attached: C67E9377-DEC6-4624-B894-579FE6DFFD18.jpg (1016x698, 197K)

Thats more than a wall. Much more than a wall

Doesn't bother me in the slightest but don't let that keep you from posting.

I think you need a wall to be great...

much cheaper tho, both paid by U.S tax payers so thank you

you keep on replying so it must bother you that your president looks like a gay faggot tranny kekkek

Attached: F27635DF-3AFC-4790-8E0B-14DE32292D24.jpg (640x960, 61K)

No, it really doesn't. I'm just passing the time.

Attached: AD06EFEB-815E-4A60-A08C-6AF54EBBADC1.jpg (471x365, 38K)

Trying to rationalise the fact your president is a gay faggot tranny kekkek

Attached: 43A1E25E-2BF4-4059-8972-882B7A565AE4.jpg (500x500, 37K)

>8880 days
He hasn't even been in office a whole term, libtard.

Attached: Charlie-Sheen-Winning-Duh.jpg (404x378, 23K)

Wait, let me check... yep, still your president so, yep, WINNING, libtard.


Not everyone who fucking owns your ass is a bot, libtard.

Somebody got the "how you will actually sleep" response to this?
I didn't save it because I thought there was no way libs would repost this cringe

Okay, Vlad.
Have some semechki

Attached: turkish-roasted-sunflower-seeds-tadim-1-700x700.jpg (700x700, 48K)

You're calling Obama a neo Nazi?

Attached: 1_5j4Epcu0kHXqKh6EI8_4rg.jpg (800x561, 91K)

>knows what the fuck semechki is
>calls me vlad
Okay, libtard.

Bleep bloop

A president that looks like a gay faggot tranny

Yes, we've established that he looks like a gay faggot tranny quite a few times now and I still don't care all that much.

Attached: pipas xxl.jpg (330x236, 8K)

Imagine a gay faggot tranny saying you looked like a gay faggot tranny
Look in a mirror you gay faggot tranny

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Attached: 1488043663791.jpg (1114x562, 176K)

Maybe I need to wash my glasses but if that last one shaved and put on some makeup, I'd fuck him.

>all these anons defending a fatty who puts on enough makeup to make a whore blush
We doing body positivity to trigger the libs now?

Attached: skylar b.jpg (1249x705, 162K)

So did he hike up his pants to his thighs to keep his them from engulfing his shoes?

I think he wants to do a Michael Jackson lean but can't quite figure it out yet.

>I got food health and science in my room right now
user, having twinkies, insulin, and meth in your room is not what people mean when they posted those things.

Imagine how bad that president must look for a gay faggot tranny to be calling him a gay faggot tranny.
Kek cope.

does he make you hard?
Does your gay faggot tranny president make your tiny little penor hard?

>thanks for the (you)

Lmao this is why he wears the makeup - cos his little incel army jerkoff over his fat tranny ass

Nope, but we got a gay faggot tranny for a president

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Your country and its politics is the laughing stock of the world.

That's why all the pro-trump cartoonists make him look like Superman with long flowing Fabio hair

Attached: garrison.png (750x400, 160K)

...even though it's 2020 it would still happen exactly like this

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Attached: 1581440614227.jpg (277x508, 31K)

Well we are doing great so yeah

I mean, domestically, Trump has the highest support among Republican voters that any Republican president has had in a long time.

So that's impressive.

His overall approval rating is meh, because Democrats hate him and independents rank him as so/so.

Internationally, many autocratic regimes like Trump, but most countries, especially allies, find him difficult, or even laughable.

US influence internationally is going down rapidly.

Don't worryTrump is finished once we figure out who gets to steal the primary from Bernie again.

Attached: gpdn43ud35e41.jpg (640x851, 71K)

>US influence internationally is going down rapidly.
Which is a result of the administration before him giving up our leverage in every theatre

lol... no.

Good thing we are putting so much money into building up our defence while at the same time producing a surplus of energy. It's almost like we don't need the world as much as they need us and that gives us leverage.

Attached: zh6fw0elcdc41.jpg (500x522, 55K)

So many plebs fell for this obvious-bait photoshop image.
There are so many undoctored images of this mong looking ridiculous.
This one is circulated so trumptards can laugh at you as you make your own masturbatory material and keep believing any legitimate slader is fake news.
Do better fuck. The good guys have succumb to a nasty infection of fucktards.

Attached: letitgo.jpg (710x473, 42K)

Being this brainwashed

That doesn't say 8880 you fucking idiot...

Good argument

Hey me.
You ever think the responses to this image are bots created to solidify your opinion that one side of the isle is more intelligent than the other.
Shut up me.
You don't know me.

Attached: timedilation.jpg (1750x1167, 315K)

I am.
For you, working at Taco Bell, .. not so much.

That would have to go 100' deep to catch all of the tunnel beans.

Plus, acquiring another 300' of depth through eminent domain would be expensive.

I like where your head is at though.

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Shit you.
Calm your fuck.
I'm sick of my girlfriend but I have convenient living so... Guess I'll see where that goes.
Also you're a mong.
A democracy of idiots doesn't end well. Whhehe. Fun to watch though

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>Why brown man wear unpresidential beige suit?

Attached: trump_1580896224824.jpg (720x720, 79K)

Only things that have changed are
I make more money
I pay less tax
Liberals cry nonstop
Yeah, I'd say were on the right path

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go to bed Boris

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Music worthy of " random"

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>Only things that have changed are
>I make more lies
>I tell less truth
>Everyone calls me out on it
>Yeah, I'd say I'm a fucktard

The fucking bot wars.
Authentic opinions are no longer represented.
Bot's are better.
GG.. Humans put up a good show.

> Anonymous 02/11/20(Tue)22:51:29 No.820514253▶
> (OP)
>You will never be president or have any power in your life
Screech online for 5 more years you pathetic little internet faggot libtard.

Fuck I laughed.
Very funny

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You can't keep having hissy fits about orange man bad for another 5 years.


Seethe. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

Looks like thats been photoshopped. I swear it wasnt that noticeable last week.

You aren't making more money more than you were 3 years ago? You're doing something wrong or you're a literal retard.
Taxes are lower. Period.
And your incessant crying is the cherry on top

If we can have another 10 years of actual good economic decisions then yeah!

>You aren't making more money more than you were 3 years ago? You're doing something wrong or you're a literal retard.
Or I subscribe to reality not fictional trumpcuck talking points.
>Taxes are lower. Period.
No, not period. Deductibles are down far enough that overall most people are ending up with less money.
>And your incessant crying is the cherry on top
And your incessant lying just proves my point.

>good economic decisions

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not you, you were never great and you know you can never be, you hooknosed parasite

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>presidents have power
you can read "silent weapons for quiet wars" or keep being a stupid ignorant dumbass piece of cattle to your rulers

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KKK get off my Cred Forums

Trump's fuckin' golden.
Fuck right off

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