when did Cred Forums get so shitty? what happened to the days of raids and quality ylyl threads?
now it's just traps and cucks everywhere
when did Cred Forums get so shitty? what happened to the days of raids and quality ylyl threads?
now it's just traps and cucks everywhere
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Educate the newfriends.
Sage, ignore spamposts and shit tier bait and pasta *shrug*
It's always been shitty, but to answer your question, it got significantly worse around 2010 - 2011.
Cred Forums isn't the heart of the internet anymore, it isn't even the heart of Cred Forums, porn is the only thing that's left
Traps have an always will be a staple of Cred Forums you fucking idiot.
Mods won't ban the coomers so this is what Cred Forums is now. Faggots
r/T_D invasion killed this site
No they fucking haven't. The glut of trappists only happened in the last few years. There were a few before, sure, but there used to be more god damned Sonic the hedgehog threads than trap threads until somewhat recently.
It's true what they say: you really can't go home again.
traps and cuckoldry are literally the only good types of porn
found the newfag
Cause you found a well that had dried up long ago kiddo.
It was good till about 2012.
You are the cancer.
Cred Forums killed itself. People loved trolling newfags. Stupid newfags thought the trolls were serious. Rise and repeat. Plus every newfag is underage b& so it never gets better and this is a never-ending summer.
Being an oldfag doesn't make you a racist pedo dipshit. I've also been around long enough to know an untrustworthy link(honey pot) when I see one. I tell you to lurk moar, but what's the use in wandering around ruins where every book is burnt.
people = shitty
more people = more shitty
it's simple OP, you're still a flaming homosexual
you know exactly when it happened
I mean I’m a coomer myself but I really would like Cred Forums to return to its former non-porn glory
Come on guys there’s like 5 trillion other places to abuse your cock, lets clean this one up.
There where some good times back then
Good times back then
Times back then
Back then
I can argue what to miss or what I have to complain but it's to cry about nothing else . What ever is to blame for what happened. I hope we sometime in the far future might be so far gone that the reverse effect happends
Cred Forums got too obsessed with the male body and sexuality
it's all buttholes and bbc now. traps. cuckery. dicks, dicks, dicks.
Agreed, the fucking Trumpfags brought all the general faggotry here.
Cred Forums WAS NEVER GOOD!!!
Cred Forums WAS NEVER GOOD!!!
Cred Forums WAS NEVER GOOD!!!
All the good Cred Forumstards died due to Windmill Cancer.
This is what fascists do. They steal popular culture and make it seem as if it belongs to them in order to try to make themselves distinctive and attract supporters.
It's what Hitler did, too - the toothbrush mustache, the Swastika (stolen from eastern religions), etc.
In the case of Trumptards, they took popular websites like Cred Forums and popular memes and used them for their agenda, thus corrupting them. They're the reason Cred Forums is such a shithole.
there was something here that kept us all coming back, whether it was porn or some sort of quality content.
Cred Forums used to have 10M motherfuckers posting here every day
Cred Forums now has 10 motherfuckers posting here every day
even once old Cred Forums had janitors that weren't just laughing and egging bullshit on, there was no real way they could manage everything. it was too much.
these days the posts are slower. they don't have a half million reports to wade through every hour
so the site seems more rule abiding. more sterile.
low population and effective moderation.
also, the community that's chosen to remain has largely settled into a handful of general threads that can't be posted on the non-tard boards, leaving them here.
if there was a Cred Forums generals board, this would would just be log poster.
even "why can't atheists define atheism"-fag is gone.
our spergs have aged, gotten better or worse medication, and left either way. or died.
it's the tail end of something that was once amazing
now it's just edgy kids and old fogies.
Cred Forums used to produce OC. Now they don't. That's the long and short of it.
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