Where do i find a gf around this age?

where do i find a gf around this age?

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So much photoshop those girls look like sex dolls....


what has become of my Cred Forums?

>those girls look like sex dolls
There's no need to pretend, you already outed yourself as a pedo.

don't listen to this guy OP, I went to prison and they weren't there!

those girls clearly have breasts
so not a pedo

Tbh these girls look in the 17-21 range to me.

I suppose epheb then

not much of an issue when i'm 19 myself

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Most people would find the 14ish to 19 age gap weird and call you a pedo irl.

only if you're american
also i don't care

My niece is already a size D, and she's not even 16 yet. My brother is already going nuts with all the boys chasing after her. At least my niece has the common sense to know the guys are after her for her big Hispanic boobs, and not because they actually like her as a person.

Family reunion.

Upperclassmen HS or underclassmen college. Good luck

i'm the underclassmen college so i'm between a rock and a hard place
i should have gotten with a freshman girl last year

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If you play your cards right they'll be the ones between a rock and a hard place.

Chick lit club in college. Possibly anime club

college girls are too fucking old i'm sorry

That's actually pretty normal. Happens all the time.

your local middle school

i want a younger girl for a couple reasons
1. think they look better aesthetically
2. feel like i missed out on teen love because i was too consumed with myself and went to school with a bunch of asian spergs
3. don't care much for fucking around and wanna wife the girl when she's straight outta highschool and i'm nearing my mid twenties

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Back to high school faggot

And what age would that be? Do you know these girls?

I have a boner right now

Any bar of club. They look 16+ which is legal in any first world country.

Lots of incel faggots probably posting from 3rd world USA.

Give it ten years. She will be 300lbs and have six kids like all the other spic bitches. If she already isn’t that heavy..

around 14 or so, and if i did then it'd be easy from there.
but i cut contact with highschool people and especially don't speak with any highschool underclassman.
club isn't a place to find a good girl to be with you long.

sex doll, or risk getting v&

It only gets worse bud. You don't magically grow out of wanting a cute innocent teen gf.

t. 29 year old
I think the oldest girl I've dated is like 19. Once they get older than that they just lose that spark. I feel like shit for losing interest in them because it's superficial, but I can't help my biology.

No they don't. Most people find that attractive. You're just gay.

At a primary school?

Counter argument. It might actually get better.
All through my 20s I still kept fucking and dating 16-21 year olds, but now in my 30s something just switched and I while young girls are objectively still hot, every fibre of my being craves WOMEN now. Strength, the shape of muscle on a feminine form, and maturity. I can't imagine being with someone younger than 26 at this point in life.

Having said that, nothing wrong with wanting a GF around 16-19 either. It's perfectly legal. Stop listening to a bunch of angry woman hating incels on Cred Forums, rofl. They don't know anything about relationships, sex or women.

In prison I was the gf

nah bro i plan on wifing the chick if i end up being with her long because in all honesty looking at the world today i think it's the family where the happiness is at.
so that's my goal and i got it set.

I never said I didn't find that attractive. Besides, you fail to realize that people think finding someone 17yr and 364 days old attractive makes you a pedo.

only brainwashed people think that.
lots of people have stupid opinions, i simply ignore them.

Then you better start teaching some kind of sport like tennis or an art where you might get to know some freshmen girls. Tutoring a subject even. You might meet someone. Otherwise it's cruising the local high schools and malls like a predator

I'm not attracted to maturity though. If I wanted maturity, I'd talk to a guy. In a female partner, I want someone feminine, childlike and innocent. Someone who makes me forget being a man for a few hours a day. That to me is the whole point of a girlfriend.

too old.

Wait a few years then. By the time you hit your mid 30s any girl younger than 25-26 will seem like a babbling idiot that you can't stand to talk to for more than a minute. Those 25 year old women if you find the right one will be ready to settle down. Also she will look young to you then.

I highly doubt this will happen to me. Women of all ages are babbling idiots. Better to have a babbling idiot with a tight pussy than a 25 year old roastie. But hey, to each their own.

>Those 25 year old women if you find the right one will be ready to settle down.
nigga who's gonna settle for a used fucking car

Ahh the innocence of youth. 42 yrs here and girls at 16-21 might look great no lie, there's nothing they can say that would interest me in marrying one. A tight fuck for a few nights is way different than having a wife. Inb4 boomer which I'm not.

If you think marriage is even remotely a good idea in 2020, then yes you are a boomer.

i don't have to worry about being divorce fucked because if she did i'd do a murder suicide.

Op is the one talking of nabbing a 14 year old for future marriage.

That is the ideal age to start dating a girl though.
You should meet a girl around 14, court her and date her for a few years, marry her at 16, put a baby in her soon after and start a family. This is how it should work in a sane non fucked up world.

The damage is already done by the time a girl is 18 or 19. They are already indoctrinated into hating men and starting a family at this point. This is the real reason why they don't want you chasing young girls.

yes so I (college aged OP) am asking where i can find that girl when i'm no longer in any highschool social circles.

Get out more or move to a new city and meet people. You sound like a literal incel if you think all 18 and 19 yr Olds are damaged goods. Get your shit together

>wahhh why won't he date old used up hags like meeeee
The roastie reveals herself.

FYI, this is the one on the left now. modelteam.co.uk/model/monica-duncan

i live in the largest city in america, and there is no way in hell i'm wifing a girl my own age.

Family circles. Someone who's a relative has to have friends who have a daughter. Goto those parties and be the cool college guy. Don't be a try hard or daddy might slap your shit

holy shit man where'd you find this?
is it possible you can find the left one too?

I live in a huge college town and a lot of the girls here are 16 and 17 as freshmen. Even a few 15 year olds that slipped through the cracks. If they come from a country where high school ends at a weirdly early age.
This is about the best case scenario you will get, unless you want to be the guy who goes to the mall and hits on 14 year olds. And you don't want to be that guy.

meant the right*

Barking up the wrong tree my dude. Plus you actually think any female on Cred Forums is gonna take time on this thread trying to talk sense into the incels here?

This. You need this Op

Shut the fuck up roastie. I can spot femalespeak even through text. You're terrible at hiding your true nature.

Google image search -> other photos from a Chinese page about girls' bras -> bing image search with a few custom boxes around her face in two photos -> having a knack for recognizing facial features

If photos exist of the one on the left, I probably could, but I don't really care anymore. This was just to pass some time and post it here. Anyone can do what I did.


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problem is i go to city university

Better up your game then and transfer

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How big of a city are we talking here? If there's 100,000+ in your city, then you are in an even better situation.

Just go to a part of the city you don't usually go to, hit on a girl, talk to her, and if she isn't interested or you get rejected, it doesn't matter because you will never see her again. Just try again tomorrow in a new spot. This isn't rocket science.

no can do bro. with city university a dime doesn't come out of my pocket for attending. i want to be out debt free.

femalespeak through text. Kek ok genius

>How big of a city are we talking here?
New York

Nigga you can't have everything in life served up like room service. Looks like the local mall is your only option. Good luck

The fuck nigger. Come on. How the fuck do you not have a girlfriend? I used to live in a small cow town in Pennsyltucky. I had an excuse to not have a girlfriend because there's only like 4 girls and they're all fatties.

You live in the god damn goldmine of the planet. There is probably 100 girls in a stone's throw of your apartment that would be attracted to you. Any type you want. Do you have any idea how many people would kill to be in your situation? Why are you not out right now trying to get a girl? Why are you on Cred Forums?
It's like you have the golden ticket to the chocolate factory, and you're setting it on fire.

If you are in NYC there's gotta be spots where the local kids chill. It's fucking nyc. Find them and don't be an autist when talking to girls. There's like 9 million people so she's out there somewhere

This. If you live in NYC, and can't get a girlfriend, there's literally no hope for you. Like, I'm actually triggered right now.

i am a recluse that spends my day reading, lifting, and shitposting.
wasn't interested in girls in highschool and don't like the girls around me in college.
suffered a loss in my senior year, tumbled into an isolated depression that i've been out of a couple months now.
here i am.

Yes Op. Why the fuck are you on Cred Forums. Nyc is target rich. You must be fucking ugly as sin or literally not know how to talk to anyone wtf

Then give me your apartment. An apartment in NYC is wasted on an introvert.

If you live in New York, and can't find one person out of 4 million girls to date you, then the problem is probably you.

Under the bleachers.

Ah Jesus fucking christ. Pick your ass up and stop being a recluse. Full stop. Turn off the computer you idiot. Tomorrow make it a point to meet someone new. Anyone. Start from there. Jesus

never said i couldn't find one, i never pursued them

Are you autistic? Like actually.

How the fuck are you supposed to get a girlfriend if you never tried? You could secretly be a 10/10 Chad but you don't even know it.
How is whining that you don't have a girlfriend on Cred Forums going to bring you any step closer? I helped you at first because I thought you lived in a shitty burb town like the rest of us, but if you want to get a gf in NYC, literally just GO OUTSIDE.

This op. I tried too cause I thought you lived in a fucked town like 90 percent of us here. But fuck you. Just go outside

i never said i don't talk to anyone, i simply said when i'm not in college i keep at home.
there are plenty of people I speak to
>Are you autistic? Like actually.
not in the slightest
>How is whining that you don't have a girlfriend on Cred Forums
that's not the nature of the thread, i'm not complaining about not having a girlfriend. i have a very specific idea of one in mind. if i just wanted any girl i'd just go on tinder or hook up with one of the girls in my college.

Whatever it is you want, if it's not working then do the opposite. If staying inside when not in schoo, is leading to NOT get a young gf, then nigga get your ass outside and actually hunt down the local hang spots. Again nyc is target rich.

OK so you want a young gf. There is like 700,000 girls in NYC that match your description probably.

Get creative. I'm not a city slicker so I don't know how the game is played there, but I would start by simply going outside. Go for walks in neighborhoods you don't usually go to, scout out places you think would be good to meet people, go to stores where you think you might meet someone with similar interests, go to the park and hit on thots in yoga pants. The sky is the limit.

that is the problem, it's why i made the thread.
I don't KNOW where the "local" hangspots are. i cut contact with everyone who i'm not in college with, and i'm not in college with any old highschool friends.
i am just completely around new people.

You are also quite mistaken, it's very easy to get isolated here. Especially when I have other responsibilities.
I would be MUCH more successful, and also happier in a smaller town when you're with the same people. I don't like the city at all.

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Dude, it's good that you are isolated and cut off. When you're backed into a corner, it forces you to get out of your comfort zone and take risks.

Where do you live? Manhattan? Brooklyn?

I don't care what these other anons say, if those girls don't make their dick hard, they gay. Period.

brooklyn, and it's not in the way you think. i don't have any trouble communicating with people, to be frank i'm quite charismatic.

I want to believe you when you say that, but if you live in NYC and are charismatic, you should have a girlfriend. Something is not adding up here.

If I were you, I would draw up a game plan and that act on it this weeeknd. Go into Manhattan. Hang out around NYU or something. There's probably like 6 dozen hipster cafes there with cute young girls.
If that fails, try a different neighborhood next time. And so on. It's just a numbers game. Statistically, you will eventually meet someone.

Need help Cred Forumsros. V-day is coming up which is a good opportunity. There's this girl I work with, she looks young af but she's actually 20. Thing is I found out from another co-worker that she's super innocent and never had a boyfriend.

I'm 28 if that even matters, but I'm afraid of rejection. She might be too goody goody for me. She's super quiet and cute, but I've talked to her before about anime and stuff which she seems into. Do you think I have a chance Cred Forumsros?

I've never tried to hook up with a girl so innocent and pure.

you should move in together and never contact the outside world again asap

Don't go after girls you work with. If you break up, it's awkward and if you get rejected, it's super awkward.
Be friendly with her but let her make the moves. If she's interested, she'll make it obvious.

What is the youngest age a 19 year old could date that is socially acceptable?

Tbf even though we were together I only see her maybe once a week because of wonky scheduling. I don't even think I'll be at this job much longer so I figured I'd yolo on my way out.

The legal age is 18. An 18 year old and above person could fuck a 50 year old and it would be acceptable.


I'd say about 14. Just say she was a freshman when you were a senior.

Fuck, I misread your question. I'd say a 19 year old could date a 17 year old and no one would bat an eye

if you say so user, i've never been rejected, I just never cared for girls till now recently.

i just run errands, read, lift, watch films, listen to music, and drop a tab of acid every 2 weeks or so. it's been like that for a long time. hell i don't even jerk off.

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in valhalla

wew lad

>how i know you're a virgin



imagine being such a beta that you want to be in a relationship with an airheaded child

please start bettering yourself and hit the gym

>Tfw I run a register at a retail store
>Always have these young high school girls giggling and flirting with me
>Know that they are off limits
Why live bros...

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I dunno... But I'd love to find a gf who was about 24 or 25 and looks 12. Preferably Asian too.

Seethe more roastie.
I know you're 26 and finally ready to settle down, but we don't want you.

So flirt back. I did when I worked retail.

>Photoshop ban is a thing

I'm a socially awkward fuck. I'm charming and have been told I'm good looking, but I just never learned how to properly flirt. Just the other day my manager walked by while I was checking out some girls and she was like "that girl was smiling at you when she walked away, I think she likes you". I felt like such a beta.

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Perfect time to practice. Get better at being a salesman and you'll pick up the skills. If you can get them interested in a product, you can get them interested in you.

Depends on your locale. If age of consent is 15 or 16 then a 19 year old could date one without much issue.

Summer is great
wearing sweatpants / basketball shorts, letting my big dick inprint show off, so many horny13 year old tarts eyeball me, love when they start trying to get my attention

I'll probably just whip it out this year after some gradeschool thot gets me to full length

28 year old male btw, yolo

why the loli is in prison?

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The cringe in this. You should be banned for the cringe alone. Kek

Uhh how is it cringe? lol

Junior high. Dipshit.