This old Jew faggot is the best the Libtards can come up with
This old Jew faggot is the best the Libtards can come up with
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>Im gonna be president
Take your meds gramps
Ya kinda have to vote for the jew if you're gonna claim that they're in charge of everything.........
>op is this triggered by an old jew faggot
>your president for the next 4 years
Does this trigger you?
nope, don't care, unlike you, kek.
scared trump supporters and Russians have to spam Bernie hate threads on /b because they know Trumps fucked now lol.
Just Imagine how bad it would be if this decrepit old cunt was president
4 more years, nigger
>actually thinking the changing of clowns changes the fact your masters are still the same
you are one deluded faggot
basement incels and doomers are a core voting demo apparently
says the cry baby who crys about Bernie winning. Damn man republicans are the real cry babies, I've never seen so much butthurt in my life. Bunch of sad boomers on face book crying about dems all day and listening to fox radio.
>typical seething libtard soy latte sipping faggot
'Hey kid, suck my winning balls'
>still convinced his clown is best because he thinks some random faggots get 'triggered'
Rather have the old jew and his "nu-socialism" gimme programs being the focus of debate rather than the election being turned into a referendum on faggotry.
>My decision making is based solely off the reaction I receive from others when I make said decision.
>I have completely forgone making decisions in my own best interest because I'm more infatuated with the attention my terrible choices get.
>I am incapable of recognizing how much I'm damaging my own future because I'm too invested in meme culture and realize that without the memes, I cease to exist.
>I am the Trump supporter.
Do you often live vicariously through the achievements of your idols? Or is it just something you do on anonymous korean pingpong forums?
you butthurt white boi?
U jely hooman boi?
At least Bernie doesn't suck Putin's cock.
tanuki are beautiful
he had his honeymoon in moscow
eat shit OP
gaslight on 9fag or something
He’ll get fucked by Trump in the election. Anyone who thinks he has a chance has a pipe dream.
I want to see Bernie win the primaries, then die of a fucking heart attack. The conspiracy theories will be delicious.
Fox and CNN is for fags, but I’m right.
Fox was bad in the 2000s and 1990s but never as bad as CNN is now.
when your own board sucks so bad you leak out to this one and endure all the black penis just to be mad at liberals.
good for you, user.
Yang WAS the last best hope of defeating Donald Trump.
He's 10k times better than the festering abscess currently in the WH
>old Jew faggot
I bet you suck your masters cock at AIPAC don't you?
Fucking hypocrite. Love how you "hate jews" here when it suits you politically.
You fool!
I mean, if you were older than 3 or had an IQ over 50, you'd know that Hillary and the DNC colluded to prevent Bernie from winning the primary, and that the revelation of this news by Russian hackers is what ultimately led to Trump winning in the general election.
Proven not guilty. Four more years, faggot.
OP is a faggot that will catch AIDS off a Mandingo and then beg for some healthcare, while orange retard won’t give him any.
The President really doesn't do very much. However, Trump is a fucking embarrassment and susceptible to being baited into doing very dumb things. We have a solid hundred years of our allies being our allies, (mostly), and I would rather not jeopardize that any further. Truth is, I think domestically, it would be a very good move to steer the ship towards better treatment of our own citizens because living in the past is gonna bite us in the ass when automation takes the next leap forward. Voting for Trump is like buying stock in buggy whip factories.
Yeah, she should go out onto an ice flow and die. Every position she ever had was because of Bill.
All the other nominees are shitting the bed one by one.
Bernies health will most likely fail again before this fall.
Maybe who ever has the most left over Pepsi points will be the nominee?
Actually that might not be a bad idea for the Dems
Bernie is pretty frisky, the docs gave him the green light to go out there and take a stab at it. He and Trump aren't very far apart in years, and Trump treats his body like shit since the 80's.
>this geriatric old fart is preparing his wrinkled Jew ass to be raped prime time by Trump in the debates
'If I become president I will eat a bowl of my own shit'
'Hey, anyone wanna hear some Jew jokes?'
'Two Jews were walking down the street when one finds a Twenty pound note'
'The other one borrowed it to get his eyes tested'
>realizing trump is for the JOOS more than the JOO
>realizing the JOOS are actually just ultra rich capitalists of any background
You know how copper wire was invented? Two Jews found the same penny.
As opposed to a fat, daddy's money spending, physical disability mocking, draft dodging pile of white feces?