Bored, pregnant and hormonal
Ask me anything
Bored, pregnant and hormonal
Ask me anything
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how do dudes get pregnant?
They dont?
Tits of gtfo cmon you know the rules
Show us that pregopuss
No thanks user.
My vagina literally has not changed lol
Well I don't recall what it looks like me again
What would you say it's one of the most dismissed things (intentionally or unintentionally) that men don't take on account/do/understand when you are expecting a baby?
Yea sorry dude. I dont show my private areas online. My damn morals and all...
How the fuck did I get banned on pol for making fun of stormfags?
Thought freedom of speech was a huge thing for them.
Wht not? Haven't shown your a little
Is the child white?
anyone save the pic or what wtf did she delet for
Its been a little of an adjustment for my husband but I think hes learning pretty fast and taking initiative.
Only things I'd say that he just "doesnt get"
Are how bad these mood swings are getting and how I'm so limited to meds I can take.
I get a lot of pain and gas and he keeps offering me certain things and I have to keep saying "I'm not allowed to have that" he doesnt get that I'm literally limited to tylenol and just a couple of other meds...but mainly it's just tylenol
And it gets annoying having to tell him over and over how I can have the things he offers me
Couldnt help you since I never been to pol and never would go
I'm white. Dad is a beaner lol luckily hes white washed and light skinned.
Wouldnt marry some gross border hopper
Oh It was nothing really lol it was just a dumb meme but it wasnt related to the subject. It was an accidental attachment when I was intending to post a pic of a pregnant girl drinking a beer lol that's all
post your tits boo
OP here.
Cant post any more vocaroos after this though. It's getting late and I dont want to disturb my husband with talking
>Pathetic spics larping as whites.
Well my missus gave birth to our third on Friday. Her waters broke the night before but she wanted the anti-biotics intravenously because she had group B strep before so they induced her with a pessory, dno if that how it’s spelled but the baby was here about two hours after being induced. 7lbs1oz. Called him Charlie. How far gone are you?
>The moment you learn that Cred Forums are just actual fascists.
Uh no?
Is it a boy or girl?
Cute name. I'm also having a boy and I'm naming him Jack!
I'm only 21 weeks so I still have a ways to go sadly
Post Kik and get big dick pics
It's a boy!
Lol a boy that has no problem showing his junk.
Pic related.
I always wanted a boy for as long as I can remember but I admit I was rooting for a girl right before the gender reveal party simply because my husbands family is literally all boys so I wanted to be the one to gift the family with a girl. Unfortunatly my weak girly whitey genes couldnt prevail lol
Was it an accident? If so were you using/on any birth control?
Nope completely planned.
Before we decided on it I was on the pills for YEARS (Like 10+ years).
The doctor said It would take me about 6 months after stopping the pill to get pregnant and he was exactly right.
At the time it happened though I wasnt even thinking about pregnancy because I was so busy planning my wedding.
I literally found out the day after my wedding that I was pregnant.
I was 3 days late on my wedding day but I didnt want to worry about a period while I was so busy and I honestly thought it was just stress since I was used to getting negative tests anyway so it floored me lol
No los angeles.
What made you think Hawaii? Lol
Congrats on that. Just wondering with how effective pills are. Having a girlfriend move in with me soon. I plan a month or so after her being on it before I will stop worrying about protection.
A bit early to be imposing gender roles on it no?
Yea you always wait a month till shes fully protected and for me I never had a scare while I was on the pill!
Though a lot of women say they got pregnant on the pill I'm almost positive it's because many of these women took the pill late or skipped one and didnt realize that they should have taken 2.
That's what's tricky about the pill. You need to take it every day at around the same time and for many that's a suprisingly hard thing to do.
For me personally I never found it hard and within all my years of taking it I only missed a day maybe 2 times and was late on taking it about 3 times.
I've always been super strict when it came to my BC because I really didnt want any babies back then lol
Lol in definitly enforcing gender on my baby. Hes a boy and will be treated and raised as a boy.
None of this binary shit going on in this house. My kid doesnt need to worry about his "identity" till he hits puberty.
I think any parents who think it's ok to let their kids focus on their sexual identity are shit parents.
When I was a kid I can tell you now that I didnt give a fuck about what I had between my legs. I just wanted to play pokemon with the others.
Granted I was a tomboy as a child but it was something I grew out of. It's not like my parents encouraged me to actually be a damn boy because of it.
I'll make sure my kid doesnt worry about that stupid shit either
Recent relate-able drama
You getting him circumcised?
I have a 4yo son, DO NOT GET ANY VACCINES. If you love your child do not do it!!!!!!
Oh lol I see
No way! I am strongly against genital mutilation and always have been. Its pretty fucking barbaric.
It's nothing but a cosmetic procedure.
Something to make hygiene a little easier for the lazy people but I have no issues teaching my son how to properly clean himself when hes old enough
Sorry but I'm not an anti vaxxer.
I dont know anyone in my family, in my husbamds family nor any friends who have been negatively effected by vaccinations.
I plan to vaccinate fully.
Though if I have the choice I would like to space the vaccines out instead of getting them all too quickly because I do believe that has the possibility to be just a little too hard on their body
I fell sorry for your child already, Im not an anti vaxxer, Vaccines do work, but not the stuff that we get laced with Dog kidney cells, Monkey liver cells, Stem cells from aborted fetuses, and all the chemical preservsatives.
Boys have a thinner brain barrier and the preservatives in vaccines eat through it quicker in boys thats why you see more autistic boys than Girls.
Nurse Practitioner here!
You dont have a choice, you either vaccinate as you're "told" to or you do not!
get off Cred Forums and go suck that beaner dick you love so much op
Dobt spread bullshit.
Look just because vaccines fucked up your mid means they're bad.
There are simply rare cases where a baby can be allergic or simply not take well to a vaccine.
Just like how I can eat a peanut but to someone else it can literally kill them.
Just because a peanut has this potential doesnt mean they stop giving them as a food source or deem them bad to eat.
They slap a warning label on it.
Like the literally do EVERYTHING you have in your medicine cabinet.
The most harmless OTC medicine can still have the potential to harm someone.
So it's unfortunate your kid was one of the rare ones to be effected by this it doesnt mean you should be telling other parents to not do something that in its majority standing helps saves their lives and thousands of lives.
Yep, you nailed it, I can tell she is a Libtard. She is either white who loves other than white men, or she is of a different ethnicity. I would bet a years salary!
I highly doubt your a nurse because I've spoken to plenty and my cousin is an ACTUAL nurse if you even try to hint at not vaccinating they look at you like you've gone mad.
So no I definitly do not take your opinion seriously lol
she has posted about her love of beaner dick many times you autist, I am just repeating her words
stay well
You can still LARP with voice nibbas get catfished with voice all the time. In fact males do female voices in shows all the time too
Uh that's not true at all. You just got stuck with a shitty doctor apparently.
Many of my friends were able to request that the vaccines be given gradually and the drs had no problem with that.
Sure I've heard of doctors being impatient but no personal stories of impatient doctors
Well hes sleeping. That's rather rude of me. Hes got work in the morning.
I'm white and I'm ok with other ethnicities so long as they arent niggers or sand niggers really.
I do love my husbands dick that's for sure.
Thanks user!
And as I stated. Its 2020 guys can have tits and a vagina now so unfortunatly the only real way to prove myself is by showing my chromosomes. Which isnt possible.
You can believe I'm a dude if you want regardless. I dont jump through hoops to try to prove myself to strangers I don't care about lol
My kid never has gotten vaccines and he is Above average IQ and health.
Im too smart and know how to do research. You do know that the HEAD fucking scientist of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION at the U.N just this December admitted that vaccines arent 100%safe and effective!
Also CDC doctors admitt that MMR is linked to autism.
I think you are too dumb to breed, Please have an abortion immediatley before he becomes an INCEL living in your basement when he is in his 30's
>I'm too smart
Stopped reading at that.
Only the truely stupid can call themselves "too smart"
Just stfu you killed any validity when you said that stupid shit.
You dont know more than a fucking doctor. Your stupid web sources dont mean shit
Are you Vchan?
None of these are even viable websites.
I can make a website too saying something is bad lol
The least you can do is show some critically acclaimed website that is associated with actual doctors/scientists
of course its vchan, who else would put up with this for so long
I'm fucking rolling over here.
100 million sperm, and you're the one that got through?!?
You've been cheated!
I feel sorry for you, I bet you wish your mother swallowed that night huh?
Yep it be me! Lol
Would be quite the small world if there was another femanon pregnant with a boy here haha
True lol I'm just bored and this crazy alex jones user is entertaining
You're a legit nut job. Might wanna tighten the tin foil hat
Critical acclaimed?
I showed video of the Fucking Head scientist admitting. You are too dumb to continue, please press the backspace button and go back to justin beiber vevo, and let the adults handle this topic.
When you are all in your 30's and 40's and then your children are dying of cancer. Maybe then you'll wake up!
because you are too stupid to be red pilled?
>completely useless with no life
how about gas those prices?
I'm sure you think they put chemicals in the water to make frogs gay too right?
>you do know they just admitted medical procedures aren't 100% safe?
Are you saying you didn't previously realize that?
The vid said nigger babies are more likely to get autism anyway.
To me that screams that something is different with niggers themselves. Not really the vaccines.
Also OP and her baby arent niggers so they're safe
tits or gtfo dumb whore
Proven fact atrazine has that exact hormonal effect.
You're either a really bad troll or are really dumb.
Its its midnight. Cant do much.
But yea gas prices are wicked here in los angeles.
Only troll here is you user
Just stop enbatassing yourself
I never said all medical procedures were safe!
Instead of trying to challenge what You"think" I said or did not say, to win argument, try attacking the facts.
>My vagina literally has not changed lol
Oh it is going to be... take every pic possible, ure going to miss it severely
so you are not only dumb but racist. Ok bro.
says the man that cant spell!
>shocked to see a racist on Cred Forums
That's like walking into the KKK and being suprised by the racism lol
Dude just stop. You're clearly a fucking idiot
Eh, my autocorrect doesnt do it's just sometimes. That's all. I usually dont look back on what I type because I trust it to correct my sloppy typing too much.
If you were "so smart"
It wouldnt be too hard to figure that out.
i would advide you to fast at least 72 hours priorly if you dont want to smear your newborn with shit and piss
This whole conversation proves just how dumb and sheep like most Americans have come. Instead of attacking the infowars guys argument, you attack his sources, like the ones you have, have anymore validity than his. The fact of the argument, is that there is enough evidence to support his argument that there lies a potential danger in vaccines, as vaccine companies have liability courts and are free of most lawsuits.
This is why I pray every night that the civil war in America comes real soon, It used to be common place to question "ANYTHING" official, now you tards just listen and obey.
user, they listen and obey, because they are good sheep. And think that they will run the prisons and be in charge.
They dont get smeared with any of that.
Their literally nurses there who's job it is to clean up that shit so fast you wouldnt even know if you took an actual shit
keep telling that to yourself
It's a fact moron. Its standard procedure
If it's okay with you to shit and piss on your own son, who am I to stop you?
Just because you say nope doesnt make it true retard.
I've literally spoken to the hospital and they say that have nurses who literally stand there waiting for any shit to fall. Its vital to the child's health to ensure that doesnt happen dumbass.
Dont know what kind of weak troll you're trying to pull here when I have the facts directly spoken to me by the hospital lol
>risky for the child
>its okay for the nurse
enjoy your karma then (most likely a tranny son or something)
You're not even trying hard anymore.
That was your best response?
Obviously nurses are wearing protection, have the right tools and not only that have a decent immune system.
A baby fresh out of the womb cant be shit on you fucking dunce.
Just go back to your trap thread till you think of a better trolling method
>vaccines arent 100%safe and effective!
No, and exposing your child to easily preventable diseases also isn't safe or effective. Crossing the road isn't 100% safe. You make a decision about the best course of action based on risk - which in this case would be to get your child the fucking vaccinations.
All the sources you linked are tinfoil conspiracy sites. You really think you're "too smart" because you read a couple of ill-informed rants on the internet?
Enjoy giving your child the Russian roulette game with easily preventable illness.
>dad is a beaner
Gross. Kill yourself and your abomination spawn.
Infowars can pull some sources out their ass. But the majority of medical literature disagrees and would advise vaccination. You need to go read peer-reviewed research journals if you really think you know more than a doctor. Otherwise, listen to medical experts instead of a random conspiracy theorist.
You're basically choosing to believe one side of an argument just to be edgy and anti-establishment.
Lol I thought his rantings were hilarious.
I find it hard to believe this guy was actually serious
Nah I'm pretty happy
Dont feed the troll anymore. I refuse to believe someone can actually be this alex jones like and 100% believe this shit before believing an actual doctor
>its the current year so...
Imagine using this phrase unironically
Anyway, guys cannot have vaginas. They can cut their dicks off but the disgusting open wound left after the Op will never be a vagina or function anywhere near one.
Idk if you browse often but people post them here all the time and even looking at one triggers any normal human’s gag reflex. Absolutely disgusting.
If you are a female prove and stop with the silly games
And yet the WHO listed anti-vaxxers on their 2019 threats the public health list:
Dumb anti-vaxxers are everywhere. If it's just their families dying of measles, then hooray for the gene pool. But these idiots spread misinformation like they're on some tinfoil hat crusade. And the more of them there are, the more basic diseases can spread and mutate.
I did prove myself. I dont need to post my vagina to prove that. I already stated your free to believe what you want to.
Also let's be clear that I'm simply stating that men can take shit to grow tits and cut off dicks. I never biologically said theyll ever be female because they're not. They're mentally Ill.
And I've been here since 04 user. I've seen a few tranny vags and granted while I think I can spot the difference I've seen a few that I would just chalk up to being busted vaginas if I was seeing them on a different website that wasnt here lol
>i did prove myself
Where? Does anyone else see any female images with timestamps that i cant see?
>i never said blah blah blah
Ok and...? I never said you did say that so idk why youre wasting time writing a rebuttal to a claim i never made.
You DID say “it’s 2020 guys can... a vagina“, and so i said they can’t.
>ive been here since ...
Yeah sure nice larp dude
>some cut up tranny dicks look like busted vaginas
Nigga what? Are you blind AND a faggot?
You literally just want tits and its pathetic.
Also heres a post op vag.
Looks pretty realistic to me.
im happy the hormones distract you a bit from the recognition that you will never have a penis. itll pass, too.
This just proves you are larping OP.
I havent even asked for tits or vag but you are larping so hard you are clearly projecting. We all know you are a fat neck beard sitting in your moms basement.
All i asked for is proof with a timestamp. You couldve posted a picture of your face, but instead you search for a tranny inside out dick pic
I'm not sure what you even mean by that lol.
Not like I yearn for a penis at all?
I've posted my face and timestamp many times in the past.
After years of doing so it got pointless. I didnt feel the need to go out of my way to prove to people I dont care about that I am who I say I am lol.
Its currently dark, my husband is asleep beside me and I'm pregnant....why the hell would I go out of my way and get out of my cozy posistion and disturb my husband to go run and do a timestamp for a stranger??? Lol
I'm fine with you thinking I'm a big ol larping neckbeard lol. It dont bother me at all.
No tits and timestamp? Guys cmon
Dont get the kid circumcised, it literally takes 2 seconds to pull the foreskin back and rinse
Dont worry user. I dont plan on circumcision. I'm highly against it.
Just so you know though most babies are naturally fused when born so its more than likely that I cant pull back the foreskin. But I've been reading that you just super gently pull back to where it naturally stops. If you try to force it back further you can cause tearing.
So I plan to clean my son to the best of my abilities and whe. He gets older I'll make sure he knows how to do it himself