Is White Genocide Real?
Is White Genocide Real?
As real as the holocaust
Not at all. Demographic shifts in the global population are not "genocide". Genocide is the deliberate militarized targeting of a specific ethnic group for extermination."White" is not an ethnicity, its a skin color common to an abundance of different ethnicities. White people are already a global minority. If you are born male on earth in 2020 there's a roughly 50% chance of you being Chinese. There's an entire fucking word going on that believers of this nonsense simply refuse tk acknowledge.
Let's say the use of the term genocide is more of figure of speech. Is there an attempt to suppress white populations in their own countries?
It`s stupid bullshit. As an example the % of "White" americans was around 80% in 1750, around 85% in 1850, around 90% in 1950 and is now at 75% or something like this. It changes over time sometimes it`s more sometimes it`s less. And if you would take a 100 People to represent the world Population it would look something like this 57 Asians, 21 Europeans, 14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south and 8 Africans.
Yes. It is real. Kikes try to replace us. Every fucking time
It absolutely is.
Do you faggots even know what news is?
Found the fascist bootlicker
Fuck you AND your dubs
Imagine that, two writers of OPINION pieces have two different ideas.
The FDA was payed off to allow deadly chemicals into every us household
Teflon is responsible for autism
Aluminum is to blame for alzheimer's
Bpa is why Men are turning to women
Fluoride calcifies your pineal gland
The list goes on
imagine being so shitty at life that a jew can replace you
Jew detected
In America, there is no difference between opinions and news desu senpai
Then you are going to the wrong publications.
Too smart for Cred Forums.
No, developed countries just have fewer babies. And, it's not just white people, look at Japan or Chile. They also have a low birth rate.
I only get my news from approved sources like CNN and MSNBC. I don't watch Fox where they do nothing but lie. But not all Americans are as enlightened as I am.
Close but not quite. It's not white people but police brutality that is the problem. There's absolutely no reason that black cops can't engage in police brutality just as much as white cops.
But how do we encourage these black cops to engage in more police brutality? Should we offer incentives like fried chicken to officers that fulfill their brutality quotas?
Not quite my Ass
That image is exactly how it happened
It's not talking about police brutality
The point of the image is to display nigger behavior
Wait, do you actually believe those obvious fakes?
Those pics have no relation to the text. Provide real evidence or go home.
Look it up if you don't believe me. The protests weren't about white people but police brutality. The point of the image is to promote racists beliefs, but the underlying facts of the picture are wrong.
Current society, unlike the past, is willing to let blacks have lead roles. Boo-fucking-hoo?
>No, developed countries just have fewer babies. And, it's not just white people, look at Japan or Chile. They also have a low birth rate.
So you admit that the powers that be are introducing other peoples to "take up the slack". Thanks for admitting what you were denying.
Thanks for that anti white propaganda
I'm sure my liberal family members won't see anything wrong with the ad
Check this out
l don't know go outside and ask somebody
It's as real as the earth is flat
Canada, France, and Germany are already beyond repair. At least Japan is going down like a captain of a sinking vessel with their birthrates.
Nah, and even if it was real, it's only a problem if you're retarded enough to believe that whites are somehow superior. The only science that would enforce that claim was derived from the research from "scientists" who had been preciously hired to justify apartheid. Again, people who wanted to justify enslaving and slaughtering other humans.
I don't care if blacks want to have lead roles
I care about cultural appropriation
I care when a character is literally race swapped
It's not always a race swap, sometimes just hair color changes, and that still pisses me off just not as much
Only reason I can think of for not getting a flu shot is if you're anti-vax. If that's the case, you need a gunshot instead. Also, the kid that created this picture never had chicken pox because of vaccinations. lol
The diseases you fear are third world sicknesses
If we had strong borders and no illegal immigrants we wouldn't need vaccines unless you were leaving the country
>It's only a problem if you're racist
The hysteria behind being anti vaccine is the reason I'm anti vaccine
The media has made being anti vaccine seem worse than being a Holocaust denier
The fact that Jews got caught sterilizing people with vaccines combined with the media outrage is all the proof I need vaccines are a Jewish device used to poison society
Africans do not have Neanderthal dna unless they are mixed race
Only pure blood Africans deserve the title "nigger" but modern civilized Africans can still "chimp out"
You're right
All races are equal
Pitbulls are nanny dogs
Islam is a religion of peace
any one have that post about jews being vampires or something? like a teacher visits some kind of jew camp and they kill goyim and bath in their blood to stay young or else they literally decompose
Yes it is. Here's my Elementary school, today. This is what unchecked illegal immigration does. This area is $200K+ (probably $500K+ now) pool homes, built in the 80s and half of them are on welfare, so we get to pay to be replaced. Sure we all just moved away once it happened, but what happens when there's nowhere left to move? Everyone I grew up with are scattered around North Florida and the Midwest now.
yes, please do the needful
That’s not what genocide means. The whole fucking point of the suffix “-cide” is to refer to killing something.
I thought it was common knowledge that we fed on the young goyim to survive?
>(((Goldberg))) Like clockwork
How about this: you could always just...
Not fucking move?
If the gov't isn't breaking down your door demanding you uproot your family, then the only reason you have for moving is that you don't like your new neighbors. And why? Because they're not the same race/ethnicity as you.
In that case, the problem you have isn't with your new neighbors, it's with you. So if your racism is what's compelling you to move, sorry not sorry but pic related.
that depends, do you think its a thing?
Pic also related to your retarded lefty comment. Crime skyrocketed. Roads clogged. Schools overcrowded. Property taxes soared. Got so bad they made movies about the carnage. Now, Miami is practically a no-go zone, outside of select tourist areas. They don't even speak English there anymore, which became clear worldwide when that stupidly designed bridge collapsed and all the people talking in the video were speaking Spanish.
Is that a result of more people or brown people? I known the answer I’m just wondering if you do.
The Jews in Hollywood have been busy.
Kys faggot
What does that matter