Bernie says that 100 years ago a free high school education was considered a far left socialist idea...

Bernie says that 100 years ago a free high school education was considered a far left socialist idea. Well the socialists won and now we have public school education available to everyone. 100 years later, we tell every high school student they need to go to university to succeed. Bernie wants to make it free for everyone...

If going to college was free for everyone, wouldn't it make class sizes larger, therefore devauling the education you receive? Would it make college degrees worthless? What does Cred Forums think about making college free

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In the US nothing is free. They just find another way to get someone else to pay. Greed rules the country.

love is free, user. love.

It will lessen the value of degrees

>If going to college was free for everyone, wouldn't it make class sizes larger, therefore devauling the education you receive?
No. If you had big class sizes people wouldn't enrol and your university wouldn't get its money from the satae.

>big classes
>people dont enroll
problem solved, gimme money

Just because people don't pay for college doesn't mean you have to hand out degrees to every dumb fuck just so the guy who throws a football for your college's team on a full scholarship can keep attending, thus playing.

Make college free and hard. That's it. Everyone can go, not everyone can make it so all degrees keep their value.

But those who CAN make it shouldn't be stopped just by money.

Those who can make it can also get people to pay for them with things like scholarships, thus making money a none issue. Those who can't, can't.

>It will lessen the value of degrees
degree mills & lowered academic standards already done that, no?

Employers are fucked these days, collage graduates with zero ability or desire to work is the norm.

How about getting people into the workforce first Bernie, before the 4 year orgy of leftist indoctrination on taxpayers dime

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Unemployment is at an all time low, dont think getting people in the work force is the issue.

>class sizes larger, therefore devauling the education you receive?
You sound like an uneducated conservative, working from the idea that education is a zero-sum game, like poker

>Would it make college degrees worthless?
Nope. Is a high school degree worthless? Many jobs, including the military, demand it.


The only reason many entry level jobs require a college degree is because our high schools are horrible.
We should spend the money on fixing lower education first.

Free college is to relieve the student loan bubble that is building and will boost soon.
Also it is never going to pass congress and Bernie knows it. He is saying this to get the college student vote.

>spend the money on fixing lower education first.

No point. It's not the education that's fucked, it's the kids in school who don't give a shit.
The kids who try hard don't seem to have a problem making it in college, so the high school education must be sufficient.

It always amuses me that things like free education, free medical cover, gun control, clean air, clean water, cheap pharma work as described anywhere but the US.
The only people who get all these things in the US are the very rich.
The very rich are effectively royalty in the Great Republic.

This is only sort of true; a lot of the time it's due to class size and shitty teachers.

My mom's a teacher at a black school. She teaches middle schoolers. She began reading books to them; something no one had done for them before. Their grades raised naturally, their aptitude to understand information increased, and their moods are getting better overall.

Kids will only do as they're taught and told. What we actually need are parents and teachers who give half a fuck.

Look at colleges now. They have to dumb it down, have fake degrees and drop pass standards to nearly nothing just so they don't flunk the majority of blacks and Hispanics. Do you think the libs are going to suddenly be for merit over equalized results jut because college is free?

And why do you think the students don't care?
Home life is a large part, but there really isn't much the government could do about that.

Kicking kids into the next grade even though their reading level is 4 grades behind is not helping.
They don't understand what they are learning, so they stop caring.

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>middle schoolers
Middle school is still basically babysitting.

>parents and teachers who give half a fuck
When you were 15, 16, 17, 18, did you care what your parents or teachers said?
No, you were working on your own agenda at that point.
Parents can help a lot before that, but by this age you're really responsible for your own agenda, for good or bad.

While the last line is true, the greatest difference comes from demographics. Your leadership has opened the doors, lets see if you can maintain the same standards after 20 years of having diversity inflicted upon you compared to our 100.

Love perhaps the most costly thing in life.

If you understand nothing you learned in middle school, you don't have a chance in high school.

While high school concepts are incredibly easy, if you can't figure out 10 x 5, you're fucked.

These kids couldn't figure out 10 - 0 before she came along. She instilled a joy in learning to them. The only thing that will make anyone go to, AND STAY IN college is the want to learn and grow.

>Would it make college degrees worthless?

i have news for you buddy... but i'll let you find out once you land that $12/hr job when you get your masters

The education system has been decaying for 40 some years. I'm going to assume you went through school some time in that period.
Every year of schooling is important. Skills taught in elementary school prepare you for high school, even if you don't remember things from those early classes.

stop spamming this faggot


>Looks as how well public schools actually turned out
>Teachers are basically baby sitting and Americans score low af compared to other nations in subjects that matter...
>also when you look at dollar spent per student it is fucking astronomical for what you get in return

That ... is not a great argument. Basically with free college - it will just turn into another high school diploma, and employers are going to find other ways to filter out people they want...

Making public universities free woudlnt change the degrees value imo. With all the public assistance available, anyone who wants to go to college, can and do. The ones who dont, it's because they dont want to. I'd reckon around 30% of the population are dummies that still wouldnt go to public schools even if they were free.

>Well the socialists won and now we have public school education available to everyone.
And it's total shit.

>Basically with free college - it will just turn into another high school diploma, and employers are going to find other ways to filter out people they want...
Yes, that's how it has turned out in every other country that's implemented it.
Oh, wait...

Well yeah its shit, Funding has been consistently cut by conservatives since the 80s.

It's almost like the fault doesn't lie in education, but some other factor that the U.S. does differently?
Like the fact that parents don't love their children anymore?
Or that teachers can't subsist off their pay so they need to get second jobs and take their focus away from children?

Nah, many people don't even go through with school despite being given the opportunity to receive higher education.


It already has. Why do you think there are so many people with degrees in low-paying jobs? 70% of degrees won't help you find work.

old hippy pothead from NY prove me wrong

Not every degree available has to be free or provided with no thought to how useful it is.

Why can't I take fucking math classes free? Seriously? I have the internet and can get graded by a computer. I could take 2 tests a month at a certified center and get graded with little to no costs.

Standardized textbooks that aren't controlled by some private company charging me $200 a pop aren't necessary.

I think you're conflating "college" with religious institutions like Liberty University or Bob Jones University (where the "degrees" they issue out aren't worth much more than the paper they're printed on).

Some places you have to actually EARN your degree. Those places are not on the list.

BTW, calling the people you don't like "libs" = pic related.

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Easier access to education means a tougher job market. On the other side, less retards, virgins, and higher quality work.
High levels of education necessitate an efficient welfare system. You can't afford to have 28yo international law neet phds like in Europe. This is the capitalists' nightmare but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do and let people do what they wanna do.

We only now need University because back then, all you needed was basic arithmetic and the ability to read, now, as society progresses, we need more people with higher education. Making it free will open doors to intelligent but less fortunate people. Class sizes won't increase, because most Uni's have a limit anyway, so it'll level the playing field and make it more about your actual smarts as opposed to being able to pay for it.

>Make college free and hard
Yeah good luck with that. If anything they would dumb it way the fuck down so the new brown hoard can pass it.